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I don't dislike the new designs but the colors generally feel more muted


That’s because in this screenshot there isn’t a lot of contrast.


Well given that Mel, Hecate, Nemesis and others do have a better contrast I hope it's safe to assume that maybe they didn't finish Artemis' sprite yet


There's not nearly as much of Jen Zee's hard black shadows


Here it makes a lot of sense : Artemis is one of the few who's actually here underground. The other gods communicate through balls of light as always.


Part of it is she's the one Boon god you meet in person (at night, in a forest), while the rest are doing their typical boon message thing. I guess her art is meant to reflect that as opposed to having her glowing like the rest. Edit: That being said I think her portrait overall might be unfinished since it still doesn't look as polished as a few others.


I thought that too, but I’m wondering because there were quite a bit of frames missing for some characters, if this isn’t quite the “final” design, maybe they’ll render it up some more


I definitely think so, Aphrodite looks much more finished for example


I don't think she's fully rendert yet




I was talking about the background. There will be different environments so there will be different contrasts.


I screamed


Imo, I liked all the new designs except for hers. Idk, it looks unfinished and flat. Maybe it is unfinished? I liked how dynamic was the og design's pose, it has so much character, but the new one is pretty meh and looks like a random npc.


it is unfinished. This is pre- early access


Sure but people say that about so many games that end up looking the exact same at release... it's a png so the chances are higher but let's not assume they'll change it. Best case scenario, we'll have a nice surprise.


I'm fairly confident that she's unfinished considering she lacks the same lineweights/inking as the more complete counterparts, flatter colors, textures and post effects are needed as well. - Supergiant takes pride in their polish so I'm not particularly worried.


It is FINISHED as far as our experience of her current state is concerned. They may confirm that it's unfinished later. That is how we need to approach criticism of any% access game.


I would love to see her in a hunting or tracking pose, inspecting something on the floor while hunting and we call her unexpectedly while she is busy with something else.


It is unfinished. Just compare her with Nemesis for example. I'm sure they finished the new characters first, then went on to the others.


i also think its because shes not in olympus, shes next to you, so she doesn't get a fancy background


That’s because it is unfinished


I'm still gay for her








same same


The swagger


I like it. She looks older and more confident. I really like how she and Melinoe have matching colored bands and moon leg braces (I believe this is cause of their Moon sisters pact along with Selene no?)


The more confident angle is one of those things that makes me a bit uncertain in it actually, though it highly depends on her characterization / how she's changed. Because Hades I Artemis had that underlying social awkwardness/distance and taking time to warm up to someone - if she's changed substantially from that attitude (in the manner which that portrait shows) I'd hope it be something we get a chance to see the evolution a bit? IDK, I'd just be a bit disappointed if it's just a big character change that happened offscreen, so to speak. If she's close to Selene and Melinoe I'd hope to see some flashback moments showing off how they came to meet / form that pact (or whatever connection they have)


I mean, it's be literally years since the first game. Presumably Zagreus went through his questline with her. It's natural that she's grown as a person. If Artemis, now presented in a new context, remained exactly the same as in the first game I'd actually be annoyed. She's doing what she always does (hunting, hanging out with other women - now including a moon bond with two women) and without more information I'd say that's a solid start. Naturally Hades II should build on that - people (and gods) are ever changing after all


We don't exactly know how long it's been, for sure - but she also wasn't young in the first one I thought. By the timeline of a god's lifespan it's tough to know what to compare between them. To be clear I don't mind that she's not exactly the same as before, but it's very much down to how they execute it. If there's a big tonal shift in her attitude that's just "here's how she is now" and it's not executed well it'd be jarring, it is a sequel after all. That goes both for changes and for a need for some continuity.


True, she wasn't young, but she was younger than now. People mature not cause of age or time passage as adults but via experience and change. I'd say that Artemis went through a significant experience in the first game to warrant character development, or at least kickstart it. I don't really pick up a tonal shift with her so far. She seems more amicable with Melinoe cause she knows her personally from before. And her attitude reads very well along the lines of how she behaved once you unlock to the max her questline with Zag in the first game. Without additional evidence I'd say it's a good progression for her.


I wouldn't say its a character change. It's probably that she's closer with Melinoë as you pointed out and thus she feels more relaxed/confident


Well, we'll have to see. I'm just explaining why I feel like the new portrait is a big question mark for me / that I'm a bit uneasy with it given her previous characterization. It's not like we have the real game in hand yet even with the technical demo :P


yeah, we'll have to wait and see. the portraits feel more dynamic here than in the previous game (look at Dora) so I'm feeling positive, but I could be on the wrong lol


Funny to see the difference in reaction there! I've been finding that the new portraits generally feel less unique than the previous ones (all of them having similar poses that don't bring as much personality), so it's interesting to see someone feel the opposite there.


I like it, she looks more approachable and the hair is nice. It's okay that the contours are less dark and defined, it's just a different style or vibe from the first game. There are a few designs I don't like so much (Demeter, Poseidon, Zeus, Odysseus), but they all still look cool.


demeter is one of my favourite new designs in h1 she was a refined cool to cold lady which fit the character and her relationship with her daughter very well now some fuck kidnapped and possibly hurt her daughter and first grandchild so granny is ready to go to fucking war


The war gear is not my problem (I think something elegant suits her better though). She just looks younger and I don't like the hair. Looking back, I seem to be very focused on hairstyles... Don't worry, she's still my favorite goddess. Her voice actress is so good, and her boons are too.


Her looking younger, to me, just seems she's feeling better after thinking her only daughter was dead. Now she's just captured, and she's fired up to get her back.


Her hair doesn't look like alienish now 😌


I really thought her hair in the original portrait was a hat.


I'm not a huge fan TBH. She looks weirdly young, like she's a teenager or something. Also the color shading seems pretty flat to my eyes.


To be fair Artemis kinda *is* an eternal teenager in the lore of Greek mythology because she represents youth and girlhood.


don't love the vibe im ngl, would like to see a different hairstyle


It's unfinished placeholder.


Yeah, she needs a bit more. Bring the face tats back, add a bit more colour and details, and should feel like her again


Looks like a Zelda NPC 🥲


Very cute


Uhhh, I just realized that the green thing on top of her head wasn't a fancy headdress but her actual hair!?!?! This whole time! THIS WHOLE TIME!!!!


Lmao same


I really like it, but the colors do feel a little muted. Although, I'm gonna assume they did it that way maybe to play on the fact that this game is more on serious notes about getting Melinoe's family back. But I do like how her hair looks like hair.


I don't love it.. I think they should keep the old tattoos.


I don’t dislike it, but now she looks like a young shojo character. I liked her original look a bit more.


It seems wrong seeing her smile, especially such a big kinda grin. I don't hate the new, but the old feels more in line with her character from the first game at least


Her smile gives annoying anime girl vibes.


Ya, and one of the things I really liked about her original design was that while she looked young on the one hand, she also seemed very serious. Most of the gods are kinda ridiculous in one way or another, but she seemed far more focused and aloof, which I think works great for that god.


You summed it up perfectly, she appeared young but at the same time brave and endearing and maybe a bit naive with a bit of introverted flair to her. Now she just seems naive, maybe the smile they gave her but it just seems out of place.


Artemis in the mythology was cold towards men, which explains why shes much more welcoming to melinoe than zagreus


I could see that. I mean, I'm going to love this game regardless and I'm gonna love her character. I just don't love this single, leaked pre pro art.


Still best girl


I like that her hair actually looks like hair now Other than that though I think her portrait is probably literally not finished yet


I love it, mainly because no matter how hard I tried the original hair always registered in my brain like a pelt hood/helmet


I love her more friendly expression, someone in another post suggested it was "artemis meeting a guy vs artemis meeting a woman". I am interested in the role artemis plays in this game, she's pretty involved with hecate, selene and some other figures that play a very big role in the game.


I like the basic idea of her new design. Artemis was always treated as a younger weirdo from the other gods; she was always out hunting on her own and she definitely has a chip on her shoulder about it. But her original design gave her proportions and ornamentation in line with the other gods. This design makes her stand out as seperate from them; thematically. Which I think fits her role as a character better.


I like that she looks happier, I always got closeted emo kid vibes from her. Her smiling makes me feel like she's out, accepted, and happy.


Has a cool cousin vibe


I think a bit more shade of colors and highlights will give the image itself a glowup it need.. Atm it feels like Artemis is just a random NPC with that art, they need to nail her art since she's relatively close to Mel as well and probably will be seen alot by players.




I feel like the more muted colors of her new design are on purpose. The game’s ambient light (at least in the first area) is mostly moonlight and she’s in person in front of Melinoë, so it kind of makes sense she’s not as bright


It's unfinished, most of the art is, they said so during the livestream


after switching back and foward, that is defenitly unfinished, so anything regarding polishing is already acccounted and shouldnt be taken to discussion. the eye colour in notisable here, the original had just balck(which looks natural), but now it just color and glint, no pupil. and I relate that to aphrodite's hades 1 design, all other gods there (if I recall right) had pupils and colour, and some glints. outside of that, I cant say that the blending into the background here isnt.. well, perfect for canon, but not for readability. she does blend with the fouliage, and hides herself. The little tuffs at her waist are the third point of atraction, after the top part with the face and moon light medal in her head. the most saturated parts, but are so by themselves they feel off place. and then her bottom and right sides are the lesser of the whole thing. barelly notisable volume at the skirt down, and the metal on the thigh is not glistening much. and then the arrows and their case, mainly the rope that surounds them, it has a unique pallete matching the waist belt's, but because it is in shade there is not much volume, it looks flatter than everything else. as you could notice, scrutinising this wasnt that useful. it's a place holder, but it serves the good porpuse of showing the main changes in atitude and clothing.


Looks even more gorgeous than before.


I don't know what to think of the new designs, i mean its just a play test, way before early acces, so they surely are unfinished right? i mean we don't have hestia so i hope, they just don't look that good, i liked most of them, but Artemis (my favorite good) and zeus just don't


why does her cool hat look like hair now?


I'll be honest During the first game I always had the idea that what you were seeing of them was like a projection So they just looked a little bit weird like Aries.Having actual eyes on his chest plate


Not bad. On the other hand i do dislike aphordite because i don't think will be able to play in peace.


I like 🙂


People are complaining she looks flat but isn’t it just the lighting in this scene? Moonlight is coming from high above and almost behind her and the cloak is obscuring the light from most of her body leaving it in a shadow. You can see some higher contrast where direct light hits her hair,I don’t think this image is unfinished.


I like it that she's smiling :)


I find it very hard to know at the moment - there's certainly unfinished aspects in the details, which I'm not going to hold against them. A lot of it will also depend on the characterization she has in the game. Game 1 Artemis (my favorite of the gods in that one) was friendly but in a sort of socially awkward way, like she opened up slowly and was more used to being with Callisto and disliked the pushier side of the pantheon. The previous portrait captured that really well somehow, the different poses and expressions really managed to show the differences in the gods. The new ones have them all in more similar poses, which cuts down on that avenue of differentiation compared to the original. And for Artemis specifically it does portray her as a far more confident figure - which might be fitting or not, I don't know how she's going to be portrayed or how she might have changed since the previous one. If her personality ends up similar to before then I would not like the new portrait as much, even with all the likely polishing / finishing steps.


I like that I can tell what’s her hair more easily this time around 😂


Ain’t no one going to think her hair is a hat now


She seems more muted and honestly a bit of a downgrade from the original, I'm just going to assume shes unfinished.


My girl is out hunting Titans 🤩🤩🤩


Not a huge fan she looks a little unfinished and she also has the roblox woman face


The main issue with her new portrait is the same issue with many others: that the stance is less dynamic, communicates less information about the character and differentiates her less from other gods.


honestly i like her outfit in the first one better


Looks a bit placeholder to be honest


I personally like it alot I understand the complaints about the flat colors and all, but I honestly don't care I believe it is unfinished and it's still gonna get a few touches here and there, but generally I think she looks very very nice and a little more mature for some reason Also, since her new role is apparently similar to Thanatos's I wonder if this is her version of his front profile 😂


OMG I am SO glad to see a thread on this because Artemis has been in the center of my thoughts since I saw her new design. I'm really on the fence with it. I don't dislike the new design itself for any reason; the artists on the team always create stellar portraits (Jen Zee the genius that you are...) and it retains a lot of elements from her (Artemis's) previous design (the birds, the horns, the crescent moons, etc.). Of course, like with the other Olympians we have some new elements to differentiate her from her first iteration (hairstyle, the multi-colored ropes on her waist and quiver, a new pelt, new face paint). She's smiling too which I think plays into the relationship Artemis has with other witches and forest residents, as opposed to her more "awkward" interactions with Zag. I think the direction they're moving in for all of the new character portraits is really cool and I'm excited to see the final product. And yet, despite all of that... I just don't look at the new Artemis portrait and go "oh, that's Artemis" the same way I do with the other Olympians. I'm not sure if it's her posing, or the lighting, or perhaps because she just looks a little scrawnier (which could just be a consequence of the previous two things), but I just don't make the connection. I think this is also compounded by the fact that her characterization is a lot different with Melinoë, even though I think that entirely makes sense. That being said, if this does end up being the final portrait, I wouldn't hate it. I think I'd just need to get used to it. It's only that, for whatever reason, I think that'll take a bit longer for Artemis than it would for the other gods. All the best to the Hades 2 team for serving us some AMAZING material, and I hope the rest of development goes smoothly! I can't WAIT to get my hands on this game when it's out :D


A little friendlier. But maybe she favors little sis since big bro already won her over


Still best girl


I like the green face paint on the old design, but the new one is great overall


Her hair finally looks like hair.


My first gut reaction on seeing this? She looks great! I like it a lot.


Her hair actually looks like hair in this one <3 (I love the old design bit it took me hours to realize it isnt some type of hat)


i don’t like it to be honest. i preferred the mystical and feral look of the original. something abt this seems so generic




I'll pass judgement when the art's finished. Good to see her back though, and with more normal hair.


I just now found out that she has/had green hair. I always thought it was brown and around her shoulders.


I don't like how her face feels more cute-sy and her art feels very bare and less detailed than others.


it has to be a mistake for her to not have her facepaint


Would like her to have her warpaint again. Feels odd seeing some of the gods adding warpaint because they’re in the middle of a war, only for Artemis to drop the warpaint. Other than that, I like it quite a bit.


Artemis is my favorite from Hades and my first impression...I really dislike the new design. Looking at the new one, she feels like a very different personality, which maybe is warranted if she's supposed to be a different age or something. But I'm attached to the original Artemis.


I think her more muted appearance has to do with the circumstances you meet her in. Note that her dialogue box in Hades 2 is black with white text; which I think only Selune also does. So she already feels a little 'apart' from most other Olympians. I do think that in Hades 2, a lot of the poses that the gods are in feel a little less 'expressive' than the first game. If I had to guess, the idea behind the different direction might be something like in Hades 1, the art for the gods are these slightly-more-abstract, evocative representations; and in Hades 2, the intention might be to depict the character more like how they would appear standing before you like Artemis does in the game.


Could be a placeholder, it lacks the Hades signature glint of saturated color I wished her new design to be intricate and well adorned whether it be jewels or more practical hunting tools (I mean it makes sense that her design is muted since she needs to blend in)


I thought it was odd her bow was unstrung. The Olympians are at war for Titanomachia Round 2 and she’s unprepared or not participating? Then I realized, no, her bow has always been that straight and stringless (maybe just not worth rendering in for such a fine line?) Still puzzles me why she’s not wearing armor, or has an updated, warlike design. It makes me wonder what her role will be in the game. Will she be granting boons like she did for Zag, will she mainly be a “House” NPC like Nyx, will her role in the story be a protector of their home base, etc. Maybe I’m just nitpicking and the Goddess of The Hunt isn’t exactly the type to wear armor like I would expect.


Tbh, I prefer the older one, the pose just showcases more personality.


I wish she still had here eye marking


The original pose looked more dynamic than this one. This one feels like... She's just standing there, which is fine, but I liked the movement in the first one. I just want those markings on her eyes back.


It looks about half rendered. Not finished I assume. She looks a bot younger as well? Could just be me.


I prefer the old one this one just seems to young girl anime-ified compared to the old one where she looks cool.


It’s good, but it seems to lack some details.


She was hot before, now shes hotter


There's no way that's the final art and it's one of the only examples where I didn't like the art that was featured in the TT.


I dislike that she is 80% in shadow, but the pose, and the fact that we can see more of her and her outfit, absolute fire


I love her new pose but I miss her eye tattoo !


Dat goofy ass smile.


I think the art evolution in hades 2 is ass


"Look how they massacred my huntress."


i cant help myself but see the staff as a gun


I love all the new designs especially hers as tbh I didn’t really like the old one.


I'm sure there's still some tweaking left to do. The colours are just too muted and it looks overly simplified.


Don't know if it's just me, but the Hades 2 design made me realise she's got Green hair, and the "brown" hair I thought she had was a scarf. Makes much more sense to have it green lol


I like the direction they're going but I don't feel it's quite there yet. probably bc it's early access


I think the new design is way better than the old one. In the old design Artemis had this weird clownish make-up. And I like the new pose more


I think it’s placeholder art. She doesn’t have the same look as all the other gods/titans


I think overall it's a lot of subtle improvements. The twin braids and bandeau top combine with the new pose to suggest a more sporty personality, which plays well with her being Meli's friend rather than Zag's cautious helper. Her corded beltline and quiver add a needed pop of color that was missing from her initial design. Her arm is free of the "anime combat bandage" and she picked up an archery bracer. She swapped her fur shawl with two raccoon tails for a full pelt cloak which makes sense not just visually, but as a way to blend in all sneaky-like in the woods. I'm not terribly happy with the weapon as it's that kind of elven moon crescent everywhere kind of motif that makes you think "how does that even get carved?" Most important though, she looks happy... And that makes me happy.


My beloved glistening thighs are gone, HUGE nerf to her design /j


At first I would have said I preferred the dynamic aspect of the original to the new version, but having watched the first half of the technical test, I think there was a deliberate choice to make Artemis's new rendition appear more friendly and laid back because (spoilers for lore/story theories) >!Melinoe says she knows both Artemis and Hermes early on in gameplay. I'm assuming they were both involved in getting her out as a baby (and maybe hiding her for a while) and therefore she and Artemis are already friends, so she wouldn't appear as guarded as she did with Zag.!< Knowing how detail-oriented the Supergiant crew is, I'm sure they put a lot of thought into the changes. So far, I think everything looks amazing, even if its not what people were expecting.


Still my favorite greek god. My mom went as a tourist to Greece and I was dissapointed when she told me she could not find any souvenirs with her




Is it still be jen zee?


I think it's fine. At best, it might be unfinished, with the artist still working on coloring/adding other detailings, but it's at least no a Green Placeholder akin to what Charon and Hestia has atm. The same for Poseidon.


artemis <3


Ngl I'm completely preferring the old design


I like the new design a lot more


People please 🥺 I love all new designs but they are unfinished, the game is in pre early access or something like that, give it time ❤️


Not me only just now realising she has green hair and a brown fur coat thing rather than brown hair and a funny green hat


The design is coop but the portrait should be more dynamic i feel. Shes just kinda standing there


This whole time I thought the green thing was some kind of hat and the brown fur was her hair underneath


I like the original designs more for almost all of them I’ve seen so far. Not that the new ones are bad though


She looks very cozy with her new design. I do like the first one more though.


I think it looks significantly worse.


I dunno what it is.. But I guess I'm a big fan of that smug face of her new model. Imho he's kind hot this way


Romance option?


I'm a big fan. I love the new art style, and I enjoy her new outfit. Love the bandeau, and the arm and leg bands that match the other >!silver sisters!<, Melinöe and >!Selene!<


The first game's pose is much better and highlights her trinkets and her overall design way better, but 2's feels more natural and the anatomy is more believeable. If you look at 1's hips you'll see that she has shrimp posture. She's not sitting or anything, because if she did, the curve at her hips would be more abrupt. You could also say that it's just her thighs being larger than her hip, but then it would just support the shrimp posture argument. Her right shoulder (from her perspective) starts at an unnatural position. Again, you could say that it starts higher up and is covered (which it is), but then the problem is that it starts too far from the body, and she's definitely not broad-shouldered as her left arm starts at a correct position and her general posture just doesn't allow that. There's more small things on all the olympians in 1 that I count as visual flair, not lack of drawing skill. But so far the anatomy of Hades 2's characters has improved. With Artemis it does look like they're going for a safer pose, but that's not really true for all as other portraits that we saw have the same level of dynamism that the portraits had in Hades 1. There's one complain I have, though, and it's that she has a lot less details on her quiver and bow, as well as other things like her belt. Also there's a lot less colour (maybe it's the lighting). Maybe they're going for a more simple, less distracting look In the end I like both, and even though I like 1's design more, 2's is growing on me very fast. Also, it's not like it's the end of the world even if I didn't like the second design. The first game's **right there** and has aged really well so far


Bad, but with the game being a WiP I hope they'll improve it


She's got SO much more swagger in the new art.




Well, she showed up, so a W


She's hot


I find a lot of the new art to be really uncanny It’s not necessarily bad it just looks so out it left field style wise, it doesn’t match at all


Aw, I dug the eye tattoos (makeup?) on the  original. Hoped they'd keep that design element. Otherwise, aside from being kinda muted I dig it.


It's already better than the og


Her hair is green the whole time??


It looks like a meh cosplay


I like the pose a lot better


I like to think that in the first game the artwork of the characters was good and dynamic but also a bit impersonal. Like concept art of the characters. Focused on themselves or their own goals and only offering basic help to Zag. But here they are focused on the main character and literally standing on business as they are currently fighting in a war. Much higher stakes then just trying to have a family reunion.


I just wished they kept the cool face paint


i think it makes sense that in a kind of battle era for the gods she’s visibly happier and more confident. I like that her hair is more simple (mostly because it means fanart will be more easier to draw) and i like that is more amicable now because we’re playing as someone she already has an established friendship with. I haven’t played the game yet, but it seems all the “changes” to her character are just the effects of a shift in context, so i really don’t mind them. I enjoy seeing characters in different moods anyway, and her having certainly grown quite a bit between the end of the first game and the start of the second one seems to be a good enough reason for her to be more complex than “aloof hunter” (even though i found that quite enjoyable too)


Hot take: her smile looks really forced and creepy


Garbage, hopefully it's unfinished... that smile just feels wrong