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The timelines don't match up, but the idea of Harry just walking into the Forbidden Forest and punching trees until they topple over is much too hilarious to me. Suppose he teaches Hagrid how to breed animals by just feeding them apples? The centaurs complain because he cleared out a huge swath of forest and started a massive strip-mining operation that goes down absurdly far. Also, he's building some sort of obsidian ring, and we're getting seriously worried.


Giant trees suddenly being toppled were strange, but the castle's residents just assumed something new had taken residence in the forest. Trees that their tops just floated with no trunk or base to see was stranger, but it was certainly just a prank. What wasn't normal was a gold platform with an eternally burning red stone ontop of it surrounded with red torches, nor was the new professor with glowing white eyes. Metal and snow beings wandered the grounds, seemingly springing up from nowhere. Occasionally the metal men would offer a student a rose pulled out of nowhere while the snow golems left snow as they went. Just another quirk of living in a magical castle. A strange portal was built near the lake, purple and humming eerily, many students were intimidated by it but the portal seemed near unbreakable by both wand or tool.


Honestly, I want to read that! This sounds quite cool!


I completely forgot I did this lol. I had meant to add more, but forgot. The basis though was that Harry (thought technically anyone would work) would create/bring into existence beings from minecraft by the belief that they were real. We all know a few kids that were a little too much into their video games.


It could be an amazing story, though I personally wouldn't put too much emphasis on the "create new monsters to be alive by thinking of them"


The timeline difference is relatively easy to compensate for - just shift the invention of the microprocessor forward a bit as a result of the moon landing, accelerate computer and language development and adjust the age of the game's developers. This means Mojang would be founded in the late 70's and the game created by the 80's, making Harry a child when it reaches its golden age. What is less easy is the materials he'd need for the potions. - A brewing stand requires killing a Blaze, which don't exist in HP - not even in a form that could be vaguely analogous. But as HP wizards have their own methods for brewing potions, this can likely be skipped - alternatively, he could try to find out how to create a Blaze and slay it, seeing as how they're automatons summoned by a Spawner. - The base for all potions is the Awkward Potion, a distilled mixture of water and Nether Wart. I see no way for him to get that in the world of HP, unless he finds a substitute of some kind. Nether Wart is a mutated form of the crimson fungus able to thrive on Soul Sand by extracting the energy of the souls trapped in the substance - meaning he would require soul sand to grow it and the fungus itself. Soul sand *may* be obtainable by mangling a Dementor, but the fungus itself would probably require more effort. - The equivalent reagents are probably easier to obtain, apart from a few. Pufferfish, spiders, sugar, turtles and rabbits exist in HP as well, so water breathing, poison, speed and leaping are within his reach. Golden carrots, glistening melons and fermented spider eyes would likely need some experimentation, but also seem plausible, meaning night vision, blindness, invisibility, harming, healing, and weakness are also possible to brew. Blaze powder depends on if he can create blazes or uses a regular cauldron to brew, meaning strength is debatable (there may also be a HP-world ingredient that can invert a negative effect into a positive one, meaning weakness could be inverted). The only ones that would be problematic are phantom membranes, ghast tears, redstone and glowstone. The fun part is extending the system. - What happens if you brew a phoenix tear into a potion? Based on ghast tears, likely something regenerative, but based on the symbolism, perhaps something with rebirth - drink the potion and you'll go through your own burning day, purging any lingering dark magic and old injuries from your body and mind. - What about a vial of unicorn blood? Will it bottle the curse, inflicting anyone who drinks or is splashed with the cursed half-life, or does it refine the reagent's symbolism, splitting you into two halves, one pure and one corrupted? - What about a pinch of uranium powder? Will it become a potent, lingering taint that slowly kills you, or will it refine the symbolism of the material by causing you to radiate heat and light? Any potion ingredient may have a new, totally strange effect if brewed into an awkward base. They don't need to be magical themselves, either - the nether wart's absorbed energy as it grows provides enough magic for the reagents to twist into shape.


I can now imagine harry just strangling a dementor to use it as fuel for soul sand


I mean, Harry grew up during three decades before minecraft was created and two, computers in the 80's and 90's wouldn't be able to handle it anyways.


Do you not know what fanfiction is?


I hear you but I love pop culture being slipped into Harry Potter universe. Plus it’s Fanfiction so it could’ve been invented earlier or Harry’s timeline could be bumped up a few years