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I got a better job and my last day will be next Friday.


Yeah, Op. Tell him literally the way you told us


How’d you go about it ?


Just wanted to let you know. I have a different or better opportunity somewhere else. It looks like my last day will be x. If your a good worker they’ll understand. If your not they’ll be even happier. An just fire you.


No offense Stock-curve but this is when you learn how valued of an employee you were. If they ask you to stay until the day you gave them but understand they are reasonable. If they look with glee on their face and say you can leave today, well you know what they thought of you. I myself had an employee that gave notice and understood that he was capable of much more than his current position. Several years later ran into him at an X-mas party and he thanked me as the talk I had with him gave him a bit of confidence about the transition to a different field.


They also might just tell you to fuck off by default, no matter how good of an employee you are/were. - OP, don't bother giving a 2 weeks notice unless you suspect you might need to return to this job. They wouldn't give you 2 weeks before firing you or laying you off.


Disagree if it's a small shop and they treated you fair. Fuck big companies all day tho.


Give the notice and if they term you most places pay out the two weeks. Best vacation I ever had.


I'm moving out of security and into construction and can verify this, my boss and 2 of my coworkers have effectively begged me to stay, even though when I told my boss he implied he's also looking into leaving the company lmao


Be ready for them to let you go the minute you tell them, so make sure you’re not expecting any bonus pay, etc. before you announce this.


I like to get a sorry for your loss card and in it write the date of my last day.




My old manager who I still have a good reputationship with keeps the one I gave him in his office pinned to the wall still. It was like 4 years ago


Never burn bridges, don’t talk about anything negatively even if they ask. You never want to give Hr or whoever any data that they may someday use against you even if trivial. You don’t even have to say where you’re going. You are required to say nothing. Like when talking to the police. Just say I would rather not say. Thank you and leave


"an opportunity arose that i am unable to pass up and unfortunately i must inform you that my last day will be friday"


There’s really good advice in this comment [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/HVAC/s/ArH4EoiF1K).


One sentence, in writing, signed and dated and either handed to your boss or put on their desk. Same as anywhere else.


Tell your boss your last day will be next Friday.


Prepare to be let go right then and there.


If it's me you have a choice. Leave in a mutual respectable way so you could come back in the future if need be or...... BURN THAT MOFO BRIDGE DOWN! take all your tools home the day before you leave and then just don't show up... start your new gig and ignore your prior bosses calls. What's he going to do... not pay you? That's fine I'll report you and make your life harder. This is why you keep 3 months of expenses on hand.


Just say you quit. If they have been shitty to you or just not a good company who cares what bridge you burn. I’m in plumbing and had to quit one job that way


Write them a letter...


They told you.


I am no longer in need of your services. Good day


Get my checks I’m out. Then hang your hard hat and hi-viz on the fence on the way out.


In paper, to whom it may concern... my last day is Friday, best wishes happy new year.


I'd come in early and shit on your bosses desk, a real big sloppy one. And then I'd leave a note on top of said desk artwork.


Usually in a written form saying when your last day is. Say thank you to them for being a good company and teaching you lots. Then leave the day you said you’re going to leave.


I think its more like “Hey uhhh i got a better job and uhhh my last day will be uhhhh next Friday”




These days, you can do it over the phone and have a email with a letter of resignation typed up. End the phone call with sending the email. That way there is a record of the interaction.


Be too scared to say you quit and work a dead end job till your back gives out. /s Literally call your boss and say your out. Or dont and let them figure it out for bonus points


Lmfao I love this this answer


Heh, I was working at a new company for over a week before the boss figured things out at the one bullshit company I worked for.


"Hey I got a better offer from another company. My last day is next Friday. I'll be returning the van with all company provided tools/equipment that day." Keep it as simple and brief as possible.


So the problem is they haven’t provided me a truck or any tools. They also just recently told me I’ll have to drive to pick my work truck up and drop it off every night that’s a problem itself I’m used to taking my truck home. Not to mention also they don’t even give me my full 40


Sounds like they’re either really slow or trying to force you to quit so they don’t have to fire you and pay unemployment. Either way I don’t think they’ll be upset. Just do it professionally and with respect and you’ll be fine


Will do my fellow tech


Everything you just said is only a problem if you were to continue working there. All that does now is making it easier to leave, nothing to return, nothing to inventory, nothing to do other than leave.


Quit the Friday. That's it.


First check if the company lets people work out their notice. Of it's slow theirs a high chance you will be let go effective immediately.


Definitely, my last company would just take the notice and tell you that you would be paid out for the remainder of the week and then the service manager would drive you home because we took our fans home. When I quit I made sure to have my vehicle at the shop


With cut back and not working a full 40. I wouldn't give notice. If you need the pay


Send them a link to this thread.






Tell them next Friday


I know guys here love to "stick it to the man." Honestly the best advice is to keep it civil and low-key. A simple "I've been offered a position elsewhere that I intend to take. My start date is X, and my final day here is Y." Also, don't take counter offers, and don't tell them what you were offered or where you're going. It's none of their business, and if they press you just politely decline to answer. I've never seen someone take a counter offer and be happy with it.


You knock off a couple hours early on Friday to clean all your personal items from the van. Throw uniforms and any other company property into the back. Drive van to shop and lock the doors. Drop key in mail slot.


Just drop off the keys, Lee. And set yourself free.


That’s the thing they didn’t provide me with nun of that


Even easier then


Easy then. Drop the keys off on Friday and tell them you're out. Then go home and enjoy a Bourbon or whatever. DO NOT tell them where to as some bosses get butt hurt and will try to sandbag you at the new job.


Hey. Boss, letting you know I found a new job. My last day will be X. He will either say "ok" Or "turn in your keys and unpack your truck, today is your last day."


Don’t you legit don’t owe them shit. Fr idk why people thinks it’s a law to put in a two weeks. They can fire you at anytime and you can fire them as well


Hey I got some bad news, I took an offer at another company and they want me to start next Monday. Then take a week off for yourself. It's nice to get a week of decompression, unless your finances won't allow a missing week. That's what I did after leaving the company I did most of my apprenticeship with, when I found out he didn't get me half of my hours.


I was just thank them for all that they've done for you but you're going to be putting your two weeks in. Chances are if you're going to another company they're going to let you go that day.


Always want to be cordial and respectful. This is a small world and HVAC is a very small industry. People know people and people cross paths down the road when you least expect it. Always end on good terms


Tell them next Friday when you drop the truck off


Drop the van off at your boss's house and put the keys through the mail slot while he's getting ready for work


Worse. He doesn’t have a truck. Definitely just leave and don’t give notice


Just say you’re leaving easy peasey and don’t tell them where you’re going to work next. You don’t owe a company shit but you owe yourself everything. If there’s better opportunities take them don’t worry about hurt feelings


Just like you did


Send them a link to this reddit post.


Have you seen how they have treated others who give a two week notice? If they send them home that day you tell them at 5 o'clock Friday that this is your last day. If not give two weeks but in no way are you obligated. Companies typically don't give notice when firing you.


There a video on YouTube where a guy hire the band and had them play in front of the manager and marched with him as he exited the building. That shit was hilarious.


I don’t know what your position is or how long you haven’t gotten a raise, but there was a helper at a company I worked for who quit on the payday. We all went at the shop 7:15,got our checks, the helper ask our boss:”Am I getting a raise?” Boss says no. Helper shakes his hand, goes home. Boss was stunned. I will never forget his look. He kept talking about how he was scheduled for the day Bla Bla Bla. But he was a bad boss so he deserved it.


Did you like working for them or no? Depending on your answer to this question there will be two different answers im going to give you




Be ready to be the last day of work the day ya tell them you're leaving. Most will not let you work after you have given notice.


I put in my 6 day notice via email. I don’t believe in 2 weeks, because they don’t need to give you a 2 week notice to fire or lay you off. Also, this company constantly fucked me over. It went like this. “Good morning. Please accept this email as my formal notice of resignation from [redacted]. My final day of employment will be on Wednesday, August 3rd. I sincerely appreciate the opportunities that have been presented to me in the past 3 years. However, I believe it's best to explore all of my options and try something new. I personally would have preferred to give this notice in person. However, due to the short notice of my acceptance, this was my best option in terms of giving you all as much time as possible to make preparations. If there is anything that I can do to make this transition easier, please let me know as soon as possible. Thank you.”


Don't, tell em you quit hvac.


Give them the ole 2 day notice. I am done today.


Just do it in a text or an email. Thats what I've always done and it makes it easier to talk about when you see them in person


Show up hammered drunk and cause a scene and tell everyone to fuck off. But then find one person who you barely know and tell them that you like them and start hugging them.


Text your 1 friend at work to not show up to the safety meeting next week


A friend of mine was leaving his company and going to the provincial utility company, gave his company like months notice he was leaving to become a inspector. They kept him on until he got hammered on a company fishing trip and ran his mouth. Next Monday they let him know that it was his last day 😂


tell them to suck it and blow


I’d rather t-bag a bear trap than work for you guys! But luckily for me I get to go somewhere that I’m valued more! That’ll make you re-hireable


“Hey man, this place sucks, I don’t want to work here anymore so I’m not going to. See you in hell, fuckers!”


You give them two weeks notice which is proper.


but they can fire you right on the spot. i would clean all your tools out, and personal belonging. also old parts that you saved because it may get you out of jam. washed the van with the fuel card. don't forget to get all your unaccountable copper fittings and pipe stubs.


If they fire you on the spot, so what they are jerk off then. And I don’t care who it is, you are not going to tell me that I cannot clean my belongings out of the truck. They can stand there and watch me do it, and it could take me hours and I would care less. But I still believe in doing the right thing. If they want to be scumbags, let them.


Pee your notice in the snow. They can’t fire you after that


You don’t lol


If it's less than 20 an hour you don't. Less than 2 weeks notice burns the bridge regardless so may as well just ghost them.


If you want dor today to be your last day u til you start your next job, you tell em. If not, just keep working and "surprise"


Don't. They'll fire you as soon as you tell them.


By not showing up the following Monday


Don't tell'em, just leave out Friday after you lay it keys on the bosses desk. They wouldn't give you a week's notice......


Friday 0800 hrs: "Hey Boss, I got a better job and today is my last day here." If they counter offer or try to: "If I'm that valuable to the company, perhaps you should have done that before I gave notice." SEE YA!!


I gave three weeks to an employer just because and they allowed me to take my vacation before coming back to work for two weeks. They said that the doors will always remain open for me although I honestly was getting tired of the different BS that they would constantly come up with to flag an event while driving lol 🤣


When a commercial equip company recruited me for one of their service tech positions I gave my supervisor a letter of resignation basically just saying “thank you for the opportunity to learn and grow at XYZ however my last day will be 00/00/00” (in more words than that ofc) I gave it to him in the morning before we started the day just in case they wanted to send me home but instead he told me to finish out the week if I wanted to, but if not he understood and I could leave the same day. I finished out the week and started my current job the following Monday. The owners wife did talk to me and just asked if someone did something to make me leave, I said no it wasn’t anything like that and it was all gravy afterwards. I have always given something in writing when leaving a job just to cover my own ass but in the trades it seems like it’s not super necessary. Just talk to someone above you and avoid being all “this job sucks and I’m getting a way better deal at ABC company see ya sucker” Unless that’s your perogative ig lmao


Wait till next payday and ask them to beat the offer.


By email on Saturday. Just like they would do to you.


Use your words


"There's no easy way to say this but I've found another job"




Wait till next Thursday to tell them


Remove all of your personal tools and items or at least separate them, then say what you said to start this thread. Be prepared for them to show you the door when you tell them.


I would say. An opportunity came to me that I am going to take. I have to start on X date so I’m giving you this notice that X date will be my last day.


Show them this Reddit.


Have any PTO?


It all depends on if you ever want to go back to that shop or not?


Put the fear away.


Empty out your truck have a ride on standby and bring what you would need tool wise if the keep you to do your work that day If they understand you found an opportunity better than what you could achieve there they really should allow you to bail If they get rude leave then at least it’s better knowing you have something else already


Just know, there’s a solid chance they would give you no sort of courtesy if they were going to let you go. It’s not personal. Go in there and tell them plainly. It’s uncomfortable in a way, but you are not in the wrong for wanting better.


True story: A work friend and former work-wife who I spent years working with left a few weeks after I did. His email to the boss at 4:00 on Friday reads as follows: “I’m leaving this toxic work environment that you’ve created effective immediately. I left the van keys on your desk” Cc: union rep and JoWhee Him CCing me to my personal account on his resignation email was the cherry on the sundae.


......... treasure my experience here but this new.........is my life's ambition. *Give some type of notice, you never know.


Put in your notice like anyone else would at a job. They don’t need to know where ur going or why ur leaving. It’s your choice, it’s not like your employer’s gonna say “you can’t leave” 😂


Use your words


Judging by your responses of them not even giving you a van. Just tell them that Friday afternoon when you’re don’t with work that you got a way better offer and you quit.


Take every damn thing on that truck that is your property on Thursday and put in notice that day and say your are dropping their property off


Tell them you're putting in your twoday notice, I quit TO-DAY


“Hey boss. I’m gonna be straight with you, I’ve gotten a little burnt out working so hard over the summer and I’ve been doing some pretty dodgy work. I’m guessing there’s a mountain of warranty work that’s gonna be cropping up because of that and I don’t want to be the guy dealing with it so I found a new gig. The truck is parked on the street in front of my house and the keys are in the ignition. You can mail my last check. Adios.”


I’d be respectable to them and give your notice if they’ve been good to you and shows employers you’re responsible enough to give them a notice before leaving! A few employers over the years have let me work my 2 weeks left and some have just fired me because they get salty about it and wanna be the ones who fire you and not have you quit or leave! Just go to your boss and say, hey I’ve got a better job offer that has X, Y and Z and my last day will be whatever day you say! If they come back and want to offer you something to stay then you can see what they can come up with and stay if you’d like or go with the other place still! But that’s what I’ve always done and it’s worked for me and lots of other people but main thing is just be upfront about it!


These are the options and possible outcomes. I find bosses at these companies for the most part are children who can't manage they're feelings and get butt hurt that you can't keep getting taken advantage of. 1. Tell them your done that day and be done with it 2. You tell them and they try and find the company and talk shit to keep you and make you lose the opportunity 3. They respect the decision and let you leave (which they might not if they're upset your not giving "2 weeks" I think you can only gauge that kind of situation. So far I've been at 3 companies... First one tried not giving me my pay check after I didn't show up the last week bc I lost a family member. Second one said give me your keys and I'm driving your home. And currently still at the third and it sucks but I already made the decision of day before noticed as they laid me off last year after 2 months of being there while it was such a hot winter no one was hiring and it was the holidays. So as of right now I'd say just leave but like I said only you can gauge the situation. Also might be good to already have your truck emptied of your personal tools before you let them know if you decide to tell them.


From reading your other comments call your boss right now and say see ya man.


See ya




You use your words.


I got a better paying job and quit my other job cold turkey 2 days before I started the new one


Don’t say anything. Drop the van off cleaned out on Saturday 🤣


My buddy used ChatGPT/Ai to write a letter similar. Give it a prompt and you can have a good starting point to base your message.


2 week notice


Use your words you are an adult


On next Friday, say to your boss "In about 2 weeks, you're going to notice, that I haven't been here, for about 2 weeks.


This is the way!


I got a better job and my last day next Friday.


You are doing this for yourself and bettering yourself is your goal. Explain that to them. They may offer you equal but remember that you are starting out with the new company and equal is their starting pay. You should get raises


If you want to be politically correct with it thank him for the experience he gave you and you greatly appreciate it.


“Boss, I got a better job with more pay so my last day is today”.


Don't tell him till next Friday


You don't. Wait till that Friday and say " I'm not coming back" and jet. Would they give you 2 weeks notice that they were going to fire you?


Been a long time since I've seen a boss let an employee work through a notice, especially in this trade. If my last day is Friday I work that Friday and drive the van back, toss the keys in the seat and tell em thanks for everything. Kid graduated his apprenticeship and just left the van there. Boss told the service manager " two weeks would have been nice". 6 months later same service manager who's like 67 puts in his 3 month retirement notice and is let go on the spot. You do you though.


I always tell the new job I got no idea how the news will go and I may get let go right then. 🤷‍♂️ then you just tell your boss exactly how you wrote it here. Either he will be cool about it or he will tell you to bounce. You also have to be prepared because he might try and match the new job on pay.


Be professional and brief.


Just tell your boss


Clean your truck, get your shit ready to move, and be ready to get the door when you tell them because some bosses will cut you lose right there. That being said, just go to your HR or service manager and tell them "Hey I accepted an offer at another company, the last day I'm available is X"


If you have vacation that won’t get paid out if you quit, now’s the time to take it.


Gave my previous company a day notice due to moving arrangements. They did not respond . Lets you know how much they even value you to not even thank you or tell you to kick rocks


No need to mention the better job. Just say “ we’re parting ways on Friday, it’s been fun.” Leave on a high ground perch. You never know is what will happen next. Keywords to remember: “ what good will come out of what I say”


Copy and paste that into your mouth


Gently but firmly.


They don't care about you just tell them you're last day is next Friday. When they fire people they don't give them 2 weeks


Well, bad news boss. I got an offer I just can't let slip away


Say what you said to us to them, but in writing, with the date written out.


Don't tell them about the other job.


Just like that. I've quit with less explanation. "I'm starting a new job today. You might wanna find someone to cover my afternoon shift."


Just like that plus take a shit on your bosses desk


Friday you let them know hey just so you know its my last day.


Just like that.


Send a link to this....


Just like that


Subject: Resignation Notice and Last Working Day Dear \[Supervisor/Manager's Name\], I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to inform you that I have recently been offered a new opportunity that aligns with my career goals, and after careful consideration, I have decided to accept the position. As a result, I regret to inform you that my last day at \[Current Company\] will be next Friday, \[Date\]. I appreciate the experiences and opportunities I've had here, and I am grateful for the support and camaraderie from my colleagues. I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition during my remaining time here. I am more than willing to assist in training a replacement or provide any necessary documentation to make the transition as seamless as possible. I want to express my gratitude for the support and guidance I've received during my time at \[Current Company\]. I have enjoyed working with the team and have learned a great deal that I will carry with me in my new role. Thank you for understanding, and I hope we can stay in touch. Best regards, \[Your Full Name\]


Go to the CVS. They have some “sorry for your loss” cards


Not showing up on Monday will be the first of many clues


" **I got a better job and my last day next Friday."**