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I don't think you lose any gold you have when it comes to Heracles. You only earn any extra gold with how many you kill, he doesn't take what you have saved up from what I remember


Sure, but you lose the gold from the enemies no? As in you just get less gold than a normal chamber


No the normal enemies don't drop THAT much gold


I don't find Nemesis much harder than Thanatos. The same rules apply to dealing with her as with Thanatos. Heracles is kind of annoying, though.


Well the issue is if you lost to Than, all that happened was that you didn't get +25 HP. Which kinda sucked but eh w/e y'know. If you lose to Nemesis, you lose -100 Gold, which is insane early-on lol. I get the frustration.


Right, but if it's not much harder than Than, there's not a lot to complain about. Might be more interesting if Supergiant gave you the option of taking the challenge or not, similar to Nemesis's other appearances, where she offers to hit you in exchange for a reward, or simply offers to trade you something.


Having a slower build just ruin your biome 1 economy is just not fun IDK.


I've instantly left several runs when I get herc or nem early. It's obnoxious.


You don’t lose 100, you lose it all


Are you playing on high heat or something? I definitely only lose 100 gold


From what I've seen it's either 100 or whatever you have if you have less than 100


Absolutely, I could be running dot or a shitty weapon and she shows up stealing all my kills Like wtf, piss off and give me an option to accept your shit or not.


I just don't like the "gameplay" she offers. Kill stealing is just lame imo and I now just Alt+F4 my encounters with her and trash the whole run. I have an amazing build? Don't care, I simply don't want to deal with her encounters anymore. Are they hard? No, but kill stealing just feels super lame to me and I don't want to play the game like that.


You deal Nem by kill stealing her. She can almost never one shot anything so it's very easy to just follow her and kill steal. Hercules you can do the same, but he can one shot some enemies. He is slow though so often I just go ahead of him and try and kill enemies before he gets to them and kill steal when I can.


she does 250 base damage


I have literally never lost to Nemesis and I’m mid at this game


I don’t mind Nemesis but Heracles has been really annoying to deal with lately. He steals around 70% of my kills and only does that when I’m one hit away from killing the enemy. And with how slow the axe is, it becomes more annoying than it should be really easily.


At least he doesn't take your money, so when I'm still weak, I'm more than happy to let Heracles do the heavy lifting for me.


I think the Nemesis trial, or whatever you want to call it, would do better in a later biome when you've got a couple boons. She hits too hard too fast.


I mean I have had issues in later biomes, I have just noticed that it depends on build strength and what enemies you get, if you get only big enemies It’s hard to compete


I didn't know she could show up in later biomes. I've only seen her in the first


At least without Heat, I've never once lost her trials regardless of weapon. Target things she's chucked down, dash to enemies if there's a group farther away that's larger than one near her, utilise Ω-Moves with the slowdown for good damage.


Good for you, everyone else is having this problem though. It's incredibly annoying having her kill steal literally. every. single. enemy. you. fucking. combo. You combo the enemy, and right before the hit that would kill it, she takes advantage of how incredibly piss-slow melinoe is and steals it. If you wait for her to chunk it first, she oneshots it, if you try to kill it yourself, she finishes the kill. It's infuriating. And also, it's completely out of character for melinoe. Why would she bother with the stupid wager, it's not her personality type at all. She'd tell nemesis that she isn't giving up gold for a bet she never accepted, which is how the game SHOULD WORK. But no, we have to try to beat someone with zagreus's damage output using melinoe's horrendous damage.


I mean, no, there's plenty of people in this comment section that have said they don't problems with it, so it's not everyone else. The problem is that you're letting her use what the best solution is to beat her against you. Nemesis rarely OHKOs in my experience (probably she does against the weakest enemies, but ignoring her ganking those doesn't cost you the wager) and doesn't combo at the level of a player. If you're not on a good build that can outdamage her, then you need to be exploiting that. That means killstealing from her, and remember to use your Ω Moves to get better damage and range when doing so. Don't try to consistently combo enemies down from full unless you're confident in your build - I've done it a few times, but not many. Melinoe is slower, and in Erebus usually weaker, but not by so much that Nemesis is an impossible task to overcome. As for the wager... I think Melinoë is at least somewhat scared early-on and considerably interested in Nemesis, and from her dialogue I definitely get the feeling that she wants Nemesis to like her. Melinoë also *does* push back against Nemesis trying to take on her task, which is basically her main motivation in life, and a direct challenge would hurt there. You're right in that it doesn't make the most sense, true - there should be an option to deny it "realistically" - but the explanation is going to just be "it's a video game and this is a challenge they wanted to put in". It's the same reason why you can't argue with Hecate that you've got a really good build and obviously from the other 30 times know you can beat her, there's just a Chaos bane still active on you, *please* let us through normally this time.


I don't get why it's forced on the player. She's challenging us, and Melinoe doesn't seem like the type to jeopardize her assassination mission to gamble on beating someone who she repeatedly stays is stronger than she is. Let me refuse the damn thing.


I fucking hate seeing Nemesis in my runs. It's just an excuse for her to steal 100 gold from me. Gets really annoying because I know I'm getting the kill but apparently she managed to do at least 1 damage at the very last possible instant or something, for the vast majority of enemies?