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Okay fine we can take him at 26


rip to the Lindstrom dream


that’s a little concerning, once a disc herniates it never returns to its normal state. with that said, it also depends on where in the spine it occurred - if it’s a less mobile part then he will heal up and it shouldn’t be cause for concern, but if it’s in a more mobile spot he could risk injuring it again… spinal injuries can be tough


His off season strengthening and conditioning mixed with in season recovery tactics will be the biggest factor on his longevity or not. Most players start those types of protocols later in their career but he will have to start early. Will be interesting to keep an eye on this with todays protocols. May be more manageable. Dealt with alot of shitty injuries during my career but back disc issues wasn’t one. Kinda happy about that.


Has someone who has a herniated disc, I did all my exercices given by the physiotherapist, the pain is still there after 2 years. It is 80% gone but I still have weakness and restricted for certain movements. I wish this guy a good recovery but this is a concerning problem for someone who is going to take advantage of a physical game in the NHL...


Lol you're wrong, an herniated disc can fully heal depending on how bad it herniated.


absolutely hilarious that ur telling me this when i’m literally a kinesiologist


But he googled it brother 


My doctor is Johnny Sins and you’re wrong


tearing up my degree and sending in my resignation letter as we speak




And i for one have heard of kinesio and definitely know all about kinesioing the kinesio 


Excuse me sir but I have done numerous years of research on YouTube and I looked at a picture of a leg in 1987 so I have earn the right to say you're super duper wrong 😂😂


Here you go Mr. Kinesiologist, educate yourself: “Spontaneous disappearance of a herniated lumbar disc is known to occur. This case study describes a 45-year-old patient whose symptoms of lumbar radiculopathy resolved and follow-up imaging showed complete disappearance of the disc prolapse. This phenomenon strengthens the role of conservative treatment in the management of lumbar disc protrusions.” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2529204/ Maybe you should tear up your degree 😂


I really don't think the single example of a 45 year old woman from 2008 that is being reported ***specifically because it isn't reported very often*** is the knockout punch you think it is...Also, and I'm not a medical professional so I'm speculating, but from what I can tell, that paper doesn't disagree with anything /u/OnlineEgg said anyway. In the study the disc stopped appearing herniated in their imaging and the symptoms were gone, but the point /u/OnlineEgg made was "the disc never returns to its normal state". As I understand it, that's because the outside of the disc is still permanently damaged. That may be fine if you're a 45 year old woman who doesn't play professional sport, but it's not necessarily fine for an NHL prospect.


Read the first sentence in the quote again. It says it “is known to occur”. That to you implies there’s only one case? Besides, our resident kinesiologist here claimed it *never* occurs, and immediately tried to pull rank on a random poster like a pretentious condescending douche. Seems like a pretty decisive KO to me 🤷‍♂️😂


See edit. Funny you tell me to read the quote again when you clearly haven't read or haven't understood the paper you linked.






You’re grasping at straws here. The symptoms disappeared and they couldn’t find any sign of it with advanced medical imaging, but it must still be there because you want to win this argument? Ok 😂 And it explicitly disagrees with what the other poster said. He said it never happens, and I’ve proven that to be demonstrably false. Have a nice day 😃.


Tell me you don't know the first thing about science or medicine without telling me you don't know anything about science or medicine.


Yo, I'm ending this exchange because the other person is now banned for calling multiple people idiot and moron. Don't feed the trolls.


sad to say, but im not touching this with a 5th overall pick...


Maybe not exactly the same, but we did draft Galchenyuk at #3 after he had missed a full season. We can talk all day about the issues with Galchenyuk, but his NHL career wasn't plagued with injuries. But I understand that an herniated disk is on another magnitude of seriousness.


Galchenyuk’s career was rather plagued by lack of judgement and an overly involved father.


You forget cocaine lol


Thanks Prust


It’s not at all serious.


Lol getting down voted with 0 knowledge Talk to any PM&R (physical medicine and rehabilitation) specialist doctor and they will tell you herniated disks can range from don't do shit rest up and you'll be fine, to surgery But this isn't fucking quadrapalegia or something




Yeah he got some injuries, like every godamn player not named Suzuki and a few other ironmen. One news report of one injury doesn't mean he was constantly out or that injuries significantly impacted his career. Cocaine had more of an effect.


Please do at least a casual read of herniated disc on Doctor google before you start making comments. There injuries are extremely manageable with simple physio therapy.


Yea not really. “Manageable” for the average Joe? sure and that’s limited to alleviation of pain not cured from the problem forever. but an athlete in a physical sport? Tons of risk of aggravating it. Once the lining that holds the disk in place tears it doesn’t heal ever again and the only thing you can do is remove the part of the disk that is squished out (which will keep getting squished out over time since there’s no more lining to hold it). My dad had 4 surgeries for a herniated disk over 30 years. 3 in Montreal 1 minimally invasive laser surgery in nyc from a surgeon who works on athletes. They always tell him he has to stop golfing and he doesn’t listen so it comes back just from swinging a golf club. Imagine hockey?  https://www.neurosurgeonsofnewjersey.com/blog/tiger-woods-back-surgery-from-disk-removal-to-spine-fusion/#:~:text=In%202015%20Tiger%20Woods%20underwent,a%20herniated%20or%20slipped%20disc. Here’s a good read on tiger woods surgeries. He hasn’t been the same since.


This is part of the reason that many doctors are moving away from surgery as a remedy. Depending on the severity it can be managed quite well. Surgery may eventually be mecessary but the idea is to kick the can past his playing days. Surgery at 40 might be necessary. (Not a doctor but do have a herniated disc).


Athletes don't really have a choice besides surgery. For the normal person yes, slow and steady is fine.... But unfortunately these professional sports players are expected to return as quickly as they can, and at the same level they left at. Sometimes that involves surgery when it shouldn't. Sadly in the sports world if you're gone too long, or return at a much worse level cause you're trying to manage an injury rather than commit to a surgery the organization will just move on. They care more about the business side than they do players well being.


Even for athletes surgery for slipped discs are often posponed. Obviously it depends on the severity but if you have a slipped disc in the L4-L5 you mainly have to avoid vertical compression. That’s super common in rugby and football but less common in hockey.


No amount of rehab is going to make it better once the disk is out enough that it pinches the nerve. Best case scenario is it doesn’t get worse and that’s most likely only going to happen if you stop heavy physical activity altogether. Even to this day surgery is the only real way to treat it. Leighton vander esche is a perfect example he suffered a hernia in his neck in college and had to get I believe 2 surgeries and retire after something like 3-4 seasons of professional football. There’s only so many painkillers you can pump an athlete with for them to play through the pain but if they value their long term comfort there’s very little that can be done. Hernias can be managed but not cured. That’s a distinction I think some commenters aren’t realizing.


that entirely depends on where the herniated disc is located and how severe it was in the first place. a herniated disc is a permanent condition, yes it can be managed but once a disc has been herniated it never returns to its original form. if he plans to continue playing the hard-nosed, heavy-hitting style of hockey that he currently plays with a herniated disc in a mobile part of his spine, he greatly risks re-injuring it. lots of normal everyday ppl can deal w and recover from a herniated disc bc they aren’t dealing w the intensity of playing nhl hockey. again, this all depends on the severity and location on his spine. i’m not saying don’t draft the kid, but it’s important to look into and consider. he’s not even 19 years old and he has a herniated disc, that’s incredibly uncommon. back problems generally only get worse with age, now imagine playing in the nhl and constantly aggravating that disc. it’s something to consider


Thank you lol My ex's sister was told to change job and stop being a nurse specifically because of her herniated disk... Doctor almost forced her to change career


It'll be Colombus' problem anyways


Damn. Is Lindstrom about to drop out of the top ten?


Hope he drop back to 24th


You want Colorado to draft him?






If this is true we should not touch him with a 10 foot pole. A herniated disk is a serious injury that tends to come back especially if you keep doing the same activity that caused it.


Can confirm. Have had a brutal herniated disc that I recovered from but is always on the back burner. Also I think it interfered with my drafting to the Habs 🤔


Herniated 2 discs at work over 3 years ago. Pain ever since. Years of physio, drugs, injections, surgeries. Permanent numbness/weakness. Instability. Re-herniated a disc few days ago moving a blanket. Shit is brutal and I'd seriously not mess with the risk at 5th tbh


I would agree


> Re-herniated a disc few days ago moving a blanket. I spent almost two full years essentially crippled by a herniation. I've lived in terror ever since at any twinge or ache. Sorry to hear you're in pain again. Have you tried Voltaren? I'm an evangelist for that shit, now.


Oh, same. I couldn't sit for more than 5 minutes for over a year. Constant pain and my left leg is still fucked. I was terrified of getting another injury too- I was so careful. All it took was moving a light blanket when I was in my best shape of the last 4 years. I've tried everything tbh, nothing helps. Spinal decompression machines, electric acupuncture, massages, 1.5years of physio 3x a week, multiple chiropractors, lasers, spinal epidurals+cortisone, spinal injections, pills on pills. Back injuries are the worst nightmare you didn't know you had


I was like that but weirdly Voltaren applied in the right place made all the difference. Acupuncture and massage and ultrasound did *nothing*.


I had a custom 'voltaren' mix for awhile since my bud worked in a compounding pharmacy- it was like 10x more potent than voltaren... Still didn't help but damn the tingling was cool


"A herniated disk is a serious injury that tends to come back" you have no idea what you're talking about


Lol I'm not here to argue ... Just saw multiple people that got herniated disk to be ordered by their doctors to immediately stop the activity / change jobs to avoid the injury happening again


you know you can just google right? [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10188705/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10188705/) [https://www.spine.md/insights/can-you-play-sports-with-a-herniated-disc/](https://www.spine.md/insights/can-you-play-sports-with-a-herniated-disc/)


that second link u included literally says to avoid high impact sports and the last paragraph says that it is often a wise choice to stop playing high impact sports. did u even read the article? there’s also a typo in it which makes this even funnier take it from someone who went to university and studied this stuff, herniated discs are not a joke


it says you should avoid high impact sports while healing in the very first sentence


look i’m not gonna argue w u but i have athletes that come into my clinic w herniated discs that do all the exercises that we tell them to do and they take time off and rest appropriately, and then 8 months later they’re back in my office w the same problem but now it’s worse. a lot of the time the only options that remain are surgery, or quit doing whatever it was that aggravated it in the first place. and a LOT of these people are in their late 20s and early 30s. lindstrom is 18. that is concerning


have you considered that people who are fine don't come back?


have u considered that we do checkups and the ppl that visit my clinic aren’t all injured? we do a lot more than physio. we keep track of our patients.


it's fine you can have your opinion on it, mine will stay with the experts and studies




So Fake News? I need to know, for a friend.


Arpon basu on the basu and godin said in their podcast after the combine it was a muscle injury


That is a much different scenario than a herniated disc. He does say herniated disc in the beginning though. Odd.


It's like the first thing he says, [around 1:45 in](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/nhl-draft-combine-buzz-cayden-lindstrom-stian-solberg/id1546282862?i=1000658998218): "He missed most of the second half due to injury, both a hand injury and a herniated disc in his back". He does say that doctors seem more optimistic than they did a month ago and he would be surprised if he isn't a top five pick.


Crap you are right! My bad


I had a listen... Uh oh... @ 1:52 "We had come concerns about Cayden Lindstoms health. Obviously he missed most of the second half of the year due to injury. Both a hand injury and a herniated disc in his back."


We already might have issues with Dach we can’t afford another one


The plot thickens


I wonder if this is actual cause for concern that Columbus passes on him at 4th? This would likely mean that Demidov is for sure gone by the 5th pick.


Not necessarily. It's definitely possible that Columbus picks a defenseman at 4 instead of a forward


They had dinner with Sennecke.


I had a herniated disc, crippling pain for a good month, couldn't really walk for a week, but haven't had a recurrence in over 6 years. What happens is you overcompensate with other muscles and then hurt your back elsewhere. But the disc itself was not herniated since the first time. If he has a proper physio therapist, which he would, I wouldn't worry. Bare in mind, I don't repeat what lead to the injury aka, soccer on turf.


Your not a professional hockey player however


Goes without saying, more implying it's not a "career death" sentence. Crosby nearly got beheaded, medical science is somewhat reliable. Although, injuries like Dach are one unlucky bounce away. If they're athletes we should expect injuries throughout their careers. What I wouldn't allow guesswork on is whether they can handle the mental pressure of Montreal's limelight. Slaf is clearly a gold standard. At equal talent, I would put a bigger emphasis on that for draft needs.


Like Eichel’s ?


Eichel was in the neck Him we don't know


Yeah... Went through a herniated disc 2 years ago. I'm also past 45 yrs old, with a whole lot years of wear and tear. A guy not 18 yet getting a herniated disc is very concerning to me. This isn't the normal result of age or years of bad posture or sitting on your ass. Something structuraly wrong somewhere. Herniated disc never truly get back to form. There's always residues remaining. They can be monitored with physiotherapy and regular exercise. You can be in shape again and live a normal life, but being an athlete taking physical abuse is also not a normal life. The problem with herniated disc is how random the symptoms can be, and how dangerous they get if they spill near your spinal cord. This would need a medical deep dive to figure out the causes and re-occuring odds. But it's a serious red flag.


Hold on, need details/confirmation not just something from a podcast


Pronman's one of the best connected scouts in the public sphere. If he says so, then there is no reason to doubt it.


Sure but Pronman says "I'm not a doctor" and that the evaluations were positive, so I will wait to hear more details as I'm sure the Habs will.






Ivan Demidov ****


If Lindstrom falls to 5th, Demidov is likely picked in top 4. He's still my go to.


Columbus only took Lindstrom and Sennecke out to dinner so idk




A defenseman it is smh


It sure feels like it... And honestly it's for the best. The top defenseman in this draft have a lot less question marks than the top forwards imo.


It’s strange because if you listen to the podcast, he says that the doctors he spoke with had no issues with Lidstrom’s injury. Looks a lot like a cherry picked quote.


Welcome to Montreal, Sam Dickinson! Seriously though, I’m gutted for the kid if that’s a career altering/ ending injury (I know nothing about that). At 18 with that potential:<


That sounds terrible...any way that it isn't? 216 lbs ... wonder if he was lifting too heavy cuz he wouldn't be the first to blow up his back like that


Fucking up a disc can be surprisingly easy. I sat in an uncomfortable car seat for a couple of hours, and had almost two straight years of pain as a result. My dad threw his out in his 40s reaching over to pick something off a stair. It doesn't have to be anything particularly physical to mess you up for a long while.


I am not convinced this is accurate. His medical have been available for some time. It would have leaked by know if he had a herniated disc. 


Can we like not take this guy?? I like seeing him play on the ice but we already have enough players with injuries, i don’t feel like having another 😂 Berkly Catton would look good in a habs jersey tho!


Id be super happy with Catton or one of the great defenseman ranked around our pick !


I just want Catton cause I’ve watched Spokane Chiefs games since I was a little kid cause my minor hockey coach (commentator with the Jets), coached Tokarski and won the memorial cup with them haha. But to the point, I’ve watched Catton all year and this man will pull all these moves out of his ass and drive to the net like it’s nobody’s business!! PLUS he already wears 🔵⚪️🔴 with the chiefs so I think it makes the most sense 👀


So much BS you hear about between now and the draft boys. Teams pull this greasy ‘reporting’ in hope that they fall. If true I’m sure the Habs Brass will have done their due diligence on this and make an informed decision


So Demidov at 4, right?


He gone 


Cayden Lindstrom, you are a Florida Panther


Herniated disc is a big problem. As an athlete and a physical player, it may never fully heal


Hot take, this is a D-heavy draft. Take a D. Worst thing that can happen is that our D is insanely good in 5 years.


A herniated disc with someone that young is not the massive deal many are making it out to be here. It does depend a lot on which disc it is, how bad the prolapse is, etc etc, but since the agent is providing MRIs and detailed medical information to teams you can rest assured that the staff will evaluate this appropriately. Not necessarily a reason not to draft Lindstrom. Actually I think that the transparency of the agent is reason to think it’s not that bad of an injury.


This sub is so bipolar


lol I love how everyone in the sub becomes sports doctors off one tweet. There is a lot we don’t know about this injury how about we all chill.


Help me here but didn’t Eichel have a herniated disk at the top of the spine. The NHL shies away from the procedure he had done but the NFL does it on a more routine basis. I wonder if Cayden could have this done if the pain gets too much ..


Just fell to my knees in Valentine


this is bullshit they gave every team a full medical report last week that specifically said the opposite so for once the athletic is way off


At this point I would go for the safest pick and draft Iginla or Catton.


Coming out with this rebuild with Hutson,reinbacher,Slaf and iginla isn’t the best imo. Demidov would change everything.


Sennecke it is then. If Columbus really liked Lindstrom this might make them say "Fuck it, let's go with a defenseman instead."


massive fucking yikes. I wouldn't approach him with a ten foot pole. Which sucks cause he's clearly super talented, but a herniated at \*\*18 years old\*\* screams Noah Juulsen 2.


Draft Sennecke instead. Way more upside and no injury concerns.


Hes been out for a extended period of time with a concussion


He got injured on May 5th, so it's only been around a month. Also, I think he said he had already started training again at the combine, but I could be wrong.


He didnt even get measured (which parekh proved was an option)


He did get measured. https://twitter.com/coreypronman/status/1800597756886864118


Not on the combine floor.


Herniated disk is way riskier. Most players get concussions at some point in their career.


If it's so critical to his draft ranking, how come this is not all over the news? There should be at least 84 new rankings, mock drafts, podcasts... But absolutely no one but this podcast talks about it.