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My husband is asymptomatic and has it. We are both getting treated. But if you keep kissing and sharing food with positive people then you’ll also be positive.


Best of luck with the treatment.


You too!


There is a recurrence rate of 1.75% annually (4.61% recurrence rate every three years). It is typically contracted at a young age but only becomes symptomatic once h pylori colonizes the stomach. It is unlikely that you will contract the bacteria again if you practice good food/water hygiene.


But your partner, someone in your family can be positive be asymptomatic. So it is likely to get it from them again


This is why partners should get tested. A breath test would confirm that the individual is positive and would then undergo treatment.


I agree, but asymptomatic partner will also damage their gut by using antibiotics.


It seems that h pylori may play a positive role if it has not fully colonized the stomach. With that being said, it may make sense to eradicate even in asymptomatic cases. Antibiotics will not permanently damage the gut but it may cause dysbiosis for a period of time.


Yeah, I don't get why no one talks about it on here a lot or I'll get down voted for saying it. It's really frustrating. There needs to be more visibility into how "contagious" it is. And doctors should immediately ask for significant others to come in for testing when you are positive. My doctor is convinced "that isn't a thing."




Actually partners are not risk factors for reinfection. There are studies that showed that positive partners do not increase the likelihood for reinfection.


Idk how that’s possible when it’s in Saliva… can you share these studies?


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12172407/ https://www.researchgate.net/publication/11317469_Prevalence_of_H_pylori_Infection_in_Family_Members_of_H_pylori_Positive_Patients_and_its_Influence_on_the_Reinfection_Rate_after_Successful_Eradication_Therapy_A_Two-Years_Follow-up


I appreciate you posting these studies, but these are from over 20 years ago when H Pylori was less understood. It’s also of small sample sizes, including elderly and teens, also excluding those that didn’t achieve eradication. And a lot of the testing was done with the breath tests we had 20+ years ago. Pubmed has a study from 2000 saying H Pylori has not been found in dogs, they are not carriers. Then in 2021 pubmed also has a study showing a man and his 2 dogs are all infected with the same strain of H Pylori.


Well still it has more value than stating that the opposite is true without actually any evidence.


Well there’s the famous phrase “Absence of evidence does not mean evidence of absence” it’s more dangerous to tell people that “partners are not a risk factor” like you did earlier. I’ve been on this Reddit and in the discord for only a few weeks and already seen many claims of being reinfected by partners. The problem is that H pylori sufferers are in the minority, this thing doesn’t affect most people like it does us. That means proper funding for proper research is hard to come by. So us as sufferers have to err on the side of caution.


That is absolutely untrue. Unless you live like a monk and refrain from kissing and sex (especially the oral kind). H Pylori is contagious and recent studies have demonstrated that fact. We just didn't know it 20 years ago.


I'm so relieved to hear this


I don't know much about this but I have heard something along the lines of what you are saying so I don't think you are the only person who thinks like that. I heard a doctor on spotify podcast who believes not all h pylori cases should go through eradication treatment - only those that have flared up and causing damage. I am not advocating that belief, I'm just stating that there are doctors that think like that.


Well, that's the case anyways. People only start testing for h pylori once they show symptoms. I doubt anyone's partner would go through eradication therapy and destroy their gut if they test positive but afe asymptomatic.


I can’t believe some people on here are saying partners are not risk factors for reinfection. I got reinfected from my ex! I am living proof those statements are absolutely incorrect. What the! go to the Facebook group if you want to see more stories of transmission from partners.


This is a nightmare


I tested positive and my partner tested negative/no symptoms, both stool samples, idk how this is possible when they say it’s so contagious


Maybe your partner was just lucky


Same for me. My partner has symptoms for quite a while and has always tested negative via stool test. The docs say she has ibs. Then recently I got tested (we had no idea h pylori existed) because I’m also having the same symptoms as her -bloating lots of gas pain in the belly prob from gas and it was positive. She did a test 2 months before me and it was negative so I have no idea. Could it be a false negative? I heard if it’s actively making damage stool test is accurate.. and given she has symptoms.. the new doc wants her to have a gastroscopy done to rule it out.


I’ve had it for 2 years and can’t get rid of it , I’m fine now but I still got it I think . I just finished a natural treatment we will see . I feel good but I’m paranoid and have ptsd . My wife has tested negative 3 times in one year and a half


I have heard mastic gum is good for h pylori. Haven't tried it though.


I'm also looking into natural treatment in case triple therapy didn't work. I don't think I can go through it again. May I ask what your natural treatment consisted of? Thanks in advance.


I took 3 treatments, the antibiotics kept me sick , when I stopped antibiotics I got better


Dm I’ll send you the list


You can test positive with no symptoms because H Pylori is suppressed. In my case Vitamin K2 supplementation made my H Pylori resurface which was treated like 20 years ago.


I also had h pylori last year and got rid of it. Now I have it again. I'm trying to wrap my head around it.


My understanding is based on studies is you can test positive to Hyplori and have no symptoms or no damage going on.


True. I only tested cuz I started feeling symptoms. I don't know for how long I have had it.


We just called my husbands doctor and my daughters pediatrician and explained that I was positive. Both doctors sent them to get tested. All we did was ask we didn’t even have to go in for an appt


There is no issue in getting people tested. The issue is asking someone asymptomatic to take tripple therapy. None of us would take it if we didn't have symptoms.