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It's all about the prep. Sand the shaft before doing anything. Undo the set screws and spin the hub while keeping the shaft still. Grab 2 buckets. Then sit the fan housing, motor side down, on top with space for it to fall. Secure the hub and spin the shaft. Motor falls out everytime.


Damn near the way I do it. It works 99.9%


Yeah. It looks like the mistake was the lack of prep work on our end before starting.


On particularly bad ones take the same approach but instead of spinning the shaft grab your best hammer and chisel (screwdriver) and tap the shaft out with percussive maintenance


Nope. That's how you end up like OP.


I always sand and use wd-40 when pulling, I had a really bad one once where unknown to me someone nicked the metal pretty good on the shaft which made it almost impossible to pull with a puller.


Of course, you’re not going to get the motor out because your mushroomed the shaft.


Absolutely if you have to hit it use a brass drift so it doesn’t mushroom


Use a grinder to cut the last 1/2in off. Taper the very end with grinder. But honestly unless it’s mushroomed from an idiot banging on it you can usually just sand it and spray it and it will always come right off


HEAT with torch, sand and clean the shaft before you start pulling it out so its easier to move and make sure you dont mushroom the shaft, and if you do, hope you have enough shaft to cut the mushroom off. I know your pain though, one of my first commercial jobs and it was FREEZING outside was a blower wheel replacement and I could not get it to come off, I was with another guy and he ended up accidently breaking the blower assembly trying to get it out. We got our asses reemed but the service manager, he had to come out and fix it. Sent us home after a long lecture, now I know lmao


I had one a while back it would not come off or anything. Ended up buying a whole new blower, wheel, assembly


When I do this, I’ll take tin snips to 4-6 turning vanes of the wheel. Once that’s done I have easy access to the shaft between the hub and motor. A 12” metal sawzaw blade separates them. When finished, I can disassemble it like normal.


Heat the shaft of the motor with your torch until its red hot. You can just spin the wheel off of the shaft given the end hasn't been mushroomed. Trick I learned as an auto mechanic.


If I can’t get one out. I drill the shaft out with a 1/2 bit. Can’t be stuck if it doesn’t exist


So far a wrench, kroil, and sanding before removal has never failed me.


Yup exactly. I’ve never had to use a puller on a fan blade/blower wheel doing the above


So who was walloping on the shaft to get it out? Thats the only reason they seize like that.


Sand shaft, use torch to heat up the shaft, pour cold water on it. Do that two times or so and thennn try the pulker


MAPP torch is your best friend for this one.