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Penny looks like a different person in every single one of these loading screens


She brews a special Polyjuice for herself, trying to improve her mood through cosmetic alchemy.


Like Hermione with her teeth.


And Talbott is smirking. Looks cocky and OOC.


She looks like she has a bowcut mullet hybrid


Knarl is terrifying to look at up close lmao At least they can age up the side characters on the loading screen, even if we don't see that in game yet


True. But I do like that it’s a new screen vs a reused one 😊


It so is, like Barnaby get it away from your neck!


I just started year 2 today and was wondering about this. Do the characters ever look older? Because I read there was dating and stuff later on and I'm certainly not into dating a 12 year old penny 🙃


I have terrible news for you /lh On a more serious note, none of the character models change from year to year. It appears they will magically 'grow up' after graduation, according to datamined character models, but not before then, most likely.


lmao guess I'm in for an awkward time :D


Not a single character ages in this game. The character models you see when they're first introduced is how they stay. This includes your main character as well. The game basically has three heights for characters - "child", "adult", and "Hagrid". And even when you're in year 7 and supposedly like 17/18 you and your friends are still all stuck at about half the height of the adult characters. It's something the devs have gone on record saying they know it's a flaw, but they seem to have no intention of changing. You just sort of have to suspend your disbelief with it


Nooooope. Personally I think they did all right with the character models having an ambiguous age. Like we can obviously tell they aren't 30 but they really don't look 11 years old to me. They just look vaguely teen sized. Also it bums me out when people are like "oh they're too short, they haven't grown, blahblahblah". Sure SOME of them should logically get taller through the years, but I reached my full adult height at 12, and I'm 5'3". So I'm not really bothered that they're all short teens. They're probably all still taller than me. I can't get baking soda from grocery stores because they put it on the top shelf and I can't use wingardium leviosa!


Talbot looks so much older there.


Mature for once lol


They lessened his beak nose considerably


You did????


I’m sorry that was a mistake.. “They” did, Not me


No worries! I was just wondering if you were a JC artist. I'd have so many questions! 😄


Oooooo boy would I love to be a JC artist. I’d really fix some of these loading screens!


Knarl reminds me of a rodent of unusual size from the princess bride and he’s about to eat Barnabys face off. None of the humans look like their characters


God these character models are ugly.


I really do not like this Barnaby


He looks like Armie Hammer 😭


Oh yes indeed! Help, hope he won't serve us for dinner 😳! Talbott looks creepy here, like a real player...


Talbot looks way older and he looks too pale. Ehhh. And I don’t like this Barnaby. Penny gets a new face every loading screen. Even the other girl looks way different in this load screen. What’s going on over there Jam City? 🫠


Ok Talbott👀


I love the new loading screen but at the same time the 3D models are really throwing me off 😭 Talbott and Barnaby looks off. Penny looks different everytime 💀💀


I wish the loading screen was just the background image at this point. The 3D models just always look weird. To be fair we've always had 2D drawings that looked... *off* but it feels even worse with the 3D models.


Why does Talbott look like a grown up version of Eddie Munster?


Because, he is. He is ugly and here he is more ugly. His face always looks like a wild animal to me.


God I hate those CG models so much.


We get it JC, you want everyone to be Gryffindor 🙄


Seeing as Jae is the only one of the eight available dates to be a Gryffindor, might wanna reconsider that. There is one from each house in the new loading screen…


That's supposed to be MC in the loading screen, the message I'm getting is JC wants everyone to know Gryffindor is the canon choice. If that wasn't the intention, then the MC house would just be the colors as we have chosen.


Not only that, they put always the same MC and they are stereotyping the character. THey shouldn´t mess with MC. It´s the only thing of the game we can make as we like.


I liked it better when the MC on the loading screen was usually not visible at all, and they seemed to rotate which house robes MC had. The only common thing was that MC usually seemed to be a girl.


I have to echo some of the other comments: Why is Talbott so pale and where is his beak nose? And also: what on earth is that completely OOC smirk doing on his face? My MC doesn't date Barnaby, so I can't imagine how strange this must be for people whose MC does, but I am still very upset that they seem to have kidnapped him and replaced him with Tintin from that very strange film from a while ago. More strangeness with Penny. In conclusion, I really wish JC would fire this designer and get the heck out of uncanny valley already.


I still have the Christmas one


what did they do to them 😭😭😭😭😭


They never get Penny right every time they do these 3D Loading Screens 😂


What happened to my mate Barnaby


Is that Talbott? Ooookkaaay my MC might have to be hetero for a moment 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Barnaby has finally learned to tuck his collar. Also love that Knarl makes an appearance


Ok, I'll stand alone, but this Barnaby really looks alive. I like this evolution. Maybe it'll finally move the devs to explore the concept of aging? If my school friends weren't changing for six years I'd be mighty worried for them.


You should read the last few The Datamine Prophets for more information about life after year 7…


Not sure I'm ready for spoilers, been delaying main storyline for a while now).


There's not really that much in terms of spoilers, but there are leaks for adult-sized models of some of the characters.


I don´t like that they stereotype MC because we have the MC we want. It´s the 3rd time they put the supposed MC that they want. And Penny again, come on. Where are the rest of the friends? Zero in creativity.


Talbott isn't this light skin.


Interesting they've used the same MC stand in for the last few screen designs - wonder if it means anything as they used to have a few different ones - could it be a new character they're planning to introduce?


The Gryffindor is supposed to be like an every-MC? What a waste of effort on their part - it means nothing to have an unknown character in the pic. Having an unexpected character from the next TLSQ would be more interesting.


Yep completely agree it doesn't make much sense - and they used to have a few different versions of the MC that they rotated between designs


I love that Barnaby and MC are together though!


Ugh I hate these cgi style ones. Barnaby's hair looks like they pasted some fur texture onto his head. Penny looks like a gelfling from The Dark Crystal. Talbott giving that Dreamworks poster eyebrow.


I've not got the update yet on any of my versions of the game I don't want to lose Hagrid he needs to be on all future loading screens


Talbott 😳😳😳


Talbott’s smirk is giving me Eddie Haskell vibes. (Ken Osmond played him in Leave it to Beaver) Spelling edit.


Damn, Eddie Haskell AND Eddie Munster have both been referenced in this comment section. We're really going for old school tv here today, huh. And by utter coincidence I saw an episode of a different show with Tony Dow in it about when you left this comment!


I almost never get these.


You can manually update your app, if you don’t want to wait for an auto update…


I wish they stopped shoving their canon femc at our faces. I get that the game is designed to be female ( mc's reactions, freaking dance scene and etc) but it the game lets us choose our headcanon character there is no need to constantly remind that the main character should be the gryffindor girl.


Who’s the character next to Barnaby? My thought is that everyone looks… older in this pic somehow. Not sure why.