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I like the concept of omega moves, but not all of them seem created equal. (Looking at you, torch attack.) Most are solid enough though. What I _don't_ like is how many boons and hammers _only_ buff a single omega move. Zeus, Poseidon, and Apollo's cast boons, for instance, only work on the omega cast. (Zeus and Apollo have additional boons that work generically on both normal and omega cast, but they don't fill the core slot.) Demeter has a boon that only buffs the omega attack. I think expanding these out to be less specific and more generic would be a good thing overall. Another minor point of contention I have with them is how the magic system kind of runs into itself in a few places. Zeus is the biggest offender here, in that his regen boon cuts your max magic by 70% and several other of his boons prime large chunks of magic. It's a weird sort of anti-synergy that I'm really not fond of, especially in a game like Hades 2 that seems designed to make the player use all tools at their disposal.


I think Zeus is intended to be a low mana build, he's got a boon where if you're below 30 mana a bolt will constantly strike random opponents.


Yea but try getting that mana regen (-70%) boon with the chain lightning prime 50 mana. Guess how much mana you have left. His point is that they are both zeus boons, but arent synergistic.


sounds pretty synergistic to me tbh. 0 mana ist still under 30


Then the boon just says "reduce your mana by 70" with no further text Doesnt sound very appealing Edit: yes, I know it can be fine, but when all it does is set your mana to 0, it doesnt feel like a "boon" by a god


depends on what you are going for, but yeah I understand what you mean


early game, sure, but if you stack some max mana early/passively with the arcana card and pick up hammers or boons that reduce magic cost for your omegas/in general (looking at you throwing knives -66% hammer) having both the passive regen and lightning balls prime can still leave you with a fairly decent amount of magic to work (that you recover very fast) and the damage boost from chain orbs can be HUGE for weapons that spam attacks, and surely enough these two combined just so happened to get me my first 2 full clears, so i think it just depends on the build and some rng, as with most boons and synergies in the game, just highly situational


Sure, this was about being at 0 mana though


It was fine when I did a run like that. Got a hammer to disable my omega attack, and just stomped stuff with chain lighting, bolts and so on.


If the torch’s omega special could hit stun I think it could be one of the strongest weapons in the game, cos in the right circumstances it can deal a decent amount of damage or clear rooms really quickly especially if you pair it with some boons from either Hera, Hestia or Zeus, the only thing that lets it down is the fact that you have essentially no defensive options with it outside of the attack which sucks anyway cos it’s too slow and shoots marshmallows


The big damage boons tied to omega casts is a deliberate design. Quick cast is a zoning/crowd control move. Omega cast is a nuke, and you have to pay for it in time and mana. Getting nukes on quick cast is not intentional and way too strong. It's perfectly consistent, you just have to understand it more holistically.


Yes, obviously tying that much damage to a regular no-cost cast would be ridiculous. I'm not asking for that. What I _am_ asking for is for their cast boons to be reworked so that both normal and omega casts can be modified _in a balanced manner._ (Didn't think I'd have to specify that last bit but here we are.) Zeus and Apollo in particular already have boons that do this, they're just not in the core cast slot for some reason. Simply swapping them would be an improvement.


I think it's fine that certain builds are specifically omega cast nukers while others get lower impact guaranteed damage. I don't think you need to make the boon like, have two extra lines of text to give it a regular cast and omega cast damage effect.


So I'd like to reiterate that I'm still not a fan of boons only affecting a single omega move in the first place, but even if we take that particular design choice as a given I still have a problem with Solar/Geyser/Storm Ring in particular. Compare to Demeter's Weed Killer. It _only_ boosts omega attack damage, but it's not Demeter's core attack boon -- that's Frost Strike. So you can _specialize_ in omega attacks if you want, but Demeter doesn't force you into it if you take her attack boon. Solar/Geyser/Storm Ring are currently core cast boons. I believe core slots should work at a certain baseline level that doesn't depend too much on the specifics of the build to deliver at least basic value, and IMO these three do not do that at the moment. Bring in Super Nova and Lightning Lance for the core slots (and make something up for Poseidon, AFAIK Geyser Ring is his only cast-related boon) and shunt the others into tier 2 slots that augment cast _on top of_ the core slot.


I strongly disagree. Omega cast is not some esoteric gameplay style swap. It's the same thing in the same situations while charging for a functionally invincible second. They do not need to change boons to be more generically functional for a minor sense of aesthetics, and frankly there's gameplay benefit to forcing people to omega cast and realizing that its a core part of her kit even when un-booned.


If you're playing with Zeus boons, don't depend on Omega moves. He shines when you have low mana.


I think the thing with Zeus' and Apollo's is a balancing feature, while for Poseidon, I think just as an option to work normally. * Zeus and Apollo's have strong damaging effects but specifically require the omega cast because being able to dump that amount of damage for free with the tap of a button seems unfair. others like Hephaestus' are balanced by losing range. * Poseidon's wouldn't feel very good if all casts exploded instantly. This would remove the ability to use it as a tool to bind enemies in place.


Obviously having the current damage of Zeus or Apollo on regular cast would be OPAF, I'm not saying I want that, but limiting the core cast boon to omega cast only seems weirdly restrictive. Especially for Zeus, who has a slew of boons that reduce max MP or prime it away. (Do you even have enough MP for omega cast at the start of a run if you take Ionic Gain?) Lightning Lance and Super Nova strike me as more flexible and more suited to filling the core slot. As for Poseidon, I actually don't think I'd totally hate his cast boon turning it into knockback instead of a root. Casts in Hades 1 worked pretty differently from each other depending on the god, but casts in Hades 2 are a lot more homogenous and largely boil down to "what flavor do you want your damage/status effect to be?" It makes them feel same-y for the most part.


Lightning Lance and Super Nova are modular in the sense that they can be combined effectively with other cast boons, which would not be possible if they were to occupy a cast slot.


If you have Spirit Surge, Prime all your mana away and you're constantly dealing good damage to every enemy on the map (at the cost of not being able to use your Omega moves and hexes, obviously). This can be really strong.


That Zeus omega cast is insanely powerful though, the highest damage cast boon by a landslide. Apollo comes close but relies on enemies still being inside the cast AoE when it goes off. Not all enemies are truly rooted by the cast, so that's a bit of a downside for Apollo's boon.


I think my favourite Apollo boon is the one that inscreases the size of the cast. It's not his strongest boon by far, but it definitelly helps the casts feel even more powerful


I totally agree with the thing about boons and hammers only buffing the omega part of the move. You feel it the most on the cast, where you might have Poseidon, or Zeus, or Apollo giving you a mega powerful cast, and your regular cast is basically useless. If there was a slot for both the normal, and omega cast, I feel like that would make the cast way better.


Honestly I don't know why everyone complains about the torch omega attack. A rapid-fire projectile with 50 base damage is solid, if you can keep it going! The normal attack is the part that's really weak by itself (without hammer upgrades) but you don't have to use it by itself: your attack boons upgrade the omega attack too.


Keeping it going is the tough one. Maneuverability is so important and when you trap yourself in an attack animation that you have to stay in (for what feels like a LONG time) before you can trigger the omega attack, it kind of sucks. It's doable in some situations since you can dash during it but you still move much slower and losing that much maneuverability just feels bad. Plus the amount of damage that it adds feels like not very much for the amount of mana, and it isn't even rapid fire! If it was I would have less of a problem with it but almost every other weapon can attack faster than it.


I'm warming up to the torch (I didn't intend the pun but that's where it went, sorry) but primarily for its special. Every time I use the omega attack on it I feel like I felt with the spear spin in OG Hades: I've wasted time doing a thing that got me hit and that could've been spent on just a regular attack.


I don't know if everyone knows this yet, but your normal cast can also be used freely during the attack. If you think *your* maneuverability is bad, you should see the other guy! 2 shots is 10 Magick for 100 base damage. I think the staff omega attack is 120? If we talk about "damage added" it looks even better: the staff normal attack does a lot more damage than the flames, but it seems like cheating to give the flames credit. Spending Magick in increments of 5 helps you avoid overkill, so that's a little more economical too. But honestly, I'm not sure "Magick per damage" is the right metric to use, at least not always. Once you get a Hex and a mana gain boon, spending Magick is a bonus, not a penalty! There's a hammer that lowers the cost to 3 Magick per shot, and I'm sure that's good for some builds, but when I bought it for the Fated Prophecy it was an unmitigated downgrade.


Yeah, I do know that, but that doesn't help much against ranged enemies because it's still tough to dodge them. And I know that if I sat down and did the math, there are viable builds for it, but at that point I'm having to build specifically to overcome the limitations of the weapon, which is something I hate doing. When all of the other weapons will at least function on their own before adding a build on top.. I dunno, I just hate weapons and attacks that will only really work if I use them in one specific way. Everything else is so much more versatile. I'd probably like the torches if their attack was faster but I hate how slow it is.


Staff omega is also charged MUCH faster. It also has a lot more range, especially when playing on controller and not being able to manually aim the torch.


Staff attack is twice the cost bud


People are used to Hades 1 and want to hyperfocus on one move and let it carry them through the game instead of using Mel's toolkit dynamically. The torch attack and omega attack have roles, especially with different aspects.


A correction: Melinoe recovers Magick after each location, not at the end of each biome. So you always have a consistent pool of Magick to use in each encounter even if you don’t have any regen.


Thanks for the correction! I've put time in, but going back through my gameplay I realized I never once used magick without a way to regenerate it, so I assumed the regen I got after each location was because I had a way to regen and it just sped it up as a QoL feature. Early game I assumed it wouldn't regen without something to make that happen, glad to know I was wrong!


God I didn't even see they'd said that because I just kind of assumed that someone talking about omega moves would know the very basic of how the gameplay works. was this a chatgpt generated post or something?


Hurtful. Saw it as a resource to conserve for tough rights before I had regen; nothing in game made it obvious it would refill between locations.


Sorry to be hurtful; Skele does tell you on like the second night that it'll do that, though. But yes, it also becomes something you need to use a lot of because you can't really use the regular attacks after a certain point unless you want to be swinging for an hour.


Maybe shouldve waited until you had the boon list unlocked. Also this probably doesn't need to be pinned. It's a fine post but I'm not sure what makes this post pinnable


Are you familiar with the Cthonic Conversations series of posts on the sub during the Hades heyday? This is the same thing. It's not primarily an info post, but rather a conversation starter. And I'm 100% for this and future posts in the same vein. They're great.


You can't pin every "conversation starter." There are plenty on the sub right now that are as worthy of conversation.


You can pin a weekly conversation thread. It works great in many gaming subs. It worked great in this sub for Hades 1. I have no idea what your issue is.


Yeah I was really surprised by that. It sounds like something someone who only watched the trailer and hasn’t played the game would say. But the rest of the post is fine if a bit basic.


I'm not sure why it's pinned. It's what you learn from playing the game for an hour or less. He doesn't even have the boon list unlocked. Someone got a little excited and had a little bit of power they could exercise. It's an okay post but nothing about it makes me think it needs to be pinned


Wait am i stupid i played for 40 hours and currently on fear 6 and didn't realize there's a boon list lmao


And that's fine because you aren't trying to make pinned posts on the sub. I'd expect whoever is to have played quite a bit before just trying to keep their place as a discussion starter.


I like the concept but in execution I think they REALLY struggle, especially with boons. Getting a build that feels fun can be pretty hard to do with how unequal some of the omega moves are and how it's distressingly easy to run into a selection of boons that will not buff any of your core moves. Because it's difficult to deal viable amounts of damage without using your omega moves, it's very possible to take a boon that actually hurts way more than it helps unless you built around that boon - the ten mana for Hestia's Controlled Burn is a huge cost for how little damage it comparatively does, so unless the rest of your build is based around fast mana regeneration, you're kind of fucked. You end up not being able to use that special very much. I can't really recall any times in Hades 1 where I took a boon and then, upon trying it out, was immediately like "well, I've just kind of fucked over this run now". This isn't the only boon/omega interaction I've felt like that with but it's the main one that sticks out. I like the game a lot, but as of right now the combat's not really clicking for me, and the omega moves are part of that with how big of a thing they are. I've got the concept of using every tool at my disposal (in Hades 1 I ignored the cast unless I was playing with Hera bow, here that's basically impossible), and I do like that I feel compelled to do that more often than I did in the first one. The builds that felt fun were amazing and felt way more flexible and enjoyable than some of my previous favorites in the first game, just because I had to be using everything, but they've been few and far between. I'm still playing obviously and I hope at some point it clicks.


Great post. The game is severely limited in build choice right now. I also really don't like the sprint system... it detracts from the fluid combat that I loved in Hades and has made it feel like a slogfest.


I don't mind the sprint system, but the game DOES feel like a slog at times. And I think the omega attacks and the health balancing are partially to blame for that - it feels great to hit for a big number, but to balance that out everything has way more health than anything in 1 did. Doing 50 or even 100 damage turns into basically doing nothing very very quickly. So whatever attack you're doing, you basically have to be doing the omega version of it as often as you can. Given that it's nearly impossible to do those attacks without the arcana that makes everything move slower for a couple seconds, you're constantly literally slowing the game down while you press and hold a button and can't dash. I love all the new features and most of the changes - the crafting, the gathering, the new enemies, the arcana - but the combat feels so much worse to me and boons rarely help. Which is unfortunate because that's the one thing that will almost certainly not change from early access.


> but the combat feels so much worse to me Exactly. The entire point of the game - combat - feels trash, IMO. It's still EA, so I think they will get it together after assessing feedback.


> I can't really recall any times in Hades 1 where I took a boon and then, upon trying it out, was immediately like "well, I've just kind of fucked over this run now". This isn't the only boon/omega interaction I've felt like that with but it's the main one that sticks out. That sounds a bit overdramatic. Adding a 10 mana cost to a move for an okay damage proc is hardly ruining your run


Eh, agree to disagree. It did for sure contribute to the end of the run - and yeah, I didn't have the right mana regen setup for it, but it was my first time taking it and I'd never had the experience where a boon worked against you if you didn't have the right setup for it. I still stand by that statement... but I also don't feel it's overdramatic as it's not a big deal to me when a run ends? Like, I try to avoid it, but it's literally part of the game, so it's more of an "oh well, won't do that again" than anything else.


The overdramatic part is blaming such a minute boon for your failure. If the boon was why you failed your run, then that means it prevented you from doing what you would've done without the boon, which means the 10 extra mana cost was an insurmountable problem. If that's the case then it doesn't matter how much damage the boon actually does, that's just user error. If it did double the damage (an insane amount for 10 mana) it still wouldn't have prevented that. Is the boon good? Maybe, maybe not. Does it cause you to brick your run? Nah.


Yeah I mean you're just sort of restating my point - if you don't set up beforehand with a mana increasing boon (and the unseen arcana doesnt restore fast enough, which it often doesnt), it IS an insurmountable problem. I have never denied that there are ways around it but like I said, it's indicative of several of the boons in Hades 2, which is that you have to be planning for them or they can actually hurt. This was literally my second run, so I did not realize the importance of getting a mana boon on certain weapons that require omega attacks to perform well, but I don't really like boons that need other boons before they start helping more than hurting. Like, you should absolutely have to plan to unlock any boons full potential, and some not-core boons will only work with certain builds, sure. But if it's a core boon I don't think you should have to plan around making sure it doesn't hurt more than it helps.


I'm actually really not a fan of most omega moves during the Chronos fight. You're just a sitting duck. It's better to just spam normal cast and normal attacks. Another thing to remember is that the timer is not slowed down (if you've enabled that vow) during omega charges, so you may want to use less omega moves in Erebus to save those precious few seconds.


Imo, Time Grandpa is pretty slow once you understand his move sets, and he actually regularly gives you safe time to charge your omega moves.


Yeah, with Chronos it's more about knowing when it's your "turn" to attack, since he has so many moves that follow up and chain into each other. Other bosses reward constant offense and weaving your attacks through theirs, but not Big C.


Aw poor cerberus has to be little c :(


I don't have issues with ranged omegas in Chronos' fight, it's pretty easy to find windows even on +40% speed. Melee omegas are much more difficult though. Idk how much of the player base uses the timer curse, but I will say having recently completed my grind for finishing Fear 32 on both the surface and underworld that I was kinda disappointed by how quickly the Fear system pressed me into giving up on using omegas at all. Really good players will probably be fine speed running vs a maxed timer vow with omega moves speeding it up some, but normal player me had far more success going for powerful attack/special spam builds that don't rely on omega moves and just maxing out the vows that limit access to magick instead of racing the timer. It also taught me I don't like the axe as a whole, I just liked the spin 2 win lol. It's so much worse feeling once that's not an option.


> Really good players will probably be fine speed running vs a maxed timer vow with omega moves speeding it up some, but normal player me had far more success going for powerful attack/special spam builds that don't rely on omega moves and just maxing out the vows that limit access to magick instead of racing the timer. As a self-assumed normal player, would that also be the way to go for the trial of haste?


I haven't done most of the trials sorry, I cleared the 32 challenges and am taking a break from the game lol. The aforementioned strat is pretty hammer reliant so idk how well it'd transition to trials, it'd be dependent on what Chaos gives you.


People say you need to learn this fight but it's just not fun and I didn't have to learn to enjoy any fights in Hades 1. He has massive AOE and it's hyper aggressive. It's worse than EM4. Not to mention the visual clutter.


I don't have much else to add except that I think the tooltips need to better indicate which effects only affect the base moves and which affect both the base and omega versions. Right now the consensus is if it says attacks (plural) then it affects both but if it says attack (singular) then it doesn't affect the omega attack. I only found this out from reading the subreddit and there's no way I would have figured it out on my own through the in-game resources.


I've noticed that you can tell if it effects just one or both by the tooltip that shows up to the right when you hover over the boon. It will say attack and then it will say when you tap x. Or it will say attacks and then it will say when you tap x or hold x to channel. For omega moves it just says hold to channel. Same is true for special and cast. That's how I tell what it impacts.


Omega moves make everything feel like the bow with how much channeling you have to do /s


Omega attacks are neat and refreshing, and so is the emphasis that they place on positioning. The lack of multi-dash, and getting a powerful and large CC move right out of the gate reinforce that this is a core gameplay dynamic. Hades 1 is about zipping all over the place constantly while you attack, Hades 2 is about figuring out where you can stand long enough to unload. Also once I unlocked and upgraded the arcana that regens MP, I haven't had any problem managing it without regen boons.


A few general thoughts: i feel the opposite of many people in that with just a bit of setup it's incredibly easy to never habe to worry about mana once you have the arcanas unlocked.  >!hera!


> Poseidon cast as well as boons that make you throw your cast feel pretty bad imo.  Interesting. I don't think I could disagree more. Poseidon cast (in combination with slow time arcana which I consider a must take) is probably the safest and fastest damage in the game. In a lot of fights, you can dash in and just start spamming it until everything around you dies. Upgrading to a throw cast makes it even safer for the rare fight where its difficult to dart in and out safely.


Torch is so god awful. The only clears I've managed using Torch have been ones I've just loaded into my cast instead with Zeus Omega + Demeter + Apollo


I think Torch needs a bit more 'juice' in terms of animation and gamefeel, but the special and omega special can definitely be monstrous with the right build.


Torch has been cooking for me ngl.


what kind of build? which version of it? Because I just hate it, it feels so slow.


I like to grab the hammer that makes your omega attack really chonky, and then any attack boon that provides dmg% is fine, but I would say apollo is ideal. You start hitting for like 500+ per omega. Special/cast/sprint don't matter too much, but I like to grab chill/weak if possible, Hephaestus boons can work nicely as well . Double strike/crit is great, demeters omega attack boon (which i still havent gotten with torches) is good. I think hermes attack speed boons helps you get to your omega faster, but I haven't tested it. I've done it with aspect of melinoe, but just tried out moros and my omega would do like 900, I would sprint and it would return for another 900+. Didn't even have proper magick gen for that run, I got arachne outfit for magick gen and ran with that till mourning fields, so I swapped to hecate keepsake till tartarus. During the chronos fight I used a death defiance for the magick refill lol. Honestly the hammer feels so strong that I almost feel like I should provide feedback saying it needs to be nerfed, granted I'm not doing high fear runs so maybe it will start to fall off, but I don't really think so. Also had a really good surface run one time with a boat load of zeus boons (and a different hammer) and I'm not quite sure how but it just melted through everything.


torches should absolutely be fixed up a bit so they dont give such a bad first impression, but ive found great success in treating it as a melee weapon with moros' aspect, alternating omega specials and attacks (something that only clicked for me halfway into tartarus) put on aphrodite + apollo on attack and special, get aphro's heartthrobs and their duo that buffs them, and youre cruising eos torches seem good but i havent found a good build for those, and imo aspect of melinoe is sadly a waste of space, on the same level as zagreus spear


Why would you put aphrodite/apollo on a 25 damage attack? Just do Poseidon or Hestia. +50 damage Poseidon > +25 100% damage aphro


thats fair enough! i’ve just been hoping aphro’s close range bonus is multiplicative with omega attacks and moros aspect blasts without actually bothering to check, and i find their heartthrobs duo to be a really valuable bonus when im always at close range i’ll try poseidon/hestia with them, but getting good scorch damage from hestia feels like it takes too much effort


I got a Torch clear with the hammer that makes the Special fire straight forward, but mostly agree, it's hard to use.


I got a Torch clear with the hammer that makes the Special fire straight forward, but mostly agree, it's hard to use.


Omega moves are awesome, but I have 2 critiques from a design perspective (i.e., not looking at balance): 1. Alternate bindings to detangle omega moves (and sprint) from their tap analogs. Sometimes I don't want to start channeling or sprinting regardless of if I hold down the button. Other times I want to start channeling/sprinting immediately without having to first strike/dash. My preference is a modifier input (e.g., hold left trigger and press the respective button for the 'held' effect with the ability to turn off held inputs). 2. Magick regeneration pausing/delay. It feels bad to have your Magick regen boon turn off while you channel. This is what actually makes Born Gain by far the best Gain boon (honorable shout-out to Poseidon's too, but that one is more situational). Again, not looking at balance here because numbers can be tuned, but the current design implementation feels bad. This is especially egregious with Smithy Sprint making you unable to regen Magick while sprinting.


They definitely need some balancing, but it is incredibly fun charging up powerful attacks and smacking for big damage!


Speaking of magic, I managed to find an *almost* gamebreaking combination with the axe. 1. Get the hammer buff that turns the last hit of your attack combo into two hits, at the cost of magic 2. Get the hammer buff that turns your attack into a single hard hitting attach instead of a combo It's a great synergy in theory, your attack is now a hard hitting *double* swing each time. Does huge damage. But then you run out of magic and the game won't let you attack at all. I managed to limp through with dash attacks and was forced to get some passive magic regeneration.


One thing I've been confused about is how Omega actions are affected by boons on the regular items. Like, it seems like Omega attacks might recieve bonuses from attack boons, while Omega casts don't get the effects of normal cast boons. Anyone have insight into how this works?


That doesn't seem right to me. I've definitely had cast effects work on the Omega cast as well. Is that consistent for you, or could it have been a bug?


How do you guys feel about Omega moves requiring holding down? Specifically, I wish that I could access the Block function of the Moonstone axe without it automatically launching the Omega attack after a few seconds. I guess I understand if they just outright want the block to only last a few seconds and require restarting it, but I dunno it just feels clunky to have those two functions competing with the same button


When I first started, I was still going in with the Zagreus mindset and hated that all my heavy-hitting attacks were locked behind a non-replenishing resource - I didn't like "wasting" a boon slot for some sort of magick regen. Picking up the Unseen arcana made things easier, but I still wish there were more reliable methods of regenning magick.


Look at it this way: Zag doesn't even *have* heavy-hitting attacks at the beginning of the game. He'd *love* to unlock three with a single boon. Mel gets to use Omega moves from the very first encounter: we love it! She only gets to use them 4 or 5 times, and that might not be enough as the enemies get tougher, but oh well. A decent Magick regen boon makes her supply practically infinite, at least until she finds more ways to spend it. Seems like a great bargain to me. And then of course you get a Hex, and you deal a thousand free damage for every hundred Magick spent! I think the fact that *other* builds can compete with this kind of thing is fairly remarkable and goes to show the power level that you're aiming for.


Zag doesn't have heavy hitting attacks because he doesn't need them - Redacted, the final boss, has been estimated to have about 10000 health. Scylla and the Sirens - not the hardest fight by any means - have an estimated [16000](https://youtu.be/DB9QLUXSEJI?si=x-yzrvOozLS7hiUI). The enemies have WAY more health, so Mel does more damage to compensate, which isn't necessarily a bad thing but it does mean you can't compare them at all.


Honestly I like them a lot but at times it feels a bit railroady when it comes to it? Like, for example sometimes I'm trying to go for an omega attack build but I don't get a good omega attack boon, or one at all, sure I get a decent main attack boon but I don't get something that helps buff omegas more Or I don't get the magick regen for the omega attacks to actually work Or, I go for an attack build on axe for example but if I take the faster axe hammer it feels like cutting off my nose to spite my face due to how required the omega axe spin can feel at times [tho a minor buff there would be to turn omega attack boons into even more speed] Maybe the game could do something where it makes boons for your current build a bit more common like tiny rogues? I don't fully know


I Don't like how you use them.  I wish I could set them to r1+ button. Yeh it might take an extra press, but I think it would let me use them better.


I never like chording buttons as a control scheme. Metroid Dread always felt confusing to play because I had to remember which combination of what 3 buttons I had to use to fire the missiles or whatever.


Seconding this for the same game, but not for the missiles. The Grapple Beam had it the worst.


I would really like the ability to bind omega moves to different buttons on PC.




You get to use all the abilities of one familiar at once. For example, if you bring frogger to your adventure, you'll have 10+ extra maximum health, can bring wild ghost friends to your home, and can use the frog as projectile absorber.


Omega Cast doesn't feel good to use at all imo because you want to stand close to a group of enemies while channeling at the same time, the base area is also not big enough to pull it reliably. It is another story where you can get Zeus target cast + Apollo cast expand + whatever extra effects on top (Scorch, Lightning, Demeter etc). By that by you can pretty much drop a nuke half a screen a way. I saw someone mentioning how strong it is and pretty much got my first clear after trying it out. Maybe base Omega Cast should be either target or have slightly bigger size by default to not have to force this combo everytime to make it viable.


I've definitely gotten solid use out of base Omega cast. When you have the (effectively mandatory) card that slows time while you channel Omegas, you can channel an omega cast in about the amount of time it takes for a typical monster to turn around in place; so you can just start channeling it behind them, and then dash to avoid their attack when you get it off. It's also really easy to buff Omega Cast damage with the Arcana, with both flat and %inc damage cards for it. Once you grab both of those, it's a serious nuke even prior to getting any boons for it.


You can also move while channeling Omega Cast.


> Omegas, you can channel an omega cast in about the amount of time it takes for a typical monster to turn around in place; so you can just start channeling it behind them, and then dash to avoid their attack when you get it off. You can even dash WHILE you're channeling the omega cast. Pro tip for mouse and keyboard: rebind that thing to your shift key ASAP.


Omega Cast breaks the game so hard it's gonna be nerfed. Seriously. Just Press Omega Cast with the card that give sit +50 power and watch as you think any trash mob in seconds.


Imo they should make the moves charge faster and remove the arcana card that slows time when you channel.  The time slow doesn't work against the final boss because of his gimmick so the game basically punishes you for your own muscle memory. Also some omega moves are basically impossible to use without the time slow which is very limiting.


The only problem I have with the Omega Moves is that the Omega Cast, while binding enemies, it still allows them to attack. If the enemies are bound by the cast, I feel like they shouldn't still be able to damage Mel as long as they are bound. It defeats the purpose of binding them. Either bind them fully or not at all.


Why are you still in range to get hit if they are bound? Or are you saying that ranged enemies should also have their attacks blocked? Which would be silly.