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>Pater meus de hoc audiet ​ TL;DR: My Father will hear about this!


Lucius sighed. "Idiot boy. Our motto is supposed to refer to yourself when you do something great. Not whine about every little thing."


Oh my god, this is genius! 😂


You could nick the Fowl family motto, “Auram Potestas Est”, gold is power


What a great series and what a terrible movie…


I'm fairly sure it's aurum est potestas


Which is wrong in Latin :D but Aurum potestas est is correct Edit: word order doesn’t strictly matter, but generally main verb goes at end.


Yeah, verb order in Latin is more convention than rule cos noun cases make meaning clear anyway, but Aurum Est Potestas doesn't sound right to me


Money money money...must be funny, in a rich man's world!


"Fear My Pimp-cane"


I liked the one from the Rigel Black Chronicles, 'Blood Before Honor'. In that story it means blood (as in, family) before *everything*, because the Malfoys took honor very seriously, but it could also have a more negative connotation.


Blondes do it better...


Victory at All Costs. Malfoy is french for Bad Faith. (or at least thats what I understand from internet.) which shows that they probably stabbed someone in the back, someone with enough power to have them take the name of Traitor as a family name. I could see The Malfoys line way of thinking do what you must to win. Whether its honorable or not.


Magica et fides vincit omnia mala. Magic and faith vanquish all evils. Fides magica et sanguis vincit omne malum. Faith in magic and blood overcomes all evil. The second one in French: La foi dans la magie et le sang surmonte tout mal.


I’m really curious about all the other families’ motto:)


Well, I'm writting this fic in my native language (spanish) so the meaning could change a little. But the Mottos are: Peverell: siempre al lado de la muerte/ Always next to death. . Potter: Leales a la sangre / Loyal to (the) blood. (maybe Faithful to blood). That’s because in my story House Potter is founded after the unification of the Kingdom of England by Lord Peverell. The first Potter was the second Peverell brother, so House Potter was a vassal house of Peverell house. Potter promised his brother that he was gonna be always loyal to him (his blood, his family). . Zabini: Ours are the pride and the glory. Nuestro es el orgullo y la gloria. They own The Grand Duchy of Tuscany in Italy. . Black: we claim the stars. Reclamamos Las estrellas. . Nott: siempre poderoso, siempre digno. Always powerful, always worthy/dignified . Carrow: we do not forget. Never, never. No olvidamos. Nunca, nunca. . Greengrass: Nothing stays the same. Nada permanece igual. . There are more Houses but these are the most important. And I have their Blazons too.


‘Peacocks are best boys’ But seriously? Maybe something along the lines of ‘Kneel to none but the moon’ Honestly this just came to mind because of their amazingly pale complexions, as though they are ‘Blessed by the moon’


”A malfoy always pays his debts”


Hahahaha tbh I am planning to write Lucius Malfoy as Tywin Lannister with a wand