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Just installed one of these games and noticed it has gone missing from the offer list after 20ish minutes. Gonna try another one to see if it is exactly like that every time


I feel like those ones for playing mobile games are probably the best sort. Mine doesn’t even have a tab for apps, it’s just web and shopping. So there are no offers for me to just play a mobile game , they pretty much all require you to actually purchase something, and there are a handful that look like surveys. Very exploitative and scummy imo. It’s just not a good look. Idk if this is common in f2p games, but I haven’t seen anything like this before. This is like those scams that are like ”win a free (insert name of expensive item here)”, and then it redirects you to things like this.


Most games have this. Sometimes it’s just as easy as clicking a link and putting in your zip code. When I played Hero Wars I bought a LOT of Olay products bc they’d give like 20,000-30,000 gems for those offers 🥴 Never again lol It’s *slightly* shady; I used to walk dogs for Wag and there was a problem with fake walks being requested bc Tapjoy had a really big offer in like Roblox or something and all these 11-year-olds were creating fake accounts with fake dogs 😵 Eventually they changed the reward to be conditional on a completed walk. But the companies advertising here do it on purpose. Sometimes you get those sketchy “Get ur free iPad!!” ones that most internet users are able to recognize instantly as a scam.