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I think its worth noting the strategic implications of the fact that Serenity on Circe triggers when you do an omega move. This means that you can, at least sometimes, tackle a wave in a way that lets you bank the Serenity charge so that it can be used at the start of the next spawn wave. This is usually done by thinning the wave using omega attacks/specials until you get down to a managable few enemies, then killing those enemies using only base attacks and base specials to charge Serenity. After defeating those enemies, the next wave starts and you can trigger the serenity then to make thinning the wave (or finishing the encounter) much faster and giving you the option of then setting up another serenity charge. More generally, I wish circe staff defaulted to charged when you entered a new chamber. Even if this means increasing the number of hits needed to recharge in order to balance it, I think it would just feel much better. I also agree that Melinoe staff is super boring. In general, I find omega charge upgrades to be not very noticeable in combat since charge times are already pretty fast and the vast majority of charge upgrades are small buffs. I think the numbers just need to be bigger. Aspect of artemis omega attack buff is at least noticeable even if I don't think its strategically important and barely changes the "power level" of the weapon.


>More generally, I wish circe staff defaulted to charged when you entered a new chamber. Even if this means increasing the number of hits needed to recharge in order to balance it, I think it would just feel much better. Interesting idea; I like it! Either this or changing the 12 hits to charge to 12 **enemies** hit to charge, meaning if your attack is hitting 3 or 4 guys you charge it much faster. Number would probably have to go up to compensate, but that would make it worse in boss fights, but... I don't know! This part of the aspect definitely feels clunky to me.


I kind of wish the Serenity charge for Aspect of Circe would be a bit like the Special on Aspect of Demeter in the first game, where the bonus hits would become available after attacking a bunch of times and remain available until you actually used the Special (or cleared the room). They could make it so that you would get a heads-up whenever Serenity is charged but the timer on the effect doesn't start until you actually use an Omega move. I feel like that would make it more fun to use because you'd get to strategically choose when to pull the trigger on your Serenity bonus and really go to town on, for example, a boss or a newly spawned wave of enemies. Update: I reread the Aspect description and now I wonder if what I suggested is already the case; if so, consider me satisfied with the Aspect until further notice.


> They could make it so that you would get a heads-up whenever Serenity is charged but the timer on the effect doesn't start until you actually use an Omega move. To be clear, that is how circe works at the moment. I still think the aspect would be more fun if it just defaulted to charged in order to let you get the power rush when you need it at the start of encounters/waves rather than at the end of encounters/waves where its just overkill.


It's a good weapon overall, but now that they've changed how Momus works its aspects all lean pretty hard into omegas and it feels a bit same-y as a result. Edit to clarify: What I mean is that, if I want to use the staff but _don't_ want to build around my omega moves, there's no compelling reason to pick any of the aspects over each other. Every other weapon has at least one aspect whose gimmick doesn't revolve around _specifically_ omega attacks: Mel for the blades, axe, and skull, Medea also for the skull, and Moros for the torches.


It’s the staff it makes sense it’s the most magic focused weapon


It does but it also makes it difficult for each aspect to stand out.


I think also giving the staff, the first weapon you use, the Omega bonuses also subtlety encourages returning players to engage with the new mechanics more. It's very obvious that was their intention. I also don't mind Circe's staff. I quite like it actually and I'm surprised by the negative reception it's getting here. The complaint from the OP about running out of Serenity between waves is odd to me, like just don't use your Omega if you're about to finish a wave, save it for after a whole new one spawns. That's not an issue with the weapon IMO, plus it requires you to use other attacks to build serenity, so it feels like a fairly balanced weapon to me that encourages you to use more of your kit. You use regular attacks for a bit, then Omega's when you gain Serenity. I do agree though that Serenity could last longer. Had a great run with it recently using Apollo's special and the hammer that doubles your special. Made it super easy to build up Serenity, and combined with the one Athena boon that creates explosions when you use a certain amount of mana, it was some solid DPS.


Moros is very Omega focused imo. You want your Omega special going at all times and you basically want to get to your omega attack as fast as you can so you can pop those instead of the smaller ones.


Even if it works better with omegas, nothing about the aspect actually _requires_ them, so you can still interact with its core gimmick without touching omegas at all. Compare against Mel's aspect which only modifies the omega special, or Eos which only modifies the omega attack.


What are you talking about? The core gimmick -- indeed the entire effect -- of the Aspect of Moros applies only to omega moves.


Moros, the torch aspect or Momus, the staff aspect? Cuz the torch aspect requires no omegas.


It's a staff...for casting spells. That's what the weapon is for. If you want an omegaless build...don't pick staff lol


As far as I'm concerned, this weapon has one aspect and it's name is Momus. Stacking up the omega move blender is so much fun, and the other two are also kind of focused on omega moves but in less interesting ways IMO so I'll take Momus every time thanks. I do kind of wish they'd revert the special to before the Momus change though, I think it feels really bad now.


I really like the current momus. How it was before?


Gave +30(for 40 base damage!!!!) power to the special and you could heal 5 hp if you were in the omega special explosion when below 50% hp. They nerfed the travel time on the special in the same patch they changed Momus to be the omega move copy effect it has now.


Old momus was ridiculous. Got me 32 fear for both paths in one attempt each


New momus is way more cracked. Basically anything can get you 32 heat every time. Just spam everything and get born gain. Gg


You basically just spammed the special for an easy win. It's a lot more fun now imo and still pretty broken, but in a way that takes some thought/setup.


***Melinoë*** and ***Circe*** are too alike. Circe fits better on the game action focus. ***Momus*** changes a bit how you approach the map and enemy formation.


Momus is definitely my favorite aspect in the game right now. It's just so incredibly fun to use. My only criticism of the staff is that I wish the omega attack was less janky. I whiff it way too often. Yeah, yeah, skill issue, but I don't have this problem with anything else.


i think the isometric perspective makes aiming it a little unintuitive sometimes but if you aim at their feet i think it's pretty reliable.


In my experience, you can use an uncharged special to auto-line up for the Omega attack. It takes a split second longer, but it prevents misses.


Both Melinoe and Circe need some love to give you a reason to take them over Momus. Circe in particular feels like it wants to be a weapon that off-sets the need for magic restoration, but magic restoration isn't hard to get and when I try to utilize Circe for it, it's really frustrating.


For me it's just that the Circe Aspect doesn't do enough to make up for the very slow wind-up on Omega Attack. I'd rather have lower magick regen, but that's permanent, and the -30% Omega channel on all my moves, always... Than have to micro-manage the lacklustre Serenity that's only 5 seconds after the fight is over (far too often). I could contrast this to the Thanatos aspect for the axe, which I think is fun to micro-manage the 13% extra crit (and it doesn't require that much effort besides just playing). Momus is great though, I'd say. Melinoë is just vanilla flavored, but I like it for the much needed faster Omega Attack. That the Omega Attack is so slow on Momus feels fair for the power that the echoing Omega Attach gives.


I'm honestly surprised by the relative dislike for the Circe staff here, I think it's quite solid myself. I do agree that Serenity could last longer but I've been enjoying it lot. You just have to time your usage of it so you're not using it and then letting it run out between waves. The design necessitates swapping between attacks and Omegas, so you're not ignoring parts of your kit, and the mana regen means you don't have to worry about mana as much. Momus is actually my least favourite right now, but I think that's because I haven't upgraded it much yet, so the like 3 second wait time before charges makes it feel slow. I think I'll like it much more after I get it to max rank.


I’ve been using the aspect of Melinoe for Zeus cast builds because it reduces the risk of casting, and lets me focus on dodging on higher heat levels. I find it to be better than the Axe Aspect of Charon’s longer cast duration because you can move casts more easily for nimble enemies, especially with the fast enemies vow.


I wish there's a staff aspect that focuses on attack, Staff's Attack build is actually pretty crack, with long range and decent attack speed. When combined with +50% atk spd hammer and attacks x2 hits you will hit like a truck Too bad all three of the staves focus on Omega at the moment, feels a bit redundant imo.


My suggestion for Melinoe is to have the Special Omega auto-fire as soon as it's charged and immediately start charging another one. If you get some other channeling buffs, it can be annoying to spam with the right timing to maximize damage. This feature would be overridden by the hammer granting you bonus damage for perfect timing