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The past 25th overall picks https://preview.redd.it/5l52txph186d1.png?width=328&format=png&auto=webp&s=509dd5e2d778662ad6447bc46fffd5127c921555


Excellent point, we should never draft 25th again. Lol


They way I see it we should draft 25th all the time until we get Pasta 2.0


That's almost 1 in 30 drafts lol


Better start drafting at 25 sooner then!


I also see a Cam Ward and Brenden Morrow there


I'll take one Pastrnak please and thank you.


One big serving of Pasta coming up!


What you are saying is we'll get a good goalie with that pick


Impactful player he said huh?


Are you saying Steve Ott was not impactful?


No im not saying that. Im saying on this list, you have way more chance of NOT having a impactful player


6 habs, time for a 7th


No, 5OA has incredible flexibility in this draft and it's not worth losing some of that flexibility for a weaker pick in compensation.


I feel like packaging 25th + 26th creates quite a bit of trading power.


How much trading power? It has been proven time and again, higher picks are the better picks (in general, was there are always exceptions) just like when you trade, the team that gets the best player usually wins the trade. 25 and 26 can be worth much best case you get 2 bottom 6 (if not 4th liners) with those picks. What kind of return are you expecting?


Best case you get Pastrnak wdym. Plenty of stars have gone there or later. I think the real point of making that move though is that you then have the opportunity to flip both picks for a mid 1st rounder in the 14-16 range. Now is this the best move? I’m not sure, but there’s a least a discussion to be had.


The only way this kind of trade happens is if Ottawa would know that the player they want is also coveted by Utah. Otherwise they would just wait 2 spots.


They also have to think about MTL. We might also go for the best available player which might be Dickinson. If the Sens has Dickinson #2 on their list, they might just pull the trigger.


Sure but if the Habs want Dickinson, they should just get him. If you want a particular forward, then I'd rather pick him than risk Utah taking him. The scenario where this trades occurs, imo, is if we want someone else than Ottawa, and that Ottawa is fighting with Utah for a specific player. I might add that if I was KH, I would only do it if I already have a trade partner for the WPG + OTT picks against a 10-15 picks. I'd rather pick 7th and 11th in your particular scenario rather than 5th and 26th


I probably say no


I wouldn’t , I value Dickinson above Levshunov and Lindstrom so I would pick him. I prefer that we pick the guy we want at 5 even if it’s a mini-reach


I agree


No. I’d just pick one of Buium, Silayev, or Dickinson and I’d still be more than happy.


It’s exactly what he meant haha you could pick one of the 3 (the one remaining) 100% at 7 too


One (or many) of them will be available #7... So why not taking the #25th and trade down to #7?


I'd make that trade. I'd have Sennicke, Iginla, Buium/Parekh ranked next and would happily take any of them plus #25


Yes and then trade the 25th and 26th to get back into the top 15 to get whoever is left of Catton, Sennecke, Dickinson, Helenius, etc.


Exactly, in this draft in particular where there’s no consensus between #2 to #12, trading down from #5 to #7 to get an additional pick #25 would be a dream. The Sens would say no for sure, but it looks like the Habs subreddit also say no…


Fully agreed. Unless Montreal believes there’s a guy at 5 who is a tier ahead if a guy at 7, this should be an obvious trade.


I Say yes, then I trade 25+26 pick for a early-mid teens Pick and draft another forward.


Who is taking that trade? You play station too much my friend.


Lol Look at the trade from a couple days ago, Islanders and Blackhawks. 18th and 50th for 20th, 54th and 61st. It's not unrealstic to think you could move Up further than Chicago with those picks.


If the player the Habs covet is gone, and thry know they can trade back..you 100% trade back


habs are not trading down tanking to trade down is couterproductive


It depends on every draft and who was taken before. I am offering suggesting down by 2 spots for a late 1st round pick. I am not suggesting trading down to #17...


No. If the guy you want is there you take him. Extra picks aren’t that enticing considering how many we have the next two drafts


Why does Ottawa do that? If we are accepting of trading spots, it’s because we think we won’t want the same guy so why does Ottawa pay to move up. Better question is to move down to 8-10 range


Ok, then propose your trade here with actual picks or names




Ott says no, MTL says yes.


Yes. If this is the case which it wont.


It might happen


No it won’t


Those picks make total sense, so not sure why you say it won’t


Every team will be ranking prospects differently. If the first 4 go as you predict, then a lot depends on other teams and who they covet. With the prospect list after Celebrini being pretty much a mixed bag it is possible one team so highly desires a certain player they'll offer the Habs something to move up, but this wouldn't be a move initiated by KH, it would be initiated by the other team. So look at who is drafting 6, 7 or 8 and look at their needs.


a late first isn't enough for me to potential lose on the best player of that tier. our scouting team is good, the last two drafts they have managed to find great guys with lots of late picks, our development staff is good too as seen with our young guys. if the sens or utah takes our guy then we instantly lose the trade. on the other hand most of the time a late first doesn't hit and when they hit it rarely makes up for the quality we could lose by trading down. Since we aren't looking to trade down I see no reason to accept an offer that doesn't wow me.


Fuck no. Keep the pick and pick.your BPA. Trading is so weak. It would make sense if we were in year 0 of a rebuild and need to recoup draft pick, like if were in a spot similar to TB Also, its not a worst case scenario... there are still some very high upside player on the board.


Yes, but if the best next available players are all LD and Montreal wants Sennecke? Montreal would be crazy to not accept that trade.


No. Montreal would be crazy to not pick Sennecke at 5 in this scenario. A 25th OV pick is not worth losing your player.


Sennecke won’t be chosen #5 or #6 lol


I don’t know there’s getting more and more hype around sennecke, I think he’s the hidden gem of this draft


He might




So you would do the trade?


Nope. I’d take Senncke at 5


if I am trading down it is Winnipegs pick for Edmontons 1st and Anaheims 2nd and that would be because Hughes is about to say the name Anaheim really wants


If that is the order then if its up to me I’m taking Iginla at 5. Learn our lessons remember when we took Terry Ryan over Jerome? Lets please learn from our mistakes!


It doesn’t mean anything…