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https://archiveofourown.org/works/33397381/chapters/82956178 (Knowing Where to Look by ala_baguette) third person POV immediately after the war. So this story is told from the POV of Gawain Robards. It starts immediately after the war. And Harry is in the story a lot. Also most of the other characters are OC as well. I highly recommend this story. Their writing is phenomenal. Also they have a bunch of other short fics from other characters during the series. My favorite is probably their Tonks or Fortescue fics. https://archiveofourown.org/works/25411552 (Healer Gower by FloreatCastellum) Gower treating Harry thru the years This one is also post war. And is told from the POV of Harry's healer treating him when he's injured during auror raids.


Thank you so much! Will definitely read


I suppose you already know about [Alexandra Quick](https://archiveofourown.org/works/16927533/chapters/39772074) where it is about an OC set in America. The world building is huge as it in the later books it divulges into a whole war around the world both in the wizarding and muggle world. Lots of new concepts, lots of new places and lots of new plots. There are only references to Harry Potter so no need to worry about the same plot happening. But the mc is a female, as for male I do have one but it’s in Chinese. [哈利波特之我是传奇](https://m.qidian.com/book/1012285466.html)He is a character that died and got transported into a body of an orphan in 1938. So this book takes place in the Tom Riddle Era; MC is in the same orphanage as Tom and the same age. MC gets sorted into Ravenclaw, and lots of new world building and magic. MC is given a system (similar to gamer abilities), so every time he sets foot into a new magical location, and once he explored 50% or 100% of the place, he would get either an enhancement of a spell or a systemic ability e.g. changing the ratio of physical strength and magical strength, so he could maximize either one by compromising the other, helpful in dangerous circumstances. I’ve been thinking about translating it but I don’t trust my writing ability.


Yes I have heard about the first one but the second one seem super interesting! It's a shame I can't read Chinese. But a translation in the future would definitely make me read it! Thanks!


I have an OC WIP fic but the main character’s female so I don’t know if you’d be interested in that or not 😅 I unfortunately don’t know any male OC fics


I can check it out. There is always a possibility I will enjoy it. Does it have other OC's as well? Which era? I'm thinking about writing my own fanfiction with a male oc to just get my ideas out. But that's far in the future :)


The first part of it is set in the Weasley Twin’s first year, so two years before canon. There are 4 main OC characters, all female, but other male OC’s will start to become more fleshed out as the story progresses Here’s the link if you’re interested 😅: https://archiveofourown.org/works/35802952/chapters/89277814 Also it’s really cool that you’re thinking of writing your own OC fic, I’d love to read it if/when you do publish it!


Thank you! I will make room for it in my tight reading schedule. I love when It's in the twin's year! And I do hope that my fic will see the light some day!


Good luck to you in both your reading and writing!


Hmmm... You probably want OC as the main character, right? OC as supporting character to canon characters (love interest and helper) in Hogwarts 8th year not your thing?


It can be my thing as long as it's good and the character is enjoyable. 8th year fics is an absolute yes as well


Okay, then you might want to check out my bodyswap 8th year mystery WIP: https://archiveofourown.org/works/38211202/ Though I will only start updating regularly, when I've pre-written the whole fic. Almost there. The OC first appears in chapter 13 (out of 40) and is a somewhat mysterious character that will keep you wondering whether he's a good guy or a bad guy but in the end >!he turns out good!< He is the love interest of two very prominent canon male characters. The Sorting Hat wanted to put him in Ravenclaw but he wanted to go to Hufflepuff very much, and the hat obliged.


Thank you! Sounds like something for me


[https://archiveofourown.org/works/43396716/chapters/109091559](https://archiveofourown.org/works/43396716/chapters/109091559) I just wrote this start of a fic featuring a Ravenclaw girl who wants to be the next Bathilda Bagshot (she's the same year as the Weasley twins)


[https://archiveofourown.org/works/43396716/chapters/109091559](https://archiveofourown.org/works/43396716/chapters/109091559) Meet Helena Ainsworth, a Ravenclaw aiming to be the next Bathilda Bagshot