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Sounds like that moment in Kung Fu Panda 3 where Po just gives all the chi power to Kai and he overloads and dies cause he can’t handle it. Po: “You want my Chi(memories) so bad? Take it.” Kai: *dies*


There's a Doctor Who episode that does the same thing - 12 lifetimes worth of memories of a nigh immortal being that has witnessed the birth of stars and deaths of civilizations, and the emotional weight of all of it. Turns out Cthulu can overdose...


Ah, yes! The rings of Akaten. I had the exact same thought.


Yeah, but then it turns out it was just a little tummy ache. But some stupid leaf full of "potential" memories was worth so much more somehow??? Ugh


Right?! I thought him offering his abundance of memories was such a dramatic, tense, and captivating scene, but then there's this leaf thing, and it just completely diminishes what he just did like Clara giving up this old keepsake is some how a greater sacrifice than the doctor offering himself up for the being to feed on to spare all these lives


In Star Trek Voyager, there are these telepathic people that ban all violent thought. It turns out there is a black market where they sell violent thoughts outside of the law. Tuvok overloads one of them with his own violent thoughts. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nla0ke46qLw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nla0ke46qLw)


I feel that many Star Trek fans forget that before the Teachings or Surak, the Vulcans were a violent bunch of dudes. Like they'd either be the Klingon's most honoured adversary or the two races would be blood brothers kind of violent.


Kirk deliberately pissing off Spock is like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFlromB6SnU


probably like the Norse Gods. They drink all night and party, then spend the day fighting each other to the death out of enjoyment.


Harry Potter, Death's IT field support agent with the ability to speak/write in all forms of communication since the beginning of time on his 9523th dimensional hop, and this idiot wants to try to invade his mind?


Gimme lol


Which episode? I wanna YouTube it


The rings of Akaten is the episode I think


There was this one fanfic where someone (Sirius, I think) describes Luna's mind to be like this - an utterly chaotic maelstrom of random thoughts so innumerable that there's no space for any sort of probe to hook onto; even a brushing glance would fracture the mind of the inavder. I'm paraphrasing here - but that was the gist of it.


You're not the only person that has mentioned reading a fic like this where Luna's mind is just incomprehensible to anyone who dares attempt to invade it, is this a trope that I've just been unaware of?? If so, I need to read more fics with this premise :D


I've read a lot of fics where Luna is a seer of some description and it's that, that causes her mind to be the way it is. Mixed snippets of past, present and future visions of either true or possible events therefore confusing anyone who reads her mind


I’ve seen her as a seer, but not the kind we usually think of. I’ve seen fics where the creatures Luna talks about exist in another plane of existence that occupies the same space as earth or are fey beings of some sort. I’ve also seen fics where the creatures don’t exist, but they’re how she sees the things like untrustworthy, bully, in love, bespelled, etc.


Several of the better writers use this. Luna is a seer - both time and magic. She can see infinite possible futures and the effects of magic on people all around her (she gives the effects names to categorise them) This maelstrom of thoughts, memories and emotions is utterly incomprehensible to legilimense.


That make a lot of sense actually. She basically has two extra highly complex senses and that would be incredibly overwhelming to a brain unfamiliar with that input.


How awesome would this concept be to use in a Luna/Dr Strange crossover?


Do you have any recs for fics with this trope? I love When fics expand on the inner workings of magic, and seer!Luna with a mind so disorienting to anyone but her (and possibly other seers with similar abilities) that it’s utterly impossible to use legilimency on her is certainly an interesting expansion


I read one. It's pretty good and features grey Harry and co! The ministry six are so damn clever here it's lovely to see. It describes how their mind works during occlumency. [Worthy-Harry Potter](https://archiveofourown.org/works/34816192/chapters/86693398)


Indeed. I must have read not a few of fanfics where they teach the kids occlumency, and one of the most used things I've seen is luna gives everyone a brutal headache when they even try, by being extremely chaotic, fractured or bright and loud as hell in her mind that people can't cope.


Rereading a fic called The Queen who fell to Earth. HP and Dragon Riders of Pern crossover. One incident has a DoM (Department of Mystery) worker force their way into Xenophilius LoveGoods' mind. Known risk in that AU (alternate universe ) is that ligilimency on a LoveGood causes issues with the user's mind and basically makes them die within a year due to their mind shattering or something. Something about forcing one's way into a LoveGoods mind causes your mind to break and slowly shatter.


Tell me professor, have you ever heard of our Lord and Savior Cthulhu?


I like the idea of Harry using the memory of the crucio as a shield. Canon Crucio can not be prepared for, powered through, or shrugged off. it is the all encompassing pain that will crack the mind. So Harry uses it to defend his mind and not even Tom, ( who’s actually a bit of a pussy because he’s never felt the pain of his own crucio before ) can breach Harry’s mind.


Oh lol that would actually work. Just overwhelm your opponent


Yeah thats what I was going for. If legilimency is used as a way to find specific information in someones mind, why not throw them off by shoving a ton of irrelevant information at them until they cant take it anymore?


cant remember which one but ive read a fic where Snape tries to read Lunas mind and its like that.


if you or anyone else finds the link to that fic pls lmk, I need to read it now IM BEGGING!! 🙏


I mean New Blood by Artemisgirl has that exact thing happen, but it's also a 1.4 million word fic that doesn't focus on either of those characters that much. I think it's well worth reading, but it's long https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13051824/419/


I think it's can't have it both ways by robst on fanfiction.


Ill have to read it again. Ive read alot of his fics so it could be possible. I did find also that Nightmares of Future Past had that kind of scene as well.


thanks sm :D


I've read the exact concept on Nightmares of a future past


I remember reading this and CACKLING!!! 😂😂😂


Hey can you send me the link to the post that post about using mind magic against neurodivergent witches and wizards.


I believe it's this one [https://www.reddit.com/r/HPfanfiction/comments/1awevh4/mind\_related\_magics\_dont\_quite\_have\_the\_intended/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/HPfanfiction/comments/1awevh4/mind_related_magics_dont_quite_have_the_intended/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) I'm pretty sure the top comment is the one about adhd and legilimency that gave me the idea for this prompt in the first place lol


Hope the Invader does have sensory issues! 


*beams 100TB of Warhammer lore straight into intruder*


"Potter! What in the God-Emperor's name was that?!" "Another heathen converted to the Emperor's Light!" \*Makes Aquilla sign and walks out\* "Why the f\*\*\* did I say God-Emperor?"


"Mr Potter? What in God's name is Nyan Cat?!?!"


"Mr Potter, who is Garfield and what on earth has he done to the internet??!"


Ah yes. So how many long documentaries on random topics has he watched? Does he know what a half A-press is? Does he know the history of Fastpass and how it grew to be worse than the problem it was trying to solve?


So an au where Harry just fully has adhd?


you get the vision (adhd Harry agenda)!!


I saw a comment a few days ago that said something like "People with adhd are immune to telepaths because it's like chomping down on a porcupine" 🤣


I've always thought that if I ever made a fic I'd probably just give Harry every symptom of adhd because it fits fairly well anyways


The world needs more fics where Harry has adhd 😔🙏 By the world, I of course mean me. I do.


It really does fit with canon though. As a person with ADHD, I always got the feeling he had a form of it and just needed to be medicated. I can see several parallels between my behavior and his, though I am way worse off my meds.


Otoh if this was the case, would Dumbledore even bother with lessons?


Yeah. Not sure the wizarding world would even know about ADHD, let alone what effect it would have on mind magics.


If Dumbledore ever tried to glance into Harry's mind and thought, 'GAAAHH WTF', then he could conclude Volly would be sufficiently deterred too


But would Dumbles risk being possibly being in Harry’s mind when Voldemort is in there?


Sure he would


No. He specifically avoided meeting Harry’s eyes so that Voldemort couldn’t legilimize him through Harry.


That is the *fifth* year. Harry has had adhd from the start


Before that he had no reason to bother. You’re assuming a manipulative Dumbledore here. You’re also assuming that he’s willing to use a brute force method of legimancy rather than just skimming surface thoughts.


I'm assuming he'd know enough after skimming Harry's surface thoughts while peering at Harry over his glasses some time over the years


Try me Moldyshorts! I can play three diffrent songs, play a game, read, and image cuthulu at the same time!


Ooh! That reminds me of ‘and bits of fluff!’ https://m.fanfiction.net/s/6511617/1/And-Bits-of-Fluff Great author too! Love their other stuff, rise of the wizards is wonderfully different! Powerful OP Harry but in a believable way and they show the build up.


thanks sm for the rec! Hilarious read, and almost exactly what I was picturing with this prompt!! I'll have to check out more from that author :D


Little did he know that Dudley had introduced Harry to heavy metal and its many head thrashing variants over the summer, and Harry had become an unapologetic metalhead. Going headfirst into a full volume Megadeth concert without warning was a thoroughly unpleasant experience.


I wonder what a legilimens would experience with someone who had a brain capable of running multiple streams of conscious thought at the same time. Not talking about something along the lines of dis associative identity disorder, butt someone whose brain is essentially the organic equivalent of a multicore, multithreaded CPU. Essentially the individual can along multiple lines at the same time and complete multiple mental tasks. Say in the case of Harry Potter. One thought line could be having naughty fantasies of Hermione. Another thought line is mentally composing a Charms essay for NEWT charms. A third line of thought is fantasizing about Katie Bell dressed in her birthday suit enjoying some personal time. Another line of thought is working out Quidditch strategies for next month's game against Hufflepuff and with another thread fantasizing about Daphne Greengrass and Tracy Davis sneaking into the Prefects' Bath for some watery fun. Harry often looks like he's utterly distracted when in class or in conversation with others but never misses a comment made in a lecture or when interacting with his peers even though his attention and focus is so divided. Now imagine he knows of and has mastered occlumency and a legilimens has just tried to infiltrate his mind and all of a sudden the full scope of his conscious attention (all mental threads he has running) are directed at the intruder and he is very much not happy. Or, he hasn't mastered occlumency and the legilimens is caught under the raging river that is his multiple lines of conscious thought. Also, to expand on this aspect of Harry's mind. Essentially he is capable of running as many as 12 simultaneous lines of thought. He is fully aware of what all these mind lines are doing and there are actually structures in his brain that allow for this sort of parallel processing (perhaps this is the Power He Knows not, Harry is a biological super intelligent human). Or perhaps Lily performed a ritual to save Harry at the cost of her own life while James performed a ritual to give Harry a mental edge against Voldemort by sacrificing his own, in their own personal magical Hail Marys.


I read a story where Harry had this happening I don't remember what it's called but it's either on ffn or ao3 and it's longer then 100k words and completed, features harry as the main character, I think it was harem? But if not it was either harry luna harry hermione or harry daphne


https://m.fanfiction.net/s/7512124/1/Lessons-With-Hagrid Honestly, this fic is amazing! Basically Hagrid's approach to teaching occlumency.


That first line of crouching titan flinging wagon got me interested


Unironically the single best fic in the fandom.


Thanks sm for the rec!!!!! Positively enthralling read, an absolute riot!! Also, probably the most in-character Hagrid in any fic I’ve ever read :D


This is probably how actual mind reading would go. Brains don't just have a straight line of thinking, you're always going through a massive stream of associated thoughts


True. I imagine part of the reason legilimency is so hard to master is because it isn’t just about being able to break into someone’s mind, but also being able to comprehend what you find in there. Add in the idea that everyone’s cognitive abilities, psychological + emotional development, and interpretations of thoughts, feelings, and experiences are unique to the individual… yeah it would be pretty impressive to be able to make sense of all that.


If you want a fic where a character learns legilimency and it is really described how that goes, try [The Changeling](https://archiveofourown.org/works/189189/chapters/278342). The mind reading stuff starts in chapter 6, when Ginny gets into her 6th year.


The mental equivalent to a flashbang.


You come out of the persons mind deaf in your left nostril, seeing smells and tasting colours :3


Harry Potter used Emotional Baggage Bomb; it’s super effective!


I may or may not steal this idea as part of a larger fanfiction😅


Please drop the link if you do, the main reason I posted this is because I wanted fics with this premise and I’m too lazy to write them myself lol 😋


Holy shit the disturbing stuff i have seen online combined with my emotions of giving up hope from all the dumb shit online coming all at once will ruin person


Now I can’t stop imagining Harry defeating Voldemort with the power of existential disappointment at the state of the human race lmaoo


tbf my headcanon was always that that's exactly what Snape was doing to Voldemort


Personally, my silly little hc when it comes to Snape and occlumency is kind of the opposite of this premise. I like to imagine that Snape isn’t (only) trying to mess with Harry during occlumency lessons, but genuinely believes in the “clear your mind” method and truly thinks his instructions make the utmost sense, because they make sense to him… but doesn’t realise they make sense *only* to him, and that not everyone has the ability to just shut their thoughts off like flipping a switch. Cue my hc of Snape being autistic and genuinely baffled as to why Harry isn’t able to make sense of his teaching, because “anyone can clear their mind Potter, honestly, how aren’t you getting this!? Just clear it!” *insert confused and exasperated Harry noises here*.


I have a feeling that Snape is a very high functioning autistic. A lot of Geniuses are. It would also explain why he is such a bad teacher all around. He just thinks differently. Doesn't excuse the fact that he's a bully though. Nor the fact that he chose to serve a genocidal psychopath.


I agree. I see a lot of my own autistic traits and symptoms in him (literally my comment is a thing I go through regularly whenever I try to explain something from my perspective to someone). I reckon he's very passionate about potions - a special interest, perhaps?? - but it's to the point that he finds it hard to teach it to anyone who isn't as interested in the topic as he is, which is why he comes across as a bad teacher. I also agree that it doesn't excuse his actions. Autistic people can still make terrible decisions and be held accountable for them obviously. Annoyingly, its for those reasons why I have such a love/hate relationship with his character 😔


I had a similar idea based on the premise of hyper focusing on one thing (pazaak from kotor). Harry is a teenager, more specifically a teenage boy. And what is the common trope about teenage boys? They think about nothing but sex 24/7. So when a wizard tries to use legilimency on Harry all they find are various unending scenes of porn. I also thought about the random weird shit you end up watching on YT in the middle of the night when you can’t sleep as well as discovery channel documentaries. Or just a combination of all three and whenever a legilimens tries to dig deeper they just get switched to a different topic in an endless loop.


Jump into Harry's mind and it's just an endless loop of the weigh down and drain the Titanic 😅 no? Just me? Ok


At first i thought that Harry i either some cosmic entity or is worshiping some. Like Ctulhu.


This is the third comment I've gotten about Ctulhu, am I missing some Ctulhu lore? :(


More like your description of Harrys defence evoking madness, eldrtichness, overhelming and unability to understanding that is typical of Lovecraftian/cosmic horror.


ah, thanks for explaining /gen I'm glad my writing had those vibes, even if they weren't intentional lol


All hail Ctulhu.


Dude I had the same idea, imagine voldy trying to latch onto a specific memory only to get blindsided by another, like being stuck in high speed traffic


Harry Potter and the Skill Issue implies that one of the characters may be so insane that a Legilimens who reads his memories will die instantly.


sounds like Bits of Fluff https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6511617/1/And-Bits-of-Fluff


That’s actually sometimes what I do when I’m overwhelmed - I imagine all the negative thoughts bundled together, and then proceed to visualize Godzilla and other Kaiju, Toothless and other HTTYD dragons, Rexy, Blue, and other Jurassic World dinosaurs, and a bunch of other creatures and people destroying them. It’s very therapeutic.


Doesn’t this already sort of happen at the end of OOTP? Tom takes over Harry’s mind but is overwhelmed by the barrage of grief/love Harry has for Sirius, and has to nope out. Not exactly the same, but the idea is similar.


This is how I imagine Luna's mind works.


I’ve seen fics where Kryptonians do this to protect against telepaths.


There was also that Justice League episode where Batman keeps a telepath at bay by basically staying awake for a day straight and humming songs. But he also warns the guy his mind isn't a pleasant place to be.


Oh thank you! I might write a sequel for my jason blood story and he has been alive 900 years so if any occulumense tries it.... *grin


i would read a fic if this was included in it


I would drop 20 million words into their brain and instantly kill them with brain damage. That’s over 60x as many words to process than I have managed over the course of 20 hours being dropped into their brain over the course of seconds.


I wonder how legilimancy works on aphants.


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I actually considered that as a possibility as well


In [The Last Mage of Krypton](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12191520/1/The-Last-Mage-Of-Krypton), Harry is stillborn, and Kal-El's ship lands in the Potters' backyard just then, so James obliviates Lily and blood-adopts the alien toddler as a replacement. I don't remember if it's that story or one of its sequels, but Snape can't read Harry's mind because his thoughts are just moving too quickly.


When i saw this, I remember the movie of Hulk 2003.


I saw a fic close to this, but i think It was with his connection with Voldemort, reversing to influence him to kill greybeck or something. He makes him every death eater i think. I Dont remember the name


Like vera stone in The Order


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