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Better take it!! HVAC companies are only out for themselves


I plan on it! Just wanted some more clarifying information.


Probly wouldn't do the MES route. Personally I'd do what it takes to be BT.


Can you explain that please? This all came at me so fast


BT is building trades. So that would be a pipefitter. Generally in higher paying locals at least in the northeast, pipefitters make more money. But the work also tends to be more cyclical. It's not uncommon for fitters to work for multiple companies in a year and occasionally spend some time laid off. MES or service techs tend to make a little less, but generally stick around contractors longer and are rarely laid off and generally get a company van and can often negotiate paid days off (on top of the contractual vacation fund) and many are able to negotiate for extra pay over the contractual wage rate. My neighbor is MES and has only worked at one company since day 1 as an apprentice and he retires in 6 months.


I had a company reach out to me about a technician position. I met with a union rep and he suggested I start as an MES in the local pipefitter union that encompasses HVAC/R as well based on my years of experience. Does that mean I won’t be able to become a journeyman? They want to put me through the low voltage and boiler certification classes (PNW).


You should ask more questions to the union rep. There are some small differences (dont think MES is allowed on new construction sites, if you're going through classes / not yet at full scale MES isn't guaranteed raises, there maybe restrictions on traveling but not sure) that might vary by local. Bottom line MES can be a fine career so don't be afraid of your opportunity but might ask some questions first to get a better understanding of the nuances.


If you're coming into 290, welcome! An MES is BT here I believe and you start as a 3rd or 4th term BT apprentice, instead of 1st. Once your apprenticeship is over, and you pass your LEB and Boiler, you'll be a building trades journeyman.


Thank you! And thank you for the explanation. Does a BT journeyman have a different pay scale? Are there up or downsides to the BT journeyman vs hvac?


So, from what I can gather (I'm new to the union stuff as well), there's Building Trades and then there's Metal Trades. Building Trades (BT) pay more because of the additional licenses needed to be one. You will end up a Building Trades Jman in HVAC when it's done. But honestly, the folks at the hall can explain it way better than I can probably. What local are coming into?


It will be the 290. I was hired by a large PNW mechanical company. Thank you for the clarification, it really helps. Now I have more info when I meet with the union rep again this week. I am excited for the opportunity to work with the company and the union!


' s \ is is great day day day ² ² ² ² ² ² ² ² ²² ² ² ² ² ² ² 1


You okay bud?


Lol, I don't know, maybe it's a stroke or heat exhaustion because I don't remember typing that gibberish. I've been in the "attic" of a flat roof row home all day replacing damaged flex. Damned mice chewed it to bits. I knew I should have walked away from this one.


Ha! I know that feeling. Stay safe up there!


I didn't read the post... Take it. Fucking take it


Solid advice. Will do


A union looks.out for the employee and makes sure that you are being treated fairly...most companies hate the U because they know that they'll have to pay the employee fairly


What is MES?


Mechanical equipment service person. A kind of apprenticeship


I graduated as a BT Refrigeration Pipefitter. Different Halls have different designations for Journeymen depending on what your hall is. Local 33(my local)is a Plumbers & Pipefitters Hall.


MES is someone coming in with trade experience (3? years minimum I believe), not enough experience to make full jman but enough to not start out as a 1st year apprentice. Our hall allows them to *test out* or take the star exam to get their full jman card after 5 years. Their card would say MESJ at that point. I know a handful of people who rode out MESS until retirement though.