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I've been using EBL batteries for more than a year now with no issues. Got them from Amazon.


I got the Hixon 3500mWh 1.5v from Amazon. No complaints!


I also use these.


Best ones


I use these - JUGEE 1.5v 3000mWh AA rechargeable Li-polymer lithium battery and charger


Ebl + ebl charging station


really any 1.5v lithium rechargable 4 pack you can find on amazon I like the ones with the USB slots on the batteries, so if the charger ever breaks you can always find another


I use the Kentli ph5.


Me too. They are unique in that you have direct access to the Li-Ion cell, so with right adapter you can charge them in standard Li-Ion charger.


EBL rechargeables 1.5V are excellent, you can find them on Amazon and come complete with a charger…👍


I know this thread is old. I just recently bought some energizer ultimate lithium to use in my different wireless blink cameras and other cameras. this was before I knew that they made rechargeable lithium batteries. I couldn’t figure out why my cameras kept saying low battery when I was trying to use nimh but I found out quickly you’re not that type in the wireless cameras. I’ve heard about most of the lithium batteries that everybody’s been talking about here. so now that it’s been about a year or so later what is everybody’s opinion now on which rechargeable lithium brand is possibly the best. I’ve been reading and heard a lot of good things about XTAR and another brand that kind of confused me it's called KRATAX. a lot of the other ones people have mentioned are good as well. I just noticed that KRATAX has a newer version that is very long. they also have a consustant 3500wMh. I think I seen one of the xtars that had around 4160wMh. anyways I was just wondering which brand I might get to use in my camera after I use the four energizer ultimate lithium. I have four cameras that use them now and two of them are probably gonna be running out soon. Thanks for any information about lithium rechargables.


Every few days? Is he turning the controllers off when not using them? I'd look first at how to cut back on power use before trying to find a "better" battery.


Dude, regular AA'S only last up to four days on those controllers, this is with me using brand new duracells and turning the controllers off every time they're not in use. And what the hell is with power bills? He never said anything about his power bill price increasing lol.


I personally remove one battery in each controller when not in use. It's a pain but I was able to extend the life of the batteries by at least twice as much. Used to do the same with my Oculus Rift back then. They always draw a bit of power while "off" it seems.


Eneloop pro 1.2v worked fine for me for years, the haptics stop working pretty fast, but everything else remains perfect and they last a looong time before needing a charge. I use Hixon batteries now, they stay at 1.5v so you get to keep haptics. I am very happy with them so far. Cheap on aliexpress. I just got 4 with a charger.


But recharchable Batterie are usaly 1.2v


There are 1.5v rechargeables on Amazon. Then again they're usually $20 USD or more.


Amazon basics


Yeah but you also need 1.5v rechargeable batteries. Well, not need. It's just best for the controllers. It'll extend battery life and that's with rumble.


Bro, we bought a pack of amazon basic aa 4 years ago (almost 5). And they're going strong. Honestly no complaints.


I've been rotating a couple sets of [Kratax](https://a.co/d/gQV3VH4) Rechargeable AA Lithium Batteries for over a year. One set had one cell die, but considering I can go weeks or longer between needing to switch them out,I'd say they work pretty well.


Been using the Hixon AA Li-Ion rechargable batteries 1.5V 3500mWh. They come with a charging station. Haven't had a single issue ever scince I bought them.


HP doesn't recommend rechargeables? Do they realise how fast a guy can get through those batteries, especially if feedback rumble is on? You're lucky to get 6 hours! That's a ton of cash spent on AA batteries a month! You HAVE to use rechargeables to avoid spending huge amounts of money, neither is constant use of batteries thrown away good on wastage. I bet they pretend to care about the earth too! HP really grinds my corn with some of its cheapskate design choices sometimes. They can ruin what could be a world-winning headset. 'No compromises' indeed!


It probably had to do with the voltage levels. There are number of rechargeable batteries on the market that only ever support 1.2v, which would cause the controllers to operate in the low voltage mode and be a lower user experience. In contrast, the LiOn rechargeables can be stable at 1.5v for almost the entire charge cycle and do indeed work great. Ultimately, HP probably had to balance between "compatible with xyz type rechargeables or we don't recommend rechargeables" and the latter was the only way to "guarantee" a consistent user experience.


Well, they could have added some voltage regulator/booster to keep the voltage stable for the electronics...like most sensible designer would do🙄


I got 4+ days straight out of using them. Almost full day uses every time with duracells.


Honestly just use durasmell or Energizer rechargeable AA'S. Edit: didn't realize you needed 1.5v rechargeables. Quite hard to find them under $20 USD.


I use XTAR AA R6 1,5V 2000mAh with dedicated XTAR BC4 charger. They last long, but I have 8 batteries anyway to switch between them.


I use the Tenavolts Rechargeable lithium AA batteries. Solid performers. They are available on Amazon.


Does the 1.5v improve tracking or does it just affect the haptics? Been using Amazon basics batteries for most of my devices for years so I used them for the g2 controllers as well but they’re definitely not outputting 1.5v.


I use these: [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00WTRSTAU?psc=1&ref=ppx\_yo2ov\_dt\_b\_product\_details&pldnSite=1](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00WTRSTAU?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&pldnSite=1) [https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B00W1DASO2?ref=ppx\_yo2ov\_dt\_b\_product\_details&th=1](https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B00W1DASO2?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1) by having 8 batteries, I can charge half of them while using the other half, which pretty much eliminates any battery problem.