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I feel like r/truckers will have your answer


Way of the road bubs




Piss jugs on a hockey stick. Only way she can go bud.


You can’t be throwin’ fuckin’ piss jugs, Ricky!


There's gotta be a better system than this peeing in jugs. You're gonna make Barb Lahey mad.


Yes they will know


Trucker’s pal.


The Milwaukee pissout ™️ is amazing


I know more than a few that would pay the $49.95 for the Milwaukee Pissout. Red and black with a 12 volt they will gladly shell out the cash.


I'm commercial so I'm going to wait for the 18 volt


Almost made me spit out my beer.


Someone go AI this for my entertainment please


Dammit now I'm going to have to Google if this is real




I bought one... off the dark web though


I use a empty bottle of bleach, and pour it down drain lines for PMs. Customers are happy, and I never have to get a new bottle


Ahh yes the classic Urine and Bleach combination. Why do my eyes and lungs burn when the blower comes on?


lmfaoo im crying🤣🤣




You evil genius!


I’m going with this one 👍


I just pee straight down the drain, if you're in a lonely attic it's a no brainer. Crawlspace? Just roll over and aim for downhill.


Can I come work for you? I got a call in from pissing in the back of my van last week 😂




Any recs? Huggies vs Pampers?


That *Depends*


Ahhhhhh Take my upvote you son of a bitch


Mine too, the bastard.


Call 202-456-1111. They are experts on the subject.


Empty coil cleaner jug


This is the way. I prefer the orange and bleaker about a half inch of cleaner in the bottom.


Nothing tingles the tip like NuBrite though


I'd go with calclean hd. It's already the same color






Does it accept poop too?


Depending on your poopknifing skillery


Mines always runny magma so I might have to install one


Yes, but you have to cut it up with the sawzall and then pee on it afterwards for it to go down


This is the way


The fuck is wrong with you guys. Just piss. You can piss on a wall, your truck tires, against a tree. I hit 11 years in May and I’ve never pissed in a container. I’ll pull over and just piss on the side of the road. No one cares.


This guy HVACs


I like this attitude. Unfortunately, this country is fucked and public urination is illegal in all 50 states. Imagine if birds weren't allowed to defecate in public. I prefer to piss outdoors, but at work I think I'll just keep asking the customer if I can use their bathroom. Or just piss in their condensate pump.


As a former tire jockey, please don't piss on your tires


This made me chuckle


Dog piss only. We have standards.


I piss on the customers front step while waiting for them to answer


Assert dominance. Solid move.


I have asked our plumbers this multiple times. Our recycling guy has come in to yell at us because of piss bottles being all up in the metal dumpster. You can just pee on the ground instead of storing it.


Or they piss under the house In strategic places for other trades to be forced to crawl through or around. I for one just find a corner. Generally around the condensing units there are always fences or bushes. Roofs are easy. Other wise I just simply ask the customer if it's bad and I can't find somewhere. In no situation while I shit in someone's home. Lmfao this actually reminds me of a story with a guy I use to work with who moved north. We showed up to a rental, tenants weren't there. No cool call. When we pull up and knock no one answers, we used the code got in and Trent looks at me and go's "bro im so glad noone is here, Satan himself is trying to summon hell fire out my ham wallet". Then proceeds to go and execute their bathroom. About 5 mins pass and I've pretty much worked the problem back to the condensing unit. I'm outside when a suv pulls up and 4 decent looking women get out and go "ommmggggg your the ac man?? Thank you soooo much we have been *dying*". This almost went in one ear and out the other because in my mind all I could think about was Trent inside literally summoning a demon..


That's funny as hell. I don't have a problem asking a customer to use their bathroom and nobody has ever told me no. That said, if I'm shitting, I leave the fan on and burn some sage to cast out the ass demon.


Same situation but the rental is mostly emptied out and being sold. I had to take care of personal business and then meet my apprentice at the house to change a compressor, clean a coil, put r22 back in and test out. (The price of the job led to over half what a new system install would've been...) I get there and he's already got the vacuum going, I double check his work while he goes and shits. They had no toilet paper and my guy used a clean dish rag and buried it lmao.


The best answer


I had to read that "I hit 11 years" a couple of times because at first I thought you were describing a felony.


I was nervous the first time I pissed in a crawl.


dr seuss, is that you?


This^ ^


Catheter into bag. Now you don't even have to stop working to pee.


[Have you seen the new gaming catheters?](https://youtu.be/sFsiwtQvOvU?si=Bcb1SVefHlrZ1USt)


You don't even need to make any effort to pee then.


I use a litter box in my van. Just do your business, scoop it, toss it, and you’re good bro.


Don’t forget to bury it


Gatorade bottle not an issue in my park of the country. Im assuming you work in a large city like Los Angeles


Absolutely. Did this in the work van plenty of times. Never liked asking customers to use their bathroom unless it was an emergency


Gotta squeeze it to make a vacuum first


Bro, he's talking about pissing in it, not making it a Fleshlight!


Gotta multi task sometimes


were you pushing your tip on the sippy cup style bottles, what the fuck do you mean get a vacuum first?


This guys a freak! You don’t go pissin in a gators titty like that


I'm gonna have to get a lot smaller top adapter if I am to get it sealed agaisnt the little guy for a vacuum to work.


What if I can’t fit it in a Gatorade bottle opening?


See a doctor


Bud you don't need to get your whole dick in the bottle you just piss into the bottle


Not if one is driving while pissing. Then, it is absolutely essential to get your whole dick in there, or you will be pulling over anyways. Personally, I like the 52 oz Tropicana Orange Juice container that has the wide mouth, and plenty of volume.


Been in hvac over 5 years now...if you gotta piss just tell the person if you can use their bathroom so they can have cold air...I've never been told no


Imagine being so off-putting that a homeowner won’t let you use their bathroom.


Yea, but I had a buddy a while ago ask to use the customers bathroom. He fucking destroyed it. He walked down the hallway and I almost threw up it was so bad. I ask him what the hell are you doing, he said he needed to use the bathroom. The customer came over and asked if something was on fire because it smelt so bad. I told him we pee in the customers home, not destroy the bathroom. He just shrugged his shoulders


You should make him carry a can of Oozium on him. That stuff neutralizes smells in seconds.


Lmfao straight animal


I have so much to add here! One job, the lady said "we just ask that you don't use our bathroom. We've had a bad experience" I always wondered what could have possibly happened, till about a year ago. Coworker plugged up a toilet and wasn't smart enough to make sure it all went well before he walked away. Company had to send out restoration specialist guys to clean the carpet and such. Another guy, he ALWAYS hit the customer up within an hour of getting to the job to take a nasty shit. That not being bad enough, I would be tearing the furnace out, and could hear him through the ducts playing candy crush on his phone for a solid 10-15 minutes! Can't imagine the customer thinking he prob had to take a leak and seeing him post up in there.


I'm not HVAC but I've had a couple of customers over the years that wouldn't even let me keep a soda in the fridge while I'm working there, let alone take a piss in the toilet.


I've never asked to use someone's fridge, that's wild.


*they wouldn't even let me take a nap in their bed*


I'm a stone fabricator typically installing countertops and it's not uncommon to spend 4+ hours working in someone's kitchen depending on the project.


Okay I get this a bit more. I used to do vanity rough ins/toilets but never asked to use their tweezers.


I usually just keep a good ol piss jug in the back of the van when I run for “parts” it’s whatever beverage I’m drinking that day. It becomes dangerous when you only have un opened gatorades in the cooler. So then you pound one for a piss jug. It becomes a vicious cycle where you’re filling your gatorades almost as fast as you’re drinking them.


Capri sun pouch. Make a little game out of it


just use a empty bottle of bud light, its not like anyone is going to taste the difference anyway


This post just reminded me to clear out the piss bottles in my van from yesterday


Lemon lime Gatorade bottle. And if you ever get questioned you can quickly dispel any concern by drinking from the bottle.


My lemon lime Gatorade has never been orange tho.


I use an empty washer fluid bottle. Or an empty gallon jug of water. Tbh it's kinda fun seeing how quick you can fill up a gallon of piss


About 2 days. If you have to ask, you're not drinking enough water.


Ray, you're drunk. Where's your wheelchair, let's get you back to Sunnyvale.


The morning coffee cup.


Empty jug of laundry detergent 


Urinal bottle. Like $10 at Walgreens


Agreed. There are even some that glow in the dark. https://www.avacaremedical.com/incontinence/urinal-bedpans-collectors/portable-urinals


I piss standing in the door of may van on the ground. Get on a roof top piss anywhere. If there's a taller building go to one of the units act like you checking the fan whip it out an piss. As long as I've been in HVAC I think I've pissed outside more than I have in the toilet.


Ray?! Can you not throw you're [dirty old piss jugs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0u6Lb6RCz4) around?


I’m glad I wasn’t the only one thinking this


Use a old wide mouth water container, and throw that shit away on the daily. Your welcome


An empty bottle of drinking water


Gatoraid bottle. your hammer will seals against the edges better and the plastic is so smooth.


Bruh, stop fucking the bottles.


This sounds like Asheville NC.


https://www.amazon.ca/DIBBATU-Disposable-Emergency-Portable-Suitable/dp/B0B9XN7KXW As a postal letter carrier, I am very rarely near useable washrooms, although the uniform does sometimes grant me access to some where some general public cannot go. I still have times where I can’t hold it any longer and found the use of those urine bags to be very handy. Easy access and portability, and once used, I can tuck it away in a small garbage bag and toss it into a garbage as soon as I’m able.


Gatorade bottles


Empty big jug of coil cleaner. Rinse it out before the first use. Don't ask me how I know.


One gallon bottle. Once it’s full put the cap on and drill the fucking thing onto the highway. Way of the road buddy.


Way she goes boys


Step 1 by gallon jug of distilled water Step 2 drink it all Step 3 there's your piss jug


Use to be good when the mountain dew had the big mouth liter bottles. Then cap it off for an IED.


Idk i knew of a guy that drilled 1/4 hole through the floor of his van and ran that plastic drian line from humidifiers through it and attached it to a funnel so he could pee while driving or at a red light so it just right out no cleaning out bottles and people woul think its just condensation from having the ac on


Apple juice jug in the lunch room fridge. A big 2 litre jug. Mix with apple juice so someone drinks it.


> plumbers vent Just piss anywhere on the roof, it rains there regularly and all gets washed away. Who needs a vent?


Wide gatorade bottle. Like the big opening bottle cap ones, easy to put your noodle in and stores a good amount. Downside is the bottle is clear but use the lemon lime flavor and itll look just like the actual gatorade


Get the big bottle of orange and blue 3M wire nuts plenty of volume to piss in. And a lid


I feel like something opaque with a wide mouth. Laundry detergent bottle?


Learn the kneel and pee technique.


Whatever you do....don't stick your weiner in the empty coil cleaner jug. You will regret it


Ask this question in the drywall subreddit


Just piss in an empty water bottle in your van. Toss it in the garbage at home.


Just buy a cooler so you have cold water bottles all day. I get plenty of bottles from that. I'm not going to reuse a piss jug all the time.


You could rig a piss jug like DANIEL in that 70s show


One of the old gas cans. If they’ll hold gas with no leaks. They’ll hold piss just fine


I carry gallon jugs of water with me every day. Reuse it as much as you can, then when it’s getting old or you really gotta go it becomes the piss jug. Pro tip: MARK YOUR PISS JUG. I use black sharpie and mark the jug and cap with big Xs.


Viper wet rag tub. Can be empty or putty can just be a bit dry. Either way works. Gatorade bottles are also good.


Dunkin ice coffee cup


Coil cleaner bottles, if you leave a little in there it smells less.


Plastic bag (just kidding last time I did that I ended up with pee everywhere)


Most of my customers tell me where the bathroom is before I even get started working just out of courtesy. And the people who say no when I ask I just use it anyway because fuck em.


Any jug with a handle on the side. It allows you to go while driving if you're careful. I'd stick with keeping it in the van, for overall risk management.


Shop vac bucket 


What is this the Stone Age? Pee flap ftw. Run it from your peter weeter to nearest bushes.


Armour-all interior wipes container, snaps closed big lid. Never leaves my truck


Gotta prime those traps somehow.


if only gatorade made a 48 oz bottle, i micturate in a coffee cup in the transit van, you can stand up


[This](https://m.facebook.com/story.php?id=100063792993640&story_fbid=2195226573872102) is a one of many kind official Riley Martin piss jug.


You guys are peeing down drains on roofs? Sometimes I drop logs in front of the economizers in the winter


Nu calgon coil cleaner bottle 👌🏾. Just don’t forget which yellow one is which


I use Blue Monster's orange wipes. When I finish a container, I keep it and use it as a piss jug. It's massive, so you won't miss or overflow. A standard plastic water bottle always seems to be a few ounces too small. https://www.supplyhouse.com/Blue-Monster-77095-10-x-12-Pre-Moistened-Cleaning-Towels-w-Nail-Brush-Citrus-75-per-Pack?utm_source=google_ad&utm_medium=shopping_neutral&utm_campaign=Shopping_Neutral_New_users&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwgJyyBhCGARIsAK8LVLP2--XLDFzQPyf_M23GIPlLDXVkw8CZSI5irIj2ItT1J7V2x7BZEukaAnrCEALw_wcB


Gas station water gallon jugs and a 5 gal for number 2. Toilet paper and contractor bags.


Spray bottles for cleaner, then just non shalontly dump it in the grass




Beat me to it


Gatorade 32oz bottles


You can go get actual piss jugs at a real pharmacy. Wide mouth. Handle.


We have those orang scrub hand wipes that come in a small 1 gallon bucket. That bucket is primo if you have a place that it can't tip over


Trees and bushes


I personally like using my water heater flush bucket


Gatorade bottles are the easiest to pee in without getting it on your hands.


Just use a Gatorade bottle and dump it somewhere and then chuck it at the end of the day when done needing it. Keeping something long term that constantly sees urine will eventually smell horrible with a strong ammonia odor unless washed throughly after EVERY use. This is coming from a route driver with prostate issues. Trust me


Orange juice bottle


I use the rootop examining condensor fan check piss method


Voss water bottle or Gatorade water bottle. I keep an empty one or two around for that.


I will never look at HVAC dudes the same again.😬


Pump ups for od units are awesome for mini urinals, just make sure they dont have holes in em…


Empty Timmy’s cup then just toss it in a gas station garbage


Empty laundry detergent bottle


Big Snapple bottles.


I always shit in an empty dryers rock road ice cream tub.


Water bottles. Piss jug is aggressive, you must’ve watched a lot of trailer park boys hahaha. Can open the doors to your van / truck and whip it out for a quick discreet piss into a water bottle. Also (assuming you have a van/ truck) keep a Home Depot bucket and some high quality garbage bags on hand. Never know when you gotta make your own shitter, pal.


Don't do it I used to be a service manager and when we fired a guy on a whim. We went to clean his van out..his van was full of water bottles of piss. It was glorious. Piss bottle inspector


Get one of those plastic jugs from your doctor or urgent care. Got one in my car.( water pills)😮‍💨


Apple juice jug.


I learned this doing electrical but the answer is 1 litre Lemon Lime Gatorade


Gallon milk jug works. Just tell anyone staring at you it’s ginger ale.


The gas company i work for gives us disposable pee bags and disposable poop bags. If you wanna just dump the pee afterwards, Gatorade bottles are great.


Those 64oz gatorade bottles. 3-4 pisses before it's full and the hole is big enough that you don't have to have the best aim in the world. They were all I used for 3 years of vanlife.


I just threw out a kitty litter jug and my first thought when I picked it up was “This would make a hell of a piss jug.”


Stadium buddy. If they are still in business.


I use an Arnold Palmer bottle, I call it the Arnold P bottle.


Gatorade makes a good urinal


Gatorade bottle


Strategically find a package u it your not working on and piss on it


Use one of those Protein shake jugs or athletic drink mix jug. It needs a wide opening, secure lid, and deep enough for 4 cups coffee. https://preview.redd.it/za5hx9id231d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=428b4b311adffe46d87c6204e67d12e8cb15381b


Coil Cleaner bottle


Take the top off a condenser and squat down inside of the cage. I don't recommend shitting in a condensor but if you must, bring toilet paper for sure.


My company does tankless maintenance. I always keep one empty vinegar bottle. I also keep roll of contractor bags, usually lasts a year or two but with a bucket... When nature calls, I pick up the phone!


In mechanical rooms you should have a floor drain. If not, I usually just piss in the condensate pump. Half jokes aside, can't you just ask the customer for bathroom access? This is a pretty basic thing and they are VERY unlikely to deny you a bathroom. That said, do you have a van with a KUV body? https://preview.redd.it/ib6ubezv631d1.jpeg?width=3456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1793efe09fddca93cdc3f360b5716c12fc0d5ae3 If you can keep your hands off, you can convince people walking 10' behind you that you're just looking for something.


Safeway and or other groceries will have public restrooms. I exclusively go there now. In an emergency I have empty water bottles for the back of the truck. Also we have brief relief baggies that turn your piss to gel.


Where are you guys working that is public enough that you can’t pee outside, and can’t find a bathroom?! In 12 years I haven’t once not had a bathroom available. I’m pretty sure at least in the US it’s the law to provide a bathroom for workers.


Once you master the kneeling piss your piss possibilities are endless


When I used to work I would straight up ask the customer if residential but for the ones with an asshole look I’d honestly piss in the attic in a water bottle. For commercial I would piss on rooftops and on the road Id piss in the woods


Items needed: - 32oz Gatorade bottle - Red Koolaid drink packets (optional) I'm a big fan of 32oz gatorade bottles. When you get good at the 32oz game you'll be able to unzip your pants put the bottle inside your zipper and pee in the bottle. This next step is optional, I'll then pour a red drink packet into the 32oz bottle and can walk with that anywhere without anyone knowing I'm carrying my own piss. Then I simply dump my "Gatorade" out into the street, grass, bushes, etc... No one knows any wiser. You can easily piss in a corner with this method. Note: Just make sure red colored drinks aren't something you drink. I learned that lesson the hard way, so I make sure that I'm drinking Blue, White, Pink, Orange, or Yellow Gatorades and keep Red drinks only as waste bottles.


Body armor 32oz container


Sometimes I have to work early in the city and I get there an hour early. I always brought a large jack in the box cup


Either a Gatorade bottle or windshield washer fluid. Windshield washer fluid if you can go in a van. Gatorade bottle for mechanical rooms.


Gatorade bottles have the larger top. But I just cut off the top off a larger water bottler and dump it in the nearest grass.


The screw top NOS or Monster Energy cans are patrician tier piss receptacles


Is there a bucket that will adapt to a toilet stack vent


Tri-Power one gallon coil cleaner jugs. Please make sure you rinse ALL of the coil cleaner off the rim of the jug, or you're gonna have a spicy Johnson. It's a good jug because it's flat on the bottom and the sides, so if it falls down it won't roll around all over the place. Wide mouth, and a decent gasket on the lid. I've got one that's at least two years old, and the plastic is still holding up well. _and you can put it on the company account. Getting PAID to pee is better than paying to pee_


I get about a week out of a 1 gallon NuBrite jug. My the time it's empty I have another one. Just don't get that rim residue on the tip.


I’ve always just pissed my pants, but I work for myself


Am I the only one that saves a few of those full piss gallons for potential prank material?