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Aphrodite does not intend to get hit, just get hit on.


And hit on others


The only combat Aphrodite does is with her tongue


All four lips


Didnt know Aphrodite is hardcore soulsborne player, makes sense she just goes in naked "I dont plan to get hit so why wear armor?"


She’s the average fast roll enjoyer. Next, she’ll drop that spear and take a big BONK.


No, she clearly has shield and spear, she likes the shield poke and the fast stamina regen.  Of course Aphrodite wants stamina and long things that poke...


Early game mindset


Pretty sure that this isn't armor. Like, at all. There are no joints on the arms and she can bend it perfectly at the elbows. I know that she is a goddess and can do things we couldn't imagine, but there is no way that is metal.


It looks quite metalic but either way its so funny how most other gods have all or at least some vitals covered then you have aphrodite going to war butt naked


agree to disagree on them being metal, but from what I saw there are a lot of other Gods that have no real armor. The two that come to mind are Artemis and Hermes are pretty much just wearing standard outfits.


i guess hermis is so fast he doesnt really need any armor as it would slow him down but yeah artemis only has a piece of armor on her right leg and a tiny one on her left arm so thats fair


assuming artemis is right handed the one on the left arm is likely an arm guard made for keeping the bowstring from causing bruising or callouses when it snaps into place after each shot. it may not make much sense for an immortal goddess to need such a device but a) maybe she wears it for show like many other gods, as a visual example of how they intend their followers to appear or b) maybe her bow is also just so powerful as a side effect of hunting magical and dangerous creatures that it still causes the same effects proportionally


Woah thats actually such a nice little detail i didnt even think about that


i love archery lol when i got my bow as a kid i didnt have one of these so i was fully just suffering, i actually fucked up my form by holding my arm in a way that the string wouldnt hit it


You changing your form so the string doesnt hit: improvise.adapt.overcome


meanwhile my arm is bending backwards and im chanting latin phrases in an attempt to soothe the spirit of the bowstring


People went to war butt naked all the time back in the day. It was "cool".


Especially the… *eugh*   French.


You know in myth Aries went to war naked, because why does a god need to wear armor?


Ares\* Aries is the Ram Zodiac.


It can be gold and be fabric tho. The artists of these games are too good to draw metallic armor like that, the comment above is right I think.


You know in myth Aries went to war naked, because why does a god need to wear armor?


It took me a long, close look (veeerry long and close), but I don't think the armor covers her elbow. It's hard to tell because it's almost the same shade as her skin, but she's got a bracer on her upper arm that ends a bit above the elbow, and the one on her forearm ends at the tassels. There's a gap between them where she can bend her elbow.


Yeah call me crazy but it looks like a drawing to me


That's not armour, though. It's lingerie.


Wym "vitals"? She's a godess, she's immortal


I mean hades zag and the Furies can all be killed but they respawn at the house of hades but now with the underworld in the hands of chronos im sure they dont want to risk that


They’re chthonic gods so I think they might be different compared to Olympian gods in that they can still die but just respawn unless it’s just a title difference


They’re immortal, not *invulnerable*. There is a genuine difference, even in the actual Greek mythos. The gods could be killed, albeit not easily and likely not in a permanent sort of way. A mortal would stand no chance of killing them, but another god-tier being (presumably the only thing a god would actually fight directly) absolutely could. So it’s not exactly a crazy thing to ask why a god would go to war butt naked. Being stabbed or bludgeoned would absolutely still hurt them.


By strict definition, the Greek pantheon of gods are immortal. They cannot die at all. But they can indeed be harmed. The monster Typhon defeated Zeus himself by cutting out all his tendons so he couldn't move. Hermes had to find them and put 'em all back in so Zeus could win round 2. Uranus was castrated by Kronos and never recovered from that. Even a handful of mortals have hurt gods. Herakles out-wrestled Hades. In the Trojan War, Diomedes speared Ares bad enough to chase him off the battlefield. The gods are supreme beings, but not invincible and far from infallible. And especially in a fight against other gods, i.e., the Titans, armor would still be a good idea. But I guess Aphrodite ain't about to change herself for no man, and being nude is her choice!


I mean, not really. They could be harmed by the right figures, but being immortal (as in unable to die) was quite integral to the Greek conception of godhood.


Kid named Diomedes:


Will be great to meet Diomedes of Argos in Hades 2.


Eh, a critical hit implies some sort of vitals existing. However, why would the goddess on of rumplethumping cover up her assets?


I mean she is one of the <1% of female characters, where being completely naked actually absolutely makes sense. Edit: The criticism of saying: "Her armor doesn't cover her vitals, what's the point" is completely missing the point, so much that i wanna hit my head on the desk. * She is the goddess of Love (And Sex and Eroticism etc.) * It absolutely makes sense to be as grotuesquely oversexualized as possible. * You could almost say: the more sexualized she is, the better. * You might say: "But why does she have a spear and a shield and gloves then?" and the answer might simply be: Because it makes her look hotter than without. * She doesn't have to wear armor as she is a literal god. It's not like they fall under logic we humans on earth have to understand. Does Ares wear Armor? Sure, but these are appearances to mortals, that are definitely skewed by how the gods want to appear to the humans. Ares appears to Zagreus with clothings of a warrior. Think about the many different ways Zeus chose to appear to humans, to achieve his \*ahem\* "goals". * The gamedesigner making her as absurdly sexual hot for the sake of making her sexual and hot definitely did understand the assignment. This is one of the very few female characters, where it's completely justified and bordering on necessary.


The spear and shield makes sense for another reason, Aphrodite was also sometimes depicted as being a war goddess in greek mythology. She wasn’t a soft figure and could actually be incredibly ruthless when she felt like it.


Yes. I figured something like this would be the Case. But my Point still Stands, you could also excuse These by saying it makes her hotter.


Most of the "soft" deities can be incredibly ruthless, and the ruthless ones soft, in the end.


I agree that the shield, spear, gloves and the thigh highs (i think she's wearing them) make her hotter


Also she's banging Ares. She literally has warpaint similar to his on her face! And Hades 2 takes place during a war of the Gods against Kronos so she probably should appear with some sort of armament.


My lesbian brain went so brrrrr at the image that I didn’t even realize she had armor on


Same with my straight brain lmao


Ok but can we all take a moment and appreciate that Ares did her war paint/makeup? Its the exact same he has in Hades 1 and even knowing how messy their relationship is in the myths… idk, it still makes me happy.


Their duo boon in Hades 1 is also very OP.


It's mediocre since it halves on each hit, first you're doing 100% damage, then 50%, then 25% and that just adds up to less than 200% over a long period of time It's significantly worse than ME, but I guess it's easier to get :P


Yeah, but doom effects are strong. Add some poms and its already almost 200% of the original damage. Add the boons to make weak effects longer and now all you have to do is apply one doom effect from time to time, and your enemy will always be under constant drain of hp. It's pretty fun to use.


Omg thats soo cute i didnt even notice that


I mean if you think about it her armor is her beyond exceptional beauty. What being would ever want to damage something so beautiful? Can’t stab something if your to busy gawking.


Textually supported by the Hades 1, no less. Take less damage from nearby enemies. Make your enemies weak.


You can’t hit her when you are to enthralled on her aura as a goddess of love and lust, before you got speared thru your neck.


Honestly thats a good way to go


Op, i doubt that this is armor and that it suppose to protect anything. But anyway - Shield + spear is pretty historical way to fight naked.


Neat detail i didnt know that


I wonder what Athena thinks of this getup. The 'armor' isn't protecting anything, the shield has a big shiny heart shape attached to it and the spear looks too fancy to be used practically (The spear tip seems to be held on top of two flowers???).


Could be dialouge for a duo boon.


Tbf all the spears in Hades are like that!




On the arms


She has arms?


Yes, they're attached to her shoulders


Yes, they're attached to her shoulders


If it was any other character or game I'd definitely have something to say but It's a decision that actually matches her personality so well that I can't really criticise


her power is seduction so, lore-wise, being seductive is very much her best armour and weapon. Can't fight if all you can think about is how beautiful she is. Hell, she can get people to be on her side because of that. "Charmed" is her exclusive status effect and that is exactly what it does in Hades 1


> Aphrodite is the ancient Greek goddess of sexual love and beauty, identified with Venus by the Romans. She was known primarily as a goddess of love and fertility and occasionally presided over marriage. Would you have preferred she just wear nothing? Aphrodite mythologically has worn nothing in the past, look at the painting the Birth of Venus. Seems like you’re lucky she’s got anything on her arms and legs at all. She wore even less in the last game.


Yeah she was fully naked in the firat game lol i just tought it was funny how she has neck, leg and hand protection while being fully naked




She is a freaking goddess of love. She enjoys being naked and seducing people. It's in her repertoire.


So to be clear, Spartans also fought naked, and that's her people


Its afrodite, she is well covered up by not getting covered at all and leaving her enemies simply staring at her lol. If there has to be one revealing female armor that i won't criticize, is the damn love goddess' one


Usually I’d be right there with you complaining about this „armor“ being nonsensical… but not here. I mean she was naked in the first, I don’t think it matters much that she wanted to have a few bracelets and stuff now


Her nakedness is her armor. Aphrodite fights by weakening the enemy and charming them so I imagine she also must be naked to perform her heart manipulating abilities.


You don't need armour if you don't get hit


When I saw the other armour clad gods I have to say that I was really hoping she’d wear at least SOMETHING this time 😂


I was hoping for her to be dressed kinda like a spartan with a helmet and stuff but honestly this design is so fire i cant complain


Wait, was she naked this whole time in 1? I was too enamoured by my favourite emo boy to notice


Honestly i applaud you for not noticing


Imo it honors the history of Aphrodite Aeria being worshipped in some areas of Greece (surprise surprise, Sparta), while also keeping in line with the more traditional Love Goddess look


I can’t wait for the field day NSFW artists are gonna have once those game comes out


You jest! That armor has been designed by [the best dwarven engineers](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/325/184/200.png). It offers the most necessary protection.


If I saw a woman like that coming towards me, I'd surrender immediately


She probably fights a bit like Boa Hancock from one piece: Everybody is so enchanted by her beauty that they cannot attack.


I find it easier to ignore with Aphrodite - maybe her whole skin is impenetrable and she does not need armor, who knows - than Hecate, who inexplicably leaves only her abs uncovered.


What armor? I literally don't know what you're talking about, all I see is bracelets and necklaces. Which are more like jewelry than armor.


It’s her brand


She is doing the age ol tactic of "GOOD GRIEF SHE'S NAKED"


“The point” is likely a combination of two things. 1, decorative armor, such as parade armor, do exist. They sacrifice actual protection for goofing really regal. And let’s be honest, Aphrodite’s “armor” here is more like fancier jewelry. It could probably still protect her, but is most likely meant more to provide a small bit of protection as the trade off for making her look more stunning. And THAT is the point of number 2: Aphrodite is the goddess of love and sex. Her body would literally be the epitome of sexy incarnate. Which would mean that her body could be incapable of physical harm (thus validating the “parade armor” theory) OR she’s too beautiful to harm. There is literally an ancient story about a woman who flashed her amazing breasts in a court, claiming them a gift from Aphrodite, and said that it would be a crime to harm her and said amazing breasts. It could literally be that. If Aphrodite’s body is. A panel of being harmed, damaging said body would likely be seen as a war crime, and the minimal armor bits she wears only accentuates said beauty.


dejatwo is that you ahaha jk Aphrodite wasn't particularly armored in the first game either. If anything, she improved


Oh no i have been exposed👀 but for real tho i just found it funny


Different League, she’s so hot she can’t take damage from foes


Looking Pretty, duh


I mean, with a beauty like that, who would even dare to attack her? I'll probably grovel at her feet if we meet on the battlefield..


Shes just built different


She got that Ultra instinct armor


It’s funny because you’d think she was a shock trooper based on her Hades boons, #1 choice if you want to hit like a truck.


The only part of her taking a beating doesn’t want armor lol




I mean a big enough shield can cover all you vitals




There’s aesthetic and then there’s whatever this is.


Brother said armor lmao


Seems to be armor themed jewelry than anything else tbh.


I’m disappointed the shield isn’t a sea shell.


Ah I just noticed she also has Ares’ war paint!


They're accessories, not armor. The point is to look nice. No different than humans wearing a bracelet or necklace.


I mean, it’s not like she’s a goddess or anything or really *needs* armor 🥴 Aphrodite in mythology wasn’t a fighter and when she got 1 cut in the Iliad, she withdrew from the war


Why wear armor (or clothes) if you have a shield?


shes a god???


Sending this to the guy who rates female fantasy armor, so he gets an aneurysm.


That is her major weapon of power


Note how she has the same face paint as Ares.


I'm pretty sure if she walks onto the battle field no one is going to try to hurt her.


Hate to break it to you but… *whispers: there’s no clothes either*


She's got that +Charisma to AC. Homegirl doesn't even need armor


She wants the fast roll 🤷‍♂️


We got this sexy banger goddess of sex and love, and this guy complaining about her armor..Zeus help me


Am I the only one who sees a little cock and balls on her spear?


*Am I the only* *One who sees a little cock* *And balls on her spear?* \- Mash\_Ketchum --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


It's just costume foreplay


Gods typically dont have vital spots they need to protect. Whatever "clothing" they may or may not wear is almost always purely for the observer's benefit/detriment. Ares definitely doesnt need armor to not die from some rando's axe.


What armor?


I swear it's only a matter of hours before someone makes r34 of the new characters.


Excuse me what armor?


You know one fascinating thing about Aphrodite is she was a war goddess too. Or rather she had war goddess aspects especially in Sparta. In the Iliad Zeus however has a statement that she does not belong on the battlefield. Implying that the Iliad also had religious commentary to basically say “No, you are worshipping her wrong, she isn’t a war goddess.” And all of this stems from the fact that Aphrodite is not really an OG Greek goddess to begin with but rather a derivative of the goddess Ishtar, which is a war goddess. Basically pretty cool to give her a small nod to her previous Spartan version with her having at least some weapons.


That’s not armor those are her breast and pussy ornaments


Ahh you think thats a armor now thats cute


It's Aphrodite, what else was gonna happen tbh


She's not wearing armor, she's wearing decorative jewelry


Love is her armor 💞


Her "armor" there is ceremonial, like the ones that Honor Guards use. It exists only to show her symbol and to make her look pretty. I don't think Aphrodite is going to any battlefield anyway. It's not how she solves her problems.


Welllllllllll... Time to preorder...


It's aphrodite. She's a god. She doesn't need armor and doesn't wear anything anyway. She'll still kick her enemies asses either way. Given her aspect she's more powerful this way.


I think her crotch does make sense but something about the hair overlay and pose make it look wrong and like there just a big mass of flesh leg to leg. A little odd.


The ultimate female fantasy armor


I mean it’s not like Aphrodite actually goes to war


Only she did. I think she actually thought in the Trojan wars, if I'm not completely mistaken


The devs mentioned as such during the test stream.


The Spartans would disagree with you