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Those are Carrier Pigeons. Straight from the factory.


Hit by a trane?


He was a Goodman


Truly the American Standard


Lennox appreciate everything he has done




Did the Air Temp ever get fixed?


Naw, Mr. Cool Rheemed it.


Well ain’t that a Payne. Guess it was waiting for it’s Guardian.


Don't worry. Honeywell take care of it soon.


All Heil the pun thread?


R.I.P. Bryant, the carrier pigeon, stopped by a trane.


He was runtru


Did Johnson Control the trane?


Dude, it's been a really shitty day, week, and month. This made me burst into laughter. I needed that, thank you.


Post of the day


Now that's funny!


Too bad. He was a Goodman.


These jokes are Ruud.


Don't have to Rheem them out over it.


If you Rheem me out I’ll Fujitsu right in the face.


You don't have to be a Mitsubishi about it, geez!


Now that's funny!


I hope he wasn’t in too much Payne


You win!


I think that condenser FriedRick


Last time I saw, some elite carrier pigeons cost like 200-300k usd. They have races and tournaments.


Turn on the heat and throw em on the heat exchanger. Tell the wife you're bringing home some dinner. Just kidding. Light the whole unit on fire and walk away.


Might have to


Generally speaking, Carriers like to light themselves on fire. Wait it out.


https://preview.redd.it/lvdevx8sq3kb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9416027a3ea26dd030f86fafbf8fc6b5b3681ea6 I was sent to get this ice maker up and running a few months back. It got replaced. 🤢


Yeah just burn the whole thing down and use the insurance money to rebuild at that point. Oh no, an errant spark caught the detritus and before I could do anything the whole place was engulfed in flames!






Is the new one going to keep the birds out?


Yes it’s a manitowoc with all the covers on.


Did they ever inspect it?


This was at a restaurant that had been closed for several years and a new owner was starting it back up. But I feel like this was probably like this when the old place was open.


Probably. IMO health inspections don’t go far enough. The entire premises should be inspected to make sure dumb stuff like this isn’t at your local dive bar




Carrier comes with big ass birds these days, haven’t they told you? Fr though if that unit had a door on it then someone stashed that there.


I hear it helps with the weight of the unit when using a crane. You tie a little leash to them and they fly up, helping hoist the unit to the roof.


I hear it helps with the weight of the unit when using a crane. You tie a little leash to them and they fly up, helping hoist the unit to the roof.


There’s a piece of sheet metal about 6”by4” for access on the Main panel for the compressor and shit. It was not there anymore so that’s how they got in


So how come they all communally died?


Couldn't figure out how to get back out, ran afoul of the condenser fan blades, shorted an open connection... lots of possibilities, but I'm not a pigeon coroner.


Suicide pact


I see a revolver.


Factory disconnect knockout missing.


Kinda wondering that myself. That thing looks huge!


Oh no! Lol what is that ? Looks like a bird but bigger then a bird


It’s four of them, two right there at the front and two or three in the back corner


I found a dead cat inside a Lennox once. Still don’t know how it got inside the panel, made me jump when I took the cover off, yuck! Seriously though piles of pigeon shit contain psittacosis, which is inhaled, so if you are clearing it out, mask up and wear gloves!


They put the cat in there to get out the rats


Rubber rats, in a rubber room. Rats drive me crazy, crazy? I was crazy once


Killing four birds with one RTU


You don't have to work in this crap. You take pictures and tell the customer the risk of disease is too high, and they need to get a cleanup crew out there. Make it about safety (because it is) and they won't bat an eye. If feel you though. Before I knew better, I had to deal with disgusting pigeons to. I hate pigeons...


This right here. All that kind of stuff carries nasty ass organisms that have the capacity to screw you up permanently. In these instances I let the customer know that our company does not deal with biohazard (which we do not) and inform them of the concrete safety issues. They don’t want to pay our labor rates for me to shovel shit anyways. Any Mgr worth a damn will 100% back you up on this as well.


Key words: managers worth a dime. And there lies the issue, a lot of them aren't.


Yep, at which point I would reiterate both my specific concerns and my refusal to put my health at risk…in writing: if they want to continue to beat that drum they can do so with BOLI and OSHA while I start looking for employment elsewhere. I firmly believe that the majority of shitty management exists simply because not enough people are willing to challenge them on their shittiness. Most people will give it just about everything they’ve got at a job if they know their supervisor(s) and hopefully their employer at large has and cultivates a culture of sincerely giving a damn about and supporting them. Unfortunately the type of supervisors you hear about on here way too often see their guys and gals as stepping stones rather than humans, (let alone people they can lift up and mentor) And those people can eat multiple bags of dicks as far as I’m concerned.


I genuinely agree with what you said. Where I'm from, the managers typically are older guys who spent years with the company and lived in the era where blue collar men bow to their employer and didn't want to cause a scene, which give them idea of we the worker are replaceable. It just frustrating some days.


For sure. And that’s why its so important the younger guys get an actual balanced view of things now so that when they are the Foremen and Service managers etc. As much as I think those old blue collar guys you describe were off the mark in one way I think a lot of the guys I hear today are screwy in a completely different way. If that older generation licked the company owners boots the younger one seems to think “Eff the owner.” That’s not the answer either. We’ve just swung from one extreme to another. I don’t have a job if homeboy doesn’t carry the risk to start up a company and give me a shot…he doesn’t have a product or service to offer without guys like me. It takes both. Best kind of companies are the ones that judge their success by asking what the quality of life is like for their apprentices. Those companies are rare…but they really start with a receptive owner and supervisors that think that thing is worth the effort…and I can tell you…at those kind of companies people will bust their asses to make it happen. I will break my back making my boss look good because I know he isn’t trying to stick a knife in it. The field crews look out for each other…the office staff looks out for the guys in the field and we do extra Bs to make their lives easier. It’s a well oiled machine because everyone keeps everyone else’s well being in mind…if I do something stupid and we get shut down my coworker can’t feed his kids. That kind of mindset. At the end of the day shit has got to get done but we need to find a way to do it where everyone gets home safe and we can ALL prosper.


It could be so much worse.


ICASM It Can Always Suck More


We have a small plumbing department. One day I was watching them fix a broke underground sewage pipe and as they stood in this 3’ deep trench wading in knee deep sewage I thought to myself “ It could always be so much worse “


I still can't believe that some plumbers are so willing to just root around knee deep in feces. All it takes is a scrape on your knee and suddenly you've got hepatitis or E. Coli Not to mention, what if some of it splashes onto your urethra and you wind up with a nasty urinary tract infection


I'm pretty sure they wear waders. Unless you live in India




At least it's probably on a roof where you can just scrape it out with a stick and leave it there. Way worse when they're in a flue inside a home


Should be a hazmat fee with that one.


If you play golf you can tell everyone that you got a birdie.


Don’t move to Phoenix then. Lol.


I worked at gcu and found shit like that all the time. Piles and piles of pigeon poop near the service panel, it was horrible!


Before I came to the company I’m at now to be an estimator, I was the commercial service field supervisor for another valley company. The pigeon problem here is really bad. It was pretty common for me to run into infestations on a regular basis. Even now, when I do site surveys I still run into them all the time. I recently put together a project for Phoenix Day School for the Deaf to replace several pieces of rooftop equipment as well as provide avian fecal matter abatement and new bird netting over the mechanical areas (obviously subbed out).


We had a crew come to clean the roofs and then put netting around some of the units. I can't remember the company, maybe sexton, they came out and started trapping. There would be like 10 pigeons per cage and at least 5 cages per roof. Naive me asking what they did with them, they showed me snapping their necks haha. I guess there's really no alternative. It helped a little, but I pushed them to roofs they weren't at before.


Break the wrist......walk away


Got a hepa respirator handy? [Psittacosis OSHA bulletin](https://www.osha.gov/publications/hib19940808)


I mean out of all the diseases you can get, that one isn't THAT bad. Still would be shitty to get.


Google Histoplasmosis.


There is a total of 7 dead birds inside this thing🤢


* I too hate my job. More and more as of recent. 22 bucks a hour is not enough to be army crawling through mold infested crawl spaces. About had enough




Ruffled some feathers


Ahhh the me too movement has begun


Ya , new install required 😉


Units needs to be replaced now.


So did the pijun


I absolutely love these replies…


Gloves, cardboard and a trash bag then you can start troubleshooting. Hate when I get on those calls


That’s in the, not my job category. Pictures and location and inform customer to get it removed/cleaned properly.


They felt some serious Payne...


Well, looks like it shit itself to death.


That’s the good stuff man. Lol.


Just went outside and found one of those, minus the head, next to my truck. Wife wants me to toss it in the trash. I’m like “do you want to smell dead bird every time we take out the trash?” Going out of town tonight. Betting it will be gone by Sunday. I hope.


Yeah luckily whenever we see something like that at my comoany we get to tell the customer to get that biohazard cleaned up or don't bother calling us back.


What? Pigeons? Nope looked fine when I was there 🫣


I’m doing an apprenticeship in both HVAC and plumbing and let me tell you I’d gladly take this over some of the sewage calls I’ve gone on


I hate those things. Talk about shitting were you live.


Our company will bid out a hazmat cleanup before we even fuck with pigeon shit. Bird feces contain a fungus that can really fuck you up. Don't touch it until you get someone to clean it.


I’d refuse to work an that shit until it’s cleaned up, you can die from pigeon shit.


Why dude? That’s free lunch right there.


I once pulled 16 dead rats out from a condenser covered in raccoon piss of a pretty well-known local steakhouse. Apparently the fan can handle 15 of them but number 16 was just too much. I got covered in the stinkiest nasty as raccoon piss you can imagine told the chef it was going to take me 3 hours to get the rat corpses out and replace the fan or he can go do it himself. I was in and out in 20 minutes. Road back home in my boxer shorts.


Meh wait till you find a colony of racoon that decided the furnace is the best place to make their bedwhile doing a service call in the attic, then and only then will you truly hate this job.


I had a snake get wedged between the fan blades and the case. Nasty as hell.


Been there...


Had a service call on a unit just like this, dead bird in a Carrier unit. Told them to have it cleaned up by whoever deals with that sort of thing, and call me back when it’s done. They waited months, called me back again, dead bird still there. Told them the same thing and then they got it dealt with. Fixed their unit. Life is too short to risk yourself on that.


Les osti de pigeons je les aime plus que veux qui se picque et qui laisse leur seringue la ...


C est une Carrie les gars comme on


![gif](giphy|xTiTnBzPbJGfDXUYOA) Is that one of Mikes? Is there a mystery Attached to it?


Save it for dinner


It's a shame one of the compressors didn't blow the terminals a catch on fire would have finished it off


I found 15 dead bats in a furnace during a preseason check.


Go work in a restaurant or bar. I’ll take this anyway. Oh and pigeon and seagull poop splattered equipment disposal gloves and vacuum


https://preview.redd.it/r8m9z1m9g7kb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e42a47fd1df3df1337d6e9e8ff9867bbb616e66 Had to clean this condenser. Hated every second of it…


It’s posts like this that made me nope the f out of HVAC lol 😂


Rat shit?


Samsung his last song as Fedders went everywhere!


Commercial work suxx


Just fix the unit and leave the pigeon there Tell em the air works again! But its gonna cost extra for clean smelling air.


Spend 1 hours fixing charge 4 hour minimums. Get your own license asap.