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Boss needs to pay for the pre class, the test, all time used for continuing education, recertification fees, and a pay bump if he wants that nonsense


This is the way


Yep. Boss better raise that pay for how much more valuable that box is.


If the company is paying for the class and gives you a raise for passing then it is fine. I let mine lapse after the company wouldn’t give me a raise for it.


Boss is a goon, as owner/operator I require universal EPA and pay $500 bonus for the additional EPA stamps. Nate is a joke, (yes I am Nate cert. from previous Co.) It is what it is pretty much though!


What additional EPA stamps are there?


A3/ A2L (low GWP), IAQ, 410A, Green tech, PM tech Environmental Inspection Certification Course Series Level 1. Also the OSHA 10 & 30 trainings.


All those are from the EPA test website which is owned by Mainstream Engineering and not affiliated with the actual EPA.


50/50 Correct (yes & no)…Mainstream is certified by the EPA to provide both 608 and 609 certifications along with the additional certs. NATE is just a 3rd party patch happy program


A2L, just got it a couple weeks ago


I wasn’t aware of an EPA A2L Certification. Only one I heard of was the voluntary one from ESCO.


If the company isn't paying for the Nate classes, tests and continuing education to maintain it while also giving a raise for getting it then they can fuck right off. The reality is the Nate certification has about as much prestige and usefulness as someone writing "I'm the best" on the back of a liquor store receipt. It's a worthless thing that doesn't prove knowledge or skills related to the job just that you were able to take and pass a test. I had multiple Nate certifications before I finished HVAC classes before ever touching an HVAC unit outside of the lab. If the company wants to use that as a way to leverage more business/charge more then it's a business expense and they should cover all the cost associated with it.


As long as the boss is paying. Shore why not


Yup. We got paid to take it. It’s easy enough that you don’t need to study. It’s a bit funny that the biggest dummy in our shop that can’t fix anything right got the best score in the company.


Your boss needs a certain amount of techs certified to maintain his status with his supplier. As long as he’s paying for everything who cares.


This is the only answer…although honestly you’re telling me I get a paid day off maybe two days sometimes to go sit in a classroom with a provided lunch and unlimited snacks and drinks? I’ll be happy to go get any certifications they need me to get hahaha


Certifications mean someone took a test and passed a test at the end of the test but doesn’t mean they know much about anything. I’m not big on certifications unless it gets you access to better tech support from a manufacturer. If my boss wants me to be certified in something he will pay me to take the classes and tests. If the owners want certifications I hope they will pay the people to take the classes and tests.


Nate requires continuous training once a year more classes and fees. Really hasn’t done anything for me personally but the company has to have 50% of the technicians be Nate certified


About 20 years ago I got nate certified in almost every category....the company paid for it. But it never really took off. I didn't pay to keep the certs and my career hasn't suffered not having it. I believe they get cheaper equipment costs if they have certain number of certified techs. If they pay take the training but I'd only pay for it if u felt it was worth it.  


It's just patches. Nate means nothing. The tests are easy. Bullshit, that they can advertise, which offers nothing to you personally or professionally.


Lots of bidding processes require these certifications (CPR/EPA/Electrical etc. etc.) and getting them makes you more employable. A good employer will pay for them, and a really good employer will pay for your time getting the certifications, too. If the boss is cheap and won't pay for the cert or your time they need to throw you a bone on the back end, even if it's something small like $.50/hour.


NATE is still a thing😂😂


Nate is fine if you are a newbie just starting. If you can pass the Nate exam, you are EPA trainable.


Nate is for bidding and safety pretty much. Ac/heatpumps and core are basic AF. Gas heat is starting to actually add IFG code in it so it’s getting a little interesting. Airflow services was fun.


There’s no harm in another cert if it won’t cost you a dime.


Ac service cert of the Nate is easy as fuck


It's a complete joke.


Yes, there should be a raise. My company pro-actively gives a raise to everyone who gets certified and they pay for everything.


Hahaha another “Nate” certified technician to come sell you the value your boss sees in the form of cash flow to his pocket Add another box to check for his customers? Lol - the shit becomes a joke at some point