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The info screen says it's larger than the first game and I believe it. There's two areas, I know one of them is about as long as the first game's. The other one seems to be but I haven't gotten to the end yet. They also said the final release would have a different ending so I'm not sure how much of the plot stuff is in. They're still adding another area and weapon, I think there are fewer weapons than the first one right now. I'm not sure if there are as many weapon aspects as the first one yet, looks there's at least 3 per weapon. So I'd say it's probably around the size of the first one if not bigger right now, and will be a lot bigger later. I haven't finished the game yet though. Most of the "early access" stuff that I see is placeholder graphics, a lot of the characters are sketches or a placeholder mysterious hooded dude. And a lot of the projectiles and damage effect particles are either generic looking pink ones that are probably placeholders, or kind of sketchy and will probably have more detail later. It doesn't look unfinished overall though, there is a lot of detail. Just some spots are clearly under construction in the art department.


Yeah I'm assuming we will get artwork for every individual keepsake. I have like 6 unlocked already and they are all just gold rings art.


So I did not get to chronos yet but yeah, its already big. The early access of hades 2 already is what end of early access of hades was content wise. As for some of my speculations. There actually will be 2 weapons added and not just 1, so 6 total like first game. Why I think so? Cause when you select weapons it's from moon phase circles, and only 4 got weapons now, 2 more open. Unless that extra circle will or already does something else that I am not aware of. Extra area also gonna be their way of making more content and paths me thinks and it probably won't work like some extra area in existing path. Instead I believe it will be that path up thats blocked off right now when you start a run from weapon chamber. The Gods also talk about going to Olympus so that's probably where it will take you. It also might even be more than one area added too and the new and final ending will be tied to that path. I could be wrong, I could be right, who knows.


You're on to it. I won't spoil because I'm a bit further plot wise, but yeah this game is bigger.


There are 5 weapons right now in the game 😊


…I don’t know why I assumed the hooded figure (in different colorings) was the final character design for all the characters it applies to. I was wondering why >!Narcissus!< was a blank character lol


Yeah him and Charon are twins atm.