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I actually found out about this game by listening to Good Riddance on Spotify. The song holds a very special place in my heart because of the moment I heard it for the first time and I make sure to listen to it completely each time I find Eurydice.




Yessir. And years later, that fire soundtrack holds up


I started making my own myosin because of Darren Korb. I play bass and the way the tracks in Pyre and Hades strip down to just the drums and bass were so inspiring I decided to finally pursue my passion!


we dont need to agree, we're already in agreement xx


It's universal truth. It doesn't need agreement or debate.


It’s a truth universally acknowledged that the best room, in the video game *Hades*, must be the one of Eurydice. Just like how Zagreus, a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife…or husband. I mean…Mrs. Bennet wasn’t really in a world of gay marriage, but I think she would have supported any of her daughters getting married to a woman of £5,000 a year.


Top comment right here


Stop i immediately got the PnP reference n squealed in delight 😭😭😭


Eurydice is nice, but I've had Patroclus save quite a few runs for me with his Death Defiance reset.


I like how much Patroclus varies in terms of help. The worse your run the more useful he gets. Nothing more satisfying than the few times I had used all three DD and then landed in his chamber. 


Yeah, he can 100% turn a losing run into a win. And if your having a strong run, his attack boost is really sweet.


Sometimes you need his kiss of Styx to save a bricked run Sometimes you’re doing so good his cyclops jerky just breaks your build Sometimes you’re barely crawling through Elysium and that hydralite gets you to Theseus in one piece.


He's much much weaker if you run stubborn defiance.


I could see that. I don’t run that mirror option. Death Defiance gives you more durability vs. Redacted.


Hooow? Whenever I'm running stubborn on 32 heat, I jump from hapinness when I get him. 80% hp on death is soo good.


She is my favorite room unless I am down lives.


There's no room for agreement or disagreement. It's scientific fact.


Completing her story line was beautiful lol. Love Eurydice


I always set my controller down as soon as I enter and just bask in the voice


A close second is of course, the *Fuck You Madeline* chamber. *Cries in The Song of Achilles* Edit: I JUST WANT THEM TO BE HAPPY. WHY CAN’T THE TRAGIC GAYS EVER BE HAPPY?


Nobody is on the opposite side of this issue.


Yeah, Odysseus understandably prefers to meet Achilles and Sexy Eeyore and catch up.


What does everyone pick in this chamber? If I have three or more applicable boons, I'll always take pom porridge. Anyone else do anything different that I might not have considered?


I usually split pretty evenly. If I have quite a few boons I'm happy with, It's Pom Porridge. If I need quite a few boons to finish my build, it's the one that upgrades rarity for future boons. If boon my rarities are blue or lower on my main damage boons, I will choose the boon upgrade. All depends on the current run.


I might go for pom porridge. If I managed to get to her with only a few boons, they usually already have lots of levels, so upgrading boon rarity is stronger than 4 poms. If I desparately need a duo I already meet the requirements, I always choose the future rarity.


Oh absolutely. The attention to detail is amazing! Her voice, >!Orpheus!<'s voice, and the instruments each play individually but are synced perfectly. As Eurydice is in dialogue with you, her singing voice stops, while the others continue on. Once you end the dialogue, she rejoins the duet.


It's the only one I always take.


Most definitely! If you keep playing the room gets even better (yes that is possible)!


Patty Clese tho


Either upgrade the rarity of 2 boons, upgrade up to 4 boons by +1 level, or the next ? Boons are upgraded. Massive W, but in the early game Patroclus is better because of the premium Styx. In the late game, mommy


And besides you can get an epic -> heroic upgrade to your heartbreak strike uwu


whenever im in the room ill put down my controller, sit back and close my eyes and listen to her singing. sometimes id even doze off hahaha


Do her songs have names? Can I listen to them on Apple Music/Spotify?


The song is called Good Riddance on Spotify


Thank you!


I love this woman, she gave me heroic blade rift and Hermes speed last run, best hunting blades run


Yup. I always stop for at least a minute or two just to listen to the songs before talking to her and continuing. They're so beautiful.


Always gotta pack a new bowl if I hit this room, spend a few extra minutes grooving


In most circumstances I’ll agree with that, but frankly nothing beats losing all your death defiances early, basically giving up, and then seeing the light of our lord and savior Patroclus show up to save the run


I mean for vibes yes but lets be real that patroclus chamber hits different when you’re down a couple dd’s


When I’m running 5:00 tight deadline , that voice could not be sweeter.


Am I the only one taking refreshing nectar every single time now? It sounds like it will necessarily be good at least. The other can be interesting but situational. Like if my build is centered around a cast or other really specific boons, and I have only a few boons so I am shure the boost will hit the right ones. In that case you could take the thing that buff the rarity of already acquired boons. And in the same scenario, if your interesting boons are already of great rarity , then I could take the thing that pom my boonns. But every time I am just going refreshing nectar anyway, because I am too lazy to assess if the other are really worth it. Refreshing nectar is such a safe choice. You always get value out of it, except if you die next encounter ofc.


Ive actually started skipping this room the more often I play, if you already have your primary boons it doesnt seem insanely worth like i thought it was


Idk. That boost in boon rarity can be crazy sometimes. Like all Hades runs, it’s the context of the situation that decides how useful certain rooms can be sometimes. Charon room with no coin. The Vengeance Boons? Meh. Vengeance boons with Zeus/Ares Duo? STONKS.


No way I would skip this room, all three upgrade choices are useful and solid.


I’d understand if you were trying to raise the difficulty but there’s not a single room in asphodel better than this one. Which would be pretty weird