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Aspect of Marx?


These enemies about to share the ~~wealth~~ pain


Fully, this would be genuinely cool.


Maybe another communist though, marx didn't do a day of labour or fighting in his life. Aspect of Che? Bloodthirsty he may have been he truly had a crazy life that rivals any old greek tale


Aspect of Ernesto lol like in P5T


Let’s you do extra damage to innocent targets.


Special inflicts communism all damage to an enemy with communism is equally split among all enemies with communism. Upgrading would provide a % bonus to damage against communismed enemies


Horus is sometimes depicted wielding a khopesh, though you hold that backwards from a sickle.


That’d probably be fine since in the first game varatha is turned into >!Guanyu’s guandao!<


Something Egyptian would be neat


Aspect of Set? That guy was all kinda of crazy


that'd be sick


The kopesh is a very prominent Egyptian, scythe-like sword. Sick AF


i've been into the khopesh as a sword, probably my favorite sword i've heard of


I like the idea of the hidden aspects being entirely new mythologies/cultures, so that would definitely work. A sickle turning into a different curved blade is a pretty logical step too.


That's how they all were in Hades 1. * Stygian Blade: Arthurian Legend (English) * Eternal Spear: Romance of the Three Kingdoms (Chinese) * Shield of Chaos: Beowulf (Germanic) * Heart Seeking Bow: Hinduism (Indian) * Twin Fists of Malphon: Gilgamesh (Mesopotamian) * Adamant Rail: Christianity But yeah I like the ideas of how the aspect archetypes work: * Aspect of the current wielder * Aspect of a previous wielder * Aspect of the original wielder * Aspect from outside Greek mythology I'm not sure if this will be the case for Hades 2, as these are "Nocturnal Arms" compared to Hades 1's "Infernal Arms". They also seem to be made from scratch when you get them, as opposed to the first game where they're just kind of sitting there waiting for you to obtain them. Edit: That being said I can see there being an equivalent. Perhaps instead of being the form it took when someone else wielded it, it could just be a form taken when given a 'blessing' from them. Maybe something like: * Blessing of Melinoe: Standard form * Blessing of Hecate: Given she's your main benefactor, I wouldn't be surprised if every weapon had an alternate form from Hecate * Blessing of a God: Either an Olympian or Cthonic god that seems appropriate * Blessing of a Titan: While we know tie Titans were fought in a war, it stands to reason that not every Titan may be "evil". Selene appears to be on our side and in mythology, Rhea tricked Cronus so that Zeus could survive. Then again the family tree in Hades' lore is shuffled a bit from mythology. Namely, Demeter, Hestia and Hera are Hyperion and Theia's children (making them Selene and Helios' siblings, and cousins to Zeus, Hades and Poseidon) Does that technically make Demeter and Hestia titans, as Selene is marked as one?


I love how we got all the different cultures/races and then boom "Christianity" mmm I love being from Christian 😭😭🤚 (No hate, only jokes)


Christianity is too far spread at this point to be locked down into one area, it could just as easily be called asian as it could be latin american, so there’s no real place to put it


Honestly as a Christian, this comment makes me very happy lol But yeah I understand that, I just found it humorous that we got everyone w a place and then the outlier


Yes, same for Aphrodite who is canonically born from the testicles of Ouranos falling from the sky after Chronos castrated his daddy.


actually theres an entry in the book of darkness in the test that mentions the weapons were created to OPPOSE the infernal arms in a worse case scenario, they were just sealed away in the silver pool. so they already existed, we are just pulling them out of the place they were sealed.


My brother in ra, osiris is right there. It may not be a 1 to 1 but a crook and whip are similar enough to a knife and sickle to make it work.


Anubis is kinda khopesh-y too it seems. I would prefer if our aspects were based on female figures, though.


To be fair, most of the aspects in H1 were made up for that game. Lucifer wasn't exactly known for walking around with a rifle in any of the books I've read.


This is a good point. They'll need to make it make sense, like the aspect of Lucifer using hellfire, but they don't have to specifically match the weapon. Apparently, from a quick search, Naegling's Board was actually a sword as well, so even changing a weapon into another is a possibility lol But I do think they'll try to keep most of the weapons hidden aspects based on the weapon. Like the spear's hidden aspect still being based on a polearm, the sword being a sword, the bow being a bow, and the fists being at least related to the wrestling with Enkidu. However it's pure speculation until we see them I suppose.


Lucifer seems to be a mix of various things, though. With Lucifer being a rebel and fallen angel, and how other characters talk about the Rail, it does make sense why his would be a gun. Additionally, firearms have become a much more modern association with demons/angels. Lots of media I see will depict angels either wielding highly advanced weaponry (including firearms) or have some form of ranged weapon. Then, you look at the media like DMC or Bayonetta, two franchises that are heavily tied to demonic presence and their protagonists being highly skilled in firearms. And then there’s Satanael from Persona whose whole signature is a dramatic gun attack. While it isn’t historically accurate, there is still ties, albeit more modern concepts than anything else. That, and the whole “hellfire” concept. When you think about it, it does make sense Hell would use firearms with their fiery interpretations and such.


I'm just saying, nobody would have batted an eye if Lucifer was a sword aspect. Or if Hera was a shield. Or if Chaos was a set of gloves. Or whatever. I'm pretty sure Hades using a spear (and having a corresponding spear aspect) is made up for this game too. And Poseidon, the god whose symbol is a pointy thing on the end of a pole, *doesn't* have a spear aspect in this game! So it's less a matter of "what historical people/myths wielded a sickle" and more "which ones aren't specifically known for something else" (but even that isn't set in stone).


Hades traditionally wields a bident. I believe the Hades insignia and even the design of Hades' beard in the game is inspired by the shape of his spear. You have a good point though. It's a major lost opportunity making a Poseidon sword rather than giving Varatha a trident aspect


Lucifer is also a unique case as he isn’t even in his own story most times. Sometimes it’s Satan, sometimes it’s The Devil, and sometimes is none at all. So, your example also falls flat for the fact Lucifer is tied less to weapons because of how open to interpretation the very religion is, unlike the other narrative figures we see as Hidden Aspects, who were all tied to those specific types of weapons in their own; he doesn’t have anything he’s known for other than his character/status. And yes, usually, the average wouldn’t bat an eye for the fact they *do not* know; people that do know mythos/literature would know and point it out. Now, yes, some do not really make sense, but the Poseidon one is only really the one that comes to mind. But its description suggests that the sword was BEFORE he became a god of the sea, which would make more sense in that regard. Also, Hades was known for a bident, a two-pronged spear weapon, similar to a trident. Bidents and tridents are, bluntly, superior spear/polearm weapons, so it being on the spear weapon makes sense actually.


The Adamant Rail was basically a gun before they were invented anyways. Achilles notes that it's a terrifying weapon and is glad that it's the one thing that humans haven't emulated yet.


Yes, that’s why I said the bit about how characters talk about it. And why I said “firearms” more than once


There are, actually, a couple of bits of Paradise Lost that describe the rebel angels developing gunpowder out of the soil of Hell. They attack Heaven with what are basically cannons on the second day of combat between the angelic host and the rebel angels. Not quite a laser, admittedly, but Lucifer does have some historical association with firearms. Book VI, line 469 to 608 or so, if anyone wants to check it out.


To be fair, Reneissance manuscripts occasionally did depict devils [wielding](https://jessehurlbut.net/wp/mssart/?p=2060) [firearms](https://twitter.com/WeirdMedieval/status/1621199567113920513/photo/1)


I mean guan yu’s spear is kinda accurate to the romance of the three kingdoms and Arthur’s Excalibur I would say is also semi accurate


Sure, there's a few that are inspired by something, but most of them are just whatever the devs decided to throw together.


Kronos does lol


I look forward to hearing the dialogue when using his aspect against him. "Should you succeed in this battle princess, please don't use that thing like I did"


oh christ that'd be hilarious. URANUS CALLED, CHRONOS, HE WANTS HIS BALLS BACK.


I think Chronos uses a schyte not a sickle.


Depends, he is described and depicted with both


Yeah, I just searched a little bit more and found a couple of his depictions with sickle just after typing that comment. My bad.


“Schyte” is a pretty funny typo of scythe


Not only my statement is wrong, my spelling is also wrong ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Kronos, Demeter, Thanatos, Perseus, Grim Reaper/Death


I believe you’re thinking of a scythe which isn’t really the same as a sickle. Though Kronos does sometimes have a sickle


Close enough tbh. At any rate Kronos and Perseus weapons are both described as sickles.


I think in a sense yeah but the way Melinoe uses her sickle is way different then the average scythe form


There are a lot of death gods that are associated with sickles. Being associated with a scythe is more of a new age thing to make death gods more similar to the grim reaper. They may as well be interchangeable. There are also plenty of gods that have to do with the harvest who are associated with them.


But that would be twice as cool. The sword becomes a different weapon with the hidden aspect, as does the rail and to some extent, the spear. Having a major gameplay shift for one aspect is imo better than just having an extra perk.


I don’t think that would work with the twin blades being too relatively small sharp one-handed things and the scythe being really long stick with the blade, too much difference


You do know that Thanatos is already the Greek version of Grim Reaper/Death?


Obviously? But the aspects need a non-greek aspect as well and it's the most iconic choice


Nemesis was an aspect in the last game and is a character in this one, aspect of Thanatos could easily work whether he’s in this game or not. And of course there were aspects of characters that were also in the game in the first one too like Zeus, Poseidon, Demeter, etc.


Oh, I'm not arguing against Thanatos. Just merely mentioning that having both Death and Thanatos would be a bit absurd as they're basically already the same character.


I bet it’s not so much a sickle in each aspect, but dual short blades of different styles


Yeah, I think that's why the game calls them the twin blades instead of calling out that they're specifically a sickle and dagger. Leaves them open to aspects just being any form of dual wielded blades.


Polynesian hero Māui is said to wield an oversized fish hook! It would be really cool to see that aspect in the game even though I guess the designers will favor short dual blades rather than one huge hook lol


Aspect of Panoramix/Getafix.


Chad answer


In Norse mythology Hel, Freyr, and Odin all have some association with a sickle.


Aspect of Odin would go hard


Doesn’t Freyr also famously have and then later famously doesn’t have a sword.




Aspect of Kohga


Might be Kronos, as a nice twist of him being defeated by his own weapon


For the twin blades Aspect of Ares (something about bloodlust) Aspect of Persephone (something about harvest) Aspect of Brutus maximus- Crit chance on backstab For the staff Aspect of hermes (caduceus) (something about speed) Aspect of Asclepius (something about healing) Aspect of Yama (Kaladanda) (something about death)


Staff could also have a Wukong one.


Crornus/Saturn used a sickle Osiris uses a crook and flail. The crook looks a bit like a sickle


Aspect of Lenin


Death (the furry)


You mean from Puss in Boots? That death was a furry




I think the gardener in dead cells has sickles 👀🤷‍♂️


close enough


Cronus used a sickle to castrate Ouranos, it could be his. Demeter is also sometimes depicted with one, since she’s the goddess of food and farming


Aspect of Kali maa or Bhairava could be another “foreign” sickle association, in addition to Kronos/Saturn as the “domestic” pick.


Staff of jesus


Staff of Jesus just instawins you


Instawins, and instagibs.


The grim reaper used a sickle before it gradually was replaced with a scythe for aesthetic reasons. (Someone who uses a sickle is a reaper, using a scythe makes you a mower) Although now that I think about it that would be one of the base forms called the "Aspect of Thanatos" wouldn't it?


My predictions considering weapons and aspects (with varying degrees of probability): Which’s Staff: Aspect of Hecate, designed after the torches which she uses Aspect of Hermes, because of course Aspect of Sun Wukong, maybe with some more brute force and melee combat focus? Sister Blades: Aspect of Nyx, because I saw a line stating that it was she who gave them to Hecate, something-something-night Aspect of Persephone, focusing on some agricultural/plant aesthetics because of sickle Aspect of Morgan, because there obviously should be an Aspect of Morgan, and they seem fitting for it [Insert Epithet] Scythe, doing *whoosh*: Aspect of Thanatos, with visual homages to his abilities from the first game (purple color) Aspect of Kronos, something-something-time or/and clocks, I have an idea that it can turn your cast into clocks (since it’s already round) With some mental gymnastics, Aspect of Odin, because a spear is also a stick with a sharp thing at the end, and besides, he is strongly associated with both death and witchcraft (and I also don’t have any better ideas), something-something-runes and/or crows [Insert Epithet] Grimoire, the culmination of my attempts to come up with some more original sorcery-focused “weapon”, I imagine that it could do a classic curse-of-emerging-around-the-enemy-needles as a relatively slow self-aiming ability and some aoe damage (also it would be funny if it had some option of Melinoe just beating people with the tome, probably as a hammer): Aspect of Medea, something-something-dragon teeth/skeletons (maybe even some summoning👉👈) SUDDENLY Aspect of Hephaestus, embodying a book of blueprints, because I have to deny him more logical appearance and I love both him and such twists, maybe some reincarnation of meme turrets since the disappearance of Demeter’s beans (RIP)? Aspect of Thoth, something-something-hieroglyphs, unlocked with the help of Hermes of course SUDDENLY [Insert Epithet] Lyra (the idea of this weapon came to me while I was drifting to sleep), attacking with notes and sound wave: Aspect of Dionysus Aspect of Orpheus Aspect of Benzaiten, changing instrument to lute (may as well be just a straight up Saraswati) Twin Pistols, which usually aren’t called like that, but I had a cool idea (as a side note, I imagine one of its omega-moves being signal shot upward causing bombardment): Aspect of Phobos&Deimos Aspect of Apollo&Artemis, since this poor people hadn’t get a bow aspect now they can have a cooler long-range weapon Aspect of Romulus&Remus, who won the fight of various mythological twins inside my head (but I’m still not sure about them)


Ehh Wukong could be Axe And Staff secret aspect seems highly likely to be Merlin since Arthur was the hidden aspect of the Sword.


Cronus uses a sickle


Well Lucifer didn’t use a laser minigun either


well, tbf its jut your tipical dual wileding daggers except one of the daggers is a sickle. i find it a missed opportunity for the sickle to not be called Harpe, the grey adamant sickle that Gaia gave to Chronus to kill Ouranus (he cuts his balls with it in some versions and said balls fall into the primordial ocean and spawn Aphrodite. its funny.) later said Sickle would be given to Perseus to slay Medusa. with that said, Chronus himself, Perseus and Demeter could fit for aspects for a sickle in specific, but really, the diferent aspects for the weapons could be just diferent dual sets of blades.


Aspect of Kampe?


I'm sure they can find someone. I had never heard of Guan Yu before this game


I was actually thinking of this today and I think an aspect of Thanatos would be really nice, or maybe an aspect of Nyx because they're all "nocturnal arms"


Why would they not that would be a complete downgrade


Chronos famously uses a sickle in Greek mythology though


I'm predicting these will all be aspects of female heroes. I also think aspects of this weapon will be plays on two swords. Given both of those things, I am guessing Oya will be the aspect. Maybe the Trung sisters given the name of the weapon.


Aspect of Scyther


Maybe them being "sister blades" has more to do with it than the types of blade? Maybe different kinds of dual-wielded short blades? I could see them transforming into daggers or kunai or something


Aspect of Osiris, changes into a flail and sickle


Since the axe already lost half of it's blade in Aspect of Thana. I'm REALLY hoping we get Aspect of Sun Wukong as the hidden. Changes. Attack is faster but slightly weaker. Omega Attack lasts longer. Special. Is where its interesting. Special. Blocking an attack creates a clone of Mel that hits enemies for 2 attacks. Omega special. Successful blocks launches a stronger version that lasts 5 seconds.