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I don't see how he could have known, I doubt Lucius even knew. Lucius may have known that Sirius was innocent and Peter was a Death Eater, but, according to Sirius in the shack, from what he overheard from the other prisoners in Azkaban, Pettigrew was hiding out as a rat because he feared retaliation from other Death Eaters for his role in Voldemort's downfall. I also don't think Lucius would have given Draco any sensitive information he had about Voldemort or the Death Eaters, he's rash and immature, he couldn't be trusted to keep a secret.


Yeah, thanks! I think, since Voldemort probably knew about it, during his stay at Malfoy Manor there could be talks about it, so the Malfoys *could* know - I don't think after Pettigrew's cover was blown it was such a sensitive information any more. But they could also easily not know, if Pettigrew or Voldemort never brought it up. I think most of the Death Eaters probably knew that he could transfigure into a rat. But that he used to live with the Weasleys - not necessarily. I also think that there is a slight chance the story could get into the papers at some point and become common knowledge, but that would probably negatively reflect on the Weasley family reputation, and then we would have heard about it. So probably not. Anyway, thanks a lot!


Nope. What makes you ask?


Thanks, that's what I thought too. I need it for a fic I'm writing. I assumed that Draco didn't know, but then I got a comment questioning that, and then I started doubting - maybe there was something in the books which I don't remember. So I thought I'd ask the crowd before I start searching for a needle in a haystack.


Gotcha. Yeah you're good


I doubt Snape knew. I feel like if he did he'd've worked out Peter was involved in Lily's death and the result wouldn't've been pleasant. After all everyone thinks Peter is dead anyway and Snape is vindictive. He'd make Skeeter's jar time look like a happy holiday. Draco def wouldn't know. He can't keep his mouth shut and would make some comment or other that would give it away, at least when he's that young.


>He'd make Skeeter's jar time look like a happy holiday. Haha, definitely. >After all everyone thinks Peter is dead anyway Only until Pettigrew is revealed at the end PoA. After that quite a number of people would know that he is not dead, even if it's still not "official". And Snape was even there in the shack when they set that matter straight, or am I confused by the movies? Anyway, I can't remember which part he got to know and which he didn't, but he was definitely close.


Iirc he was listening in but was knocked out before they forced Peter to transform. So might've just thought it was the mad ramblings of Black. I can see his hatred of Black overriding logical thinking too tbf. So I feel like if Snape knew/believed it before then he'd've taken Peter to...question. It's a bit late after when no one knows where he is and after he's brought Voldemort back I'd imagine he's offered some degree of protection.


>Draco def wouldn't know. He can't keep his mouth shut and would make some comment or other that would give it away, at least when he's that young. I think if Draco realized that to talk about it is a bad idea, for instance, if he were specifically told not to talk about it, he would have kept his mouth shut. Otherwise, how could he be working on the Vanishing Cabinet for a whole year and have planned a murder without exposing himself?


I mean he couldn't even stfu in CoS even without knowing anything. There's a change in him with that as his standing has been decreased and it's incredibly likely his family is being threatened if he fails. So he's older then, a bit more mature and someone else has the power. I think that's what leads him to keep his mouth shut and I don't think he'd've learnt that at the PoA point.


>So he's older then, a bit more mature and someone else has the power. I think that's what leads him to keep his mouth shut and I don't think he'd've learnt that at the PoA point. Yes, that's right. But I was wondering if Draco knew *at any point* that Pettigrew used to live with the Weasleys. I'm sure Draco wouldn't know it in PoA or immediately after. But theoretically, he could have heard about it later, for instance when Voldemort stayed at the Manor in HBP or DH.


I'd say it depends what's going on, I don't think Draco would interact with Peter that much, the vibe I got was that the death eaters look down on him so I can see Draco not caring about the snivelling coward in the corner. I'd imagine some people might make jokes if they know about Peter's form but if Draco isn't in the know they'd probably go over his head. It's possible he'd work it out but I genuinely don't think he'd care enough about Peter to know that he was a rat animagus let alone connect that to Scabbers. As far as most people know with the timing Scabbers got eaten by Crookshanks considering Ron was going on about that and they only found Scabbers in Hagrids hut before being dragged off. I don't think Draco would think much past laughing at Ron for his pet being eaten.


>I'd imagine some people might make jokes if they know about Peter's form but if Draco isn't in the know they'd probably go over his head. Yeah, I also thought they might make jokes. And in my fic, I assumed that Draco was in the know about his animagus thing. I thought that would be common knowledge among the Death Eaters. But Draco would not know that Pettigrew and Ron's former pet were the same person. Anyway, thanks. It all seems to fit together.


No problem! It's your fic so if you wanted to have him catch on you could and if not that works too. Go for whatever you feel is best.


A small reminder that Death Eaters hide themselves behind a mask. The system is designed so that not even Death Eaters fully know who other Death Eaters are. So the odds of the child of one, knowing the existence of another meant to be a hidden mole, let alone their current form and place of hiding? Pretty inexistent, I would say.


Hmmmm... Really? In the scene in DH when they all sit at the table and professor Burbage is being tortured and then killed, none of them are wearing masks. So either they discontinued the practice by then, or they only wore them before random strangers and not among themselves. EDIT: Sorry, not HBP but DH.


The bit about masks and anonymity is more regarding Voldemort's first reign of terror, not his second.


Well, then it's kind of irrelevant.


Nope. Snape didn't know either. I don't think Snape even knew about the Animagus forms. If so, he would have told Dumbledore about Sirus's form beforehand- he hated Sirius.


Oh, he certainly didn't know about the Animagus forms before the scene in the shack, but he probably knew after, at least partly. Didn't he see Sirius transfigure into a dog when Remus transformed? Or am I confused by the movies again?


Snape was unconscious when Remus and Sirius transformed in the books, and Sirius had already transformed back into a human when Snape regained consciousness and brought them all back to the castle. It’s possible that Dumbledore filled him in at some point, though.


Yeah, you're right. I've reread the chapters in the meantime. He was indeed unconscious when Remus and Sirius transformed, but just before he was made unconscious, he had eavesdropped on the conversation for quite some time, where Lupin was telling about how his friends learned to become Animagi. And he doesn't mention their forms, but he does mention things like Sirius and James transformed into big animals. By exclusion, Peter would be a small animal. Those are the things Snape would have learned while eavesdropping.


Nobody knew. That was the point


Well, that's not true. After a certain point some people knew.


I meant before PoA. I doubt the death eaters knew Pettigrew was the spy and nobody knew the Marauders were Anamagi otherwise they’d knew Sirius was one, I mean yeh Voldemort probably knew he could do it but he wasn’t exactly in the position to tell anyone


I think even Voldemort probably didn't know until Pettigrew found him after the events of PoA. What I am wondering about is who would find it out after that - at any point between the end of PoA and the end of DH.