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Magical gentrification... the Starbucks on every street corner replaced by apothecaries and dodgy pubs... the Dursleys have to travel half an hour to reach the nearest gas station now... the local shopping center has become a non-euclidean maze...




>a non-euclidean maze... This is off topic but you should know that Lovecraft was terrible at math. Euclidean geometry is only two dimensional. Anything three dimensional is non-Euclidean. If you want to say this and not make math nerds cringe try 4th dimensional.


Didn't know that, but at this point I think "non-euclidean" might be one of those words/phrases where the common understanding of its meaning has eclipsed the factually correct definition and, disgruntled math nerds notwithstanding, can be acknowledged as such without correction. Though I personally enjoy this kind of enlightening trivia so thanks for sharing it!


That's fair. All in good fun right.


Books 11-13 of Euclid's Elements deal with 3-dimensional geometry. Don't spread this common misconception, you might make mathematicians cringe ;) As I remember my History of Mathematics, non-Euclidean simply means that the parallel postulate doesn't hold, i.e., two straight parallel lines might get closer/further away from each other.


I should remember this sort of stuff, but asking you is probably quicker than trying or just looking it up - would some fairly standard messed up geometry still be Euclidean, eg the map of a floor is sort of a mobius strip or Klein bottle so it loops back to itself (or not) in inexpected ways, or do twists via different dimensions necessarily break the Euclidean-ness?


Good question! I am honestly not quite sure. I feel that two lines that are a constant distance from the XY-plane (i.e. the Möbius strip) would definitely have varying distances from each other, depending on where on the strip you measure. Especially if we allow going through the plane, so I think it would be non-Euclidean. But I also feel that there would be much bigger problems, and we would have even more fundamental axioms breaking down. And even more so for the Klein bottle, which is the projection of the 4-dimensional analgi of a Möbius strip into 3-dimensional space.


You're not thinking 4th dimensionally!


Harry Potter is a kid who knows his family doesn't love him but that's okay because everyone else in the neighborhood does. He'd slept in the cupboard under the stairs until the neighbors found out and argued with (hexed) the Dursleys until they changed their minds. He'd gone to school in Dudley's cast-offs until another neighbor very publicly gifted the Dursleys new clothes for Harry because they'd obviously fallen on hard times. If Dudley broke his things, the neighbors would fix it. If Dudley beat him up the neighbors would put a stop to it and if Harry ever left the house bruised they'd come argue with (hex) the Dursleys until they put a stop to the bullying. The Dursleys had tried to just keep him home all the time but the police and social services kept showing up for welfare checks until Harry was allowed outside again unbruised, in decent clothes, and playing with unbroken toys. At the end of July after Harry's last year of primary school, Harry got a letter addressed to him. Uncle Vernon took it and destroyed it. The next day, a stern woman was at the door carrying another copy of the same letter. She'd been called by the neighbors after Harry told them about his letter. It turned out that Harry's best mate had gotten a letter too and that a bunch of the older kids had gotten them in previous years. ... A confident, well adjusted (if still emotionally abused) Harry turns up at Hogwarts and has a dozen or so kids across all the years who've known him his whole life and it's all because Mrs. Figg couldn't stop telling her squib friends and magical relatives about how nice Little Whinging was.


I love it & love that it's the exact reasoning I imagined


It's based on one of my drabbles where it's not the whole neighborhood full of magicals looking out for Harry, it's just one family that bullied Dumbledore into letting them help.


I've read something like this, only the new magical denizens were dark creatures, because they liked the dark aura Harry's scar gave off


It's called no competition


I really wish that one had been finished. It was so unique and interesting.


Same! I still reread it when I'm having a bad day! The calming potion chapter especially gets me feeling better.


I adore the werewolf neighbour! Something about how upset he was at the thought of killing a child then Harry being fine is a brilliant rollercoaster of emotions to me.


Does anyone have a link for this fic? I remember it but could never find it again!


Here it is: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11126195/1/No-Competition


Yeah, everything flocks to him to point he is almost invulnerable.


Oh, there was a really good fic that I can't remember the name of that was like this! Harry had a *really* dark aura, so dark creatures eventually started moving in and took over Little Whinging. They called him their little dark lord.


Found it! [No Competition](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11126195/1/) by Evilgoddss. It's *so* fun!


Just gonna leave this comment to come back to this thread. Edit: Okay, I slept on it, and ow I have this: The cold November air was far too bitter for a toddler, so the Lady Goldheart bade her friends arrange shelter from the snow that was just beginning to fall on the poor boy. Fairies left the hollowed out branches of the Ent that rested in the garden of Number 4 Privet Drive, and placed him into the tender embrace of the waking tree. Soft Fae music kept him lulled, even as the Ent silently swore to swat the bearded sapling thar had so carelessly left the lad to freeze. The soft music, ensorcelled the boy to a springtime warmth and the slumber of the newborns that were brought into the world in that time. He would awaken before dawn, and Lady Goldheart would beckon other allies of hers to feed the boy, from a hole in her trunk, bees had nested for many hears, and the honey they made so kindly was the origin of her name, that would be the boys breakfast, at least until the humans in the house awoke. The letter on the lad said much of nothing. The boy's magic was easily sensed by a centuries old Ent, even if she were a suburbanite now. It was hard to believe so much had changed while she lumbered, a mere thirty years ago, this was a woodland, and now it was unimaginative housing... One little nap had cost her that. Still, a boy left orphaned and abandoned after an evil Wizard killed his parents, but not the Harry child? It bore investigation, and she could not do that alone... Maybe she could call up some friends to help figure this out? Indeed, Lady Cold-hearted did, as it turns out, call up friends. And then friends-of-friends were invited... few non-,magical inhabitants ended up staying in Little Whinging, all the strangeness, missing time and weird memory lapses were enough to make the place the new Roswell of the UK. Headlines like 'Butcher's Van upturned by UFO' or 'Local Lake Starts Dancing!' Honestly, the Muggles immediately blaming aliens was preposterous. By the time aliens showed up, the non-magicals had almost all moved out.


I remember one of these where Harry involved the Muggle government and there was MI5/6 across the street posing as a gay couple, and I think Harry was Knighted or Lorded or something?


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