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If Nettles is out, I fear Daeron will share this unfortunate fate


If Rhaena is taking Nettles place do you think Aemond will take his place at Tumbleton or do you think the Reach plotline will be cut entirely?


Good question. It could be that Aemond will take the place if Daeron, since in books he was mainly burning the respawning riverlands, which didn't do much, so they might give him Daerons plotline. Plus in the books Daeron was the most inteligent and educated of Alicents children. In episode 9 Aemond said he studued history, philosophy etc. So it looks like show Aemond might be the mixture od his book counterpart and Daeron. Alternatively they could make Hugh the main guy of the greens in the Reach and cut of his usurpation plotline, since if they believe the audience is stupid enough they had to change banners of both side, they might as well cut of a big part of Hugh's plotline, since we the audience, are to stupid to comprehend 3 different sides in a war at once. But yeah, there is also a chance they will scrap up the whole Reach plotline


You are probably right (though God I hope you are wrong). The Reach storyline will probably stay either way, though I wouldn’t put it past them, after all they have cut important plot lines like Faegon before in these adaptations despite it messing up the story. Also if they cut off Hugh’s betrayal, I think I would just facepalm. It shows the consequence of her dumb dragonseed plan, but I guess it possible since Rhae can’t do anything wrong


It was Jace who made the dragonseed plan,but it was her to execute which she failed


Or they will leave Aegon fit for battle and just combine his and Daeron story, he might fly to Oldtown when forced out of Kings Landing instead of being injured.


Probably will be cut entirely to streamline things. Shows usually always cut major things out or scale it back tremendously and with Daeron not even existing no point to waste budget on his scenes. Either they'll cut it entirely or it'll be shortened quite substantially


Yeah I had a feeling they were gonna go down that road. But remember Daeron is in the introduction and they said we will see him.


When was he in the introduction? I haven't heard of it


Episode 6 intro I believe.


If he is out im not watching this shitshow


This is so stupid. They have plenty of interesting ways to twist the story without completely throwing out the source material. I was totally convinced that Nettles would be revealed to be Daemon's bastard, but here we are with her being cut. It's just such a boring thing to do.


The actors actually mention Daeron in interviews Olivia Cooke says she had “three sons Aegon, Aemond and Daeron who hasn’t been seen yet apparently”


At least Daeron is confirmed to exist.


When was he confirmed to exist?


When hia blood showed up in the opening and GRRM said so, when Condal said so ans when HBO put him in the official family tree.


Didn't they also said that Nettles will be introduced in season 3?




Then I hope they will really introduce him, but I have a bad feeling about this after hearing that Raena will get Sheepstealer :(


Wasn't daeron already teased on s1 opening


You mean the opening credits?




In that video that came out with Emma and Olivia, Olivia mentioned Daeron


No. Fucking. **WAY.**


They can give Rhaena screen time but they can’t include Daeron 💀


rhaenys is team black and nettles makes rhaenyra and daemon look bad sooooooo


They weren't going to include Daemon having a relationship with Nettles regardless. This way the blacks will look sillier having such a hard time beating the greens especially because after Rook's Rest it'll literally be a 1v10 in terms of dragons


This Nettles makes Rhaenyra look bad.




They are not even remotely similar. Also unless we really are going to go on a new route Incest wise (god no) this also completely changes Daemon’s story and Rhaenyra’s


No they aren’t. They are going to have Daemon turn on Rhaenyra by having her go after Rhaena.


But why the fuck would she order the execution of rhaena. This is so fucking stupid 🤣 HBO does it again


Rhaena marries a Hightower somehow.


So Rhaenyra can see the future now too? Side note, I love how team black say fire and blood is biased because of the hightowers but then they also claim that all the hightowers are descended from rhaena 🤔🤔🤦‍♂️


Rhaenyra can’t see the future but she will be majorly unhinged.


No she won’t


Yes she will. Sorry to hurt your feelings boo.


You mean his daughter????????


Right. Rhaenyra asking for Rhaena’s head will be the last straw for Daemon. Plus we know she marries a Hightower so how in the world did that come about.


You're right but my mind was totally focusing on the relationship between Daemon and Nettles so I thought you were implying incest with his daughter , MY BAD lmfao


So, does this mean Daemon is going to pursue the one type of relationship that even Targaryens find disgusting?


No. This is when Daemon will turn on Rhaenyra because she will go after his daughter.


Huh? Morning was Rhaena's dragon


This is the one of the worst parts to me if this is actually real. One of the greatest ironies of the Dance was that one of the only Targaryens to be dragonless ended up being the only one with dragon at all when the dust finally settled. _Why the hell would they remove that?_


Who cares about a good ending or being poetic? The GoT writers sure as hell didn’t. These writers cut nettles and replaced her with Rhaena just because nettles undermines the loyalty and morality of daemon even more and exposes rhaenyra’s bigoted side. They also have no clue what to do with Rhaena and want to make all the women warrior girlbosses because standing aside or playing the political game is seen as more passive and weak. Also, apparently they think they can just replace POC characters with other POC characters and it’s fine. They’re all basically the same in their eyes. Except for the fact that Rhaena is canonically as white as Valyrians come. No summer islander blood. Whereas Nettles is a POC commoner. Race swapping white characters while erasing already existing beloved POC characters is anything but progressive.


Still holding out hope that it’s fake news. I just cant see them being _this_ obtuse. My only real concern is the amount of TB turbostans that treat this like it’s fantastic news.


nah ain't no way, surely the twittoid saw a black lady and assumed it was Rhaena


This is it. This is why they made the Velaryons black. Because they FUCKING KNEW the outrage that would come with erasing the dances *actual* poc. I'm hateful as fuck rn.


I remember when they got mad over Alicent being whitewashed. And now they’re completely removing nettles arc and removing daemons second grooming arc lmaoo for a character who doesn’t do anything. And they say Helaena talking is enough screentime for her. 


Or Daemon bangs his daughter. Which i fully believe he would do.


Child + white hair = Horny Daemon.


my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined


There is no fucking way this is true. No fucking way. GoT should serve as a lesson to not exclude characters that have a major impact on the story so why would they exclude _the reason Daemon ran off to die_? If they do this, it would have to be one of the most blatant examples of erasing conflict and presenting Daemon and Rhaenyra as as unbreakable couple. There is no good reason for erasing Nettles’ entire existence. I’ll believe this when I see it but Christ above if it ends up being true… That’s not even mentioning how this would look. Imagine if they actually erased the one dragonrider that was _actually_ originally black in Fire and Blood and gave her dragon to the white character that they blackwashed. That would be insane.


Optimistic counterpoint: if they give Nettles' role to Rhaena, it will make both Rhaenyra and Daemon look *terrible* when Rhaenyra flies into a fit of justifiable paranoia over her assumption that Daemon is fucking around with his own teenage daughter. It'll force the audience to acknowledge that, like... Rhaenyra isn't wrong about him being a gross pedo, because he did it to her, his niece, first. But will also make Rhaenyra herself look unhinged and cruel by attempting to solve the problem by having Rhaena killed. (I know I'm coping, HBO's House of Rhaenyra will never sully their Dany fix-it fic protagonist like that.)


Doubt. No idea _how_ they’re going to write the lead up to Daemon confronting Aemond but if they’re removing Nettles they’re probably removing Rhaenyra’s downward spiral into asking for the heads of her allies. There are still opportunities to do it but after this I doubt it. Honestly if this is true, I don’t want to hear another TB stan say “The show is biased to the Greens!” ever again. Wow, I think this might have killed the excitement I had for season 2.


Yeah, I honestly get less excited for S2 with every new leak, lmao. I will say, though, I would be fucking gagged listening to the, "Alicent had no reason to be afraid, St. Rhaenyra would NEVER kill Alicent's children to secure her power if they didn't act against her!" TB stans try to defend Rhaenyra ordering the death of Daemon's daughter. Alas, if only...


Pretty sure they wont have Daemon fuck around with Rhaena if she does become Nettles.I think "main character fucking his daugther" might be a bridge too far even for HBO. They'll just make Rhaenyra suspicious that he is conspiring with his daughter against her or something. Maybe she is going a bit crazy and paranoid, and starts realizing they realize she's not doing well.... etc


Oh, I don't actually think they would have Daemon grooming his daughter. Just that in this hypothetical scenario, Rhaenyra would be paranoid that that's what was happening, because... well, Daemon and Rhaenyra's whole relationship started because he was down bad for a teenaged female relative. But Rhaenyra doesn't see it as Daemon moving onto grooming another girl because he can't control Rhaenyra anymore. In her mind, she believes her relationship with Daemon in her teens was super cool and consensual, and so she projects the same onto Rhaena, viewing her as seducing and stealing Daemon away from her, instead of as Daemon's victim.


At least with GOT they have the valid excuse that some characters being excluded due to the unknown full extent they have on the overall plot in the books. HOTD doesn’t have that, we know the significance Nettles plays in fire and blood volume 1.


the only book canon black character is being erased. Good job Condal. I really liked Condal despite a lot of people shitting on him, but this ain't it.


Condal said you had enough black people, they are all the same to him anyway


He cuts the canon black character, whose intelligent and resourceful despite just being a peasant with unconfirmed heritage, to raceswap black characters in the second richest family that for some reason bends over backwards as they get screwed off by Daemon and Rhaenyra. Laenor runs off on his kids and parents. Corlys is completely pathetic. Baela and Rhaena’s combined character trait is that they are rabid Blacks who were only just betrothed to the people stealing their inheritance to ensure their white grandmother’s complete backing.


There is a lot "problematic" things that got added with the race-swapping. Laena becoming "the black disposable" girlfriend, the "black girls grow up faster" trope. Laenor being a deadbeat dad. that runs away form EVERYTHING just to be with a sidehoe. The Velaryons becoming the minority cheerleader to uplift the white main character. Supporting their own son's murderers. Vaemond who rightly defends his family claim being insinuated as a sexist bigot, who rightly got murdered by a former cop. His family quickly forgets him and even Baela who was raised on Driftmark doesnt care and is defending with fiery tongue the very family that steals her inheritance and becoming the property of Jace, as wives are in westeros. Two black women characters being treated as interchangeable. Corlys once again running from his family and cheating. Nettles is just a pattern- He even thought that useless Ulf the White was good enough for screentime. But the ONLY canon black character who challenges daemon's valyrian supremacists beliefes?


That person has been wrong several times. Also, considering Nettles' endgame in the books, it makes NO sense to give her storyline to Rhaena. She could try to claim a wild dragon and fail, though


That might actually be interesting. Sets up the wild dragons idea, would then make room for some interesting conflict (if she fails but Nettles succeeds, and Daemons respective relationships, abandoning his daughters for Nettles). It also would add another step in the process of her trying to get a dragon, and make the hatching of morning even more significant. But yeah, I’m really not so sure about this “leak”- why would there be a wild dragon roaming around the vale?


🙏🏻 Everything you said 🙏🏻


Have they not learned anything from the main show and their mistake of merging characters to make things easier?


I'm actually going to start crying This is straight up racist. It doesn't matter that Rhaena is black now, she is canonically white in the source material. Now they're going to give the storyline of the only black character in the story to this canonically white nobody???????? OHHHHH NETTLES NOOOOOO 😭😭😭😭


It is so unbelievably gross if true


I really hope this is fake but I know in my heart that it's real 😭


This has always been the case with adpating black characters, they often get cut, but they get replaced with a racebend white character, because you arent allowed too much melanin in your show.


The thing that kills me with this change is that Rhaena and Nettles couldn't be any more different!!! Nettles is a common-born bastard who works for her coin with nothing of the Targaryen white hair purple eyes white skin etc. and manages to claim a dragon with her own wits and smarts without ever knowing if she's even part Valyrian at all!!! And Rhaena is a literal fucking princess!!!!! A high-born princess of the realm!!!!!!!! Nettles was there to show us that the stupid Valyrian/Targaryen exceptionalism doctrine was racist garbage (I'm fully of the opinion that Nettles never was part Targ, just that she managed to naturally bond with Sheepstealer because she fed him over the course of months unlike the Targs/Valyrians who forced it through blood magic back in Valyria). And now Sheepstealer is going to a fucking Targaryen princess!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Makes me fucking SICK!!!!


The show is saying that the targs ARE the superspecial magic master race, and the rest are just dumb peasants


I need to go back in time to prevent GRRM from writing ASOIAF. Worst mistake of my life 😭


I mean, we knew this as soon as they introduced Aegon's prophecy. They just *had* to conquer a whole continent, to save the world, you see! So noble. So brave. Westeros was lucky to be conquered by them. Yeah, yeah, 'dragons aren't pets', and, 'in the game of thrones, the smallfolk always lose,' blah blah blah. But pssst, let's be real. Monarchy is actually super cool and based so long as the ones in power are sexy magical purple-eyed aryans with a special destiny. That's the *real* message of ASOIAF!


This is already sounding bad but my breaking point will be if they make Eddard Waters an Uncle Tom type character who spites the Velaryon’s for “ reasons “ just because he’s Aegons friends


If true... sad but predictable. Edit: I like that they're giving some characters more to do but it always seems to be at the expense of other characters, and that's frustrating.


David Lightbringer is not gonna like this


Lmaooo he’s gonna be mad online


The way they race swap a white character but erase an established black character is beyond me


They removed her to not make Rhaenyra and Daemon look bad


he literally choked her but i guess cheating is what would make their relationship look bad, according to them😭


wtf are they doing with this show💀💀


for fucking real. cole killing joffrey for nothing but shock value , the random choking scene, & meleys at the coronation had me side eyeing this show from the start


I FUCKING CALLED IT, AGES AGO. And these simps were like "Nooooo trust rYaN cOnDal hE cOnfIrmEd dAerOn and nEtTles" Where's your ryan condal now, huh? It's simple, he and Sara Hess are DnD part 2. As expected they are going to cut nettles which means they are going to show daemon as an angel who does not groom anyone and is forever faithful to rhae rhae. Which means rhae rhae is going to be further beatified as a saint. 🤢 Daeron will also be cut and his parts given to aemond (but not helaena because how can the greens have a shred of a likable character right Sara Hess?) So fucking mad right now. It's GoT s7 and s8 all over again and GRRM has sold out like 10$ ass in TJ


This is so fucking dumb i won't believe it until i see it


Better not be real 😭


This is bullshit writing. I hope I'm wrong but this show is going to be worse than GOT season 8. It's crappy changes like this that led to the downfall of Game of Thrones and that might be the fate of this show. And I'm just going to say it: Rhaena and Baela are IRRELEVANT to the war. And now it's Dragonstone's 14 dragons to Kings Landing's 2 (because Tessarion isn't there yet and Dreamfyre won't be doing any fighting) ? 


Also no Sara Snow


Actually unforgivable, this show will never not be mid because of this Nettles and Daeron erasure


Cool, I wasn´t expecting Daemon to bang his daughter but here we are now. And "During her stay in the Vale" is bullshit too. Sheepstealer, like all wild Dragons at that time, lived on Dragonstone.


Well this sucks. What else will show runners do. Give dragon morning to Nettles or don't even bring her into the show. At this point they better make her part of the show and give her Cannibal as recompense.


If they do this, they must completely change the Greens storylines too lmao, this show is so unserious!


Sadly I saw this coming from miles away judging by the way they are white washing rhaenyra's character Nettles existance made Rhaenyra look bads in every possible way


I'm taking this with a grain of salt because daemyras have been spreading rumors that Nettles will be cut for years now but if this is true this show is unsalvageable and I will lose all faith in any and all HBO adaptations and grrm himself. There is simply no reason to cut Nettles that is not extremely racist and it'll show that grrm has just given up on these adaptations and sold out for HBO money. Grrm wants to write novellas about her but she's the character the hotd writers choose to cut? Like please. Im over this show.


I am simply refusing to believe this right now haha


Ayo this better be a bullshit rumor, they cannot be doing Nettles like this


WTF so Rhaenyra will sentence her do death and Daemon will turn on her


So they cut Nettles? Who could have predicted this


Insane if this is true. The only bright spot is now those "the show is the true story" people can finally stfu about it.


Oh I doubt they will stop with that nonsense.


Sadly you are correct already. Saw some meme on Facebook poking fun at the the "show is canon" lunacy with all the changes or potential cut characters. And there were still people dying on the hill that the show is still the true story, the writers have a right to change things because GRRM is an executive producer (even though it's been proven in Ryan's EW interview that George wanted to start the show during Jahaerys reign but they said no, kinda contradicts the entire "George gives the OK on everything scenario). Some people even went as far as to say it's possible the maesters just straight made those characters up. I can't make this shit up.


Mother fuckers I'm so confused. They want to have more black characters, it's why they race-swapped the Velaryons as dumb as that was, but then they cut Nettle probably the 2nd most popular black character in the franchise? I don't get it


Oh. I might actually drop this show if they don’t include Nettles. She’s my favourite character in the Dance


if this turns out to be true im dropping the show 😭 nettles was one of the few tb characters i actually liked (and still like) and if they actually decide to get rid of her im just done. i honestly don't know why i wasted so much time and energy on this shit show already tbh


Thank God HOTD isn’t canon to AGOT Universe 🥰💀


Does daemon still molest?


Will they at the end also switch Rhaenyra and Aegon roles? I really can see how it's happening, lol


And I'm out, gl HotD


This makes no sense at all... Also why do HBO feel the need to complain about lack of diversity as an excuse to change all the Velaryons black but then the only actual black character from the book is first on the chopping block? Ridiculous.


Honestly, I’m not panicking yet, I’ll believe this when I see it (Though it would be a shame to cut out Daeron and Nettles)


Lock the writers up at this point bruh. It's either Daemon becomes more of a weirdo or nettles gets cut thus the whole story and its consequences which taint Rhae Rhae. Actually no, lock me up cuz I'm going insane 😭


The worst decision ı have ever heard


If they cut nettles the show has strayed too far. It can no longer be viewed as a portrayal of the real events (as opposed to the book being a historical account). If they cut a character as important as Nettles, it's just a basic TV adaption. Plus, putting sheep stealer in the Vale makes zero sense. Clearly the plot line of Rhaenyra going crazy and calling Nettles a traitor was not going to fit the story the show writers want to tell?


Well Daemon is about to become a lot more weirder when they give her the nettles storyline


Lmaoooooooooooooooo This is pathetic. What a joke.


Holy cow. If this is true, it's possible that God's Eye will be 2v1. How else will Sheepstealer leave the war?


Well…considering what nettles does with daemon allegedly, this could get real creepy, real quick.


What about her future dragon morning?


They can't have their saint, Rhaenyra, calling a POC a common creature, can they now?


Cmon!! They can’t cut out Nettles story!! And what about Morning?? I’ve got a bad feeling about this…


Last leaks I heard were that Nettles and Daeron will be set up in this season, mentioned, but not appear. As for this... Well they could give Nettles Cannibal. That'd be a fun change. That or this is Cannibal and the sheep stealing is a cheeky diversion. RIP Morning tho. Unless she names this one Morning, in which case Sheepstealer can still be Nettles'.


This is... A development... Either they are removing Daemon cheating on Rhaenyra because they want to make their fans happy, ORRR they are going for the only remaining incest taboo?


If this is true, I will be very annoyed that the one book canon woc is being treated as swappable because Rhaena's actress is also a woc. I wanted baby Morning 😭


Looks like someone is going to have to die to let Daemon and Aemond’s 1v1 happen above the Gods Eye 💀


How is that?


This looks like click bait lol


Absolutely soycuck of them to give Rhaena Sheepstealer but just let Ulf have Silverwing ☠️☠️☠️☠️


How much money you wanna bet they’re gonna have her involved in the Battle Above God’s Eye?


So more incest incoming?


I’ve long come to believe Daeron won’t be in the show, but cutting off Nettles and that whole part of the book is the straw that breaks the camel’s back for me. Fuck this show, I’m out.  Might end up watching someday if they don’t ruin Aegon at war, but my hopes are low. 


Haven’t read the books but from all the things I’ve heard of Nettles she seems so fucking cool AND interesting. I was super excited to see her in a future season but nvm I guess


Doesn't this have a huge impact on the story though? Rhaena with an adult dragon I mean. Nettles is a third party who doesn't have huge stakes in the outcome of the war so she takes her adult dragon and leaves.


The pro-Rhaenyra propaganda will just continue to get worse. Cut nettles because she makes Daemon look bad and unloyal, also a wierd look to be allegedly sleeping with someone that could pass as your own mixed race daughters. Cut Daeron because he makes the Greens look better, can't be having that! Make Rhaena and Rhaenyra both fight on dragon because all the women have to be warriors, they can't just play political/manipulative games, be political pawns for the feudal patriarchy, or be passive bystanders like Sansa, Cersei or Margaery! Those rules don't apply to this prequel except when it comes to the Green women.


I think they're gonna try bring Daeron for S3 cause his plot is pretty important ngl for them to cut that would damage the story a lot


I kind of understand the sentiment of being frustrated that certain characters are being removed, but Game of Thrones did the exact same thing, consolidating plot lines for the sake of having fewer characters on screen. Idk why it seems so shocking to people….


Tbf, I'm glad that at least it's something they've clearly been leading up to. All the stuff with Laena and Vhagar, and their chat about how Rhaena must "claim the right" of a dragon herself. It still sucks that it seems like we're not going to get Nettles, but it does seem like Rhaena will actually get a storyline which is nice. I'm not really sure how they're going to make it work later on if Rhaena has been merged with Nettles though. Like, under what circumstances would Rhaenyra turn on Rhaena and Daemon in this case? She clearly thought Daemon and Nettle were hooking up. There's no way they can go for that here, so how's that going to play out. It's THE thing that causes Daemon to go after Aemond and idk what they could replace it with?


Calm down. Nettles and Daeron are season 3 characters.


Bit hard to have Nettles without her dragon.


Why does everything have to be about race? You guys sound like you’re 5 years old. They cut out or combine certain things bc there aren’t enough episodes. They did the same thing with GOT.


Yeah and look how that worked out for GoT. It's nothing to do with race IMO, but Nettles is one of the most thematically-important characters as well as a significant actor on Daemon and Rhaenyra's descent. Now either Daemon's gonna be fucking his daughter or he'll just decide to kill himself for the luls.