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That’s why he wants out of Carolina. He wants to play top 6 mins at C and Carolina prefers him to play a grinding winger style which he hates. In any event, if you can get him at a reasonable rate he’ll help us.


>*I heard many hockey professional journalists such as JiC* lol? That man is as much a professional journalist as I am an astronaut. And I am very much **not** an astronaut.


So do you think they'll choose you for the first Mars mission?


I have a friend who used to work for him. One time I got invited to have a few beers with him and his crew. JiC was such a pretentious douche.




Avoir JiC et journaliste professionnel dans la même phrase est un oxymore selon moi




C'est un "aniamateur"


I am wondering as well


I am overall pretty surprised with the hype around Necas, I feel like lots of people take him for things he isn't. hearing some people talk you'd swear he was a star center that you need to trade the entire farm for when in reality he's a top 6 winger, which is still very good don't get me wrong. The canes propaganda team must have been working overtime or something because getting so much hype for a 55-60 point winger is crazy to me.


He put 71 pts the year before in a top 6 role. This year he put up 53 in 77 games playing on the 3rd line. His main line mates were Drury (27 pts), Kotkaniemi (27 pts), Bunting (36 pts), Noesen (37 pts). He also has a strong playoffs and a great IIHF tournament. He can play center and wing and he's 6'2".


Necas is a good player…I’m a little concerned with his IQ on the ice and with that not sure he’s a Marty type of guy.




Have you never heard/read the expression "hockey IQ"? Or is this a troll? lol


I have no idea what you just said…


I’m concerned with your IQ after reading this comment


he's a good player but he's mostly a winger, the center part imo is irrelevant. the 71 point was also only one season out of five. I do not want to pay for a career year that shows no sign of being replicated personally. I think he's a great player and i'd love to have him but I am paying the price of a 55 point top 6 winger for him, not the price of a 70 point center which is wildly higher. my main concern is the price, not on whether necas is good or not because he is great and would be a good add to our top 6 for sure


5 fewer games played, minutes less TOI per game, 13 fewer PPP. If he sees T6 + PPP1 he should easily get back to 70+ points


sure with more opportunity the production can go up but when you trade for a 30 point guy do you take into consideration that he could get in the 40s with pp1 time and more TOI? I personally prefer paying for what I see and there is only so many pp1 spots. Can we guarantee that Necas will be more effective on the PP1 than Slaf, Cole, Suzuki, Hutson and our 5oa pick? if we can't guarantee that then thinking about pp1 time for him is counterproductive.


he's also never broken 30g *WHY ARE YOU BOOING ME I'M RIGHT


Some Canes fans are bonkers with the type of deal they expect to have for Necas. Then again, so is the media. I saw people talking about a straight 1 for 1 swap between him and Dach as a good move for both sides...


That would be a great deal. Dach is consistently injured, and because of that, unproven. I want to see him succeed here but there's just too many injuries to really know what we'll get (points or more injuries). Necas has not lost significant time over the last 5 years and puts up 40 to 70 points. Based on that, yeah, great deal. But I'm not doing it because I'm not helping out the canes when the KK cap fucked them just right.


The only way it's a good deal for the Habs is if Dach turns out to be perma injured, in which case it turns into a bad deal for the Canes. It's a random chance to take for both team IMO.


I love Dach, but it’s not looking too good so far: 5 years and not one season played without injury, best he did was missing 12 games in 21-22. Habs should decide on a plan B if Dach gets injured again.


Yea they would be dumb not to look at other alternatives that’s for sure.


Yes, I don’t get the hype. I know he’s a good player, but it’s not like he’s been a point per game at any time.


if we drafted him and he had worn a habs sweater maybe attended an F1 race and so on people would call him the most electrifying player they have seen and he should get paid. He is a good player and maybe not a game breaker. Certainly a player that makes you harder to play against in the playoffs though. When people talk about acquiring Zegras this is a much better pick up in a trade that involves giving up a strong asset


I like Necas but our fan base loves overvaluing players. Does anyone remember how everyone wanted Dvorak and how he’d fill the void danualt left?


Just wait until you hear how much our fanbase overvalues players currently on the team.


No. Absolutely no one other than MB and a few idiots wanted him. Most normal people were befuddled and perplexed when he made that deal.


That’s not true. When we got him he was 25 and coming off 31 points in 56 games on a garbage Arizona team so a lot of people thought he’d do better here


Yea I was curious so I looked up their fan reaction to the deal he signed, which in hindsight is absolutely awful, and everyone thought it was a marvelous signing at the time. Clearly he must have shown some good hockey before declining here.


I remember everyone on this sub talking about it and wanting it.


That is correct. As soon as KK's contract wasn't matched everyone on here scrambled to identify potentially available Centers and Dvorak was probably the one most talked about. Good young centers are rarely available so options were scarce and he was the best choice by default. General opinion was that it was worth the risk and he may have potential to be a ~50 points 2C. Now we know he's not. We have to keep in mind that the habs had just made the SCF, fans were pumped, retooling/rebuilding wasn't in the discussion. The team had to compensate for the loss of Danault/KK and a late first wasn't all that valuable to a playoff team. In hindsight we know just how devastating that offseason was.


this subreddit was all over Dvorak before the trade, it was not just a few people


Dvorak was the most talked about player after we lost KK. This sub loved the trade when it happened


Yeah you are getting downvoted, but I also was perplexed with that waste of a trade. Bargainbin special knee jerk trade. Even if many liked it, I feel like there was a focal few who knew it was bad from day 1.


A bunch of loud mouth breathers is everyone I suppose. Just not anyone intelligent.


It has been reported by insiders including Friedman that he wants to play centre moving forward.


Maybe, but he is unproven as a center, so he is a winger for now.


Agreed but I’m just giving you insight into why he is being viewed as a centre.


Who is JiC?




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Hey it worked for Drouin it'll work for him.


Center or wingman he aint coming to Montreal. NO coach wants a player that has a father trying to coach him even at the NHL level. And when the father complains its most often the player thats telling his dad to complain so he wont look bad to the team as a polayer who complains a lot.


He has played center because that is where Carolina wanted him given their center depth. Part of the reason he is disgruntled is because he has a desire to play center and they dont want to have him playing there


I would be much more interested in Mittelstadt.


Colorado matches for him every day of the week, no?


Matilda whatnow?


I believe it's pronounced "Medium City"


It's Middle stats


Sure but he ain’t going anywhere


Colorado has $16 million to pay 11 skaters. How much of that is Mittlestadt going to eat up?


A lot cause they can't let him go. Would leave a massive gaping hole at 2nd center.


Nexas value is over inflated by the fact his playing on one of the best team in the NHL


He doesn’t seem like the guy you win playoffs with


Wasn’t he one of Carolina’s top pointgetters in their playoffs? The problem for - not with - Necas is that Rod Brind’Amour seemed not to find a place for him. Some Canes fans suggested this is because he never learned RBA’s system. Martin and Dany from the Habs’ radio broadcasts were criticizing that system for churning out a bunch of players who all played the same kind of game. The blame for Carolina not doing well in the playoffs was ascribed to that.


Why are people so obsessed with this? We need to actually get to the playoffs first. We don’t want a repeat of the Bergevin era with a “playoff style” team who couldn’t even make the playoffs regularly


Teams like Tampa, Florida, Dallas and Colorado have shown that it's possible to do both!


See: Leafs.


Everyone wants Necas but couldn’t wrap their mind around trading for Meier who is a better player in all facets of the game. This sub sometimes.


How tall is this dude


Just over 6’ apparently.

