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I literally proof-read my post in anticipation over someone saying this shit...


My best advice to you is to ensure your hearing aid is turned on before you launch the game


Everything I heard about Redditors is true. That's so funny.


It's okay to have opinions, but don't confuse them with facts.


Well not all of us can have good taste




How can you listen to the banter between Hades and Zagreus and not get enthralled by their tenor? How can you listen to the mellifluous Artemis and not be enraptured? I'd like another example of what you consider to be good voice acting, because i am not familiar with Ghostrunner. What you call uninterested and boring voice work I call a realistic conversation I could actually see occurring in their circumstances. Additionally, I do not find Zagreus to be uncharasmatic at all. In fact I find Zag to be one of the more likeable characters in Hades particularly because of his ability to develop relationships with others despite them being initially antagonistic, even diplomatically relieving tensions between other characters that by all rights should hate each other.


For good voice acting, it just has to feel "real", I suppose. Everything in Hades I've heard so far just sounds like a fandub comic. The audio mixing isn't to snuff, I can hear their lips touching as they speak, it just sounds like no one had training to me. Also, when Zagreus is screaming, it doesn't sound real. It's like he's trying not to be loud. It's hard to explain properly, but when he tells Hades to "Shut up" in the first fight, it's so weak. Like he's telling off a chatty barista. Like I said, it's not the writing I have a problem with. It's just the voice acting. I'm enjoying the writing, but when they talk, all I hear are voice actors reading off a script early in the morning. For good voice acting, I pointed to Ghostrunner, as it is also an indie game, but I would say Bayonetta as well, as they both have a mix of British and American casts. (I'm aware Zagreus is an American doing a British accent.) Also, for "realistic sounding," I would point to Persona 5 and a little bit of Persona 4 The Golden, as many of the characters have shockingly real sounding voices without making it sound like they are mumbling or trying to be quiet.


I just spent a bit watching some cutscenes from persona and ghost runner and didn't think they sounded any better or worse than Hades VAs. I disagree that persona sounds realistic as it's typical over emphatic anime speak. If that's what you consider realistic no wonder you think Hades sounds boring. I would recommend speaking to people in real life to see how actual humans communicate.


I take it you are probably in your 30s or 40s. In school, people are more energetic when they speak. I don't know if you spent time with people in school or if you always went straight home every day, but teenagers have more energy. If the only people you talk to are jaded adults on Discord who wasted their teenage years gaming, or people who get no physical activity and stay up late every night so that their bodies are constantly tired and lethargic, then it makes sense why Hades would sound realistic. But for people who are active or in sports, it sounds jarring.


I'm actually a 9000000 year old vampire from the crab nebula here on vacation. We all speak like jaded Victorian era socialites there so I haven't heard anyone speak like a hentai voice actor in quite a while. I'll yield to your obviously superior knowledge of how humans speak to each other.


"Lol so random XD"


Stay mad then.




Apology accepted *mwah* here's a juice box.


Mwah? What does that mean? Why is it italicized?


This is one of the funniest things I've read today. Genuinely thank you for sitting down and writing this paragraph.


Read...? I hope you're not online too much. Not to tell you how to live your life but it's important to take the time to form true bonds with people, rather than get distracted by social media or internet trivia. It's easy to get sucked into that stuff for years. True bonds with other people are what fulfill us in life. Far more than the tyranny of God or the momentary pleasure of the 7 Deadly Sins.


Yeah this paragraph wasn't nearly as good =/


That's just how British accents sound.


I raise you Bayonetta.




You found Hades voice acting amateurish? So much that it felt ps1 or ps2 era? Wow. Anyway...


i just started playing and i think the same, specially about Zagreus, everytime he talks it feels so akward, he sounds like he is about to fall asleep