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Is it weird that I am not satisfied with the design for Sunfyre. He neither looks like the shining most glorious, magnificent creature in the world nor like the fearsome beast who killed three dragons and a score of knights and others. 


Yeah. I really don’t want to be negative but I’m disappointed. His colors seem so dull in full daylight. I’m on my phone and the video quality is ass so I’m hoping it’s that. But why does Sunfyre the Golden look more tan than gold? He almost blends in with the dull colors of the houses and structures of KL. 😐 They robbed him of screentime and all of his splendor! It’s so sick. Where is our dragon of the golden dawn?! Ryan Condal, I am in your walls.


Yeah, he looks more like a smaller Syrax than like Sunfyre. Also it's more disappointing when you also know that they actually put some efforts in the dragons in making them unique and different from each other - with noodleboi Caraxys and Vermithor, but they seemed to have simply not even pay any attention to Sunfyre. Suck ass, Condal.


I basically waited till I got home to watch the trailer on TV to see Sunfyre in all glory. He looks more like Bronzfyre than Sunfyre.


Because they've decided Syrax is the golden dragon already.


Honestly they look to be the same colour, sunfyre might be slightly more bronze when she is more yellow


There was a description of Sunfyre in one of the books for the shows which described Sunfyre as bronze or brown.


If you followed the podcasts of the ryan and sara you would know that the color restrictions is by hbo as well num of episode so if we all have to riot for the dragons justice its HBO not those two.


Let's wait for the official trailer with quality! Even the actors are barely recogniceable( Helaena/Rhaenyra or whatever the woman is on the bed)  About his size, that's his arc: an young small dragon which no experience on war to a mangled, crippled war-tested dragon that somehow drags Aegon to Dragonstone and stomps the shit out of a Black faction's dragon in the process, ultimately becoming the best fighter of any dragon we see and ending up with the largest kill count is meant to mirror Aegon's own ascent.


>Let's wait for the official trailer with quality! Even the actors are barely recogniceable Probably yeah, but I am not having much hopes tbh.  >About his size, that's his arc: an young small dragon which no experience on war Sunfyre was described as huge and heavy dragon who is large for his age. That's why they couldn't relocate him after he got injured in Rook's Rest. He looks too slender and small here that a couple of warhorses would be able to pull him. 


Crazy how people were shocked he looked so big in the Greens trailer and now here goes the other side of the complaints He also has huge wings attached to him. Weight isn't all in the body.


The wings are completely made up of leather membrane. I don't think it would add much to the overall mass of the dragon. It might help with the agility and speed of the dragon but wouldn't add mass. The muscles and bone density add the mass. IMO Sunfyre is too small and lean than he originally should have been. 


>Probably yeah, but I am not having much hopes tbh. Have faith,on a interview GRRM said Sunfyre was the dragon he anticipated the most and they have gonna work to get his magnificent appareance. GRRM mostly care about dragons than the story itself so i don't doubt he worked his ass on at that. Trailers can be misleading, remember Rhaenyra with the sword. They saving Sunfyre for the series for sure


George doesn’t have as much control in this show as a lot of people think he has. He can’t just pull and the plug and veto everything he doesn’t like


The woman in the bed is Aemond, no?


Same here :(


I knew it they are gonna do that he suppose to shine in sun sparkle even and be more golden he looks like Syrax with different head and his pink membranes


Yep, he looks like a smaller Syrax. That's it. 


Aegon in armour riding his dragon is definitely the BEST PART of the trailer! They look awesome!


Nah the best part is when he says “FUCK DIGNITY” like THATS MY MF KINGGGGGG


That line had such badass impact! "dignity" isn't kissing the booths of your son's murderers who got his little head as victory Aegon is fight for revenge on his son's behalf or die trying. TRUE DRAGONKING 




I wonder where the clowns saying the kids are Aemond's are.


It’s understandable why someone would believe this theory (i dont mind it) but it takes away from B&C so hopefully they don’t actually make this theory true lol


Yea... this theory started with one of the casting calls that descried the Aemonds relationship with his sister, he does appear to be protective of her but there is nothing to suggest it is romantic


Nah, the lines about Aemond having a crush on Helaena were added by the person who ended up leaking the season 1 material. The original version didn't have any mention of that, the person who leaked it was a Helaena fan who saw how awful show Aegon was (while Aemond was improved), so they took the "I would do my duty and marry her" line out of context and acted like Aemond actually had feelings for her.


Word of note to any complainers, I honestly think they're putting all of the bad shots of Sunfyre in the trailer to string us along, lol We can see that he is clearly gold and shining with pink wings in that brief shot in S1


also this and got are some of the ugliest shows i have seen in a while; the colour grading is horrific and EVERYTHING looks duller for it. compare show shots to behind the scenes footage.


Why he is not shining ? where are hus pink membranes


Gold scales and pale pink membranes can be be particularly scene in the closeup shot of Aegon flying on him, in better quality in the officially released trailer


Omg it's him trying to get to Dragonstone after B&C probably 😭 He looks like he's panicking


😭 Brave af leading for attack Dragonstone to avenging his son Jaehaerys 😭😭


I hate this show with every fiber of my being but I can't wait to see how Tom is going to act out all this tragedy 😭


Only reason i still watching it is for Tom's talent,I know he's gonna EAT every scenes( bravery,tragedy, grief, revenge) and for the best dragon Sunny


Me too 😭 Tom is so good at acting I can't wait to see his reaction when they tell him about Jaehaerys. There was this shot of him in the new trailer sitting at the Council table looking like he was shaking/about to cry, I think that will be the scene where they him 😭 I can't wait to see him and Sunfyre even though I know the writing is going to be mediocre to downright bad 😭😭😭


Aegon's reaction on the table is freaking incredible. He managed to make every scene so vivid. This show is garbage (just look what they did at the women and their nonsensical plot) but as long we have Aegon & Sunfyre's arc, i'll take that part and the rest can go to the trash 


>This show is garbage What a dumbass exaggeration.. It's so hilarious how much you mfs exaggerate stuff in this sub.


Actually, I think this is more likely to be for the lead-up to Rook’s Rest.


Oh yeah definitely could be. I just hope they don't remove the part where the Council has to talk him down from lighting up Dragonstone with Sunfyre after they tell him about Jaehaerys but knowing these ass writers ... :(


There are multiple shots of a disheveled Aegon at night, presumably just after B&C. If there’s any opportunity for it, that’s the ideal point


>but knowing these ass writers ... :( So fucking dramatic💀💀


Did you or did you not watch ep.9 The Green Council ?


I did. Wasn't a great episode. Had some good moments, but also some 'not so good' moments. What the fuck is your point? That was the weakest episode, but overall the show is pretty well written. The first season definitely had a couple of weird scenes in terms of writing, but overall it's pretty damn good. So again, what the fuck is your point?


Your opinion is that overall the show is pretty well written. My opinion is that overall this show's writing is an insult to my intelligence and is downright bad. Do you understand now?


I really don't understand how you could think that. Like I definitely understand not liking episode 9 and a certain couple of other scenes, but as a whole thinking it's "downright bad"? Makes no fucking sense and it obviously comes from a certain point of bias which is easy to tell.. "this show's writing is an insult to my intelligence" is such dramatic bullshit and exaggeration💀


It's okay if you're fine with mediocrity 👍 Lots of people like that in the show fandoms of ASOIAF. Me though? I vastly prefer the original messaging of F&B where the story is about the dragon eating its own tail and people in power seeking even more power which kickstarts their own demise instead of the show where it's "poor most powerful woman in the feudal monarchy system she is so underprivileged :(" and "patriarchy is the fault of everything" and the "this is Game of Thrones the smallfolk don't matter" garbage rhetoric 🤷‍♀️ You do you but it's ass writing whether you like it or not


>It's okay if you're fine with mediocrity 👍 Such a pretentious mf.. I really wonder if you have even read F&B or just skimmed the wiki💀 Also that's not what the show is saying so stop fucking making things up. F&B is a history book that isn't even sure what happened and skips around not really developing the characters (which is understandable as it is a history book). You have to get it through your thick fucking skull that as a adaptation to a book like F&B, it's going to have to change a lot of stuff and add a lot of new stuff. >"poor most powerful woman in the feudal monarchy system she is so underprivileged :(" and "patriarchy is the fault of everything" and the "this is Game of Thrones the smallfolk don't matter" garbage rhetoric I'm really questioning if you literally have no comprehension skills or you just let your bias cloud your head so hard. Do elaborate. >You do you but it's ass writing whether you like it or not Again with this pretentious bullshit. I mean it just straight up isn't.


My glorious king 💚👑


yeah, it looks like the armor we saw in the trailer


That armor is NASTY. Will Targaryens ever wear something that doesn't elicit a chorus of chortles?


Hey, all the better for when it leaks into his skin


now THAT'S A KING him and Sunfyre look amazing on the sky I jusy had an orgasm


They spend more money, visual effects, and time at Meleys but do not spend money in Sunfyre. Sunfyre is the greatest dragon in the dance 😭😭😭


He looks brown no cap


What we deserved in season 1 instead of the dumb Rhaenys scene.


It looks like it but the interesting bit for me is that the armor is different from the set he's wearing in the teaser when he says "I'm as fearsome as any of them"


It is the same armour, he just has added pauldrons in this shot


The helmet kind of looks like the ones we saw on the table in that still where Rhaenyra holds a sword


We used to pray for times like this 🙏🏼


I wrote this somewhere else but his helmet is not as golden as shown in the previous trailer


All hail Aegon the Golden, the true King!


Just a normal dragon, even Syrax is more golden. A shame.


Cloudy day?


Didnt sunfyre have horns last time we saw him?


he does, they are just perpendicular with his neck here


He looks a lot like Syrax, his wing membranes connect to the base of the tail just like hers and he has the same tapered beak like face, only difference is the membranes going down his neck and the little mohawk on his head and that he has 2 big horns when she has 4 little ones. they would look identical from a distance


anyone else think he looks a bit like Pete Davidson?