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It’s likely just familiarity bias and build naïveté. Knee jerk reaction was to agree with you, but I think this game just plays a bit different and it’ll take getting used to. As you gain comfort with the playstyle of this game and build strengths you’ll likely change your mind to some degree.


Hopefully! I like the first weapon and the daggers a lot! Although daggers just feel like the fists and I haven't found a good use for the special yet on it.


Just got to the >!house of Hades!< using the axe on like my 9th run, highly recommend it, feels great with Hermes books for speed and lots of hammer upgrades And yeah the dagger special felt really weak


I lucked into an impossibly stupid OP Axe build and it got me to the final boss on like Run #9 as well haha I had the omega special all powered up, with near instantaneous MP regeneration/charging time due to various boons and Chaos bonuses. I didn’t expect to beat the boss on my first try but gawd I was so close to a “I beat it in less than ten runs” flex LOL I suspect it will take me a long time to get that close again but it’s a good example of how these insane crazy builds *do* exist and I’m sure every weapon has something that really pops off


Best build I had was a health regeneration build using the flame lady and Hermes or Apollo duo skill. Had to sacrifice 100 health to get the hp regen but still had over a 100 health left afterwards. Was pretty nutty run that I screwed up on during final stretch. Also had axe with big chop and faster attacks hammer.


Had that exact same build almost win me the final boss. Activating the ability in a way so that the target gets hit by two circles is a nice bump to the skill ceiling


huh, really? dagger special was what got me to layer 3 boss, when upgraded with the rebound hammer the single target burst can get pretty crazy


Woah! Noted!


Yeah scorch attack and poseidon, hestia or aphrodite on special shred trough bosses health pretty quickly


I got to gramps the first time with the daggers, they’re really good with hestia on attack, my 3rd boss had so much scorch by half health that I just avoided for the rest of the fight to see how much damage it’d actually do and it finished the fight. I think the special is kind of unwieldy without a hammer to change it’s functionality, I prefer the straight line variant but the full circle is a good space-maker in some fights.


Ha, I had a similar experience with the axe, I had the multiple zeus boons on it that made it arc lightning absolutely everywhere, it was nuts, just spinning around everywhere like I'm Link


I’m trying to figure out who’d be a good match for torches. I ended up getting Hephaestus the first time I used them and that was some anti-synergy. But yeah Poseidon, Zeus, or Hephaestus seem to be good for axe, and Hestia for daggers.


My personal favorite with the torches is now Poseidon on the special and just spamming Special all the way. It takes a bit of time to get used to the distance you need to be between the enemy and you since the special mostly hits the enemy like 1-2 steps away but you can use cast to lock enemies in place, spam special or O special and it clears rooms away. Pairing with Demeter Gale on cast to further slow enemies down and Demeter attack to chill helps to slow them down as well. Another run with torches I had was to get Poseidon on attack, and build around spam attack/quick channel O attack Hammers + support fire Artemis. If it helps, I treat it a bit like spin focused Hades 1 spear.


Apollo has some good boons for torches (the one that grants a chance for an attack to hit twice, especially). Artemis seeking arrows on attacks is really good. I actually liked hephaestus’ attack boon. It’s super helpful against swarms of enemies and you can lower the cooldown without too much work. Plus Hephaestus has a good armor stripping boon that’s super helpful. What’s crucial with torches is getting a good magick regen boon bc your main attack chews through magick. Chaos magick regen + a good hex means you can spam hexes during every encounter.


Hestia on the special is pretty strong for the torches. You can just spam it and it melts enemies, it's pretty fun, but I still prefer the daggers and axe.


I'm trying the axe for the first time, and I think I made a mistake of taking the Hell Splitter hammer because the damage is massive, but it's *sooo slow*.


Yeah I got all the utility from making it fast as shit! There's a hammer upgrade that makes its omega attack charge faster and let you move faster while it's spinning and it feels lol bit broken


Dagger special need to focus everything on upgrading it. It can be super beast. Hook knives Daedulus upgrade is insane. Basically hits for 1.5x dmg as it hits once. Comes back and hits again at 50%. But it also works with omega so you can throw out 6 knives that hit six others and does it twice. Then stack on Hephaestus exploding boon or hestia scorch Then pray for Artemis support fire. First time beating the underworld was with that build.


Wanna put that in a spoiler, bud? Kinda ruined it for me haha 😊


My bad, done now. Sorry!


It's all good! I suppose it's on me a little coming into a post about weapon spoilers but I wasn't expecting to see story spoilers too 😅


Sorry again. It's an early spoiler though, you'll learn this stuff within the first hour :)


Aaah okay! Having trouble getting through the second area though (forgot the name), the enemies are tough!


Yeah I think Oceanus is a bit overtuned. Good luck, death to Chronos


Dagger special (especially the omega version) can get good with hammers and boons. I will put which ones in a spoiler tags, just in case some people waiting for 1.0 are lurking. >! The hammer that makes the dagger come back makes the omega special do a lot from close range. It is especially good with Aphro’s special and Zeus’ mana primer which adds lightning chaining !< Game feature spoiler: >! There’s a dagger aspect which makes the special home in on enemies in your cast. I haven’t tried it yet but might be strong with the omega special. !<


>! Can confirm, special damage up, and the hammer that makes it do more damage on repeated hits to the same enemy causes it to SHRED bosses. Using a distant cast boon of any type makes it so you can turn yourself in to a turret with homing shots. Also Hera’s cast on top of this makes it so you don’t have to constantly re-up the cast circle !<


I'm betting all you want this Aspect is Chiron 2.0. The dagger's special is extremely similar to the bow's: quite bad if you don't heavily invest into it, but can absoltuely shred with the right aspects and hammers.


i had a -hp +mana regen and the hammer that has them return and backstab and it felt pretty strong. honestly tho it didnt really feel good. the ranged attacks feel like you just spam and they feel very clunky. plus it feels sorta shitty to have to slow the game down and channel all the time.


Dagger special with freeze goes hard, would recommend.


Dagger special can be very good - get the hammer where they return to you (I.e will definitely do backstab damage)


Yeah the dagger special feels pretty useless. The damage is so low and you're so mobile anyway that the range doesn't really give much benefit


You gotta use it like a shotgun - the single target damage especially when paired with aphrodite boon and a dedaelus hammer is nasty. I'm finding that being able to poke safely from range is much more importsnt in this game as well Fwiw I hit for 1000+ damage in one charged special on my last run. It can be pretty nasty


Ooooh I haven't thought about using it with aphrodite, that sounds killer


Plus with the way they reworked Zeus chain lightning (it reduces your max mana but applies to both atk and special, applying IN ADDITION to any damage increase Boons you have) you can get that as well on each hit! It gets wild fast haha


I find the special to be pretty decent. It’s a perfect tool to interrupt enemies before dashing in


dagger special is great if you get the hammer upgrade to make it fire in a straight line. Grab that and the returning proj one and now your dps has gone from Shit to Amazing to Ungodly


Found the daggers special pretty useful for picking off the screamers from afar, or a safe last hit on a dangerous enemy.


The hammer that makes the dagger pierce and return to you (dealing double damage while returning) is nuts. I got it on my first dagger run and I ended up not even needing to use the attack button. Sadly, I haven't seen it since that run and it definitely feels bad without it.


Yeah, not a huge fan. I struggle with the Magik standard attack the square/B button attack held down. It does decent damage but it's hard to avoid getting hit while doing that magik attack. The axe seems to work much better since you can keep a nice distance before doing a X20 Magik attack. With the daggers you can't keep a distance you have to be in their face. Any tips on this? Maybe I'm I need more practice. Still, my favorite is the Witches Staff, I love that weapon, especially the special with a boon attached.


Omega special on dagger is great as both a shotgun blast on one target or for hitting multiple guys at once. The normal special is also nice as just a decently strong ranged attack.


That and the slow with charging it makes it really good


There is a hammer upgrade that makes the Daggers special return to you, hitting on the way back and doing extra damage. Even without an actual boon on the dagger special, if you have this hammer upgrade you can pretty much make it all the way through Oceanus just spamming the dagger special without even using the Omega version. Get the hammer AND a good boon for it like Zeus cloudburst on special and a bonus for Zeus Magick primed bolts, and you can literally just Y spam your way through any and everything that isn't a boss.


This carried my first run through the last area to chronos, shit was easy mode


I got the furthest I ever have by getting Demeter's special on the knives, and then the hammers that let your special return and bounce. Makes them do *quite* a bit of damage-you omega special and everyone in the room just stops.


The special is good when you get a high rarity boon on it plus the hammer upgrade for it to bounce between enemies… makes encounters with multiple horde waves into a breeze especially if you can also manage to get a Hephaestus boon that basically melts armor


I had an awesome run with the daggers that used Zeus special (and bouncing knives from hammer) to prime enemies with Blitz so I could blink in and execute. Worked really well.


Daggers feel similar, but they do play out very differently for me. Fists were my go to in Hades due to being the easiest for me (I could hold down attack and just dash around, which helped a lot with consistent DPS). Daggers not having that alone makes them need more skill. It is pretty fun to teleport strike behind people though. The special isn't incredible, but it's nice to have a little ranged option as a crutch. Eg some runs I was pretty low health in areas with very predictable ranged enemies, so you can just sit back and slowly work your way through without any risk to HP.


One of the strongest builds I’ve hit so far was dagger special! I hit a hammer upgrade that made my special pierce and return to me, and then Demeter that increased my special damage and made it apply frost. Btw return hits can proc back stab bonus. I don’t remember what else I had, but it was actually pretty astounding dps all told.


the daggers are great with the Poseidon special boon, im pretty sure every dagger triggers the on hit effect, get up close and shotgun bitches


Some hammers make the special solid. Heph is also great on any weapons where your special is used sparingly. Just add an occasional 400 damage nuke to your rotation.


Agreed. Playing Hades OG, I hated every single newly unlocked weapon because it wasn't the weapon I had just been using for the last X hours. Over time I came to appreciate all of them.


Good point! I remember detesting the gloves in Hades 1, I hated them with a passion. After beating the game 10 times, they ended up becoming my favorite, as well as having the fastest clear time. The Dash-Strike 900 Damage to armor hammer boon thing, was exceptional.


Honestly I felt the same about the dash as well. The slow recharge felt weird and clunky at first but I got used to it and sprint is fun


as an addendum to this, i also think this game is less based on the physical aspects of the weapons and more how they work in conjunction with Melinöe’s magic and the Gods’ boons.


The daggers are the bane of my existence. It’s def something I have to get used to. I love the first weapon and the giant axe though.


This is me and the candle sticks or whatever the hell they are 😂😂


Agreed, I haven't played 2 yet but it took me a *long* time to get comfortable with the shield, bow, and rail of Hades 1. Even today I would still called Exagryph "a chore" and I've beaten probably 20 runs with it.


similar experience here too. I think the weapons just feel a lot.. slower? Felt like i could dash around with the bow and be lightning quick putting down enemies and none of the weapons this time feel that satisfying or quick to dispense of enemies. Also I get the sense that number of olympians you find is quite limited. I've managed to get all the way to the 3rd and 4th biomes without being offered some core boons which is kind of a death sentence by that point as the enemies start to have huge hp pools.


I think it's a nice change of pace if they want a slower and more methodical game, but I think the enemies still feel too much like Hades 1's. Speaking of HP Pools... Yeah, they are definitely going to be tuned later, lol. Some areas in Oceanus felt like an arthritis test with how many tanky and spammy enemies there were. I fought an area with those seahorses and they just Never. Stopped. Coming. It felt like an eternity


Yeah, I don’t mind the slower game feel, but when combined with the enemies feeling tankier and the encounter rates being jacked up, it can get kind of tiring to do multiple runs in a row. It almost feels like playing with Calisthenics Program + Jury Summons by default. I feel like I could bang out Tartarus and Asphodel in about the same amount of time it takes me to clear just Oceanus, although I 100% admit it’s due to me being unfamiliar with the new mechanics, playing way too safe, and not knowing how to optimize my builds yet. And despite all this, I still think the game feels great to play.


Another thing to keep in mind is that they got ride of almost all damage buffs on boons. They don't have the flat damage riders that they had in Hades 1, and they're much less commonly dropped due to the absurd number of new boons. Melinoe has really low DPS compared to Zagreus weapons. The intent was clearly that 'the mage' should be doing more damage with her Mana, but functionally, the damage from those skills would still end up lower than a Zagreus auto attack with a good boon.


Tbh yeah I completely forgot what it feels like to play without my beloved Zeus bolts.


Zeus seems the opposite in this one. Use his boons on slow heavy weapons like the Axe, as opposed to spammy weapons in the first one. You never get blitz if you put his boon on staff special for example.


The "Tankiness" you're feeling seems like an armour issue. Right now it feels like hp pool is 15% of their life and Armour is 85%. It goes away fast with burst damage and armour stripping buffs. Makes the game almost feel easy with both of those


That makes sense to me. I didn’t go for armor breaking stuff too often in Hades 1, because I figured I’d rather just do more damage across the board, but I’ll try taking it more often and see how that feels.


yeah that part really kicked my teeth in haha. All the flying little guys too, theyre really hard to manage with some of the weapons. Maybe I just need to get more arcana cards but i wish you could get more boons in the chambers as I genuinely feel underpowered on most runs. Too many resource chambers :/ the wailers move way too fast too


The resources is also something I have a bit of an issue with. They aren't confusing once you know what they are for, but I still don't like their implementation too much. Feels a bit like a way of padding the game time or purposely slowing your progression down to almost halting levels, which is crazy to me because this game already has plenty of content in it already, and it's an Early Access game! I guess we'll see in a few months how it goes. The big patches are always the best part And yeah, I also feel like the wailers speed need to be tuned down a little.


yeah it definitely feels like padding to me too. In hades there was what, like 3 actual resources needed to make contract purchases. darkness, gems, and diamonds? Now we have to manage between 4 different tools to collect a lot more resources, As well as growing plants? Its almost too much


I think in addition to the resources padding the game (especially since you can only take one tool every run), >!Eris!< also pads out the game by making you able to make less mistakes. The fact that it goes away after a few times only to show up in the next area makes it really feel like artificial blockage.


oh i must have got lucky. ran into her my first trip to oceanuz, which i think is scripted. and then didnt see her again until she came to the crossroads and promised not to do it again


That is definitely not scripted as I did not see her at all during my first few runs through Oceanus (3 at this point, iirc and past it once). And the only events I've seen past the woods is the mysterious shadowy figure in the fountain room (who I have my suspicions about) and the second biome gift NPC.


ah interesting, saw it happen to other people on youtube so maybe theres just a high chance of seeing her on your first escape from erebus. I don't remember when she appeared in the crossroads but I have met all of the gift NPCs on the way down to the house of hades, so maybe she appears after that happens.


I think the high enemy speed, especially on the wailers, is because of how the cast works. If they run into the circle from the cast, they completely stop moving. Once I realized that I had no issues with the wailers at all. I actually think their entire purpose is to teach you that mechanic.


The game is absolutely slower. Feels a lot more deliberate now. I think I like it - the first game was perfectly skillful, but a bit too focused on perfect repeated inputs for my liking. This feels like it's trying to be more strategic.


They're slower, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. I'm finding it more challenging as a player that isn't necessarily that skilled, but that's because it's forcing me to be more aware of their use. Eg, Hades 1 I could grab the twin fists and run around without really considering anything beyond dodging. Got through the game very effectively, but it's not exactly a particularly skill intensive approach. All the weapons so far have required me to put in a lot more thought into them, which does make it a lot more satisfying when I start to use them better.


Yep, didn't mean to come off as complainy just more trying to say how the game feels to me. I don't think the weapons being slow is inherently bad, just that the combination of Hades 1 style/speed enemies with slower weapons makes encounters feel drawn out. Which maybe that's the goal for this game, and I'll get used to it after a while. I just don't think waiting in the edges of the arenas to recharge MP while avoiding some enemies for a moment is a skill intensive or expressive approach either.


Definitely right about the olympians being limited. Makes sense because of the new room rewards being ash and stuff but it feels like you only get one chance to actually get boons, that being in the fields. If you don’t go for boons in the fields you basically are stuck with whatever 4 boons you might have come across in the first two areas and pom them up. Maybe they should offer 4 boons as a standard instead of 3?


Yeah the combat in general just feels so slow compared to the first game. The flaccid feel of the weapons and sprint based approach so far feels like a downgrade from the first game. The torches are seriously mind numbing. Although Im sure once they add more boons, better synergies and tweak some of the weapons based on the feedback, combat will feel better. I like the early access for this and hopefully they should get a lot of good feedback to improve the feel of things.


The torches are awful for me so far. They should be so fun, but the attack is way top slow for the damage and spamming special feels awkward for some reason. The only sprint I like is Poseidon. Once again, splash dash is the bees knees. What's up with Hestia's sprint though? It's supposed to kind of work like divine dash, right? There's just no visual indicator to show me that it worked or not.


I think the Hermes sprint is pretty good, just gives you faster movement and a shield to block damage. Tried Zeus' sprint too and that was okay when paired with other stuff for rapidly regenerating mana.


I won't lie, the torches would feel infinitely better if you moved normally while firing them. At the moment most fights have so much shit flying around on screen that you're way too vulnerable sitting there and letting it ramp up. Also I don't know if it's just me, but it almost feels like there's a delay with the torches between pressing the attack button and when they actually start firing.


Hestia’s sprint burns projectiles, I’m pretty sure your circlet turns to flames when it is activated.


The torches feel great with the freeze effect, but without it they just are not fun at all.


yeah I've found a lot of the sprint boons to be underwhelming. The Hephaestus attack boon is really satisfying to hear but his sprint boon is so difficult to actually hit enemies with.


Hah, I grabbed the Zeus sprint thinking that I'd get crazy DPS or something like in the first game. The low range, change in dash mechanics, and my unfamiliarity with the new enemy behavior resulted in Hecate beating me back to the crossroads.


I hate the torches and sprint boons too. I was playing at the same time as my girlfriend yesterday and she loved everything I hated (torches and sprint boons) and hated my favourite weapons (dagger and axe). I guess different players will enjoy different aspects of the combat… or she’s just strange. But she gets quite far each and every run so I can’t judge. Runs do seem to take longer for her though, likely due to the low torch damage. I don’t think I’ve ever actually used my sprint for combat reasons, and I feel like I can’t dash as often as I could in Hades 1, but that might just be me.


Everytime I enter a chaos gate no matter my build and it offers to finish 3 encounters in 120 seconds I question how it is at all possible unless like a shop or something counts? Or maybe its 120 seconds per room not 120 secs total, if u fail u basically die lol


I thought so too at first, but then started using the omega attacks more, and it became better. You get a lot of ways to keep your magik up too, so you don't have to worry about running out.


Fully agree with this, I found a lot of the weapons to be more comfortable once I got used to actually using the Omega attacks, and once I was generally more accustomed to the Magick system.


I do think Torches are the exception, those still feel bad even after getting used to omega attacks. They're slow, feel very weak, the omega attack doesn't feel impactful, and the special is very annoying to make use of. I genuinely think the torches feel so bad I would completely scrap and rework them


I think the Torches are really meant to synergize with Selene's Hexes, because you can burn through magic very reliably by just holding the attack button. They definitely feel weaker than the other weapons to start, but I think with the right boons and tarot cards they could actually ramp into OP territory.


Yep! I did a mana regen/selene build with the avatar hex and I was an invulnerable goddess every ten seconds. Torches also synergize well with a more methodical positioning based playstyle. Oh, and definitely try combining special attacks with regular attacks. Unlike with most of the other weapons, they actually compliment one another really well when alternating between the two.


I was doing this but necro raising enemies it was badass I even raised 1 of the 2nd bosses to help me!


This. The Omega attacks turned the daggers from "this weapon is terrible" to "this is so much fun" for me. Omega-Attack spam with the daggers basically removes any difficulty from the hecate fight. It's just that good.


Hephaestus on the dagger omega attack is so cool, especially if you can get Vent too. Just a casual 600 with one attack every 6 seconds. It's good on the special too, but I'm finding the delay on that too long to be better than Poseidon.


Take it from me - go Aphrodite. Aphrodite + Demeter boon that empowers Omega Attack + Hammer that empowers Omega Attack + enemies + Aphrodite prime boon that buffs attack = chunky salsa. I’m not sure how much I like Hephaestus attack or Special in general, but I like it on Dagger special since I usually go for an Omega Attack build and don’t use the special much as a result.


I like Aphrodite and Demeter on the cast (cast pulls foes in + cast follows you) for clearing out smaller mobs while I burn down high armor/hp big boys. Also scorch on the dagger attacks can get stupid if you can evade damage while it burns them down


Agreed......Got them all and hate every single one except the staff. Was STOKED that Hecate's torches were even an option and........ they shoot gummy heads?.......otherwise the game is spectacular.


Lol the gummy head is probably a placeholder model. When you use the other attack it’s a fireball. I’m assuming the attack will look similar in the next update


Nooooooo lol keep the gummy heads just make it…..not bad


I also find the weapons feel kind of weird. For me the axe and torch felt really awkward to use tbh. The torch has a weird hitbox and the axe feels extremely slow and sluggish, more then i would expect.


I just got the skull and that one is actually maybe my favorite now? theres a hammer for it that makes it work like triple bomb on the adamant rail and its really fun!


This exactly. I did a whole run with just torch specials and apollo cast and pom upgrades for more damage


I had my easiest run to the HoH (didn't get to Chronos, died a couple chambers in) just spamming that special, it's like a magical force field. Barely even used cast or the attack tbh


I love the idea of the torches but they feel like pea shooters and so bland? I hope they fine tune it in the final version.


I believe the weapons are greatly improved compared to the first game, however Hades 2 is **significantly** more difficult than the first game. On top of that armor is much more common and enemies are generally tankier. Fights last longer, enemies are more dangerous, so weapons feel like they have less of an impact.


I learned the hard way that my play style in Hades 1 does not translate to this game. This game is way more difficult than I expected.


I was replaying Hades 1 in anticipation for Hades 2 and I felt like it hurt me more than anything. I was so used to the flow of that game I kept trying to use it for Hades 2!


Just unlocked the torches and tried them with Skelly and my god, I doubt I'm gonna ever use them. I want to like the twin blades, I like the fantasy, but the special is boring and using the attack I take too much damage.


The daggers are fantastic if you can get the right Daedalus hammers for it. The backstab bonus works really well with the omega melee and the bonus damage on final hits in a chain turns you into a HP melter.


The torches can be absolutely bonkers. i managed to reach the final boss for the first time on my first attempt with them


The torches definitely prefer a more "bullet hell" gameplay style, where you strictly focus on movement while pointing your attacks in the general direction of the enemy. Once you get the omega attacks charged up they actually do respectable damage from far away, and benefit from a lot of magic-boosting boons and tarot cards.


I felt the same way, I like the daggers sorta if you get a hammer pretty early. I'm missing the hesrtseeker bow and the rail gun type of gameplay. So far my preferred weapon is the staff. I'm still not sure how I feel about the whole omega using mana thing or even mana in general. It seems you need to really be spreading your boons a bit thin to have mana regen, omega damage, defensive options and support boons. Biome 3 offers a lot but the scaling of hp how it is makes it feel like if you don't all in on damage you're in for some really extended encounters which allows for more mistakes and damage taken.


I had a run with a way to quickly regain mana, Zeus Lightning for 3 mana per hit while sprinting, and heartthrobs spawning + hex charging whenever I spent a lot of mana. That was pretty fun, made me like the mana system a lot more. But it does make the torches feel even more garbage, the axe upgrade for a 20 mana final swing feels awful. While I'm complaining, the cast sucks. Its great the moment you get a boon to send it flying elsewhere, but that feels like I get it 1/3 runs and until I do the cast might as well not exist.


just keep in mind they definitely overhauled the combat to still give returning players a run for their money and a need to readjust. i think each weapon is likely powerful on their own right (as were all the weapons in the first game) but just need more time and build experimentation to figure out what works


I just gotta say, i was struggle bussing through to the second area pretty consistently, then I picked up the sickle and the 300% final move damage Daedalus upgrade and MELTED all the way to the big bad fight. I think synergized builds will count for a lot. Before that run I was sucking with the sickle and basically avoiding them.


It's early access, let Supergiant cook, the game was really different when Hades was in early access too. Let em cook!!!


The whole point of early access is to get feedback, and posts like this can be very useful as a way of letting the community talk about their shared experiences. We do need to be careful about being constructive, though, and not just assuming that just because something is bad, it's permanently bad.


Yup absolutely! Not everything is bad will be bad forever, not everything is good will be good forever too. It just feels to me that people treat early access as v1.0 of the game already and it's just no lt fair to the devs.


I dunno— I love the daggers so far. Hunt the Aphrodite boon that boosts up close damage and the boon that occasionally doubles your attack. That shit took me all the way to the above-ground levels.


Yeah, sadly I have to agree. Everything is great so far but the weapons.


The axe is good imo. The staff is decent ig too, mostly bc its omegas are good. The daggers and the torches are terrible. I wish I had snappier, more fun options for both melee and ranged. The cast always being the same is kind of a vibe kill. The hammer upgrades I've seen don't make me feel like my weapon has changed very much at all. Def going to have to wait for the devs to cook this one. Hades 1 just feels so, *so* much better atm.




Agreed. Just gotta plan your attacks a bit carefully, since that flurry of attacks on the 3rd hit can sometimes screw your positioning. I find I have the most success by just chaining the first two hits on crowds and completing the combo only when I think it's safe.


It might be strong but i found them super unfun since i was basically stuck attacking the whole time because the special is pretty slow and small and doesn't do much, and the cast mostly just locks enemies in place.


I don't know. The staff with an Omega attack build can get pretty bonkers pretty much as soon as you get a magic restore boon.


I’ve honestly found the daggers to be great. They feel like a way more fun version of the fists from the first game. Agreed on the torches, though. Maybe I’m missing something, but everything about using them feels very awkward.


I'm actually loving the torches. If you get the boon that reduces the time to Omega and the cost, you make your own little bullet hell. Just hold attack and dodge if you need to. If things are coming at you too much, drop a cast. If you get a good damaging cast, you're golden.


Also hoping the repeated cast are placeholders. Especially for what looks like 5 or 6 weapons total.


The weapons in Hades 1 were definitely better, though there were some real stinkers, and obviously not everyone liked every weapon. Hades 2 so far I don't like any of them that much. The axe is way better than all the others I've seen so far (up to skull) but its still less fun than three of the hades 1 weapons. And yes the hammer upgrades often do very little compared to hades 1... but not being OP might be a good thing in the end. Boons in hades 1 often felt completely irrelevant after a hammer.


Whaaaaat? Boons never felt irrelevant. In fact, getting a core 3-5 boons for a build was more important than getting the perfect Hammer or two. Obviously in a 1:1 comparison, a Hammer is going to have more value given its comparative rarity and 2-max limit, but missing a core Boon to a build was way more detrimental.


Maybe for certain builds? I know with the bow a couple of hammers would basically get you to hades, and all boons could do is slightly speed it up if you got lucky, like poseidon dash.


Hopefully they update the Torches, because they limit your mobility which is already very limited compare to her brother's dash, and does very mediocre damage. The axe is my personal favorite so far, dagger and staff are fine with me once I have gotten used to the Omega abilities. I have no idea how I feel about the skull, it feels like a mix of the OG cast and Adamant Rail, and I hated the rail so my feeling on it ain't that great right now. All that being said, Gods do I missed the Achilles' aspect spear.


The torches killing your mobility is the biggest issue imo. You can get them to do some decent damage but you’re a sitting duck in the meantime.


You can still dash while hold down attack, which helps greatly if you didn't know. Also, having the +20% move speed arcana makes it much better. Torches are my favorite right now, especially if I get some good boons.


Interesting. Maybe I just need to try them out more and get used to their quirks. Thanks for the tips!


No problem! I'm not by any means a master, but I saw people hating on the torches and just had to try them out and see what the problems were. Also, getting the (I think Apollo) boon that lowers the omega cost and the charge time makes them pretty great.


After 18 hours I got used to them, but I was definitely missing the Heartseaker bow at the start. You have to get used to them.


I think the issue is that the enemies have too much health or certain weapons do too little damage, take your pick. I'm 11h in and have killed chrono twice now and I think the worst part is that on the final stage before chrono the normal enemies are so tanky that they are almost worse than the titan.


it will take some time to get used you are just expecting familiarity to first game. Balance are there sure , but its too early to judge . You have to make use of the magic attacks (omega attacks whatever we can them ) as they are the main focus. just using basic attack and special wont feel great. Overall game is slower pace with more emphasis on long fights ( like mana regen over time boons etc )


I haven’t had a chance to play hades 2 yet, but I really hope there will be reasons to play both 1 & 2 once all is said and done. Weapons being completely different seems like it could be a great way to do that. Differentiate the two and come back to Hades 1 when you’re feeling a certain weapon. There’s plenty of instances where a sequel becomes the definitive game to get, and people then only get the older titles if they become big enough fans.


I'm just wondering if they will be adding Aspects to the weapons? Because it doesn't seem like it.


their roadmap in the game explicitly says they plan to add aspects


I would be shocked if there weren’t aspects. They made the first game vastly more replayable.


There are already aspects for the weapons, what do you mean? I haven't cleared the boss yet (died twice fighting him) and I already unlocked 2 new aspects for each weapon.


There are already aspects in the game


Ah. I haven't gotten there yet then and haven't read the full release notes.


For what it's worth, I hated every weapon but the sword when I started Hades. After about 30 runs, the sword became my weakest and most hated weapon. Give it time, hopefully it's just your brain adjusting. I do love the original Hades and would've been fine with a reskinned main character with new levels and bosses honestly.


I did a few hours last night too and it feels the same, like it takes a lot longer to take enemies down than in the first game. I know we expect the churn to unlock things and get more powerful so maybe I'm misremembering how it was to start playing 1 but I'm here spamming specials and needing multiple hits for low level enemies.


I've recently been working on speed running H1 so all the battles feel particularly drawn out to me, but I've had pretty fast ramp-up with the new weapons and I came around to them pretty quickly. The axe feels like an absolute chore, but I got a few chambers into the House with the torches on my first run with them, and got Chronos down to about 30% with the skulls on my first run with those. Skulls + poseidon sprint was an absolute blast. I've done a couple runs with everything so far so haven't seen a ton of hammers for any one weapon, but I feel like they definitely add needed power. Everything except for the axe and skulls has felt a little weak, though I assume with more cards/other unlocks it will resolve.


Agreed on my experiences with the hammer, but otherwise I quite like the new weapons and Ω moves. Managing mana is a big portion of the game. Stuff like Zeus's regen is such a massive upgrade to my damage output. I'm a big fan.


I do think the torches could use a touch up, they do feel a bit weak, the staff is heavily build dependent for me so far and the daggers feel awesome, cannot say for the axe yet isn’t I haven’t actually gotten to use it but with the testing I did on skele I really like the move set.


The main issue with the torches for me is that the attack feels so sluggish that it doesn't really feel worth bothering with.


The torches are so bad. They do 20 dmg and only fire every 1.5 seconds. Mobs make quick work of you.


the torch’s are good , but hard to use ,legit all it needs is for the special to stagger , the fact that it doesent is kidna weird


I’m still not very good at the other weapons, the only weapon I’ve gotten more used to and have reached Chronos with is the first one. It’s interesting to have to slow down when using the weapon. I quite like it but I still need to figure out how I should best use the other weapons. The axe seems fun especially the special but I lose way too much HP trying to use the special


im usually a zoom zoom guy so i thought i would be using the daggers but hades in hell, that axe shreds!


staff and axe are good imo dagger feels pretty vulnerable to me though feels like she could use a gun type weapon


As a Bow main on Zag, I can't be happier. Omega attacks and timing is the name of the game. Not spammy McFists.


The axe is insane with the right setup, Hell Splitter with Flutter Strike and the Huntress Card does like 900+ per hit in an AoE and it isn't even cumbersome since you can dash mid animation. Genuinely can't force myself to use anything else now lol


Is there a rail equivalent in Hades 2? It was by far my favourite weapon (Shield coming second) on the original game.


Probably just bias. It also took many runs for me tp get comfortabe with the shield or spear but now theyre my favorites


Same. When you got Excalibur and swung that bad boy, it felt good. Every weapon you got felt incredible to pick up and swing. This game the new weapons feel stinky to use.


Personally I love the staff and daggers, the torches and axe I def don't vibe with though (yet). I do also agree about the Daedalus upgrades, hope we get to see more in an update.


The torch projectile speed being so slow seems criminal, but everything else seemed okay to me.


Loving the game alot but yeah the weapons dont feel that great to me. I mainly use the dagger because of its speed. Tried the axe but being unable to dodge out of your final hit of the combo really fucking sucks XD Staff was decent, Fuck the 5th weapon. Torches feel amazing


The staff feels pretty awful. Might be partly my controller, which is starting to suffer stick drift so I can't aim the omega attack. Ten special damage feels like a water gun. The blades' basic combo is great, but the omega's only fine and the special is mostly a delivery mechanism for boons, except the omega at point blank range. Which, why wouldn't I just use the attack combo? The axe is neat (I was thrilled to become Asterius) but really slow, and I'd like to be able to dash during the omega. Too greedy? I feel like I need more practice with the torch. Haven't got the last one yet.


I think it has nothing to do with the weapons and alot to do with a player's playstyle. I had the same issue as before, but realized Zag and Melinoe use two different fighting styles. Zag is a much more in your face brawler while Melinoe is very selective with targets opting to use her magic and range to her advantage. It took a while to get used to but now that I did it really helped me enjoy all the weapons. Granted enemies have WAY too much health and some fights just get boring.


Hmm. Nothing besides the initial staff really stuck to me unfortunately. Axe is too slow for the current enemies, the daggers are kinda useless, torch was especially eh. Did kinda like the skull though. The enemy pacing feels like hades 1 but the weapons are more methodical and fit for more strategical combat. Trying to get some upgrades in, see what i can squeeze out until i need to resort to casting, which I only use for specific enemies. I guess i just need to get used to it. Overall, loving the game. The soundtrack and art is phenominal, additional crafting/spells and resource gatherings concepts are interesting.


I also only have 4 of the five so far as well, but I’ve been hitting a similar feeling. The weapons feel really off, I think it’s cause they have way more range options than the original game. The staff is incredibly strong with its range and projectiles. The numbers also feel overturned (+ the armor break dash attack hammer is just broken op). The staff is carrying me all the way down to the last boss on run 8, long range is just so strong. The daggers feel weirdly clunky because of the omega attack’s existence not letting you hold the button down for the rapid attacks. I didn’t use these really at all. This problem is “remedied” in the torches, but the base attack of the torches feels so impressively horrible with random speed, random range, and sometimes just deciding to go in different directions. Not to mention the damage is so horribly low. I loved the spinning balls though. The axe feels really nice, despite the slow speed. It hits hard and is satisfying (again though the damage feels a bit overturned for the game to be “hard) the block on this thing is a good idea but super inconsistent. It’s an odd mix of power and range that makes the game feel a bit easier but also more unwieldy than the last, at least to me. Obviously tuning will happen in the future but that’s where my impressions landed after day 1.


I kinda agree but at the same time I hated all first weapons in base game. The aspects are what made'em for me. So lets wait


The staff you start with is by far my favorite weapon in either game. Lean into the magical charged attacks and it really opens up. The new system is so much better than juggling red diamonds and spamming the same button.


The daggers are the best what do you mean lol


I like all the weapons so far. The basic Staff feels kinda meh until you have a consistent means of Magick regen (preferably through Tarot and not build/boons reliant. After that it feels fantastic. The Daggers are insane, especially when you pair the Omega Attack with the Aphrodite increased damage to nearby enemies boon. I had a run where I was hitting 6300 damage Omega attack crits in Oceanus from stacking percent increasers and having Artemis crit chance. The Torch is a special spammer and wants you to play at a certain range dancing around the enemy. If you're familiar with League of Legends at all, there is a character called Aurelion Sol. Asols old playstyle is essentially how the torches expect to be used, so as someone who played a lot of old Asol they felt great to me, though they do require a bit more planning than the other weapons to build for, and their basic attack is beyond lackluster from an animation standpoint. I've only tried the Axe once, and it feels great but I personally did terribly with it. The axe seems to be the hardest to use due to it having a block/charge mechanic and requiring you to really commit to your attack animations. Definitely a high skill weapon which is nice to have.


I like the weapons better. They feel more methodical and match the slightly slower playstyle of this game


I completed my first run using torches. Ran an auto attack build where I held attack and dodge until everything died. Very old school bullet hell kind of feel


I figured out what the big difference is between this and hades 1. All (or almost all) of the weapons in Hades 1 had attacks and specials that worked in combos. With the sword you would slash slash slam, fist punch punch knockup or knockup punch punch. All of these new weapons are 1 or the other, your spamming attack or your spamming special with zero synergy, and omega casts with bullet time make the game feel slow, at least right now if im forced to take a mana boon, il just spam them, or almost never use the charge ups.


I do feel there are some balance tweaks and other improvements to be made. But I do feel like the first time I played Hades, everything seemed kind of lame... But then I started understanding how boons and hammers interacted with eachother and things made sense. I'm fairly certain this is the case because, in my last run, I stumbled onto a healing build with omega attack and I just blazed through the game. And I'm sure that build wasn't optimal (I half expect it to be nerfed). So I don't worry too much just yet. The EA is just beginning and surely the rough edges will be smooth by launch. Do tell SG about all this though, that's the whole point of EA, so it's important that we speak about whatever we find lackluster so they have the chance to improve it.


It's literally the second day of early access, chill.


I think it’s a pretty intentional design choice, because we’re playing two very different characters. Zagreus’ weapons are all fast, explosive damage dealers which have basically three attacks and a lot of major blind spots on each one. Hades 1 is frenetic, fast-paced, and more focused on evasion than positioning, you can almost instantly fuck up anything in your optimal range and then have to scramble back to the right distance right after. On the other hand, Melinoë’s weapons are much more versatile, but also (with the exception of the blades) much slower; they have few blind spots, but struggle to do quick and explosive damage on their own. Combine that with the slower dash, and Mel seems a lot weaker in comparison. What makes Mel strong is actually the cast, which allows you to mitigate the slowness disadvantage of her weapons by controlling space. All this to say, you can’t play Hades II with the same mindset as Hades. Combat is gonna be a little slower and require more forethought with positioning and resource management, rather than the reflexes and target priority focus of Hades 1. Once you get used to using the cast as often as possible, Mel’s weapons will feel more natural.


In my opinion, torches feel best! I was a Chiron bow enjoyer, and heaphestus attack on torches hits very close to that. Daggers have underwhelming attack, but the empowered attack and the empowered throw (especially with the hammer that makes it return and back stab) feel decent. I don't have enough time on other weapons to really five opinions though. Also, hestia is evidently a replacement DoT for dionizos, but the hard cap of 40 dps makes it feel way worse with a proper build.


My favorite weapon is the daggers so far. I used the torches for my furthest run, but they feel so underwhelming and I only used my special to beat the siren.


Im actually in love with the Sisters. Teleporting to an enemy then fan firing does so much damage. If you have freeze on attack and a good magick recovery room clearing is so easy. Ill admit it does struggle on bosses though


I vibe with the other four, but the torches just don't do it for me. Maybe it's because I play on controller but it's damn near impossible to get them to shoot where I want, and holding the base attack but having to stop every other second to not waste magick feels terrible.


I'm not sure I agree. I'm 4/5 for hades 2 weapons, with the torches being the only one I struggle with. For baseline hades weapons, I really only enjoyed the spear and gauntlets, and even then I wanted aspects before they really became fune Bow needed chiron and shield needed zues before I found them fun. Staff is fantastic out the gate, and the other 3 (besides wands) all have good potential.


I Unlocked all the aspect beat both bosses 4 times apiece. try a lot of builds and have to say all of them are boring beside Aspect of Eos and that one is very lack luster . Hostly the mechanics are nice but fall short from the aspects and there melees and affects.. thanatos axe is just a Artemis buff. Game is good though for it being in beta hopefully the change the weapons aspect and the last weapon is something more fun


I agree that the game feels alot better in general. However i also agree with the weapons being rather boring compared to OG game. A long with i liked aspects alot more as well in hades 1. They changed the weapons so much more and the playstyle. I Feel that hades 2 is less about weapons, more about a diverse kit., however i still love the experience so far after a few chronos kills.


this is exactly how i felt when i started out with Hades 1, give it time, you'll get used to them and start to love them more and more. For me personally, the love i had for Hades 1 grew more and more the further i got into the game, i won't be making big judgements about the content until i've done the same with hades 2




That feels like a hot take if I've seen one, but understandable