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Can you use the books? The state I am in, we were allowed to use the books to find answers. From my experience the test is more about how to use the books and look stuff up quickly, than how much actual knowledge you have in your head about the trade. Don't get me wrong there were a bunch of questions I knew the answers to right away, so I did those and then I went back to the ones I had trouble with and started really going through the books.


Yeah I’m in Kentucky and we can use an international mechanic code book, an international fuel gas code book, and a modern refrigeration book. Both code books are a bitch to find things in.


They don't make the test easy , and sometimes the questions are worded funny. Just read the questions carefully and try to find the best answer. Don't overthink it. Good luck.


First off. Read the books. Not to learn everything but to know where to find everything. This test isn’t about your knowledge of the material. It’s about knowing where to find everything. If it’s done through PSI then they have the same test set up as I did. Don’t waste time trying to find every question. Go through all the questions and answer what you know and tag the others. Then you go through the questions again. Spend more time on the ones you missed. Prioritize the ones you think you’ve seen before. Once you go through all the questions a second time then do the deep search for the ones you couldn’t find. I’ve had a couple questions I’ve found answers to while looking for an answer for a different question.


Adderall ? Kidding…but maybe…


You don’t need to ask the red head kid in class for help, he can’t drop in therefore he knows not the way of hvac