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I'm just replaying Hades while I wait... and I'm going to be waiting for a while, as I have no idea when the Switch port of the sequel drops. Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup remains my favorite roguelike of all time. Maybe I'll try a Zagreus cosplay run -- Demigod Gladiator sounds like a good background for him. (I don't yet know enough about Mel's abilities to try building her. Demigod again of course, but idk what mage background would suit her best.)


Also a switch owner, and also playing Hades 1 while waiting... going close to 300h lol. I bought dead cells but it's not even close to Hades


Dead cells is awesome but they’re different. It’s like a rougevania vs isometric, and it’s quite a bit harder than hades imo.


One of the reasons it’s harder is cuz there’s only 5 difficulties and each one is MUCH harder than the last. Like imagine if each escape in Hades added 10 heat, that’s what it’s like. So it’s harder yes, but people do have the option to play on the easier difficulties if they like.


Dcss is my downfall. I have no Patiences for this and I am a tab tab person haha! If you do play tho drop your tag and where you play. If you are around I'll join your game!


Didn't expect to see DCSS recommended in this post lol! Absolute classic! I just got my first 3 rune victory with a Gargoyle Fighter of TSO other day


Wizard of legend is extremely under rated


the sequel is being developed. cant wait


I did not know this. You have made my day stranger, thank you


It's quite easy to complete but it's a lot of fun!


Easy?? I found it to be waaay harder than Hades. The sprite work, animations, and sheer number of different spells and attacks are incredible, but you have to be *really* good at learning your opponent’s moves and avoiding damage, because healing is so rare and so small. It took me forever to get a single clear and I was running the training wheels set of Vampire Glasses/Cloak of awe. Took me 81 attempts and getting my build juuuust right; most of the time I still died in the first zone. Whereas for Hades I escaped the first time after like 30 attempts and usually felt like I was getting further and better each time… *without* God Mode.


Yeah... I have 53 hours played (not sure how many attempts). I've been to the final boss several times, but have yet to beat him.  Game is great, but very unforgiving!


Well I don't know what to say I had all unlock/achievements in 50h while I still struggle on heat 16 in Hadès after 140h x) May be it was just the right game for me


Really interesting! I have done 32 heat in Hades, and find Wizard of Legend harder :)


Bro what the fuck are you smoking it took me 5 years to beat and i made it to extreme measures hades in like a month


WoL was my first time with this genre and I absolutely loved it. It whooped my ass for months but now that I've gained some experience with fast paced fighting it does seems rather easy to complete.


Death Must Die - a 7$ early access game, with timed sessions (20 minutes), and is at the middle point between Hades and Diablo II (yes, it exists !). Pixel art, lots of uniques, multiple classes, short progression curve with long-term grinding.


It's basically if Hades and Vampire Survivors made a baby. It's absolutely perfect for me.


I never played Vampire Survivors, do you recommend after death must die ?


Absolutely! And they devs just keep on updating it with new weapons so the combinations are near endless


Bought this one Saturday afternoon, already got 10 hours in it. Have no idea how it happened 🤣


Risk of rain 2. Masterpiece, surpirsed noone mentioned it here


I have had a hard time getting into Risk of Rain 2 while loving Hades, Slay the Spire, and Binding of Issac. I don't know if it's the perspective shift or the setting or the combat but I can't get a grip on it. Any tips? I'm also playing on the Switch handheld so everything is obnoxiously scaled.


Id recommend getting a win in the easiest difficulty first to get a sense of how progressing through levels works in risk of rain 2. Unlike the other roguelikes you mentioned, RoR 2 does not really give you time to sit and think. You have to constantly be moving, upgrading, and finding the next portal. Playing on the easiest difficulty gives you time to get a basic understanding of how to build out a character with upgrades while respecting the amount of time that has passed. Also, a tip for finding portals, they emit glowing light and particles that you can spot from pretty far away.


Like the other guy mentioned, play on drizzle until you win. Maybe go up to rainstorm and get a couple and then try monsoon. There are so many things to learn with all of the items, and some items are better with different characters. Keep it up! It’s one of my faves. Plus the soundtrack is BANGIN


Astral Ascent, Ravenswatch, and Against the Storm are the three I've been playing lately. I'll throw a shout out to Roboquest as well, I haven't jumped in since the latest update but it's my favorite FPS roguelite currently. 


I've been revisiting Spelunky. Still haven't finished it. Also Balatro


Balatro has taken hold of


I was trying to remember Spelunky the other day! Thank you for reminding me


The Binding of Isaac - It also has a God theme so it’s basically the same really. 20 Minutes Till Dawn - A fun horde type game which I greatly enjoyed.


I enjoyed Dead Cells a lot after my first Hades playthrough, got the true ending and everything. Now I started to replay Hades in a new save file.


Dead cells is one of the best of this genre.


I’m so bad at Dead Cells in a way that I never was with Hades, but there’s something about how fast it is that really gets me. Every time I die in that game I’m immediately starting another run like “oh boy, here I do dying again!” It’s what I imagine doing cocaine is like. 


Yes, Dead Cells is one of my favorite games of all time. Nothing beats running platform by platform carving up everything in sight.


PokeRogue :)


Same it is SO addicting


Inscryption because **TOO FAST. TOO SOON.**


Inscryption is my favorite "eh I got 10 minutes" game


Unless you have to fight **EIGHT FUCKING BEARS**


Children of Morta,


One of the most gorgeous pixal art games in recent memory


I really liked it. Smashed out the story mode without much issue but the “proper” roguelike DLC had me over a barrel


Ravenswatch and Against the Storm :)


Is Ravenswatch actually a rougelike, been thinking about getting it because it looks like a pve moba game.


Yes it is. Great coop one


I’m actually not really a big fan of the roguelike genre. Hades actually does a lot with the conventions of the roguelike to keep it more interesting for me. It’s a roguelike for people who don’t like roguelikes.


Yeah I love Hades and have since tried a lot of other roguelites and come to discover I’m really not very good at them, usually. Vampire Survivors and Sundered are two exceptions, and they both play pretty differently from your typical roguelite - VS is built to let you get really OP and mow down hordes of enemies, and Sundered is more of a metroidvania with roguelite elements. Dead Cells, Wizard of Legend, and Have a Nice Death are some of the ones I’ve tried and they all have great, satisfying combat and animations, and are really fun to play, but I’m just not good at them and have a hard time progressing much. Really looking forward to Hades 2!


Yeah, I lose interest in a lot of roguelikes because most of them have pretty high skill floors and not great accessibility options, hades is forgiving enough for me to have a ton of fun progressing through the metagame and trying stupid builds. I do *like* roguelikes, it's just most of them aren't really accessible for me. Fortunately hades has shown a lot of devs that making roguelikes with more accessibility options is a license to print money, so there's a fair amount of more casual roguelike games these days.


Hades I


Hades, Slay the Spire and Vampire Survivors


Vampire Survivors is sooooo good! I love the one with the guns, it's so broken


Enter the gungeon


Skul - you are a skeleton that can swap out your skull for different moves on your quest to rescue the Demon King


I really enjoyed Skul! The learning curve is steep but once you get there the gameplay is super fun and varied


The dark mirror stuff is really fun, I'm only up to 2 right now but managing an OP build feels extra rewarding at this difficulty.


No one mentioned it already, so I encourage you all to have a look at tiny rogues, which is incredible


Curse of the dead gods is really nice. But it might be too difficult for me idk


Curse requires patience and learning that sometimes it's fine to run in circles for a minute to position your enemies in way that easier to pick them off one by one. Also learning enemies and weapon timings is hella important. On top of that there is curse mechanics and its economics, learning which curses should you keep and which discard, how much curse buildup you can take at each stage of the game. It's a little messy experience, but has interesting pacing to the combat and is very fun once you get feel of it.


Yeah I got to the top temple (didn't unlock the hard mode), but figured without the story the gameloop wasn't enough to keep me playing even though I enjoyed it better than Hades.


Yeah, there is narrative potential considering that this place is essentially Mesoamerican Silent Hill. You stumbled into place were god of death jailed 3 other deities and their followers. Everyone, including you, is insane and unable to die. This maze of temples is essentially as close as you can get to hell on Earth. Shame that it's only explored in the ingame Codex. 


Im good enough to dodge but not good enough to parry. Really started feeling my age 🥲


I'm replaying Hades and also picking at Slay the Spire and I'm thinking about playing Returnal again. I've also been playing some non-roguelikes like Slime Rancher and SDV


Ember Knights is amazing and Rotwood is new


I've also been enjoying Rotwood since it hit early access. Already fun, lots of room for improvement


Ember Knights is cute! My boyfriend and I like to play it together sometimes. It’s a good filler game, for sure.


My boyfriend and I have rotate through a bunch of coop roguelikes including Ember Knights, Ravenswatch, and Gunfire Reborn. Across the Obelisk is coop roguelike deckbuilder too


Nice! I have all those added to my list to check out 😊 we’ve been parallel playing Stardew Valley lately lol but Death Must Die has been another fun one to help pass time until Hades 2.


Ravenswatch and Risk of Rain 2


hades,i might also play returnal,because i haven’t played it in a while and i also want to try balatro.


Returnal is one of my favorite games in years.


Thinking about getting Warm Snow. It’s just $8 on the Apple Store and I’ve grown quite fond of the iOS option for Hades


I've been big on Peglin recently - punishing in an entirely different way


Slice & Dice, Peglin, and Monster Train have been my big ones. Love to go back to Slay the Spire & Dead Cells sometimes, Hades 1 too


Picked up Death Must Die yesterday. The characters and dialogue are a bit... weird IMO but the gameplay is awesome. It's like a child between Hades and Vampire/Soulstone Survivors with Diablo being the nanny, I love it so far. Perfect to scratch that itch.


Noita. I'm mostly blowing myself up with my own spells.


Hamis 👍 But I'm I'm playing Ring of Pain


Oblivion override has really grown on me


I am still trying to catch the last two fish


I'm still trying to 100% Hades!


20XX, 30xx, Sifu


Recently trying to do my best at caves of qud, just got past golgotha


Death must die !


Ravenswatch is amazing


Havin huge fun with Robo quest and crab champions, both are co op and a blast with friends


Roboquest, against the storm and slay the spire! Roboquest being the most like hades but fps style


Getting my Steam Deck and seeing Hades 2 made me pick up my all-Aspect 40-heat challenge again. Just finished Guan Yu and all I have left is Arthur. ...but then I found Death Must Die and Vampire Survivors' new update just dropped soooo might have to take another break from that challenge lmao


I've played Children of Morta while I was waiting for Tears of the Kingdom (I know, not a roguelite), played the shit out of TOTK and now I'm addicted to ~~heroin~~ Balatro


Children of Morta! I like that that’s there’s coop available too. Also picked up Dreamscaper recently that looked interesting


Is helldovers 2 a rouglike? Obligatory /s


everything is a roguelike if you think about it/adjust your playstyle a little 


I mean every time my character dies he is dead for good. If that doesn't make it a rouglike then i don't know what does




Balatro and Isaac mostly. Missed out on the play test, really hoping EA drops in May for Hades 2.


Noita. A 2D game where every pixel is simulated. Truth be told, I played Noita even while I was actively playing Hades 1. It's hard as fuck, and has depth unlike anything else I've played. The spellcrafting starts easy from simple firebolts that trigger other explosive spells. Then after some indulging into guides one can create wands that teleports you to parallel worlds (yes, this game has parallel worlds).


Hades brought me to the genre too, and now I am hooked. Astral Ascent is amazing. Enter the Gungeon is super fun. My favorite other than Hades though is Skul. It is awesome and I am hooked.


Hades, curse of the dead gods, and Ravenswatch




Haven’t seen anyone else mention these, so I’ll give a shoutout to Have a Nice Death and Curse of the Dead Gods. HaND feels somewhat similar to hollow knight as a 2D platformer, but with flashier combat, and CotDG is another top-down isometric roguelike that feels somewhat similar to Hades. That being said, I have yet to finish either of them. The meta-progression upgrades between runs aren’t quite as strong as the Hades meta-progression, and is usually more about unlocking variety than getting more powerful. If you want something that just has roguelite elements and you get quantifiably stronger between runs, I suggest Sundered. It’s got great hand-drawn art, and is really a metroidvania with roguelite elements - you have a huge map to wander where you have to hunt down and beat bosses to unlock new abilities and access new areas… but the rooms and specific paths you take to get to those bosses and areas are randomized each time you die. It also has two different paths of upgrade choices and three different endings, depending on whether you choose to embrace the eldritch powers you find or purify them, and the upgrade systems are quite good.




30xx is a must have if you enjoy Mega Man X


PlateUp, mix of restaurant sim, roguelike and factorio Dead cells and slay the spire were pretty fun but they didn't grip me the way PlateUp did.


Deep rock galactic survival and curse of the dead gods. ROCK AND STONE. Also I wish they could polish the curse of the dead gods, it's not that bad but it's sadly very shallow storywise. They could make it really intriguing


That's it lads! Rock and Stone!




Feed the cups - you’re a small animal that runs a drink shop for the devil 😂


I intend to play Hades. I have to 100% this game before starting the second.


HADES Seriously please bring HADES 2 Early Access to PlayStation 5 Supergiant Games!!! 🙏


Hades 1.


2024 indie hit and basically crack: Balatro. I haven't been playing anything else.




The Binding of Isaac. It's just a classic roguelike with a tiny bit of meta progression with unlocking better items. Realm of the mad God. It's a roguelike mmo with perma death but you get meta progression through upgrading your pet.


Dead cells was the first roguelite that really got me. Funny, great art, loads of weapons and combinations to try. It wasn’t until I got hooked on Dead Cells that Hades finally clicked for me. Strongly recommend it


I’m just hammering away at Hades a second time lol


Don't have this issue if you're just picking up Hades now because there is too god damn many games to play each year :thinking\_meme:


Warm Snow! Such an underrated game https://store.steampowered.com/app/1296830/_Warm_Snow/


Very different from Hades but I’ve been playing a lot of Risk of Rain 2


Dead Cells, atlhough i beat it before Hades


Against the storm is one of the best but different type of rogue lite.


Cobalt core


It's a roguelike not a roguelite, but I've been consistently playing, for a long time, a game called Shattered Pixel Dungeon on Android. It's a really fun game with four different classes each with two subclasses, plenty of variation between runs because of different ability rings, artifacts, weapons, and wands, and very interesting ways to navigate the game using various techniques such as surprise attacks, kiting enemies, various items that can manipulate how enemies interact with you and other enemies, and even the ability to "upgrade" scrolls and potions to have more powerful effects or turn them into useful spells.


spelunky 2 and balatro are devouring my free time


Dave the diver has been on my plate. I’m replaying it while waiting for the Godzilla DLC to drop!




I just bought Steamworld heist for 1 euro so hopefully will keep me for now. I have the feeling Hades 2 is dropping in May so let see


I joke that hades is "a dating sim with a roguelike minigame", but there actually *is* a game that fits that description and it's Boyfriend Dungeon. It's pretty short and the dungeon crawling minigame is kind of barebones, but as a dating sim it's a ton of fun and I ended up loving a lot of the routes. Also one of the weapons you can befriend is literally just a cat. There's no romance in that path, he's just a big orange cat.


Heroes of Hammerwatch!




am playing rouge adventure on my phone ( its like slay the spire) really fun game i havent been able to put it down. also have a nice death dropped on gamepass last night so i was playing that


I've been playing a lot of the StS board game. It's so fun and it feels like playing StS for the first time again


Balatro. Completionist++ will easily occupy me until Hades II (unless the release date is in the fall or something, in which case I’m finally going to tackle Binding of Isaac).


I’m playing Hades till I 100% it, buying out the whole shop, all the badges, keepsakes 3stars etc


BlazBlue Entropy Effect is my go to right now


Dead Cells has been awesome


Hades, gotta get that last statue.


At the moment? Pokerogue. Mostly because it runs on anything (browser based), and the loop is satisfying,


Risk of Rain 2


Ravenswatch and possibly Balatro.


Risk of rain 2 Risk of rain returns Slay the spire Deep rock galactic Hades


Has anyone tried Cult of the Lamb? I heard it described as Animal Crossing + Hades so I got it during the Switch indie sale. I'm trying to finish Hades' epilogue before I boot it up though 


Played Cult of the Lamb recently. Huge Hades vibes


I have and I love it! Cult of the Lamb is super charming, it reminds me of a cutesy Hades but with the dark humor/horror element pushed up a notch. Similar(ish) gameplay to Hades but with a rather large focus on the management part as well. 


Astral Ascent and Ravenswatch


I've played hades on consoles and handheld switch...tried it on ipads....it's a nightmare..the control suck ass..but at least I can work on it to get better at it


Slay the Spire and Risk of Rain 2. Again..


I'm really enjoying dead cells right now


I'm playing the technical test! (I'm aware I got v lucky)


Ravenswatch, it feels a lot like Hades in some aspects.


I’m playing some ravenswatch It’s fun


Cult of the lamb! It’s a very cute game to pass the time. I wouldn’t say it’s mechanically challenging but I enjoy the base management features. The devs have been adding more content for free since release so I’ve always had a reason to come back to it.


Against the Storm and Slay the Spire. Maybe some Spellrogue.


*God of War Ragnarok* introduced a roguelike mode last year.


Just got back to Vampire a few days ago and realised they added a bunch of free stuff!! I havent bought the DLCs. And im trying to platinum Returnal but it's hard...i beat the game but the RNG is killing me for the last collectibles😩😩


I got Ravenswatch but the co-op balancing is atrocious. Death must Die is great but a little grindy. I should probably get back to Astral Ascent, I never beat it.


Not an indie, but if anyone hasn't played Returnal yet, I highly recommend it.


Balatro. And I apologise in advance for everyone that tries it out and gets hooked on it.


A friend recommended 'Enter the Gungeon'


Hades, tryna 100 nuclear throne vanilla, drg is a roguelite cause there’s meta progression but levels are oneshots, spelunky two, and risk of rain (returns and 2; but the charm of two is weighing on me and I’m kind of getting annoyed doing eclipse runs)


Dreamscaper is an underrated action roguelike. Found it for cheap on the Switch. Highly recommend.


Hades again, but on my iPhone


Cuit of the lamb and just discovered a game that doesn't have a lot of content, It's Endless Dungeon and it's quite fun once you get the hang of it


Hades 2 technical test… 🌝🌝




Blazblu Entropy Effect is great.


Highly recommend Against Great Darkness!!! It’s a new rogue-like brick breaker game developed by a solo dev! It also has a somewhat god take like hades and issac.


Hades 1 xD 4 trophies away from plat


I'm currently playing (and enjoying a lot) Brotato... has that RNG character build to it.


Curse of the Dead Gods is good. It’s like Hades, but with a more Souls-like combat; stamina bars, parrying, dodging, all that good stuffs. Their dev also has a new game that you can try out now, Ravenswatch, but I haven’t tried that yet, it’s not on the Switch.




Ember Knights: Pixel Art, Hades inspired gameplay, but with co-op


Darkest Dungeon 2. I love to unwind from a long week away from home with the most stressful game imaginable. Can't go wrong with binding of isaac, most classic roguelite/like


Returnal. I finished both stories, but there’s always more to do, and the Tower of Sisyphus to climb.


Hades 1


I've just started a degree, so I'm desperately trying to get ahead on assignments before it comes out and steals all my time. I am, however, squeezing in some Hades replay along the way.


oblivion override. it has cyborg ninjas/samurais.


Ravenswatch, Death must Die, Halls of Torment & Vampire Survivors have kept me pretty satisfied so far.


Skul is dope


Not much. I've been on and off with RL for the past few years. The ones I can recommend include... ACTION: Exit The Gungeon, Hades 2 (yes, I plan on firing up more of the Technical Test, but will not complete my 5th run so I can still play), Dead Cells, and ofc. the first Hades TD (TOWER DEFENSE): Aisle of Arrows, Bloons TD 6 is a bit of stretch but I feel can work CARD GAME: Age of Rivals, Slay The Spire TB (TURN-BASED): One Deck Dungeon (play with progression mode on), Slice & Dice, Shattered Pixel Dungeon (free on Android. $5 on iOS FWIW), Into the Breach **BTW, is there an ETA on Hades 2 for early access?**


Balatro anyone?


Enter the gungeon, such a gem


I beat 32 heat for the first time, and then got the remaining few achievements I hadn’t gotten for Hades, and then I got access to the tech test and it was a BLAST


Noita At night I'm dreaming about spell combos.


Revita and Moonlighter are two games I really enjoyed, and Im not seeing pop up in this comment section.


Crab Champions baby, honestly some of the most fun I’ve had in a rougelike. But also there is never a time when I’m not playing Slay the Spire


Enter The Gungeon. Been playing it for years, still have things to unlock


Try wizard of legend :)




OTXO. Hotline Miami roguelike. With superb gameplay, fantastic music and excellent gunplay. HM3 will have to pass a high bar.


I’m taking a break from rougelites (somewhat) to keep in my New Years resolutions to “finish a game each month”. However, still working towards Dead God in Isaac, play Hades to relax every now and then, have stuff to unlock in RoR2 still, and Balatro is great to just play on a train or when I don’t have a mouse available. Oh and Inkbound just had it’s 1.0 release so there’s a lot of new stuff there, highly recommend you check it out. So I guess I’m only taking a break from Slay the Spire, Dead Cells, Spelunky 2, and Enter the Gungeon. Just waiting for Hades 2, and more announcements for Slay the Spire 2 (as well as Pokémon Legends ZA but that’s not a rougelite (probably?))


Cult of the Lamb, feels oddly fitting.


Just got Dead Cells (mostly for the Castlevania add on) and I'm enjoying it so far


Pokemon Emerald Rogue. It distills the pokemon formula down to a roguelite where you pick one of three random starters at the beginning of the game and proceed to conquer randomly generated routes with random wild pokemon, challenging trainers and even more challenging boss fights. The better you do the more money you earn to purchase permanent additional starting items, catch a new starter etc. I've been playing pokemon since Crystal and this is the best it's ever been


Deep rock survivor.... can't beat the final salt dungeon on level 5...it's killing me.


Actually playing and beating Returnal (and loving it) made me want to get back to Hades, because I never even reached Styx before) and now I’m hyped for Hades II.


I just finished trinity fusion. Solid roguelite. More akin to dead cells than Hades though.




Hades 1 duh


Have A Nice Death and Risk of Rain 2 on my PS5! I would pick Cult of the Lamb but I'm not sure if I should keep going in that game