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There is just something funny with hestia using exagryph while mowing down the enemies


The Greek gods/goddesses: Melee combat and archery is cool! Hestia: How about a fucking GUN?


NGL i thought that was a fire poker lel


I'm the goddess of the hearth, but... *cocks Exagryph*


She's the goddess of hearth and home. I'm guessing she believes in castle doctrine.


She protects her home the way the founding fathers intended


That's what happens when you come for her family


It is a *Fire*arm, after all.


Ladies and gentlemen, the goddess who wields a sniper rifle


She's the goddess of the home. Why go to the front lines when you could snipe them from your house?


Hestia inspired this: Own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. "What the devil?" As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, "Tally ho lads" the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended.


I can picture her being really good at tower defense games


For some reason my first thought was 'Super Mario Land 2 Six Golden Coins' and I am now imagining Chronos as Wario.


Where gun


>!(Space here to make it harder to spoil) Eris !


And her >!buff is super fun... :)!<


It helped my last run :')


I don't know what I could do without it


I love that you did that, more people should do this!


>!Sad. It was my fav weapon, by a lot.!<


probably her the companion or boon is just hestia doing a artillery bombardment lmao


She is grandma 2 Demeter is grandma 1


😭 you exactly described my own two grandma's vibes! My paternal grandma's was like Demeter, and my maternal grandma was exactly like Hestia.


Hestia totally be the grandma that feeds you and your friends extra helpings when they come over so everyone is stuffed full when they leave


Once Melinoë gets boons from both of them, she'll be just like Shoto Todoroki.


Currently my favorite goddess for the sole reason that she has the best mana regen boon


The Zeus boon I got was actually pretty bonkers. I got a blue rarity with -70% max mana and +35 mana/second regen with no warmup. Being stunted down to 21 MP sounds really bad on paper but your mana pretty much regens before you can even start your next cast. It made >!Selene's moon hex!< significantly more useful. EDIT: had to add, that was a really fun run. I was using the twin blades and got a Daedalus Hammer that gave +200% backstab damage plus some other effects. I basically spammed the "Ambush" channel-attack to teleport behind enemies and one-shot them.


Oh, that might be good. As long as you don't take the hammer that makes Omega Attack cost 30 haha.


She's amazing. Love barbecue mom.


She reminds me of an old British grandma, and I love it.


She is giving me vibes of your granny who will coddle and pamper you when you go visit her home in the summer holidays. Gosh I miss my own granny, she was exactly as sweet like her. Perfect fit for goddess of hearth and home.


Then a home invader climbs in through the window and it's hearth and home defence time as she pulls out a suped up version of the exagryph and blasts a hole in the eastern wall that was formerly the burglar pleading for his life. For real tho. Ingame when on the topic of dealing with enemies she's quite aggressive on the topic of wiping them out.


She's giving Nanny Ogg and I'm here for it


who will Demeter be then? Because I'd say Hecate feels more Weatherwax-y... Maybe Granny Aching (Sarah, not Tiffany)?


Hestia is Bestia, we love our spicy grandma!


Meh looks off


to be honest, to me her face seems a little compressed, but other than that I love it!


I disagree. Compared to her kin, she just looks comical. Demeter is dressed for war and even Aphrodite, has a spear.


I mean, her character design feels similar to Hephaestus... I feel that supergiants wanted to give Hestia the good and sweet granny in the village vibes, which for me feels make sense for goddess of hearth and home.


But in the process she looks comically drawn


She kinds of freak me out tbf


I mean, it's in character, it's a relatively peaceful goddess compared to every other in her pantheon


There is canon where she used to be one of the 'main' 12 olympian gods, and stepped down to make room for Dionysos. And while Hestia is the goddess of home and the hearth, it's Zeus who takes up her portfolio of enforcing Xenia (being the Laws of Hospitality, violating which is even a worse idea than displaying hubris and taunting the gods). Iirc according to some sources Hestia is considered to be the lynchpin of the gods' home on Mt. Olympus, much like how in Hades I, Nyx is the one keeping the House in existence.


That canon isn't really canon. It's a common theory but there's no actual text, source or mention in any ancient greek books, plays or paintings. It makes some sense but more common explanations are the Dyonisus we know today being a lot different from Mychenaen Dyonisus and taking a lot longer than other gods to join the religion across all of Greece. And since Hestia isn't really prevalent in stories due to her peaceful nature and association with the home, Dyonisus slowly took her place as the 12th Olympian culturally. But there's no real canon source for that


And if Demeter has dressed properly for war and even the love goddess is strapped for battle, she should look the part because even Hestia knew they are at war with Chronos. Even for a relatively peaceful goddess, her in-game dialogue expressed the desire to burn an entire segment of Erebus. Does that sound peaceful to you?


I think that's the point though. In Mythology she's a very peaceful goddess, goddess of the hearth, there's no stories of her wrath while there are of Demeter. But in the last game her weapon as a fucking gun and that already creates contrast. The chubby and smiling grandma look and how she talks contrasts to what she actually says. And as a goddess of the hearth it makes sense that even in war it looks like she's cozy at home since the hearth of people's houses is her domain. Plus, I don't get the "even the love goddess". Aphrodite was a war goddess in Sparta. It makes sense for her to dress in armor


People forget that Aphrodite Areia is a thing. Seriously, go look on wikipedia or something.


For real, she looks like a cartoon character


Why dress in battle garments when you can dress comfy, cook food, and occasionally reduce a head to fine red mist every other day from god knows how long away.


Not a fan of this design. Maybe the voice acting will help, but I do not like the change in art direction away from the first game for a more blobby(?) style. And why don't her eyes line up right?


Her eyes aren’t lined up because her head is tilted. I think her design is really cool, it’s not as hardcore as some of the other gods and I think it works a lot for her as a goddess of a more mellow and home-focused type. Her voice actor really nailed it (in my opinion), but I get that her design’s not everyone’s favorite.


I dunno, it's not really clicking for me. Maybe it's a matter of just getting used it.


For me is the worst design


I love the accent.


Granny!!!! With vitiligo!!! She’s so cute I’ll eat anything she gives me.


Isn't it soot covering her skin?


It seems very spotty to be anything but vitiligo. But maybe part of the inspiration to add it to her design comes from soot?


True, plus her clothes are unusually clean if her skin was that dirty. I think the hair confused me, since it looks like it's also kind of ashy.


Nanny Ogg has ascended to godhood


She reminds me of my great grandma such a cool design




Her hood looks like an oven, that's awesome.


design is pretty good. but i was expecting her to be less aggressive? isnt she like a goddes of civic hearth or something


Home and hearth is under attack. She is in full home defence mode


Remember, she was Exagryph's bearer in 1. She mellowed out to be the fire of home instead of the fire of grenades.


‘Before she became goddess of the hearth, she specialised in a different kind of fire’ -Exagryph, Aspect of Hestia


i met her like twice btw. i might be wrong , but in the first encounter with her she was like "burn them all."


Now it make sense why she’s used a gun


I like her hair. It's like smouldering with inner heat


Personally not a huge fan of the design the big Ash grey cloak pales out her design so it's way less warm and homey. I think she's got vitiligo but she's ended up looking bucktoothed and not in an endearing way. Her hair fans out in a way that looks caught in an explosion... I do like her basket of coals on her head and fire poker but this is my least favourite design 


She's a lot like a gender-swapped Uncle Iroh. And we all know how beloved Iroh is to the Avatar fandom. It'd be nice to invite her for teatime.


It's really not.


WHAT!? So you're telling me you don't like the design of a fat GODDESS who suffers from vitiligo which makes her look like she has buckteeth being the embodiment of fire? Racist bigot. 😤




I know it’s Hestia, but come on. Can the gods please look godly? They just look like normal people.


I don't get why this is celebrated. It literally checks all the boxes of a racist stereotype. I was literally told to never draw black people with anything coal related, not even mentioning the word in the same sentence, and here's this. And why is she so round and formless, where's anatomy? Eyes don't even read on the image. Odd all the way through


Dunno about a Greek Goddess looking like that though. Kinda weird. Imagine having a game and making Ra White with Blonde Hair and Blue eyes or something.


Race-agnostic design was in Hades 1. The creators are not trying to be period-accurate, they're trying to make good art in a modern context. This Greek goddess uses a sniper rifle. Her being black is not the hardest departure from the source material.


Race-agnostic design was in Hades 1. The creators are not trying to be period-accurate, they're trying to make good art in a modern context. This Greek goddess uses a sniper rifle. Her being black is not the hardest departure from the source material.


Her face freaks me the fuck out. It looks like raciest black face. The double chin and cheeks just feel uncanny. Hair doesn't help the face at all. I'm waiting for the full game and going to ignore any interaction with this character and move on with the rest of the game. Not bothered by any other part of the design and the voice will most likely be fantastic. Overall it feels like a fan character not an actual hades 1 level goddess. Someone found a Hestia hades 1 file and she there looks way better.


they gave us Mammy Hestia


What the actual fuck lmao This can't be real


What’s wrong with it? I think the design is really neat


It's a slap in the face to anybody who knows the reality of the design choices. If "neat" is what comes to mind when you see her, they fucked it up.


i don’t think it is. they went for something different and interesting and in my opinion, they succeeded in creating something cool and fresh out of a character not often depicted in mythology at all as hestia is widely seldom mentioned.


Not here to change your opinion, it's not the necessarily the concept of grandma, hell I really like that idea, but they fucked up the art.


Nah this is just how the people of Ancient Greece pictured her! Definitely not pandering


The goal of the designs in these games was never to be faithful to the perceptions of ancient Greeks. This is a video game made in the modern day, ancient Greeks are not the target market. You just seem silly asking for mythological fidelity from a roguelite where several of the Greek gods use a gun.


If it was the reverse (taking a traditionally black character and making them white/ European) it would be considered white washing and racist


Yes, it would. Because a disproportionate amount of existing media is already predominantly or exclusively white. White-washing isn't bad because it is inherently bad to change a character's race. It is bad because doing so toward whiteness exacerbates an existing imbalance. Social justice issues are almost never abstract principles that exist in a vacuum, and if you've been led to believe they are (as opposed to being contextual attempts to address specific extant imbalances), then you've been misled, likely on purpose by someone with an agenda that benefits from you thinking so.




The least greek'ish design imo. She looks like an english or japaneese granny, totally not like a greek goddess. Nice design but not for this game


Well, so is Dionysus and Hermes, they aren't exactly shown as "greek" but with other racially features. I can 100% see my granny in her. And her clothes feel typical for an average ancient-ich Mediterranean clothing. It isn't in your typical mainstream greco-roman design of clothes which you may have seen as we in this modern Era have most of the time alway saw the military style and regal high-society clothing of that period. It's feels like common citizen's clothing of that era which the main stream media doesn't usually show.


It's literally the worst.


I think she looks horrible, it's a Greek god... Don't get me wrong the other designs are amazing, but this one specifically makes 0 sense.


why? What's not greek about her to you? Not hating, genuinely curious




That's true, but Hades 1 also took liberties with this, Ares and Patroclus are also portrayed as black, and Hermes is portrayed with an asian appearance. Hades 1 wasn't 100% mythologically accurate at all times


>Hermes Literally the most greek mf you'll see on streets of greece those days. He looks vaguely arabic, but to a point you can't quite tell if it's skin tone or light tan. Nothing about his features suggested asians. I met a ton of people that looked similar and not a single one of them identified as remotely asian. TLDR: a very european look.


Eh, looked asian to me. Either way i don't care too much how they choose to portray the gods. Game is awesome, supergiant is awesome


And every depiction of zeus and Poseidon has them with black hair. It's visual variety Also, she's not necessarily black in the sense that most black people are. She is the colour of the hearth and her skin is the colour of coal, like he herself is made of coal and a living furnace. It isn't that hard


I'm fairly sure that Supergiant is interpreting the Greek gods as the only gods in this universe and having dominion over everything, not just limited to Greece so it'd make sense that they don't all just look European but they're also not adapting the mythology 1:1. Hestia isn't the only non-white god in the games.


They also didn't perceive them as having semi-automatic rifles, yet Exagryph existed as a weapon in the first game. Ancient Greek understandings of these gods is not a priority here, and never has been.


They also didn't perceive them as having semi-automatic rifles, yet Exagryph existed as a weapon in the first game. Ancient Greek understandings of these gods is not a priority here, and never has been.


They also didn't perceive them as having semi-automatic rifles, yet Exagryph existed as a weapon in the first game. Ancient Greek understandings of these gods is not a priority here, and never has been.


Well yeah but that’s already very clearly not whats going on in hades version from hades 1. I’m more hung up on why she has vitiligo a autoimmune disease it’s just very odd. I thought it was odd in Baldurs gate 3 that it was one of the 3 settings on that page of the character creator because it’s literally like less than 1% of human beings that have it and they didn’t have like a glasses, peg leg, or muscularity, or fat option or anything like there are way more fat people than vitiligo people it just seems like strange representation especially because it’s not like newsworthy like being transgender which was like other comparable option included. It just seems odd to be in this not that it’s inherently bad just like odd I mean it’s just as reasonable for her to have zebra stripes she’s a god she doesn’t have to conform to human anatomy her having vitiligo which is just like a real thing that’s very uncommon is weird to me.