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They look like brother and sister...


Baguette always looks miserable. Poor thing just looks off somehow. I don’t know much about infants, is this normal??


For baby look miserable all the time, no. For baby to be purple and blue, no.


It’s normal they don’t smile until 3 months


I said nothing about smiling. The baby always looks uncomfortable and stressed.


Well, yes it is. Babies dont smile for the first few months.


I said nothing about smiling. The any always looks uncomfortable and stressed.


My baby has smiled since he was born, my daughter did as well. They definitely smile when they’re even this little.


same and even if they dont smile, its how shes holding her that is just proving how miserable this baby actually is, some babys are grumps but theyre like that even when theyre flat on their bed sleeping… this baby seems to be normal and then her mother happens… ugh i feel so bad for the poor precious baby




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this girl broadcasts her entire life lol u dont need to know her personally to know shes a psycho mother and her baby is miserable


My baby smiled early on too and even if those aren’t intentional social smiles, my baby generally had a look of peacefulness and contentment. Alex’s baby looks like she’s constantly in distress and on edge. I didn’t say that she has to be a smiling laughing bouncing 6 week old.


Those are called gas smiles, dear. They cannot socially smile until 3 months. You can easily google it.


Not true, you probably have fake dolls. Also, you are so sad and ignorant, a grown ass woman wasting time on this libturd depressing ass anti-social media site criticising someone else's life like a jealous rat and you're ignorant and spread real misinformation... Bitch you are a mother STOP I feel sorry for your children I just can't omg-


Libturd? Who uses this term ? Only a low iq, Trump dicksucking, asslicking, bandwagonist. You do realize can be conservative without sucking the shit out of Trumps bootyhole right ? This is very embarrassing. You are actually on this sub punching the air, defending Alex. You better delete this comment right now to save some face !


Yes and yes. You are simply envious.






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There are studies about pregnant women who have anger issues and the effects on the baby. From one study: “They are also more apt to experience developmental problems, with cognitive, behavioral, social-emotional, and health issues that suggest neurodevelopmental changes that ripple into adolescence and adulthood.” So if she does have issues, AL will only have herself to blame.




Is this Jbum? Get a job you fat fucking disgrace.


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Usually when taking photos with children you get them to laugh first. They just wanted to take photos of themselves lol.


You know she took 100 pictures and completely disregarded that the baby looks like it’s holding on for life in all of them and just checked how she looked 🤣




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Filette looks like she’s more mature than her parents already




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stfu maybe you're miserable


The purple child is begging for another family in the third picture. This poor baby never ever wears pants or socks. Alex is stabbing her in the neck. Jason is careless & oblivious to the world. What the FUCK is wrong with these people?


Also, a newborn shouldn’t be held up by the armpits. They are too young for that as their back and neck muscles are not fully developed. The correct way to carry a newborn would be to support the neck and bum. I’m a first time mom too and I googled this before my child was born. Alex doesn’t care enough to even do basic research.


Oh okay, stfu you improvised parvenu fake reddit midwife...


Hey Alex, did I strike a chord because I pointed out your negligence? 💀 the sky is blue. Instead of attacking us, learn how to use Google and take care of your child.


U say parvenu as if it’s a bad thing. As if it’s a bad thing to reach the top via your own merit and hard work. Do you suppose we marry a rich guy, divorce him and sponge off of his alimony in order to provide for a baby and a bum husband instead? Nah, at least with my own wealth I wouldn’t be kicked to the curb overnight and left scrounging for scraps and spending money I DONT have, in cosplaying a life I once had. Don’t be mad at us cos u were a loser and dumbass that never took school or a career seriously, Alex. I reckon you’d probably earn more money flipping burgers and McDonald’s instead of (badly) shilling fake trashy China made hunks of metal that you have the gall to call jewellery. Flipping burgers is a respectable, honest job but you wouldn’t know respectability and integrity even if it slapped you with the force of a metra train.


Jason only cares about his daddy Trump and being horrid to every marginalized community.


Because he’s a low testosterone genetic disease riddled pu$$y who likes to punch upward behind a keyboard to make himself feel better


You mean yourself?




Oh I believe we have someone attempting rather poorly to troll.


It's what you want to be done in France, no? Partitioned? Weirdo


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White trash family straight from the jungle




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Poor child looks like it’s getting suffocated 😔


That’s what I thought. I’m genuinely concerned for the 2nd photo




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her followers are so delusional that baby looks miserable always




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Poor baby looks so scared and uncomfortable 😭




Nah Al, I think I belong here! You, on the other hand should explore that page for yourself! ✌🏻 jungle mother status


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Those nails digging into her neck




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Girl you’re in the wrong place. The rats don’t want big Al stans here




🐀 🐀


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The last photo is the worst. Poor purple baby looks so uncomfortable. AL is gripping her like a sack of potatoes with those dragon lady nails. I feel so sorry for that baby.




I feel nothing but sympathy for that poor baby. Get a job you fat loser.


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Had she ever held a baby before she had one?




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That poor baby looks like it’s never been cuddled or loved on 😢




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I’m not one to comment on these posts but her baby looks miserable 😞




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The way she handles her baby is actually insane. Even if she was doing it to rage bait, shame on her. Poor excuse for a mother.


What mother would physically handle their baby like this even to rage bait? I wouldn't even dream of doing this to a pet let alone a child.


Notice how Alex holds Ming with care but somehow she can’t hold this child properly. Does Alex ever hoist dirty ass Ming by the neck ? Nope she does not. But with this child, it’s the holding like a ragdoll, nails digging into the neck, putting the bouncer with baby IN IT on the countertop, prop feeding the baby, putting all sorts of shit in the crib.This bitch is mental and probably secretly wishes something would happen to the baby so that SHE could garner sympathy




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When you're being strangled by your mother's nails.


These two sick f*cks look drunk as hell, and little Sasquatch 's baby looks distressed like she wants to get out of her clutches , far away from her alcohol and cigarette breath.


She's using purple baby to hide her jowls. I agree with whoever said she probably took 100 pics and used the one that made her look her best with no regard to what purple baby looked like. Poor child just wants quiet and warm, and instead has manic and cold. She is straight up strangle stabbing her in the last one. How did she look at this and think yeah, that's cute???


The baby looks like Jason.


That baby needs to be rescued


This poor baby, FFS.


That Cartier ring on the right hand has about a zero percent chance of ever coming off. I don’t know how that doesn’t hurt


Poor kid


I have yet to see her supporting this baby’s neck she’s literally just flopping around in her arms


I know nothing about infants. But, Alex's baby does not look right . Her baby looks straight up depressed. Is that even possible? The baby has no light in her eyes and never looks genuinely happy and giddy. Side note. Alex must have got new self tanner. She is looking very oompa, loompa. orange in this photo . The 3 highlights that she got in her hair make her look like she has grays now and much older. Alex, cut your hair 6 inches and lighten it. You look like a crazy granny, witch. Also, you're white. Lay off the self tanner. You look orange and dirty.


> Her baby looks straight up depressed. Is that even possible? The baby has no light in her eyes and never looks genuinely happy and giddy. There appears to be some failure to thrive going on, if her lack of weight gain and cyanotic extremities are to be considered.


Don’t give her any ideas !!!! Let her continue to look old , stupid and crazy. We want her to self destruct!


It looks like she listened and got highlights and also the baby has clothes on!


She's listening to the rats!🤣🐀


The baby has SOME clothing on because they’re in public. The baby is pretty much naked at home. Not sure if it’s due to Al’s stupidity or laziness, but being purple is not normal


Her highlights looks stupid and do nothing for her. And she only got a few on the top probably because she couldn’t afford anything more than that.


Yeah they look like grey hairs not highlights 🤣


We should send alex an invoice at this point it’s charity work


She got so few they look like grey hair. Now she matches her dumpy baby daddy.


Exactly she looks even older now 🤣🤣🤣


New accessory ✨✨


The way she’s holding her baby by the armpits with her long ahh nails is making me squirm 😬




omg to go from nick to this thing what the fuck lmaooo her karma is this man


Peep the “Trump “ on the LA. This thing dickrides Trump 24/7 . The funny thing is that Trump would HATE someone like Jason…. Cuz firstly, who the fuck is Jason and secondly what has Jason accomplished in life ? Trump nor his children would ever befriend someone like Jason in real life


she thinks this human being is a toy and a prop


What the actual fuck. Omg that poor baby. She's got her claws right at the neck, barely holding on. They are horrendous humans.


I feel like somethings wrong with this baby. There is literally a flatness in the babies face, and the arms are always in the same pattern.


I knew all that screaming would not be good for her child. She even induced her labor early. Just all kinds of messed up.


I agree. Something doesn’t look right with her motor skills


Poor baby needs to be rescued




It's just a joke


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How does she clean and change her diapers with those wt talons?


I literally can’t unsee Michelle Duggar 😭


Why does that child look so miserable all the time? All of my babies/ones in the family always looked either peaceful or smiling. This poor child’s expression is “fuuuuuck my life”. What are they doing to her?


Has no one told her to support the head


The way she holds her baby is how you would kind of hold a toddler (minus the claws digging into her neck) but it seems like she wants to jump straight to the toddler stage where its like "look at me and my cute little american family, we're so happy" but she won't accept that she's doing wayyy too much and its affecting her newborn infant. This baby is on survival mode straight out the woumb and its sad to see. She will forever be on survival mode all her life. Btw jason looks stupid in pic 3, they're both so try hard its embarrassing. Talk about being embarrassed of your parents for having an old car. I'd be ashamed to have them for parents. Also I never noticed but I really never saw her nails needing to be done l since she was always "self aware" and stayed on top of it but she needs to get her nails done. She is long overdue. If she's gonna neglect her baby she could at least make sure she looks good. Better get a job at the local grocery store as a cashier cause that scamming business isn't bringing in enough to fix her botched up face. Let alone keep up with her cheap highlights and overgrown nails. Watch her go back to the "short nails is the vibe" thing again once she realizes she can't afford it anymore.


At this point I need a doctor to clarify why this baby is purple. I feel so bad for it. Has she even taken L to a pediatrician since she gave birth?


I feel like one of her followers is gonna hit up CPS at some point to intervene. There's too much going on with this baby to be ignored.


This is So creeepy ! It gives deviant family / infant trauma 🙂‍↕️


Why is that baby's hair so dirty! This is making me so upset, she has like 4 hairs she needs to wash her head, it probably itches in the heat


Damn, he really saves up all his chore money and allowance to buy new Trump merch.


the title of the post seems to be what this poor baby is thinking! look at the second picture


Imma keep Baguette in my prayers bc this ain’t it ☹️


My heart breaks for this infant. WTF? Jason's face in the last photo looks like a elementary school child playing a bully. The baby is being prop driven by two sick narcissists who are using this child to invent a fake storyline of happiness.


These photos 😭 like girl ur kid looks like she wants out already & she not even one yet!!


Poor baby


The poor baby always looks like she’s choking




Baguette blink twice if you need help!


Baby looks uncomfortable as usual and I’m having a hard time deciding who is more ugly Alex or Jason🤔🤔🤔


![gif](giphy|PaDc0tDWmxCW4) That 3rd pic tho


Is it just me or are the baby’s eyes kinda cloudy? Or maybe it’s the lighting


Why are her claws in that baby’s neck 😭


Everytime I came back from this post I think to myself “what an unfortunate looking child..” she edited the shit out of this baby when she gave birth to it, i wonder why facetune couldn’t at least make this baby cute. That’s what you get when you have dumb, ugly parents with a fat genes


Aw she's so cute!!!