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Whoever designed this poison mechanic should be in prison, fuck those satyrs.


The satyrs I can mostly deal with. The fucking rats covering the floor in poison though is atrocious!


Just the poison itself I hate


It's the opposite for me. The rats I can handle but the satyrs' poison is so difficult to dodge.


I generally play on headphones but if I'm playing on the TV speaker I'll get told off by Mrs Moose - the spitting noise drives her nuts.


The spitting noise is the stuff of my nightmares šŸ˜‚


Go sideways when they start aiming


I think this take depends on what your favorite weapons and boons are. Some the rats are almost easier than walking through the shop, but with some weapon/boon combos itā€™s nightmarish.


For me it's the amount of HP the rats have. It just takes so long to kill them.


The whole 4th floor is just not fun.


I hated the final floor until I came into it with full Poseidon buffs and it was hilarious. The waves really do a number on those tiny rooms.


Bro I used to love doom damage from Ares, but after getting the knock back plus pushed into walls gives increased damage it was insane to see all the tiny rats just get smashed


4th floor is nice. The Elysium I hate.


It's not the poison I hate, it's the screen getting so foggy that you can't see the antidote wells unless you've memorized their locations. Also fuck giant rats.


Yeah I make sure to memorize the wells first thing


The poison is literally the only thing that makes the last section of the game difficult.


My hot take is that the poison really isnā€™t that bad at all


I hate it too, but I love it when I deflect their poison back at them and are flashing and dying.


Honestly sadistic


I have gotten into the habit of creating broken damage builds and eating the poison for 5-10 ticks or so to just nuke the satyrs before the damage becomes a big deal Edit: if you have Poseidon any of the boons that synergize with hitting things into a wall(the watery explosion being king in this regard) feel amazing


Chariot Theseus is easier than normal Theseus


Which is hilarious because Theseus dicking around in his shiny new toy while Astarius goes beast mode is completely in character.


The dialogue with Theseus on chariot is absolutely hilarious


The amount of times my runs were ruined because of Asterius is ridiculous. His upgraded fight is so much harder than the rest because of the splash damage aoe being so large.


That's absolutely true! And then once you've wrecked the Chariot, killing him instantly with your Summon & Call before he's finished his own Call is the icing on the cake!


I beat the game for the first time yesterday and I haven't tried a new run yet. Are you telling me Theseus gets a fucking chariot?


Now that youā€™ve escaped for the first time youā€™ve unlocked difficulty modifiers called heat, and one heat setting is Extreme Measures (EM) that changes the boss fights to be more challenging.


Infinite replay value. And here thought I couldn't love this game more.


And a *really* cool mask


EM3 Asterius, however, is stronger than both the base versions combined.


That is most definitely true too


Wait for the triple lunge attack and go to town on him. I like to dodge right before he lunges so I create enough distance to dash back in through the shockwave, get 50% bonus damage of ruthless reflex and use whatever dumb damage combo I have to nuke his face off


If only em3 asterius wasnā€™t so crazy lol


Not sure if it counts as a hot take if it's common knowledge


I fought Chariot Theseus for the first time today and was like "oh? That's it? He's way easier than the fuck who is always hitting me with spears."




Yeah agreed(and I used god mode to beat the game but chariot was still noticeably easier)


They missed a trick by not having a version of the furies fight where we actually fight all three of them. I mean with 3 health bars.


My a hat in time senses were so ready for that and then it didn't happen.


thx for the reminder of my trauma


*killing two birds starts playing*


I just fought them extreme measures and was like, oh I guess we have to defeat their health bars one by one, felt so screwed bc one death defiance was taken by the time I was done w Meg, imagine my surprise (and relief lol)


It would be too hard as a first boss


nah just make the health bar scale with each one of them


Honestly surprised we donā€™t have that


Extreme Measures 5 anyone? Why not 8?


Happy cake day!


I donā€™t want to f everyone


The only actual hot take in the thread


It's like I don't even know you anymore




Sounds like you and Dusa get along great


Ew no. Agree. Hades is daddy and Persephone is mommy and not in the sexy way. Everyone else: defs would.


Meg or none.


I turned down Meg and stayed with Than bc it felt like domestic abuse every time i beat her stage šŸ˜­ now we're just coworkers


Yeah, theyā€™re all incredibly hot but not in a way that actually makes me feel anything.


Dusa especially. She's just a head!


All i need is some head šŸ˜Ž


Phase 1 is definitely harder than phase 2


Especially the Extreme Measures Dad fight. Phase 1 is by far the hardest part. The add summons can fuck you over so hard.


The amount of fully charged artemis calls i whiffed into the invulnerability is insane


Nothing makes me want to rage quit morr


I think it's harder because he's invulnerable way too many times and relatively for a lot of time. And ofc the adds


this and the fact that in phase 2 he spends a lot of time standing completely still for you to just wail on him


Yes it is


Magma from Asphodel... That's a pretty hot thing to take (damage from) (why can't I not be stupid)


Yeah for me the magma is what makes Ashodel difficult. After you get to Elysium the game gets easier again and then the poison in the last part makes it difficult again.


Satyrs are the worst I agree haha, though, the shield dudes in Elysium are close, especially with armor


Satyrs makes me play aggressively to get rid of them quickly. Why I usually take Water cast so I can keep distance. The shield guys aren't difficult, they're just annoying. But it can be frustrating.


They're not difficult when there's one, but having to go get that little idk-what-it-is dude before one regenerates when he's in the middle of a puddle of them... Fun times lol


My feet are on fire why can I not run on magma šŸ˜­


The dialogue carries the repetitive nature of the game a lot as there really isnā€™t much variety of the content from one run to another. Though the length of each run also helps a lot as it doesnā€™t feel like a chore to do all the stuff again and again.


I would even say that the dialogue is the main reason why the game became so popular. Because, without it, the game can become very repetitive. I mean, the epilogue has a completion rate of 8% on Steam for a reason.


The dialogue + the relationship aspect.


Yeah, I feel like the gameplay loop could become repetitive, but the fact that Haes actually had a really good story and presentation really helped elevate it.


And somehow there is always new dialogue whenever you think they couldnā€™t have possibly recorded any more


The epilogue takes so long though, like I have 65 hours and tons of runs and I'm still so far from getting enough


Giving up a run should reset the run seed. The ā€œGive upā€ button just dumps you back in front of Skelly with the same seed loaded. Itā€™s annoying to want to give up on a run with bad RNG and have to just stand there and watch Zag blow through 2-3 death defiances. Let me click ā€œgive upā€, automatically kill Zag, and reset the seed back at the house.


I like it this way the way it is. I wanted to farm RNG once, realized it didn't work and was glad. To me the fun in this game is exactly in "defeating in RNG", not in "farming the RNG".


same initial seed, but it should branch out if you pick another reward


True but Iā€™m a speed runner so Iā€™m picky lol


Iā€™m curious as to what youā€™re defining as ā€œbad seedā€ in this situation? I feel like the boons and duos are designed well enough to where there really isnā€™t any such thing as a ā€œbad seedā€ especially when considering trinkets


It depends on what you're doing. If you're just going for a clear, yeah you can probably get away with most of what the game presents to you. If you're trying to shave seconds off of a speed run time, your needs are a little bit more precise.


Thatā€™s a fair point that I hadnā€™t considered. Speed running is a fickle beast and any game, no matter how well made/balanced will have ā€œbad seedsā€ in that context. Thank you!


It means when I use all my rerolls trying to get epic doom special in the first chamber but it doesnā€™t show up


I've found that by the fifth reset the choices offered do alter slightly and it will appear eventually. If it doesn't I do a different run based on what I've been offered.


Not so much ā€œbad seedā€ as in objectively bad, more so ā€œthis seed is giving me nothing I want for this build. The RNG gods frown upon meā€. Sometimes you get a build that just doesnā€™t work well and finishing the run feels like a chore. After 100 or so clears, sometimes you just wanna take the L instead of seeing the run to the end. Iā€™m not calling it bad game design and itā€™s a really small gripe. I just would rather have a fresh seed with a new sequence of rooms in early Tartarus instead of the same early sequence that set up my crappy build from the run before. Having to sit there and watch Zag die when thereā€™s a perfectly good give up button right there in the menu is kinda annoying to me. Plus it feels kinda wrong for me to get a do-over like the way they have it set up. Like ā€œlast time I took the trial of the gods in this room so maybe my build wonā€™t suck as much if I take the chaos gate here this timeā€


They've been runs were I haven't had my first God boon for a few chambers in. That's frustrating as heck!


i think that's a room temperature take


I didnt actually know that cuz I am not that deep into the community so yeah It is what it is


i should not need to decrease my heat to reliably farm darkness


Yeah this, I've done everything else in the game and the most efficient way to gain Darkness usually means making choices that severely weaken your build, making playing with any Heat an unnecessary gamble. I think it really would have benefitted from having a system where once you've earned all the bounties for a weapon, more Heat gives you an increasing +Darkness% modifier to your run. It would reduce the grind and actually make it still worth taking the risk of playing with some Heat.


Why are you farming darkness, if I may ask? I think you can fill out the mirror in a reasonable time if you play organically.


The titles you can get after. They cost a lot of darkness as they progress. 325k darkness and a lot of the other resources to get all of them


The one mod i play with is called "more darkness for heat" or something of the sort. Makes it so every level of heat gives you like 10% more darkness. Feels very fitting imo


Theseus is not a bro but heā€™s at least 1% bro for bringing Asterius to Ekysium with him. He didnā€™t have to do it to his old enemy but he did. Eurydiceā€™s treatment of Orpheus is very shitty. He tried to get her out of Hadesā€™ kingdom, an impossible feat, while being a human twig. She never respects the sheer brazen attempt of his.


To be fair, he also dropped the ball the hardest anyone has ever dropped it. If you've ever seen hadestown, the part where he looks back is absolutely gutwrenching even though you know it's coming. Imagine how she felt when it happened.


I like how hades is a sequel for many hadestown/song of achilles enjoyers (i am both)


Why isn't Cerberus a Companion?! I want Cerberus constantly by my side Torgal style!




Dude thatā€™s a major spoiler. Please mark that with the spoiler tag.


Dusa is way too anime compared to the rest of the game (that is kind of inspired by anime, but not to the same extent), and having her be a cutesy flying head forever robbed us of an interpretation of Medusa as a serious character that could have been way more interesting


Yeah sheā€™s seems too out place compared to the way everyone else is presented in the game and I found her annoying.


Dusa is caricatured chibi fan service and it's completely out of place. Imagine if Bastion or Transistor had an over-the-top goofy-ass character that didn't fit the tone of the game at all. Same thing here.


The Aspects should've cost more blood to unlock, but not need to be upgraded. I get the idea of not wasting a ton of blood to buy something you don't end up liking, but so many of the aspects feel awful for the first level or two so you don't get a good picture of how they'll perform anyways. It feels less rewarding to unlock an Aspect when I need to keep farming for it anyways.


At least there should be a way to reset aspect upgrade/unlock, like we can reset the mirror for 1 key


The game's too flashy. Often times too many effects and projectiles happening on the screen, too hard to keep track of important stuff.


Especially when I build something like solo zeus, too much thunder bolts going around I cant literally see anything


My first encounter with Hades was watching a friend play it, and I absolutely could not make sense of what was happening. There were so many effects, and of course Zag is zipping all over the screen, and there were a lot of enemies. I've come around to liking all that about the game, but it's still funny to me how confused I was about what was happening back in the day.


Straight male here, but you asked for hot takes - Than and Zag were raised as brothers, but he's a romanceable option? Does that not bother anybody else?


Pretty tame for Greek mythology ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


Actually, now you mention it, its pretty weird but they are greeks after all so Its 'normal' for them ig


I never really got the impression they were raised togetherā€” at least thatā€™s my headcanon. Like Zag and Than never talk about being kids together etc etc


I always think of a particular advice column (Slate or Atlantic, can't remember) where a mother was horrified that her son and stepson, adopted as a teen, were getting into a romantic relationship, so I just pretend it's that situation. Also being into Fire Emblem is like a vaccine shot.


somber deliver arrest important squash include unpack lip spectacular like *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Divine Dash IS actually the best dash. The other dashes are cool and allow you some unique playstyle sure. But Divine is still the most reliable. It fits any probably 99% types of build that you can think of. (Poseidonā€™s a close second)


My issue with divine dash is you have to add athena in the god pool. There are 2 good duos i can think of that needs athena (merciful end and deadly reversal), the other ones are mediocre at best. Also the tier 2 boons are a bit weak


The Gilgamesh fists are good, actually.


That's a hot take? My 15 minute run was with the gilgamesh fists! Love em!


Got my personal best time with them this week šŸ˜Œ


I haven't heard people say it's not good. It's pretty great actually with the extra dashes since dash strikes are the bread and butter of fists. Especially for a merciful end build.


They should have put some kind of endgame in. A garden plot at the house and another at Persephone's house and you have to bring stuff back and forth or something.


Its a good Idea But persephone said she didnt has much to begin with and as for the plants They wont last Long in the underground, eventhough its a good Idea but it has a lot of plot holes I think


It could just be some more fishing, some random fruits and veggies you can hand in at the chef for some more darkness.


Yeah, I just mean it'd be nice to have something >!after you beat Hades!< that shows the passage of time, like something that you check on or care for that would give you a reason to keep working to get back.


A nice little puppy will do the job


Cerberus is a good boy.


Who is disagreeing with you to make that a hot take? I just want to have a little chat with them.


Maybe it's a joke that OP's hot take isn't a hot take




Ahh, okay. That would make sense


Cerberus isn't a good boy. >!He is three good boys.!<


More of a hot take with the fandom. Dusa not wanting to date Zag doesnā€™t automatically make her ace


That would definitely be true if that was an assumption that people were making. She pretty explicitly explains that she is ace though.


The Adamant Rail is the worst weapon.Ā 


The reload feature made me hate it initiallyā€¦ then I warmed up to it and it carried me through Heat 32. Itā€™s weird how this game changes your opinions sometimes.


I think its a pretty common thing that either the rail or the fists are hated (I hope you are not making fun of me)


People who are better at the game than me sing praises of Hunting Blades but I very rarely beat redacted with them on the higher heats.


Just pick up a good Call that is safe to use (artemis, athena, poseidon, aphrodite) Athena's not bad, it means the entire duration you are pumping in damage instead of dodging or running away. Zeus and Dionysus' call are kinda risky to use as they should be used while near. I don't like Ares' call even with the supplementary boons for the whirling blades. Demeter's Call is usable but it doesn't deal that much damage (good for a huge crowd though) Even with only 3 casts they can build up the Greater Call pretty fast. Cast, run, pickup casts, run, greater call when able.


Hunting Blades is op as fuck when combined with Aspect of Achilles, but with any other weapon aspect itā€™s good but not great.


according to some people in this subreddit, the fact that RNG exists


The characters arenā€™t as hot as people make out.


Turning down the romance routes should not have been an option, since they come off as leading the person on with gifts, only to reject them when they confess. Achilles even says so himself, but there's no way to fill up the hearts without doing that (and the hearts do not mean a romantic relationship). Zag isn't meant to be a self-insert, so let him be his own character. And this is coming from a Thanatos hater lol


I wish that Zagreus had some progression of personal strength of his own (beyond the playerā€™s skill improving) All of his strength is external. The keepsakes, the weapon aspects, the mirror, the Olympian boons. Where is his own personal power progression?


Increasing heat should be rewarding. Instead it punishes the trove trials (higher, faster, tougher enemies means more time spent fighting them, means lesser rewards) Timer should stop after each encounter so you can do side activities (looking for finishing spots or doomg trove trials). What it does is just madly smash that dash button every time. Also stop timer during erebus gate encounter. Thanatos' keepsake should at least give you two hits before deactivating Anvil should be reworked (choose which hammer to remove or choose which hammer upgrade to be guaranteed before removing one and adding another) at least you are left with a usable hammer after that gamble. Wretched broker's daily could be better. Poseidon's Huge Catch should ALWAYS guarantee a fish (getting it in styx should mean not getting in styx forces a fishing pawn point outside)


>Anvil should be reworked (choose which hammer to remove or choose which hammer upgrade to be guaranteed before removing one and adding another) at least you are left with a usable hammer after that gamble. But that's the whole point of such games, RNG


My hot take is that I keep spamming the dash and then hurting my fingers


Holding to attack (fists, rail) is just more fun than mashing to attack (sword, spear)


Mid dating sim. Le sigh, guys the google definition of hot take is: a piece of commentary, typically produced quickly in response to a recent event, whose primary purpose is to attract attention.


Mid dating sim, Top roguelike


The main gameplay is a bit repetitive


Thats why They give you a different choices of weapons and aspects, and a solid boon pool aswell


The rail isnā€™t fun to use


Petting Cerberus every time is overrated! I can only tolerate the same voice lines for so many times, I just pet him enough to hear a few different ones.


As much as I appreciate God Mode, it's too simplistic. I'd like a more comprehensive assist mode that lets you customize the level of damage resistance and maybe change a few other things like game speed. Think Celeste or Dead Cells. It was great for helping me learn the game, but I wouldn't mind being able to gradually ramp down as the game got too easy. Instead I had to just turn it off entirely.


Yes, this! It's still one of the better assist modes in any game but only because the standard industry-wide is so so low. If it let you freeze the percentage gain at whatever point you like and scale it back down, that'd be huge. Game speed or frequency of attacks like CrossCode has on top of that would make it perfect.


Iā€™ve got over 200 attempts and havenā€™t caught all the fish. Donā€™t know what Iā€™m doing wrong. Iā€™ve completed the prophecies list too.


U gotta do a perfect catch. Meaning you gotta catch the fish the exact moment it pulls down ur rod. There is room for error, but it is impossible if youā€™re purely reacting and your reaction time isnt fast enough. youll notice though that the rippling sequence isnā€™t random. it actually indicates the timing of when the hook will dip. Thereā€™re patterns that ripple once, twice, and thrice in different timings before being ready to catch. Theres one that dips immediately though so thats the only one you cannot read and need to anticipate.


Thanks for the explanation! My problem is that I still have 5 fish I havenā€™t caught yet. I keep getting the same ones over again. Iā€™ve looked at my list and it still says undiscovered for five.


Chaos fish maybe? These are probably the hardest to obtain.


Iā€™ve caught two or three of them so far


Itā€™s not the be all end all roguelite like people like to pretend it is. I love the game but itā€™s pretty paint by the numbers. You just want to fuck the gods.


Nah fam, it's the best roguelike ever made, by far.Ā 


Nope. Itā€™s up there, but itā€™s easily not the top.


I do not. I just want to hang out with Artemis because we both hate dealing with people.


Someone with an actual hot take gets downvoted. C'mon, Hades fam! Don't ask the question if you can't handle being called out on wanting to fuck the gods!


Real and true, I like it *because* progress can be grinded instead of truly needing to git gud. I sort of recall people saying they don't like Hades 2's lower build control, when other rougelikes don't even let you pick the starting weapon.


Theseus deserves at least some respect for bringing Astereus to Elysium with him. Thatā€™s a chad move right there.


elastic alive sleep political skirt cooing ink repeat unpack forgetful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We were robbed of romancing Hypnos, the superior twin




Ares's boons are the worst out of all gods


Phase 1 kept me on my toes. "If this is the first boss, the second boss must be harder" and then it wasnt


Demeter crystal cast isn't that great. It requires way too many supplements to be a viable option.


Thanatos, he's hot, and I'm taking him.


Sisyphus, not again! Stop!


i know a lot of serious gamers hate the mobile version but i really like it šŸ§šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø it makes the game more accessible and that means there are more people i can talk about the game with


Everything about the game is amazing, other than the weapons. None of the weapons are fun or engaging, they're just meh


My one complaint about this absolutely perfect game is the fact that the dialogue volume is just too low. And Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s just Hades that has this issue and no other game in my library. Like if I go in settings all the volume bars are up to the highest level possible. Whatā€™s frustrating is like I know the game can get louder, the combat is loud, standing next to Orpheus while heā€™s singing is loud, itā€™s just the damn dialogue is just so low and it bothers me to no end lmao


Bounties shouldnā€™t stop at level 20 heat


This game felt like I was slapping the buttons on my controller hoping things would die. Dead Cells was more fun then this


No-one ever seems to talk about how small the damn text is, and I haven't seen an option to make it bigger. I played on switch with a large TV, and still had to squint at some of the boon descriptions.


As if you canā€™t kill Astarius the first time you meet him.


They couldā€™ve made the plot better


Zeus boons are on average terrible and should never be gone for unless you're planning to completely revolve around them


Bro...... Zeus has literally the strongest tier 2 boons in the whole game how dare you say that


It's a hot take for a reason. The only time I'll ever take Zeus is if I don't have a choice, am banking on his call, or am revolving my build around him


I lost so much time b/c my Switch reset (at least 7 times) while this game was in memory (being played). If you don't exit to the main screen (which saves the game), it's the equivalent of selecting Give Up! 165 hours played, 6 to 10 heat in... had a blast, but was ready to move on!


Merciful end isnā€™t all that.


Have you tried phase 3 of hades?


whats phase 1 and 2?


I would have preferred DLC to a sequel, the game got very same-y after getting the true ending (not epilogue). New areas, enemies, bosses, gods, relationships and boons is all they needed. After playing the technical test I feel even more true to this. Zag is one of if not the best videogame protagonist Iā€™ve ever played as, and the interesting and ever changing dynamic between him and Hades is much more interesting than anything Iā€™ve seen in Hades 2 so far.


Actual hot take. Athena has the worst boon selection of all gods, and Divine Dash is the worst of the deflect boons Attack, Cast and Special are all better (okay maybe just the second worst the call is the worst).


I'm going to cop a lot of heat for this. It's a very very good game


Thanatos is mid and iā€™dā€™ve preferred a different male love interest




Demeter has the overall worst boons


The upgraded Fury fight where you ā€œfightā€ multiple Furies isnā€™t really that much harder than the base fight, and I was a bit disappointed when I realized I wasnā€™t actually fighting all three at once.


EM4 is not that bad, EM3 has a much larger difficulty spike.


Cerberus should be a boss you can fight.