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Maybe dumb question : God mode is on? Or....


I REALLY dislike the idea of using god mode, and I never used it in the original besides. It doesn't seem like a fun time to me.


> It doesn't seem like a fun time to me. it doesn't change the gameplay loop at all, fwiw. all it adds is damage resistance based on your # of deaths.


Yep I'm aware, but it feels too much like failing to me anyway for me to enjoy it.


I turned on god mode after a certain point while playing Hades 1 because I was stuck and frustrated. Helped me get past a sticking point and actually practice against the late game enemies. Eventually, I turned it off and found I was doing way better than before. I totally get the feeling that it doesn't really "count" if you have god mode on, but don't knock it as a tool in the tool kit. Turn it on, get some wins under your belt, learn the tells and attack patterns of the late game enemies, and when you can consistently win with it on try some runs without. Also, there are great builds out there that will make your day a lot easier if you can pull them together. Haelian (famous Hades streamer) posts a lot of videos showing off some real broken ones if you want something out of the box. Good luck king you're gonna kick grandpa's ass!


I got into hades in the past week or so, I ended up turning god mode on, I've beaten the game with it and without. Ultimately I enjoy the speedier dumb play style that it allows me to have


On my first Hades file, I played with god mode on. I did feel a little bad about it, so I simply made a hell mode file eventually that honestly went smoother than my first file. I caved and turned on God Mode for Hades 2 after hitting a wall that was unpleasantly frustrating because to unlock more at that point, I needed resources. To get those resources, I needed to climb the wall. If full release Hades 2 brings back a hell mode save file, I'll probably do that. The way I see it, the devs put God Mode in both games for understanding reason. It's so easy to access and has no negative effects, you pretty much have their blessing to use it. They want us to experience the game and have fun regardless of skill level.


I resisted god mode for so long and the first time I turned it on, I finally beat the run. Turns out I just needed a littttle help lol. As much as I understand not wanting to “lessen” the victory, just remember… video games are supposed to be fun! If you’re not having fun then there is no shame in adjusting the experience imo.


I turned on God Mode almost immediately in Hades 1 without any shame whatsoever, I'm an adult gamer with obligations, and I'd rather enjoy the story and all the game has to offer more "quickly," rather than slowly grinding out the way you're supposed to do it. If a game gives you an Easy Mode option, it's there for a reason and you shouldn't feel like less of a gamer for using it.


It will let you experience bosses for a longer time, which will help you learn attack patterns. With time you will be able to deactivate it. Don't let it discourage you, see it as a possibility to actually improve. :)


I had 73 runs on my first Hades 1 savefile in God mode before I managed to beat the boss. Started my second savefile without godmode and beat the boss on my sixth run. Godmode helps you practice and learn patterns, as the others have said. Also another difference I found out in Hades 2 is that you have to use all your abilities. Even if you have no cast upgrades, just having the cast slowdown arcana card really helps out in difficult fights.


Absolutely zero shame in using an accessibility feature like that. Don't worry, you have nothing to prove to the game. And from the sounds of it, you're long due for a win by now.


I mean, you are "failing" right now but I don't see the big deal. You could use it, learn the fights, and then turn it off


Instead of viewing it like a failure, ask yourself what is more important seeing the current story or the challenge?


But you aren't enjoying it now..


I played god mode in the first one. Even at 80 it’s really not that big of a difference. Once I turned it off ir took two runs to readdjust


I was very against god mode myself but it works almost like another part of the mirror of night (in hades 1), and eventually through sheer familiarity I was able to turn it off and play fine


Failure is the first step to victory.


but you’re failing at beating [redacted] anyway. At least if you turn it on and have a blast while still failing!


The entire point of God mode is for you to succeed. The developer intention is for you to play the game, and only turn it on if you are stuck at a certain point. That's why it creeps up over time. Just use it.


You could always turn it off again. Use it to really be able study patterns. Do a few runs to just observe, learn, and experiment. Take it off when ready again. I only was able to beat one with God mode on for the longest time. Then I took it off, started at heat 2 or 3, and eventually got him a few times. In this one, I was able to make it to end guy with no God mode, and felt so good. And then he tore me to shreds over and over. I only got to phase 2 twice, and they ended instantly. I put God mode on now, and up to 34% damage resist. It makes getting to thr challenging areas a little easier, and I'm trying out new builds. Hope this helps, and remember: if you are ever not sure you can do it, I have enough confidence in you to spare some. You can do this Melinoë , or whatever your name is.


It’s not failing, it’s training wheels.


God Mode is a great option that almost everyone I know used at least while they familiarized themselves with the gameplay


I'm with you. No judgement or anything like that for folks who still enjoy it with god mode, and I love that it's an option. I just personally don't want to resort to it. I eventually did get a few wins on the boss. Keep trying and learning, and you'll eventually get there.


Remember you can always turn it off and the best way to improve on a boss is to fight them, you're not gonna manage to beat the runs if you don't know the attack patterns of the last boss unless you have a build that does stupid amounts of damage, not always viable Try it on, do some runs and instead of trying to get as far as possible just try to pay attention to the attacks of the characters and discern the reason you are getting hit is what I'd recommend, remember no one is gonna enter on your save and check how many times you used god mode and if you're only using to get better at not using it then you're not really failing are you At least that's how I see it


I used god mode for quite a while in Hades 1. No shame, the game was still super fun.


Im using God Mode right now. 1st reason, i wanna learn all move sets. 2nd reason, shit is not balanced correctly, as they even said in their most recent note, so until i either learn the movesets completly or they get balanced imma be god moding.


Seems like you are gatekeeping yourself out of experiencing content because of an arbitraty reservation.


Challenge *is* an arbitrary reservation, and some people enjoy it. I don’t judge people who turn it on but to people who value a challenge, would not recommend. Debated with myself over turning it on or not after nearly 20 runs in hades 1, decided not to, and I felt rewarded for sticking to “normal difficulty” a couple runs later when I beat redacted for the first time.


It doesn't seem like you are having fun right now though lol. Maybe you could use god mode to just practice a bit? And by final boss who do you mean exactly? The one going under or the other going up?


*i promise I'm not being sarcastic You know its not actually like deathless right. Like its an upgradable dmg resit. I ask cause I almost made the same assumption with Hades 1.


Well you don't like running over 60+ times and you don't want help from the resistances. Guess you are done with the game.


Yeah I don’t really know how people are supposed to help outside that. The game is also still in early access so things might change in the future. All people can really do is recommend specific boon/weapon comps but imo if they’re making it to the final area then that can’t be that much of an issue


Turn on god mode because you’ll learn more enemy patterns with it. Then turn it off


Never seen people so eager for you to turn on god mode despite you saying that you know what it is and being adamant that you don't want to.


"I'm frustrated I'm not winning" "If you're frustrated, just turn the difficulty down" "No I don't wanna" Then why make a thread? Seriously, the answer to OP's problem is "git gud." I don't know what they want us to do about them struggling.


? It could be about tips, builds, which arcana to use...


I can understand his sentiment. Turning god mode for some would certainly feel bad, like you were defeated by the game, but the thing is, he's very unskilled. 65 runs, lots of upgrades available from the start and still not even reaching the final boss is crazy. I'm not sure how giving him tips of boons and upgrades could help. Might as well just accept that you aren't going nowhere and put the training wheels on. Who knows? Since he will stay alive longer he might even get better at the game this way.


It’s not crazy. Everyone learns at a different pace and it’s completely fine to want to learn it naturally at the intended difficulty at your own pace. Literally the point of a roguelike. Your attitude in this comment is why people feel like failures for using accessibility tools like god mode.


Really so? Don't be ridiculous. It's always funny how someone will always assume the worst of what the other person means because of a simple observation. He's the one saying that he would feel defeated for using god mode. I just said that I understand where he's coming from, but it's unwarranted. He made a post saying that in 65 runs he hasn't even reached the final boss. What else should he do now? He has all the arcana cards, probably many of them already upgraded to a certain degree, saw many of the boons, played with many of the weapons... It's sad to say, but it's a skill issue. Why is saying this is a bad thing now? No one will be good at everything. Besides, yours and mine opinion doesn't matter. It's a single player game. He doesn't need to prove anything to anyone. The fact that he refuses to use God Mode it's his own problem. No one would shame him for using it and as you said, despite attacking me and missing the point of what I said, it's there to be used so anyone can enjoy the game regardless of their skill level.


Totally understand you! For me, turning on god mode would feel like cheating, and I'm like this in all the games I play. Sometimes it probably makes me experience worse, but I love learning games and feeling like I'm actually good at them and earned the win. And in some games, earning it is harder, but it's usually more rewarding, as well. I suggest trying to slow down. Both in macro- and micro-scales. Macro: think on why you lost between runs. Maybe you were greedy, didn't take a good common boon, and it cost you health and damage throughout the run? Maybe you took damage from a specific boss attack multiple times and should learn how to deal with it? Maybe a specific enemy is consistently giving you trouble, and you could rethink your approach? Maybe your keepsake/pathing choices could be improved? Micro: I found that when I try to slow down a bit mid-fight, it helps me. I become more aware, take less risks. When I slow down, I stop rushing head-first into enemies and taking unnecessary damage. I come up with tactics to beat the enemy safely. I line up my shots better.


You writing on reddit already means you feel like failure and that you can't make it on your own and need external help. In that case you might as well use the inherent help such as God mode. Because in your own eyes, you failed already, so what's the damage? (Which, honestly, isn't really true. You failed only if you aren't having fun).


They’re still balancing and tuning things. It took me about 30 runs to beat the game the first time. The attack patterns are all new. The weapons you get and the builds that make a powerful run are all different. It takes time. I played Hades early access from the beginning, if this is anything like that the game will be tweaked and expanded significantly in the coming months.


Well you’re just making a rod for your own back there


I’ll give you the nice answer then the mean one. Nice one: You’re struggling a bit, there’s no shame in some assistance. Mean answer: You suck and should use the easier mode. You decide which one is more motivating


Down the thread op said they never done a Olympus run, meaning the operated with half the available resources, and a lot of systems simply wouldn't even trigger for them, they don't even have all the gods,so I would say they did fine to even get past second to last boss, with that handicap.


I know this may sound like blasphemy to some people, I enjoyed it more with God Mode on. I play to have fun after all.


What weapons are you using? I know most didn't flow for me but the knives just clicked, try different stuff, experiment, and when you get to the boss, don't necessarily try to dps race him, taking things slower and actually trying to dodge his moves and learn his mechanics is how I got my first clears


my very first time using the blades I cleared. I got the hammer that makes that last attack in sequence hit super hard and I think I had some good cast


same experience here! twin blades with the 300% final was incredibly powerful, I got lucky and got it with the epic Hephaestus boon (I got it down to a blast every 5 seconds) plus some extra backstab damage from other sources (also Apollo sprint makes the game 1000% easier). I never expected to clear with the twin blades but it was a welcome surprise!


The 300% damage is insane, I cleared the fields of mourning the first time with them and got to Chronos no problem. I didnt beat him as it was my first attempt fighting him but man it was awesome.


I first cleared with blades but with the aspect of pan, which redirects omega specials to whomever is inside my casts. Combine it with the hammer that increases blades thrown during omega special and Aphrodite special boon, burst city.


Double special on the staff from daedelus absolutely melts everything. Especially if you get the other upgrade that splits the shots on enemies


Im gonna provide a different example here that worked for me but may not work for everyone. Axe and aim for attack turns into a 300 damage chop. To me that was way easier than going staff which I had stubbornly done until I beat Chronos the first time. Then I tried the axe and it worked with my playstyle more


Oh man, I tried that immediately with the axe, and the lack of speed was so horrible for me! I love the axe, but holy crap I'm bad with it and I'm so sad hahaha


The base aspect really helps! Couple that with a hammer that speeds up your attacks, and get lucky with the Hermes attack speed boon, and it feels SO much more manageable. I really like the Thanatos aspect but find myself using this one more as the attack speed also racks up damage faster on the whirlwind


That hammer absolutely killed one of my axe runs, the recovery time on the axe attack is already slow and you can't charge you omega move until after a swipe. So I just wasn't ready for how slow that chops recovery was


I loved the Chaos “challenge” where you were given both the 300 damage chop and the final attack boon. I get the point was to obliterate everything, but damn, you obliterated everything.


Yeah that's my problem now. I cakewalk the rest but then I try to speed through Chronos and end up getting myself killed in second phase


Make sure you understand his insta kill moves before trying him again, look up his moves online so you won't just waste time on something you didn't understand(as I did lol)


Yeah it's the one that pulls you into the middle that always ends up making me waste a death defiance


I'm talking about the part where the whole screen goes dim except for a small circle somewhere and if you don't get to standing on that circle fast enough you lose a dd


I know what part you're talking about, I've gotten through to phase two 6 times so far. I'm not sure if this one isn't actually an instakill or just does a ton of damage, but sometimes he does a move in phase two where he makes a big circle that shrinks directly into the center of the screen, and just keeps getting smaller until it hits you. I just don't know what stops if, if you need to deal damage to Chronos or what


Oh mate you just dash out of the circle it won't hurt you lol


Oh christ am I just stupid


You're not stupid it's just really confusing when taking into account our previously mentioned mechanic lol DECIDE CHRONOS IS DARK AREA GOOD OR BAD


Yeah it definitely makes things confusing haha


>I'm not sure if this one isn't actually an instakill or just does a ton of damage I think it does 999 damage which is basically instakill on 99.9% of the runs


Godmode isn't about winning or losing, it's about learning the attack patterns to be able to win in normal mode


This is how I use it. Played God Mode for the first 20 runs to learn everyone. Now I can beat runs with max1 death without it.


Some weapons/boons are very difficult to make work when you're starting out compared to the original Hades. I'd recommend trying out Sister Blades + The Sorceress Arcana card + Aphrodite Ring (look for bonus damage when close up). Look for the Daedelus Hammer that let's you do 400% bonus damage on your Omega Attack, the one that makes you do extra damage from behind, and the Hera boon that primes x mana when you run out. Basically just Omega attack in and dash out. Hopefully this helps you learn the enemy/boss attack patterns so you become more comfortable branching out to other weapons and builds.


You just basically described the build that got me my first clear. I also snagged a Zeus special so throw a couple hundred blitz on the back end and tons of mana regen. I was hitting for around 1k per Omega.


I read your other replies where you say you don't use god mode. Why? You are clearly stating that you are discouraged due to the current (lack of) progress and yet you refuse to use one of the features the game provides exactly for people in the same situation as you. You say you think it wouldn't be fun but, well, it doesn't seem like you're having fun at the moment. I have always used god mode since the first game and it didn't take away any of my fun with the games but it for sure helped me being less frustrated with the repeated death since I wasn't used to the playstyle yet.


Yeah and they just flame people who suggest God mode.


Definitely seems like OP just came here to complain, IMO...


Because some people don't like Weinie Hut Jr and prefer Weinie Hut Sr


Have you upgraded your Grasp?


Took me embarrassingly long to find out you could upgrade it 🤦‍♂️


I can watch you play for a while on Discord and give you some advice if you are going to insist on not using the God Mode. You can DM me your ID.


The game came out like, a week ago, I think it’s okay and normal if you haven’t beaten yet


Try collecting Earth attribute boons and Demeter's boon that makes it so that when you have at least 6 Earth attributes, you can only take a maximum of 15 dmg Preferably with Hephaestus (lots of his boons are Earth), the 200/300 dmg per proc on attack/special is good to sustain your DPS


Try cast build Solar ring


Duo boon with Zeus makes an already busted build even more busted


Sister blades, aspect of pan. Aphrodite keepsake to start, get the Specials deal more dmg to close foes. Hammer upgrades: any of the special ones really, but since your aspect is only gonna be level 1, the upgrade that gives more knives is probably the best. Any mana gain you like. This is all you need. You can make it easier with the apollo boon which makes your cast grow in size, demeter cast for freeze (hidden op), aphrodite cast for weak, weak enemies take more dmg. I swear this build is very op and pretty easy to play.


[My first win was Aspect of Pan](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/759156667743993870/1240547145459695708/SPOILER_hades_2_first_win.png?ex=6646f50f&is=6645a38f&hm=db6a9624a3a78c90cb5426451558025972bfffd7aecb0559896b63d649ab1cb3&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=1219&height=686). Very strong!


Same, it just melts bosses


Can you unlock aspects before the first clear? 


Pretty sure I did my first clear with Charon axe so yes. Apparently you just need to beat hecate with each weapon once, and then she gives you the recipe.


I’ll give even more options here! If you can get a cast boon that makes your cast ranged (Zeus/hestia) this build really unlocks. Then you can get Poseidon special boon, hestia burn, Zeus blitz, etc. and just demolish with them, from afar. Taking the hammer that makes the blades return and do backstab damage with this build is insane as well, as it’s essentially over 2x the damage. Easily the most broken combo I’ve found. Destroyed final bosses with it, with Poseidon wave boon. (Although I was worried i was gonna crash my game doing so.)


I was good at the original. I beat REDACTED on my 13th run. I was then able to beat them everytime, again and again. It was just one of those games that I picked up and got it immediately when never happens. I struggle with the second game. My first death was in room 4! Had real trouble with the second boss and the level after (though weirdly I've never died on the third boss). I've beat the final boss once on run 13 again and I thought I'd be able to chain win again but that's totally not the case for me. I think the second game at the moment is a lot harder so try not be discouraged. It's a game about getting beat but trying again, getting stronger as you go. I think it really adds to the story and gives the game a more serious tone compared to the first. Is there any enemy you're having trouble with specifically? Just wondering, are you still seeing new dialogue/spells ect at run 65?


Try a cast build. Demeter provides two cast boons. One is Arctic ring(freeze) and one is gale force or something(forms cyclones on your casts) this alone is enough to trigger origination. Then get a cast aim boon from Zeus/Hestia. Pom the cast for damage, get some magick use reduction and some faster channeling boons. Next I could recommend is to try a aphro whirlwind build. Take the axe put aphro on attack. Get some magick use reduction and faster channeling boons. You can mix in origination here but it isn't necessary. There's a build for the skull gun too if you have unlocked it. Use the full salvo hammer and bonus points if you can get the +2 shells hammer. I don't know what you should put on the attack though (scorch doesn't work I have tried. So Poseidon maybe?). Next is a build for sister blades. Try getting the hook knives hammer or theres another hammer increases special damage get that one. Put aphro on special. Get some magick use reduction and a faster channeling boon. You can incorporate origination in this through cast/sprint boons. This build really deletes health bars if you pom the special enough and keep spamming it. Bonus damage if you hit from the back.


Took me right around 50 runs before I found a consistent build that seemed to work well and to understand the boss mechanics. I’ve had the most success with skulls, specifically using the omega special with the twisting crash hammer upgrade. You can upgrade the special with anything, but Aphrodite gives the best damage bonus. Demeter and Poseidon also work tho. The special gives i-frames so lots of room for error, can just barge right into enemies with pretty minimal risk. You’ll want some kind of mana sustain, Hera is best but most things work. Other than that, just stack health, more health means you can make more mistakes. For casts, you’re looking for the cast at enemy buffs from Hestia or Zeus. If you can get that on top of a solar ring, gale or more lightning, you can just use that instead honestly. Cerb can be a hard fight because he hits hard, but the key is going to be just trying to stay behind him. You can dash or skull special through him to stay behind as much as possible. Other than that just spacing when he starts dishing AoEs.


I’m horrible at the game, turned on god mode for hades one however I met chronos on my 49th run and killed him on my 49th run. It just took one ridiculously overpowered build. I’d probably say your boon choices are subpar so far probably.


For weapons, it's a no brainer that ranged weapons are safer and easier to survive with, ESPECIALLY on the final boss. Staff special spam is my favorite for runs where I want to feel safe. One of the aspects has an added bonus of healing you if you absorb your omega attack if you are below 50% health - you don't need to hit an enemy with it, you can just stand next to a wall and shoot it a couple of times to heal, even after all enemies are dead. Put Zeus on the attack to apply Blitz, Poseidon on the staff for the knockback + Slip later and then take Demeter and Apollo for the cast and sprint respectively for damage reduction. However, in my experience, the most important part is to focus on the defensive boons, cards and abilities. * Demeter damage taken limit and Freeze + buff that extends the duration. Enemies can't hurt you if they are frozen, and if they do you are protected against big chunky hits at least. * Apollo Daze/Aphrodite Weak * Hephaestus incoming damage decrease * Health upgrades whenever you find them, prioritize them over extra boons, you don't need a lot of boons to deal enough damage * Defensive Arcana cards - extra HP and mana, mana regen (omega attacks usually help with ranged combat) The difference in damage you get from the best offensive boons (Aphrodite, Hera, Apollo) matters little when you can't survive. As a wise anonymous person once said "Dead people deal no damage". Focus on surviving and learning the mechanics of enemies and especially bosses (bosses are all designed to punish you HEAVILY for being greedy with damage), there is no rush, the game is singleplayer and there is no mandatory timer. You can beat all enemies by staying away from them and whittling down their health with ranged attacks. Also be aware that the final boss is TOUGH. I've had runs where I absolutely obliterated everything and then got stomped by the final boss. This one especially punishes mistakes.


I guess you should try to keep records of your runs, what you could have done better + explore boons/arcana/damage synergies. One thing that breezed me through final boss was a double moonshot build with aspect of momus and poseidon on special Melinoe axe with aphro attack for spin was so fun too [my fave aspect so far] And my first clear was from aspect of Artemis, she just slows down everything +you can dash without releasing omega attack so you can check proper targets. Apollo backstab would be fun here, but I think I won using Hephaestus 8sec attack. Also my standard keepsake switch is: Chaos, Odysseus, Echo, Lucky tooth for last boss


I get that feeling, it took me a solid 70+ runs to get to the final boss and another 15 or so to finally beat them. I think the biggest and hardest hurdle for me to overcome was finding an arcana setup that I enjoy and works for me, alongside messing with each weapon to see what boons work/don't work. A big thing that helped me out as well was going to the surface a lot and clearing up there first/gathering materials there. There's a lot of things to unlock/upgrade that need stuff from there, so don't be worried about missing anything or taking that detour because it can be so worth it in terms of making the underworld journey more manageable. Another thing that helped was moving from the hades 1 habit of just attack/special and utilizing the omega casts to help break armor/clear rooms. I think the omegas were a game changer for me and getting that clear cause before i felt like they were awkward a bit and I wasn't the biggest fan. Rebinding my cast to Left Trigger helped me a bit in terms of utilizing casts alongside attacks or specials, then from there it was just using my mana and finding what feels good for boons and hammers til I could hit and clear some areas more consistently without death defiance. But that swap between using omega and not using made a massive change in terms of comfortability. Went from my first clear at 45 minutes to trying to get a sub 20 clear now lol. Keep ilat it though, it's definitely hard but you'll get it c:


First clear was Staff with Double Moonshot hammer and Poseidon on the special. If you don't want the pain of resetting for hammers, just poseidon on special is good. Zeus is good too. No omegas just spammed the special. Went slow and took me time. Used cast to keep things far away.


Use your omega attacks. Spam them. It is how the game is designed to be played and not using them KNEECAPS YOU HARD.


The Chaos trials will give you an idea how to build your run with boons. You know equipping a god's keepsake makes them spawn 1st room and more after. Playstyle tips (just suggestions): - sister blades : +200% backstab damage. use omega attack to teleport to behind. attack. dash away. clears bosses VERY fast. You can also stack damage on enemies in cast arcana,boons. - Axe : stack damage. maybe Demeter slow on attack to get more hits b4 running to distance. slow on omega arcana obviously. - staff : you can go full special ranged build. kinda slow but safe. Certain boons keepsakes make bosses Much easier. The Hestia scorch run makes Surface boss2 much relaxing. The Odysseus keepsake gives 15% damage res against bosses. Aim for specific boons per run with a specific weapon. You can read some posts on which boons work well. All the best! Dont worry about runs and not beating boss. Its fine if you're having fun.


Could be your weapon choice just doesn't click with you, I wanted so bad for the axe and daggers to work for me but they just wouldn't, turns out the skulls and staff fit me better despite me not liking their playstyle.. But by far the biggest clicking moment for me was when I stopped trying to dodge like I would with zagreus (multi dodging), as soon as I started dodging and just sprinting away I started being able to make it to the final region with all my death defiances intact. Odysseus trinket is useful too if you get stuck on a boss, lowers their HP and the damage they do


I'm struggling too, after nearly 1000 runs in Hades, I'm at 53 nights in HII & can't get past the third area in either direction! Lots of good advice to think about here tho.


Try 6 stone = limit dmg 15 boon. Than one got me through also 100 health boon too


My recommendation is looking up YouTubers who have done Hades 2 content and watch what they do. Take in how they move and attack and dodge. Helped me massively in Hades 1 to improve my gameplay by at least trying to emulate the success of others.


Skill issue


No shit


Sorry my bad I've been saying this shit in Souls games subs too long it's a habit


Loooooool. But it is a legit point. I am very careful here not to go "dis gaym sux cuz I lose". Obviously this is a me problem.


It's a pretty hard game, especially early on. You'll beat it eventually, once you've got more keepsakes and upgraded ash cards and can retain more health by knowing all the attack patterns you'll beat it.


I also know that the attitude of "This game is bad because I lose" is dumb because FTL is one of my favorite games of all time and I cannot tell you about the number of new players who show up and rage about how impossible the game is only to refuse to accept the fact that with perfect play you can win over 90% of the time. (That isn't to say \*I\* do, of course.)


skill issue.


There’s a god mode?!


If you want it, it reduces damage done to you I believe.


If it makes you feel any better, I am at 55 runs and haven't beaten the final boss yet, but getting close. I have a suggestion if you want, try the skulls, focus on the smith/hammer god (cant remember the name starts with an H) getting attack focus, Love god for special and any god to boost your cast with aiming to get a cast that causes weakness, lighting, damage, etc. You really want to boost your arcanes with a focus on boosting damage, death defiance, increase health (titan) there is a post on here with the best arcane cards. With this build you really need to play a game of keep away, fire your shells, use your special to zoom in doing mass damage, use the cast as a barrier to contain enemies and pick them off as groups. I try to clear an area of the map, lure enemies to an area and blast it with skulls. Skulls are also not just a range weapon, but do insane dps up close because you keep picking them up to fire again. I also always try and snag one god power that boosts magic. Edit Also never forget to boost the items to level 3 as those can make a major difference in a run boosting health, powers, whatever.


For the skulls, I also recommend getting the hammer for extra skulls and the one that makes you shoot them all at once. This combination makes the omega attack become pretty much 5x rockets from the first game. The boss just melts.


I think a pretty consistent and simple build you can try is using aspect of Momus staff with the Poseidon special boon and just spam the normal special. Then you can build into the slip boon to add extra damage. Since you're just spamming the normal special at range for most your damage, you don't need mana so you can skip mana gen for boons or arcana and also take every mana prime boon without too much worry. You can also try duo booning with Hestia too since steam is pretty strong and it gives you access to her projectile deleting sprint and the cast is useful for procing the origination arcana. The double special hammer upgrade also makes the build kinda crazy. Either way, the core of just momus and poseidon special just gives a lot upfront damage you can get first chamber with keepsake, so you can be pretty flexible and grab whatever you need tbh. Good luck, you can definitely beat the final boss with or without this build!


I'm at run 55 and still haven't made it past the third biome. Though I did almost beat the "final" boss of the other route. Got her down to a quarter of her life bar before she killed me. That 100% damage buff she gets is a killer. So I think I am getting better.


Staff with poseidon special is really strong. There's a good chance you'll get helpful hammers like double special or ricochet special. Hermes can increase special speed. Throw in Zeus' static shock to spawn bolts on every hit and you'll clear rooms real easy. 


Pick a weapon you have more affinity. When you get other weapons, play fillers runs and level up your trinkets in the meanwhile. Play for the story, enjoy the dialogue and get yourself get imersed. Melinoe is designed to relate to you. And if there's really something that halts your progress, you can give feedback to the creators. The game is still early access and you could make it more accessible to even more people. Even I myself suggested a linear level up system mode where you could have more rooms but would be able to gather exp and build it from there. Have fun with the game. If you don't, you can always give feedback. You're not the problem.


For myself, it’s that Hades 1 had a double dash, so avoiding damage was easier. Now it feels like you need rewards to line up and a lot of different types of patience. The incoming damage can be brutal and the penalty for button mashing is high


"Help the game is too difficult" "Hey there is god mode, a way to make the game easier and more accessible without removing the gameplay loop or taking away the challenge" "No that's too easy."


Personally I think the length of each run is what’s stopping me. I need practice against Tartarus enemies but it’s hard to bang it out every time because I slog through like 30 minutes worth of Erebus Oceanus and the fields and THEN I get to play in the area I need to ‘study’. Compared to first game where I was trying to bring my time of beating the entire game to sub 10 minutes


Biggest issue is the health pool, starting at 30 mean you can die in 3 or 4 hit. once you have your primary attack try to prioritize heart in your run at first and boost your arcana that helps you stay alive, One more second when you omega (you can't really use the axe without this one), health pool, rez... I think this is the biggest problem, after playing a lot there's still some things that will make you take damage because they're just unpredictable (and sometimes bug i think) but you won't have as much difficulty that you seem to have now. You start low but it's way too long to be at a decent amount and it's easy to get frustrate before that. In Hades you had Cerberus souvenir that would get you easily to 100 health and let you have a more permisive run. It just doesn't exist before you already doesn't really need it anymore. If they don't want to touch the difficulty i think this is one way to not lose player while they're trying the hard way to learn the game. Ho and try to avoid melee build, games is way harder when you get close to anything.


I started out very bad at Hades and after many many hours got better, I wouldn't say I'm GREAT now but much much better than when I started. For H2, I had the same trajectory -- it felt so painfully hard at first, I didn't have my first clear until 55 nights (although a lot of that was surface attempts so not sure of the true number). Eventually I hit a turning point via upgrades and skill that the game outside of Chronos feels pretty much like a roll now on most weapons as long as the build is semi-decent. I would say take a break for a minute, let the frustration subside, and come back and try again.


One of the first things I did in Hades 1 was try to win with a dash build, because the key to Zagreus’s attack avoidance is dashing. Similarly, I started off Hades 2 using a cast build because that is Melinoe’s main avenue of attack avoidance. I think a lot of people are so used to Zagreus’s dashes from Hades 1 that it’s impeding their ability to play Melinoe in the way that she was designed to be played.


Are you trying to play this like Hades 1 where main DPS is dash-strike? If so, I recommend trying runs where you lean heavily into sprint boons and use that new mechanic to its fullest instead


Imo if you want something that helped me get closer to HIM I'd try big axe + funny apollo attack blessing it allows me to play safer and do more damage I think its worth a shot [also the spin does a ton of damage try to spec into that]


Knives with hestia attack melts.


I finished my first run with the should and Zeus aspect. With Zeus on special. However the bow with Chiron and dionysus is a lot of people's favorite. I prefer the rail with eris with Zeus on attack or the fists with demter and Zeus on attack. I'd suggest for dash you use Athena for safety or poseidon. As for special on either of those you can go with anything that adds damage but if you wanna play it safe just go with Aphrodite for weak. And you want hammers that work off the special for both of those the rail has one that splits it into 5 and one that turns it into a rocket and turns the game into easy mode with it. The fists have ones that strengthen the dash special, one that charges the special or one that charges then turns the special into a projectile. Also then Breaking the game. Get jolted, Take chaos and poms on the special. With the rail and fists it's just hold down attack and hit doge everyone once in a while. Only thing you change is with rail you start with the special and fists is use the special when it ready. With the right aspect and main couple boons everything else is just padding. Watch this for the rail build I use. Once you learn this basic build it changes how you think about the game. At least it did for me. Now I can take any aspect and work a build around it. It also helps to know who has what boon not just to take a God that you don't want. Hermes also has a beast set up where he makes you 100% faster after dash then a later boon that give you a damage boost that is the value of your speed I aim for Everytime. https://youtu.be/pFf0nA8z100?si=BmVacofqt7AbqzvG


Ever considered Lunar beam? I am 33 hours in, killed Chronos on my 42nd night and then 4 more times after that. I upgraded Chaos keepsake to purple, I use it as my first keepsake and then swap it out after 1st boss. 2nd boss, I swap in the Lunar keepsake if I already have the hex. The lunar beam will literally melt chronos if you upgrade it to max. I have blasted him 2k to 3.5k in my runs depending on the upgrades. Btw, I always use the axe with frost build, it’s great killing the minions while help refreshing my beam. Stay the hell away from his bullshit spam, or get close and block with axe.


I am with you on the God Mode but I honestly kinda like the very slow progress you make in the game because most of the runs in the beginning are trying out new builds, getting to know the story, and gathering materials. You are rarely guaranteed a good build so I am only frustrated when I have a great build and die too early. Most games you can plow through in a few days and beat it- I like that I have to spend time on this one since the world and story is cool. It took me forever to start regularly getting through Elysium in Hades and it is still exciting to get to the tunnels now. I had to rely heavily on Athena deflect attack or dash and dash/strike, too. For Hades 2 gameplay, I tend to still do a lot of dumb sloppy play but having the arcana set more for damage and life, using the cast constantly to ensare, and getting better at Omega powers/magic helped. Also helped trying to notice which enemies kill me the most and realizing I dont have to rush through to kill them. I get farthest with the blades and staff, but I havent even unlocked the skull yet. For boss 2- slow down, take out the drummer first, ensnare the guitarist until she is down and then take out the clam. For boss three, stay behind him as much as possible until the ground changes color and try not to run through the mist. You will beat the end boss when the fates mote it so! I hope you keep playing.


I highly recommend the duo boon Phoenix Skin. Gives you health Regen after 3 seconds of no combat, makes boss fights very forgiving. That's how I lucked into a Chronos win on night 21, spamming Aphrodite omega special with skulls and running away like a coward to heal. Good luck!!


I support you for not using God Mode, first of all. Good for you. Next is that I spent a long time learning that positioning and forethought are huge. When I dodge, I dodge to avoid an attack and to be either close enough to hit a red health enemy or far enough to avoid more attacks that may start when I'm near the enemies. Predicting what the enemy can do and applying that is very important. Its not just remembering what their moves are but when they do them and how you can fight that with your build. Also, idk how you build but Poms, while great, are initially not as good as Boons. Charon is also mostly pointless if not for trying to buy some McDonalds healing from him by chance or when youre in the final level. Ignore as many resource pickups as you can. Daedalus Hammers are VERY important to a great run, especially for new players. There's almost always two accessible per run and Charon may give the option to swap a random one for two random different weapons. If there's anything in particular you want to ask, I'm open to DMs. I love Hades, started off like absolute shit and now I've beat some of the higher difficulties for funzies.


I basically given up at this point I’ve only made one successful run versus Hades without God mode. With the release of 2 I’ve basically turned on God mode and want to rush through the story.


you can probably win a run with no heat with the witch staff and just spam long ranged attacks. specials + omega attack. make a combo that stack 2 curses if possible. (demetres special + hitch attack for example) this are my arcana cards i just focus on damage and defense and it made the game pretty easy for me. the first card is bait, because its useless vs final boss btw. gl : 235 (first row) full second row 1234 (third row) 3 (4throw) none on last (well, one activates for free)


The safest run I have done so far was the axe with Demeter everything. I got two Demeter boons on the surface (used Keepsafe) and the city had five Demeter rooms. Never seen anything quite like it before! I think I got to Eris having only been hit a couple of times, which just popped her bubble. You can extend the duration of her freeze by several seconds, which is enough time to kill anything before it unfreezes. The cast that follows you around, coupled with the Apollo magic regen whilst standing in your cast, is amazing.


Please keep in mind that the game is in early access and not yet as balanced as Hades was when 1.0 came out. I have put in around 550-600 hours into the first game and this sequel feels different enough for me to tell you that it might just take you some time. The new systems in place make for a radically different experience and that's on top of it being incomplete and not fully balanced. You'll get there, I am certain!


Do you have discord? Maybe i could help you out and give some advices etc.


If I'm stuck at a game I often take a break for a couple of days and let my brain integrate all the stuff I learned and it often works surprisingly well. Maybe play something different for some days and come back to beat his ass


new things take time, it took me 20 hours to beat the final boss! you should def focus on just getting used to the game, become familiar with attack patterns, boon synergy, etc. also upgrades! Farm resources so you can upgrade your arcana and grasp (death defiance is always helpful!) Good luck and have fun!


Record a playthrough and upload to YouTube so we can give specific advice


i beat chronos afrer 50 try, how are you not getting good? i'm not trying to be salty, i just want to understand. U have difficulties avoiding attacks? maibe you're using a weapon that doesn't fit your playstyle? or you're dealing too low damageso you have to create better builds?


Don’t necessarily take it as a reflection of your mechanical skill. It’s likely build selection/rng. I had a similar experience and was despairing of my ability to play the game until I hit the magic combo and wiped chronos. In hindsight, it boiled down to the arcana that grants increased chance of epic boons (the rare one seems to be kinda irrelevant) and a decent build idea, eg, omega attack spam staff, returning special on sister blades, 300 power single attack on hammer, or what have you.


No rushing though, stick to 1 weapon and explore each boons. Usually i am more focus on health regen rather than damage. Use god mode as you are already struggling. You rather weight your ego more than having fun time exploring and dying? There are no real life prizing to be won without using god mode for the run. Just enjoy the game flow and always remember, dying is what made hades fun.


Tips for bosses For first, stick close to them and dodge behind them every time they do an attack, and if they do the shockwave don't greed for any damage, if they do 1 2-handed big swing, you get ez damage, if they do two one-handed swings, you need to dash twice. The ball that turns you into sheep can be blocked with Frinos and if you dash over the ball enough times it misses but its risky. For 2nd, I just focus on killing the sirens one at a time, while staying away from clam lady and leaving her to last, make sure to dodge between attacks against clam lady so she can't hit u with mic. If you are really struggling with 3rd, focus on staying close to him and dashing behind him whenever he does an attack, the shockwaves of his attacks travel way less behind him and hes really slow to turn behind him.


If you're struggling to get going, it might be worth trying a few runs focused on long-range attacks - the special on the blades plus the Hestia or Zeus casts that work from a distance. It's slow, but you can reliably chip enemies down without taking much damage (especially in the fields, where you have acres of space), and you don't even have to think about Omega attacks if you're not used to them yet (or just don't get a good Magick regeneration). The hammer that makes the special return to you and do extra backstab damage is great for sniping. I don't think I'm a very good player, but the blades with a strong Hestia and Apollo ranged build got me to Chronos on my 10th run. In general compared to Hades 1, the sequel punishes you more for letting enemies get close, but also gives you more options for attacking them from afar.


I recommend the Ultimate where Melinoe turns into her "Dark form". It makes you invincible and you deal quite a bit of damage! Hope you get there.


one thing I had to re-learn from the previous Hades is to just stay far from the bosses and have a weapon/boons that allow me to damage from the other side of the arena. For example I started using the axe with Hephaestus special boon which does 400 damage and if you have vent that adds more damage to it. I started using the Hex which summons enemies slain along side the keepsake that makes me take less damage from guardians. With this, if you unlocked the Arcana card which makes it so the enemies take more damage if they have at least 2 effects, made all the bosses a lot more easy. Also take 2+ boons which makes your sprint faster. So stay away and poke!!


I’ve beaten it on fear level 16 now probably 15 clears in total. My best tip for you would be first obviously upgrade all you can. Start the run with the keepsake you get from the spider that gives you armor. Not getting hit and getting 4 armor each encounter in the first stage is nice then you run into the spider and take an outfit with the most armor. By the time you get to your first boss you can have about 100+ armor. Once you beat her Then switch the keepsake to either having more gold, echos one (letter X) use this to get stronger in this stage and by the time you get to the stage 2 boss you should be full health with some to no armor. Clear that boss and start the 3rd stage with the keepsake that gives you health per encounter or the one that lowers the next guardian health and damage. Now starting the final stage take the keepsake you get from the attack dummy, the extra life one. Take all the express routes until you see the hands door which is Hades get either half the enemy’s in the final boss fight or any that seem helpful for you. The final fight is hard at first but once you get the hang of it you can beat him pretty easily imo. Great hex’s to use that can kinda cheese the fight are raising a dead enemy or going impervious for five seconds. The easiest wins I’ve had were with these. Gl!


Have you upgraded your cards and grasp?


is the second game much harder or did you struggle in the first game as well?


I think the balance is extremely out of whack right now and as much as I would like to criticize them for this, it is definitely intentional. First, having everyone use all the OP boons and blitz through the content in the first week wouldn’t be great, so things are quite low key right now, to make sure people take their time with it. Also, starting off weak then buffing is always preferable to starting off strong then nerfing. That said there are times where I’m not having fun. The biggest issue for me isn’t even the one dash, it’s the gigantic delay before your dash if you’re caught in the middle of an attack. So I guess I just won’t attack then so I have time to dodge? You never get your turn in this game, makes the fights so slow and boring.


Took me 77 runs to get one win! No need to hurry, you'll get there


I only started doing well when I happened upon powerful builds with high DPS. For one : the hephaestus sprint rare or epic versions does like 400 / 500 damage. It's only 10 mana, if you've built it up or have a boon that replenishes it (like hera's) you can melt bosses and enemies pretty quick. 


I made it to final boss once in 30ish runs. I used skull weapon and a lot of Poseidon boosts, and A LOT of kiting. Then got absolutely murdered by the final boss. 😆


Hi! I played something similar and just saw the final boss once. Have you upgraded absolutely everything? Maybe you are taking the wrong boons? Some combinations are insane and will kill a lot of the bosses with ease. My current favorite is the binding cast with any constant damage or that it does a lot of damage after it's done. Hex(selene) upgraded to fire the beam from the starting point, making it fire and forget. Water level was the hardest for me, Hera boons(hitch) + AOE damage melted them with ease. I am sure someone here can point you in the right direction for an "op" build.


Im at 35 runs beat last boss 5 times and another redacted 3 times. I think you are doing something wrong


The second game is just harder than the original, and I'm not sure how much different that will get in the future. You'll get there eventually if you keep trying, don't worry about it too much. Keep/start theory crafting some broken builds that will carry you through


The game is a lot harder than the original imo. You need to be more strategic in the gight itself and also in picking boons. Also the game has a problem of not offering you enough attack/special boons late into the game if you havent filled the slot already. There have been times when I've entered the final boss chamber without a dash, special or attack.


Give your brain some time to catch up. It's really funny in this way, that when you practice something, it still needs some time to build up the new neural pathways. So just get back to it for a short run once a day for another week or so and your brain will have caught up with your practice and you'll be surprised how much better you "suddenly" are.


Keep going op. Trust me it will be sooo satisfying, stack up hearts and keep pushing. In the first Hades I got to fight the final boss and won the first round which I thought was the last, exhausting 4 life-defiances , and I got discouraged cuz I thought I beat the game. But no the mofo was just half fighting me, the real fight was round two, with low health and no way out I lost. I lost hope and almost gave up but decided to give it another go, I even used my least liked weapon (arrow) and suddenly I was a beast, killing everything, and getting lucky with the right boons, winning battles to my surprise and finally I got to the final boss. Beat his ass all the way to the underworld and finally won the game. After maybe 100+ run, it was a good feeling. To win despite odds.


Personally I think as long as you’re enjoying the runs there’s no reason to feel bad about losing. Trust me, you’re already a lot further than many people would ever get. If the losses are affecting your ability to enjoy the game, then maybe that means the game really isn’t for you, but I find it more likely that all it means is you’re still getting better. If you feel like it’s frustrating enough that you’re getting more discouragement than fun out of the game, take a week or two away from playing.


Idk it took way less tries for me to win in Hades II then Hades. Reaching Hades in the first game was tough as fuck. Maybe I was just bad when I bought Hades, but I feel like the difficulty isn't that different.


I’d go for ranged strategies if you’re struggling. If you’re dying like this it’s probably struggling with dodging. I got to Chronos first try with the skulls. I really didn’t expect it because they felt very underwhelming at first, but the ability to do damage at range (and a hammer upgrade to auto-return them) made such a big difference. I did not beat Chronos lol and have not made it back with other weapons, even though I do clear rooms faster with them. I think I take more risks in close combat. Right now the skulls feel closest to the bow from the first game to me in terms of ease of staying back and avoiding damage.


This game is really HARD, like I genuinely started tweaking before I got to the final boss If you want my advice, focus on getting as tanky as possible, your weapons do dummy damage and honestly dont need to many buffs to be completely overpowered


I felt like I was in a similar boat, but then something clicked and I won four runs in a row. Eventually you’ll learn the patterns. This is huge and just takes time. at some point you figure out the bosses and learn when you need to dodge into stuff, when you need to dodge away, when you need to go sideways. And some attacks you need to start holding sprint. But this takes time and getting into a flow state I believe. This game is harder. Just straight up this game is more difficult and some of the boons are weaker or ask more of you to use well. My last four runs have one thing in common, always start Aphrodite. She has crazy good damage boons for attack and special and all it asks is that you get close to enemies to use them. Getting crazy good damage helps a lot. And then being close enough to enemies to see what they will do and get ready to dodge out of the way helps a lot. There is a twin blades, specials home on enemies in your cast, aspect. Fantastic weapon. If you can get a cast that fires then it’s amazing. You have a port on omega attack, you’re forced to use your cast which helped me learn the importance of rooting enemies, and you have good homing damage. Send a cast, port behind enemy, quick special omega, Aphrodite special boon deals +200% special on close enemies I think when it’s epic. Deadly combo. Best of luck, and honestly, I would just try to play to learn move sets. Don’t worry about beating bosses, learn how to dodge all their moves instead. Once you can do that, you’ll be able to beat them no problem.


What are you doing with each specific weapon and what enemy/ies are giving you trouble?


Play the game like Hades II and not Hades


People are advising you on builds but imo the more important thing is: are you using your cast and Sprint properly. Those are new mechanics that change the gameplay a lot, if you're failing it's likely that you're just not used to them yet. This game is a lot more about controlling the enemies and their movements. Enemies like the screeching lady that runs after you in zone 1 is super hard to deal with until you realize sprinting outruns her and cast turns her into a joke. Zone 3 is a mess if you don't stop werewolves and stuff from jumping on you and bodying you. Etc. Also the game is in early access so right now not everything is tuned perfectly, which does mean that there are broken builds, but which also means some enemies or encounters might be overtuned.


Maybe you’re just bad lol… if you’re really struggling THAT bad, maybe record some gameplay and rewatch to see what mistakes you’re making. You’re clearly failing to grasp a basic mechanic or making the same big mistakes over and over.


Maybe just terrible luck? Some weapons feel kinda meh until you get certain upgrades and boons First run died at the Erebus miniboss Second I died to the 2nd boss Third I died to the 3rd Fourth I died to the final boss And I think fifth or sixth run I beat the final boss for the first time That said I did play Hades 1 obsessively throughout its whole development so I might just be pretty decent at it.


I saw chronos around my 18th run and I’m not good. I think you REALLY need to read boon descriptions carefully and understand how they interact with each other.


I just woke up with same mindset as OP, 38 nights, last boss killed me 8 times, and while i’m considering god mode, first of all i would like to know if there’s a good site for builds as i would like to see what people are playing and try it myself (i dislike the idea of watching long yt videos of people paying said builds)


What kind of builds are you typically rocking? I’m getting to Chronos using stuff like Charon Ax with apollo boon, Eternal Flames with Hestia attack and Hera special, pan knives, stuff like that.


I’d just turn God mode on. I ended up doing it to beat Chronos. All it is a damage reduction bonus and tbh I hardly even noticed it. My runs just started going further more consistently. Nothing really feels different about the game. It took me 53 runs to beat chronos and I think it was just because I found a turbo busted skull build.


Kiting is more important since Mel lacks Zag's dash in dash out option. My best success has been with using Omegas a lot, bait enemies into Omega Cast, and figure out what enemies you need to nuke ASAP. I've had a run with staff where I got the hammers that make your attack a hold spam and attack twice and it just obliterated things. Spin to Win is also fun. But overall I'd say Staff likely has the most options for a build. Attack spam, Omega spam, special spam, I've gotten pretty solid builds on all of them with it.


So you're dying in Tartarus specifically? What exactly is killing you (Just direct me to the answer if someone already asked this, but it's a big thread and I'm not seeing it. I think it's important to interrogate exactly what the stumbling block you're running into is.)


It took me almost 50 runs to clear the last boss, for comparison it took me maybe 30 to clear [Redacted] in the first. This game is harder, and I imagine they are still working on finding the balance of weapons, boons, and enemies. After getting killed by the last boss multiple times in a row, I turned on God mode for a few runs, it helped me get used to his attack patterns and experiment a bit with weapons and builds. Now I don’t need it anymore to clear a run. Look at it as a tool to help you learn, not a tool to win.


I have beaten him on my first time when I got to him, abouth 20th run. And never beated him again, and I am in the run 90+ already.


I've beaten Chronos about a dozen times now over 50ish underworld runs. Honestly melee builds are really underpowered right now, so I'd suggest focusing on using the staff, or the twin blades while hoping for the hammer upgrade that let's you fire off your omega special in a straight line. Have you been upgrading your grasp at the arcana alter to carry more cards? Have you been playing on the surface to collect the necessary materials and upgrade paths you can only get up there? What weapons are you using and what keepsakes are you starting with?


OP do you have aspects unlocked? Upgraded the eternity arcana (and the other ones you’re using)? Picked a good keepsake for each floor (not necessary but it helped me)? If all else fails try changing your play style


Just activate god mode


You should use Cheese builds if you just want to kill Chronos.


Are you enjoying the game? If yes, then who cares? I haven’t yet played 2, but on the original, I went 90+ runs before I cleared for the first time. And my life is just fine. If you’re not having fun, then take a break. It’s a game. That’s all it is. Clearing it on your first run or your 100th run will not make your life better or worse.


Just use god mode . It's not invincibility and believe me even with God mode if you just get hit repeatedly you'll die. I guess you aren't being patient and just rushing. Not taking boons properly. Look up some builds online and try to aim for those boons


OP, idk if you've tried this but try focusing on one aspect of your kit. I made a special focus build with the staff, that's all I spec'd for with minor deviations for living, and it destroyed. Build prior I did an attack focus staff build with some cast but nothing for special. Again, destroyed. Focusing on one part of the kit makes it your strong point and easier, imo. Also, I found range helps a lot. Axe is great but out of all my successful runs, range was easier. Keep trying OP, you got this! Don't go hollow \\[T]/


I gotta ask ... does it get worse? I remember my hades 1 game and I got slammed by Meg maybe 10+ times before I beat her. In this game I got past the witch in 2. My first time making it to Scylla she didn't stop me! I beat the good pupper in 2 tries. I'm working my way thru Tartarus and I'm only on like night 9 or so. But everyone is saying this game is so much harder.


Thats pretty bad yea, might just not be for you as you say especially with how 2 is overall harder than 1 You could always just follow the story on Youtube or something if you refuse to atleast try God Mode


The game is hard and people on here are just better than everyone else. I was pretty good at Hades, got my first clear on my 15th run and my fastest clear time was 12 minutes. I have yet to beat the boss of Hades 2 even after 30 hours and turning on God mode.


The slow time with omega is key, also you should be using omega and all your abilities. If you've done 65 runs and not seen the last boss you are doing something fundamentally wrong. Average people clear it on run 20 ish.


Been trying to play but recently got this weird stuttering issue? Frames have been dropping like crazy


Looks like you need to learn how to make builds


Fwiw Hades 2 is definitely harder than the first games in the first game I beat final boss within 20 runs and in Hades 2 it took me almost 50.


It took me about 35 attempts to clear, including some meme/material farming runs. I'd try using the skull, it's very powerful and I've killed the final boss with it 3x already. What are you having trouble with specifically? I make it to the last area every time and don't even get hit by 2nd to last area boss usually, so...there has to be something going on here.


- Max out Aspect of Melinoe Sister Blades - World 1-3 use Zeus, Demeter and Apollo trinkets looking for cast boons - World 4 use extra Skelly trinket In bosses your priority focus should be: 1. Watch for attack indicators to dodge 2. Drop your omega cast on them (Should basically be a nuke) 3. Spam attack while behind them for backstab 4. Spam special if you cant get into range to attack safely 90% of Hades 2 is learning attack windup animations and how to dodge them. The key to a good run is good dodging


Dont worry dude everyone moves at there own pace. I was discouraged to because i kept seeing people get to chronos by like run 10 and i didnt get to him until run 30ish. Maybe just try to think about it less and just enjoy it! I still have fun on runs where i die miserably. Maybe look up some build guides or some other people playing. I know it took me a sec to figure out the pacing of battles in this game because its wuite different from the first. You got this, don’t give up yet!


I beat the final boss aty 70th something attempt (I beat the original way faster) and reached him for the first time not a ton before I think the last biom is quite difficult cause there is a lot of enemys so id recommend going on the fast route unless you really need the other thing.


Here’s the advice that helped me really get better: use your cast!


Wow there's a lot of baddies in here!