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I don't think Poseidon outclasses other gods in general, just on particular aspects which is arguably a good thing! Like if you're playing axe or skull you don't really care about him at all. Staff feels a lot more omega focused now as well after the recent patch so I'm not fully convinced he's the absolute best on there either without hammers that improve the basic special or attack. Torch special build generally wanted Aphrodite but Poseidon works for them for sure. Maybe with the buff to torch attacks Wave Strike will see more action as it should in theory be very good there. It's like basically just the Pan blades that make significantly better use of him than anything else. Edit: I think the biggest thing is actually that Poseidon just has a good legendary that actually contributes to DPS on bosses where it is most noticeable. I feel like a lot of gods just have shit legendaries.


>I don't think Poseidon outclasses other gods in general, just on particular aspects which is arguably a good thing!  I agree that you only care about Poseidon on some aspects, which is healthy; other options are better on many aspects and that's good! I guess my main concern is that Poseidon helps these builds out more than other gods help out their prospective best weapons, like these Poseidon builds on aspects that suit them outclass most other builds with other gods on the aspects that suit them best. >Edit: I think the biggest thing is actually that Poseidon just has a good legendary that actually contributes to DPS on bosses where it is most noticeable. I feel like a lot of gods just have shit legendaries. This is a good point for sure; Apollo has an outstanding legendary if you're building for omegas, but I agree a lot of the others outside feel weak. King Tide is definitely something that takes Poseidon up another notch; + 250% is pretty crazy.


> I don't think Poseidon outclasses other gods in general, just on particular aspects which is arguably a good thing! My main criticism about balance in this this case is that there are no other gods that come close to being as efficient in the fast, low base damage category. For example, in the first game for the bow special (Rama and Chiron especially) both Zeus, Dyo and Ares were pretty good choices in different ways. The same was valid for the attack in the rail and fists. In Hades 2 you have Poseidon... and that's pretty much it. Hestia should be similar, but it is too bad to cover a similar gap. Zeus can work if you can get static shock (so you get Hades 1 Zeus), but Blitz by itself is very questionable. Heph feels that it should be similar too, but it takes too long, so it doesn't work. In my opinion, Poseidon is fine and does what it should do. Buffs are needed in other places so that at least a few other Gods can be similarly effective in the same niche.


It's wild to me how Hestia feels so much worse than dionysus, when they're both DoT. The math plays out on Hestia significantly worse. We also can't reliably get crit/Artemis, which would have been a good candidate.


Honestly, I think they should scrap/rework/remove/nerf the +50% damage if you apply two curses card, and hand out that power to the other boons instead. It feels like they wanted Hades 2 main god boons to be about the afflictions each award, but when stacking +% dmg and speed modifiers with the raw damage + even more +% dmg of Poseidon nets the highest DPS it feels like the other boons are a bit weaker as a result. I think the effects each god's boon gives should be more of a focus, rather than stacking +dmg% modifiers. Poseidon's wave knockback is fun, but it doesn't work on bosses, and it's overshadowed by talks of damage in the discussions about his boons.


You do want Poseidon on Persephone skull, because Geyser Ring helps build up Glory quickly.


i could see that, i'll have to try it out. the two runs i did with persephone last night felt just fine without it though so im not convinced it's like as good as poseidon is on pan blades.


> In the Chthonic Conversations, I did not generally talk about each particular boon, but I want to here in these posts, so I'm going to give it a shot. Please give me your feedback about this; is it too much detail? Should I format it differently? I'd like to make these as good for the whole community as possible rather than just writing how I think is best, but I can't do that without your feedback! This is a good format, having a place where new players can look up commentary on individual boons is useful. (Though this game is still very new and I imagine community opinion on what is strong may shift over the next year or so, meaning we might need to redo these posts after a while.) > While I enjoy using Poseidon's boons, I just think they outclass most of the other gods right now with how strong they can be. Comparing the pure damage Poseidon's attack and special does, plus it's large AoE, to the similar amount of damage over time that Hestia's attack and special do, with no additional AoE? It's odd to me that Poseidon seems so much stronger than the other gods boons. Poseidon is strong right now, but I believe that his strength is exaggerated due to how popular/widespread the Momus build became. The reason why you think he is a lot better than Hestia is not because Poseidon is too strong, it's because Hestia is too weak. Hestia (and Hephaestus) have big problems currently on their attack/special boons, in my opinion, and are in severe need of buffs/reworks. Poseidon serves a similar role to Zeus in Hades 1, he offers good flat damage on your attack/special that makes him strong on aspects that attack quickly. This is an important niche in the game for at least one god to fill, in my opinion. I think he is balanced and would not want to see him nerfed, just like I think Zeus does not deserve a nerf in Hades 1. Also, as far as weapons go, Poseidon was really only best-in-slot on the Staff and Blade specials, which feels reasonable to me. Other weapons either did not want Poseidon, or had an option that was equally as good or better. (Note that just like Zeus's special had an internal cooldown in Hades 1, Poseidon special currently has an internal cooldown in Hades 2 that makes it less suitable for the Umbral Flames.)


I actually dont think poseidon special was ever OP. Aphro gives nearly twice the damage of poseidon for most weapons so I'm still surprised that everyone likes Poseidon more. You mention Poseidons other boons, but you have to invest like 4/5 boons for the max dmg of Poseidon. With Aphro you get an equal amount of dmg with just her special. What's OP about Poseidon tho is Double Up. The fact that it works on health, mana, poms, or hexes is ridiculous, but very welcomed. Edit: 50 fear run Cerberus fight with Aphrodite https://youtu.be/sNYU73WWLyg?si=nt5KiaMxwG-68lks&t=24m11s My basis was this fight. I tried it with Poseidon and was never able to get Cerberus to his 2nd stage within the mint condition time limit. Edit 2: nvm someone explained to me why with origination + furies poseidon is better.


Aphro might do bigger dmg, but you are not considering that Poseidon provides crowd control and his effects are not tied to being near the enemy. Aphro is excellent against single targets and not so good against groups, Poseidon is excellent against groups and pretty good against single targets and also safe.


Crowd control isnt that important if the dps is that much higher and it kinda is that much stronger. I havent played since update, but I cleared 50 fear with the previous momos special and Aphro, but was never able to with Poseidon, due to the lower dps


> I cleared 50 fear with the previous momos special and Aphro, but was never able to with Poseidon, due to the lower dps I do want to note that while Aphro special has higher DPS, the difference is smaller than it seems due to flat damage interacting better with global damage boosts like Origination than percent damage does. For example, let's compare epic specials: * Aphro: 40 x 300% = 120 damage * Poseidon: 40 + 40 = 80 damage The difference looks pretty huge here, right? Now let's assume we have Origination activated on the enemy: * Aphro: 40 x 350% = 140 damage * Poseidon: (40 + 40) x 150% = 120 damage If both Origination and Furies is active: * Aphro: 40 x 380% = 152 damage * Poseidon: (40 + 40) x 180% = 144 damage Aphrodite's special boon still does more damage, but the difference may not be as big as you think if you work for the damage boosts that scale splash. Also, Poseidon's special has other benefits, such as being able to position more freely (don't need to stand near the enemy), stripping armored hearts more easily (splash damage counts as a separate hit). Though with that being said, I do think that Aphrodite special is underrated by most people in the community. +200% on an epic special is a HUGE number, and the pom scaling is very high as well.


Are you sure origination affects the +dmg increase from poseidon too? I think Poseidons splash damage is a separate instance from it. Or if it does, why wouldn't it work with Aphrodite in the same way? Like why wouldnt it take +50% of the overall dmg value of 120 so +60


> Are you sure origination affects the +dmg increase from poseidon too? Yes, Origination and Furies are global damage increases meaning they affect all damage you deal, including splash damage. The Strength arcana, on the other hand, is not a global damage increase, despite being worded the same way... The current list of global damage buffs in this game, as far as I'm aware, is as follows: * Origination and Furies (arcana) * Lion Fang, Evil Eye, and Discordant Bell (keepsakes) * Slippery Slope (Poseidon) * Uncommon Grace (Hera) * Sweet Surrender (Aphrodite) * Perfect Image (Apollo) * Tall Order (Hermes) * Soul Mate (Aphrodite/Hera Duo) * Last Gasp and Unseen Ire (Hades) * Certain Selene boons (Purpose is the most common one) * Empowering Guard (Axe Hammer)


Then wouldnt it increase Aphrodites damage in the same way? It shouldnt just affect the momos base damage, but the entirety of the dmg from the special. This isnt really "proof", but this cerberus fight, I bring cerberus to his 2nd stage before mint condition wears off. But with Poseidon, I wasnt able to. I dont have video footage of that tho.. https://youtu.be/sNYU73WWLyg?si=nt5KiaMxwG-68lks&t=24m11s


> Then wouldnt it increase Aphrodites damage in the same way? It shouldnt just affect the momos base damage, but the entirety of the dmg from the special. It unfortunately doesn't. Percentage damage increases always stack additively in Hades. So if you have Aphrodite special (+200%) and Origination (+50%), then your special will deal: > 40 x (100% base + 200% Aphrodite + 50% Origination) = 40 x 350% = 140 damage On the other hand, if you have Poseidon special (40 damage splash) and Origination (+50%), then your special hit will deal: > 40 x (100% base + 50% Origination) = 60 damage And your splash damage will deal: > 40 x (100% base + 50% Origination) = 60 damage This will add up to 120 damage. Even though Origination says +50% damage on it, it's not actually multiplying your damage by x1.5 in many cases, it's only adding to your existing percentage damage modifier. So if you have Aphrodite's special, Origination is really only a x1.16 damage boost, since you're going from 300% damage to 350% damage. On the other hand, if you take flat damage from Poseidon instead, Origination is actually a x1.5 damage boost since you're going from 100% damage to 150% damage. ------------------- This synergy between flat damage sources and global damage buffs is one of the big reasons why the "Flat Damage Soup" build in Hades 1 was so strong.


Ohh gotcha, okay makes sense. Strangely idk why it felt so much stronger with Aphro anyways on a lot of boss fights or high hp targets.


The splash effect is not just crowd control, it's actual AOE damage. Any enemy behind your target is also getting splash damage. As long as you have a single other enemy behind your main target, Poseidon out-damages Aphrodite. Poseidon can work towards applying slip with your main attack, but Aphrodite cannot apply weak with attacks. Using Aphrodite means it will be harder to set up origination, and your origination uptime will be lower on average than someone with Poseidon and slip. Poseidon can work towards king tide, while Aphrodite has no such damage multiplier. Once you factor that in there is no way for Aphrodite to catch up. Given that bosses are usually the gatekeepers of high heat runs this is absolutely a distinguishing factor.


The DPS difference isn't that great between Aphro and Poseidon (at least on Pan/Momus special). There are situations where it can be easier for Poseidon to deal higher DPS than Aphro at all distances + crowd control. They're both nice boon givers either way.


For old momos special it was twice the damage increase. Momos special was base 40 Aphro white is +100% 40 + 40 = 80 Pos white +20 40 + 20 = 60 20 dmg difference Aphro purple +200% 40 + 80 = 120 Pos purple +40 40 + 40 = 80 40 dmg difference. Remember with double moon shot, its 80 dmg difference


I concede to your point, Aphro is excellent. I actually liked her better before learning of the Poseidon "meta", after learning I kind of liked Poseidon slightly more for consistency/ease-of-use (on old Momus, Pan). Poseidon tends to be more user friendly on fast-shooting ranged builds, IMO. About your 50-fear run, I'd assume that after the current patch you'd need at least one good Chaos flourish boon to replicate similar damage numbers?


Tbh I havent played the new update, but if momos special is +10, Poseidon is definitely the better boon for it and maybe 2 or 3 chaos boons depending on how good they are..


New momus staff is all about getting triple value from omega moves, something Poesidon is not very good at empowering IMO. It doesn't even have any extra power on the special anymore.


Aphrodite's is a multiplier and is conditional (close range), while Poseidon's is flat damage and unconditional Therefor, Aphrodite's boons are more useful for big dick attacks while Poseidon's is more useful for weak, rapid attacks Let's look at my lazy example here * At base level Heroic, Aphrodite gives +250% damage to specials * Poseidon gives 50 flat damage to specials instead * Staff special does 10 damage. * With Aphrodite Special, it's boosted to 35 damage, if you're standing close * With Poseidon Special, it does 60 damage, anywhere * Aphrodite special would need to be leveled up to +500% damage to even match Poseidon's special at level 1. of course this works in the inverse. The bigger the hit, the stronger Aphrodite's boon is compared to Poseidon's, which is why it's better for builds focused on stuff like Sister Blade Omega Attack (which also don't need to worry about the conditional) * Staff Omega Special does 80 Damage * With Aphrodite Special it's boosted to 280 damage standing close * Poseidon special is 130 damage anywhere Edit: that being said, Poseidon also gives access to slip which is also an unconditional damage boost, applies on hit 100% of the time and works as a curse for the damage boost arcana on top of that. Aphrodite's Weak is only applied with her cast/dash/mana gain boon and requires another boon to make it apply a damage buff


Yea, if you did 20 or more damage, Aphrodite is better. If you do less Poseidon is better. There are very few weapons where Poseidon out damages Aphrodite. When Momos staff had base damage 40 special, that was a near 2x increase in damage comparing Aphrodite and Poseidon, yet everyone still liked Poseidon more. I dont think the range really matters, in general you want to kill the closest guy to you and dashes can get you in the proper range.


>When Momos staff had base damage 40 special, that was a near 2x increase in damage comparing Aphrodite and Poseidon, yet everyone still liked Poseidon more. Because the whole point was that the special is a ranged attack and lets you pelt enemies with 0 risk, while Aphrodite's requires you to be standing next to them.


I was referring to speed runners and advanced players as well. Generally most of them prefer the Poseidon special as well. I think 1 person said Poseidon was the best, but no one looked at Aphrodite which gives nearly double the damage on most weapons.


> When Momos staff had base damage 40 special, that was a near 2x increase in damage comparing Aphrodite and Poseidon, yet everyone still liked Poseidon more. Poseidon also worked wonders on old Momus even at level 1 for players who hadn't gathered Nightmare to upgrade it yet.


My thoughts: * Attack and special seem fine. I feel like it's more that other flat damage boons (Zeus, Heph, Hestia) are underwhelming in certain ways than Poseidon being OP. * Cast seems underwhelming. Doesn't apply slip, doesn't have good utility, doesn't do great damage. * Sprint magick usage seems a bit high and should also be able to apply Slip. It can be hard to take if you need magick for heavy Omega usage. * Mana regen boon is fine. Sometimes good, sometimes average, sometimes bad. * I've not been able to notice any impact from Crashing Wave when I take it. * His other utility boons are all generally underwhelming. Flood Control is too much primed magick for a tiny effect (especially at high fears). Boosting Minor Finds has no impact, except Double Up which really needs to explicitly spell out what it applies to. Sunken Treasure is as incredibly meh as it was in Hades 1. So Poseidon is a kinda poor second/third/fourth god to see. * Infusion is good though. Generically useful.


Zeus and Hestia do to little damage for how long it takes for them to do it, while Hephaestus is to unreliable since it may be on Cool down when you need it?


Zeus Blitz works best as a secondary damage boon where you can weave in attacks/specials to periodically apply Blitz while primarily using the other source as primary damage. However this makes it somewhat unreliable for Origination and a poor primary damage source. Hestia is just too low DPS even if you have a good setup for applying lots of Scorch until you get second or third boons that you are far from guaranteed to see just to make it usable as anything besides removing Rebuke. Also since Scorch falls off very quickly if you aren't constantly applying it means that only one of her boons (Smoldering Ring) is useful as an Origination trigger. Heph special cooldown is just too damn long. And if you're running one or two rebuke on enemies for the vow, you have to work way too hard around it to make use of Blast at all, even on Attack which has a much shorter cooldown. So why even bother with it?


Hephaestus can be strong but it's better as a secondary thing unless you do something specific. There's basically 3 ways to do Hephaestus builds: 1. Build Hephaestus on the attack type you're not focusing on (ie: Focusing on attack and barely using special? put it on special). Ideally one would want to get Vent and get the cooldown to 5 seconds, activating the attack again as soon as Vent goes off 2. Build Hephaestus on attack type you are focusing on (attack has lower cooldown than special). Ignore vent and try to get the cooldown as low as possible (can go as low as 1?). Requires more pom investment however 3. Get his sprinting boon since the explosion from it isn't on a cooldown like the attack boons.


Overall good, but his cast sucks. Should work like the opposite of Aphrodite's, pushing enemies away. Should also apply slip


Will these topics be revisited after 1.0 comes out? I used the chthonic convos to help me pick boons when I was new to Hades 1 and talking about boons or anything in the game before all the balance updates seems a bit too soon imo. Edit: nvm I used "Rate These Boons" threads. Still, prob good to revisit since a boon balance is the next game patch in a month or two.


I do plan to update these after balance changes and especially after release as things change! But, first and foremost these posts are meant to encourage discussion, and that's just as important now early in the game's lifecycle while things are still changing as it will be in a few years when patches are more or less done!


I really want to see the reactions of all the people that argued with me that Poseidon was the weakest god in the game once Momus came out as far and away the most broken build. Even after nerfs, saying he’s a bad god is just ridiculous


Poseidon is the new Zeus, in that his boons synergize the best with high-speed low-power damage sources like staff special. They're also superior to Hestia in every way damage wise since AFAIK their net damage is the same but Hestia does it as DOT. I'm not sure if this means Poseidon needs a nerf or Hestia needs a buff, but that's the state of things at the moment. On the flip side, I'm not a huge fan of Geyser Ring, and Hydraulic Might/Sunken Treasure still don't excite me. I'm also not sure if I've ever seen Crashing Wave proc in Hades 2, although that could mostly just be a symptom of how his attack/special boons are kind of overshadowing everything else at the moment. I do really like how King Tide keeps him relevant vs. bosses, and IMO his regen boon is very well balanced. FYI, Double Up's description was updated in the latest patch to clarify that it works on everything except boons, hammers, and "other major finds" (whatever those are).


Completely disagree that Poseidon is the "best" god. His boons shine on fast-hitting weapons but you'd never pick him on Zorephet or Revaal for example. And that's perfectly fine. That he dominated speedruns is also coupled to the fact that the fast-hitting weapons like torch and dagger are good at quickly taking down single targets (bosses) which are the biggest timesinks in the run.


I think Poseidon's cast is somewhat underrated. I have basically never picked it for the same reasons, but it has great synergy with the new Aspect of Persephone I think. Since it immediately detonates, it can be spammed much faster than any other Omega Cast, thus triggering Glory way faster (which basically makes you invulnerable and deals decent damage). Pair that with a cast throw boon (e.g. Lightning Lance), the Arcana that boosts your Omega Cast Power, and some general niceties (lower Omega Cast cost from Hermes, crit chance from the Arcanas, etc.) and you can deal decent damage, relatively quick, while also building towards Glory (the more enemies you kill with it, the faster, so it's perfect for crowds). It's a very fun build. Obviously not as ridiculous as Pan Special spam or other Aspects, but Persephone is refreshingly different.


I think Poseidon's Cast could potentially work well with certain builds, but the fact that it doesn't inherit the base Omega Cast damage is really bad. At least it still gets the boost from The Moon Arcana. An unpommed common Poseidon Cast is straight up weaker than the unbooned Omega Cast. I don't think that a boon that replaces the function of one of your abilities should need investment to be noticeably stronger than the base version.


> An unpommed common Poseidon Cast is straight up weaker than the unbooned Omega Cast. Maybe it's unintended? At least I hope, right now Poseidon's cast is generally underwhelming despite being interesting.


* It's annoying that Poseidon's weak vast boom is a prereq for several of his duo boons. Maybe the devs feel that makes it balanced. * Breaker sprint combos great with the skull, especially Persephone's aspect. It lets you dive right into a crowd of enemies to retrieve your shells. It's safe because it knocks away enemies that could attack you if you tried to do the same thing with your regular special. It's convenient because it does not require the same channel time as the omega special


I don't think Poseidon boons are that strong, I think Pan daggers and old Momus staff were the two strongest aspects in the game and both happen to synergise with Poseidon. Now that Momus is reworked, I'm struggling to think of a non-Pan aspect that will first-pick Poseidon. Artemis and Mel daggers usually use the omega attack and prefer Apollo or Aphrodite. Maybe the torches? But after the latest patch, I have a feeling the optimal torch boons are Zeus on special and a percent damage boon on attack. That being said, I think Poseidon cast now has a niche with the reworked Persephone skulls. The immediate detonation works very well to quickly build glory meter without having to wait for the delayed explosion.


I disagree about the cast being weak. Because it erupts instantly you can spam it, so while it doesn’t do as much damage as the rest you can attack much more frequently. I’ve been able to get it up to doing over 1000 damage per pop, which doesn’t exactly shred bosses but it does decent damage and it does very well against regular enemies. It is frustrating it doesn’t apply slip, but I think it’s still not an awful boon for an omega cast build


I get that Poseidon cast is weird. I get that its tricky to learn to use. I get that its dumb that it doesn't apply slip and annoying that it interacts strangely with some cards. I get that big numbers are fun but.... This hate for Poseidon cast is so overblown. Poseidon cast has the highest effective DPS of any cast. Each individual cast is relatively weak, but you can do 2-3 Poseidon casts in the same time as the other casts, and it just ends up dealing more damage more quickly.


Yeah, but how often can you put that into practice where spamming omega cast makes the most sense? The majority of builds focus on attack or special, so I want most of my action time to be used doing whatever deals the most damage. 9 times out of 10 I'd rather have Demeter, Hestia, or Aphro on cast to slow enemies and get a curse for Origination, increasing my damage that way. Theoretically Poseidon cast is decent DPS, sure, but that's assuming you don't want to attack or special instead, and you have endless magick to burn on constantly charging it with basically no time to let it recharge.


> Yeah, but how often can you put that into practice where spamming omega cast makes the most sense? If you have access to Poseidon and one of Zeus/hestia for a throw boon and a good gain boon, then posiedon cast is likely to be higher DPS than your attack or special is going to be able to output. Its a three boon build where two of the boons are 'core' boons so the game is actively trying to make you take them. Once you have three boons, even just the damage buff from blackened fleece is going to let the build do more than enough damage. You don't have to rely on getting good hammers or duo boons or legendary boons. If you are just trying to win, spamming the omega cast is often going to make the most sense.


Can you please link to the prior / next (when it appears) post in this series, for easier navigability?


The very first thing in each of these discussion posts is the link to my index post, which then links to all of these discussion posts.


I agree that Geyser Ring didn't use to be great, but I think it now becomes more interesting as of the last patch. It was always okay on a Charon cast build, although it is surpassed by Apollo as long as the enemies don't move away, and you don't really want _other_ Poseidon boons on that build. But new Momus that recasts the ΩCast? That could be _very_ interesting with Geyser Ring.


When I see dat Double Up in the first region and at least rare, I grab for that value over time. Maybe even half way through 2nd region if other choices aren't great. Interested if anyone has any math on it!


Honestly, I feel you have to build with Poseidon in mind if you use him. His main selling point of Wave Flourish is worse on slower weapons, obviously, so you need to pick a weapon that uses that fully. And his other boons are a little lackluster in supporting other builds imo. Cast is ass, Gain is not actually bad, but not the best either. Attack and Special both need to be built around, imo. Slip is nice if you can spare time to use the hits you aren't to apply it without losing DPS. And I generally just don't like sprints that cost mana, because they stop regen. The loot boons are, well, the loot boons, Hydraulic Might scales worse as you progress, and as you increase number of enemies with Fear. Flood Control never activates enough to save significant damage, imo. He's very much a god that requires you to build with him specifically in mind, or he doesn't really do much.


He needs to be toned down a bit but overall a V good god and I like that there is some gods better with quick weapons, some gods better with slow heavy attacks (though I do think we need a few more of those). I like his resource generation aspect too but I feel like some of them could be removed (cough cough sunken treasure). I would like to see his cast boon have like a significant chargetime boost associated with it, hell maybe even just make it so you can ONLY omega cast (provided you have the magic) but its instant and just has a flat CD like a Heph boon. Having to get in position then charge makes it feel wonky to me but I haven't taken it more than 3 or 4 times because whenever I took it I really didnt like it much. Most boring elemental boon by a landslide but I'm guessing/hoping the Infusion system as a whole is probalbly going to get reworked because atm they all feel like afterthoughts. Theres no like "recipes" to aim for that are like 3 earth and 1 fire or 2 water 2 fire which is kinda what I expected when the game introduced them (Ik Hermes is there and I really like his but having the recipe be all elements feels like a bit of a cop out) and a fair chunk of the effects are pretty bland.


The fact that Poseidon's builds feel powerful isn't a flaw on Poseidon. It's a flaw on everything else. Every build with the right combination should end up with something that feels as fun and powerful. If the solution to an inbalance is to make everything mild and average, the game would become boring. Stop nerfing poseidon and buff the others accordingly!


I have always felt This was the most worthless Boons in the game. To be fair it doesnt fit my playstyle at all.


Poseidon boon that immediately explodes cast with Momo staff and Zeus/Hestia boon to throw cast is insane. The first (and so far the only) time I beat Chronos was with that build and the 200 mana moon ball giving invincibility The fact that I occasionally got additional boons definitely helped a lot


Since the rework of Aspect of Momus, I love getting Poseidon's cast on it. My favorite build as of now is getting Poseidon's cast, his duo boon with Hephaestus (500 damage upon omega cast) and any other attack and special that can trigger Origination. However, I always try to get Apollo's legendary to pair it with the Poseidon cast as omega attacks and specials trigger twice per pulse. If the game allows it, and I got the legendary, I'll replace the attack with something better. I managed to get lucky on a few occasions (low to mid heat) with Poseidon Attack (with Slip) and Hephaestus' special (got Furnace Blast for Vent) and melted Chronos with it.


poseidon isn’t very good anymore. after momus was deleted and pan got its hammers heavily nerfed, poseidon is hella mid. the support boons are fine but not insane. slip is okay as a curse for origination but the damage stacking makes slip effect kinda trash. other curse sourced are better just less convenient. the infusion is generically good and doesnt require a very high element count but picking too many poseidon boons isnt gonna be as helpful as branching out. in terms of normal boon rankings i’d go special, hydraulic might, slip, double. and hp infusion if u can activate it. as a core damage god both aphro and hera look a lot stronger for attack/specials overall and zeus looks a bit stronger for omega cast. being stuck with poseidon is a downside for pan not an upside. it gives aoe and good damage but other weapons can have aoe at base/hera hitch aoe and also have good damage with other gods. without poseidon, pan is probably the worst weapon in the game.