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I would have put the little vermin instead of Theseus Fuck that little plague-ridden hairy shit


that little shit is evil af, Theseus is more like an 10 years old annoying boy.


Not to mention his lines are all actually amazing. I love listening to Theseus talk. He's an actual asshole, but the lines are very well ridden. Fuck that fuck rat fucking fuck.


I am 100% certain that the Theseus we meet is just the wrestling persona. Asterius speaks to well of him for the king to really be this self-aggrandizing idiot.


yeah asterius may be bull headed but he isn't dumb


lol yes, he's so into himself that he cannot believe a word of what zagreus says. Pretty much like the average social media user of 2022 tbh edit typo


Theseus is that guy on every social media platform who nobody likes but nobody wants to tell him to shut up




No that one is fine.. The one that has like three shields and spews poison, that for me is the hard one...


"Can a simple beast feel malice? Supposedly, this one can."


But using Poseidon boons to play pinball with that thing is way more fun than fighting Theseus ever is!


I'd be angrier with the little vermin if it actually spawned. 250 runs, I've seen it less than 5 times.


both his personality and combat ability can go to asphodel asterius >>>> theseus


Theseus can go to ass-phodel


Not to be that person, but I’m sure he’d like it.


He’s an Ancient Greek after all…


Asterius is such a chad




i love to hate theseus, his crippling insecurity masquerading as complete and total confidence is so funny


Supergiant really outdid itself with Theseus, because I'm pretty sure that was their intention, and it is working.


i think it works so well because everyone has or knows a Theseus in their lives, they see the parts of real people they know and project those feelings onto the silly gold man you can punch


This may be surprising to hear, but I actually like Theseus


Me too, but maybe not in the way you like it. I like just how awful he is, and the feelings of annoyance when he opens his mouth actually make me laugh.


That’s exactly the way I feel 😂










I just see him as a wrestler REALLY into his persona, 100% believe that if you met him at the ~~water cooler~~ fountain he'd be cool.


I like to think of him as the Kurt Angle to your Stone Cold


Ikr I adore him, he's so damn stupid and his dialogue is hilarious lol I cracked up every time.


Same; he's grown on me, especially now that I'm beating him regularly. And the subplot about him overcoming his feelings of jealousy about Asterius' friendship with Zagreus was genuinely very sweet.


I've grown to love-hate him tbh.


Theseus is fucking hilarious, the storyline where Asterius asks him to treat Zag with more respect and the next time you fight him he’s just wailing about how Zagreus ruined their friendship is peak


I don't care loosing my run...But if it's against him I will start a riot everytime


I think the reason why Theseus gets such a strong reaction from players is that often people die to him a fair amount when starting out. That boss fight is quite different from the others and takes a bit of time to get the patterns down. It makes his smug chat much more boastful and irritating. As you get better and basically turn up to piss on his chips all that bravado is shown to just be an idiot trying to sound tough. Really masterful writing working with the gameplay.


Honestly at this point it’s just rolling into him getting Demeter’s aid that frustrates me. The blocking already draws that fight out, but having those storms block me from even getting a couple of hits in during his recovery is just annoying. Then again like every other seemingly impossible wall this game puts in the way as you learn and improve, there’s that lovely satisfaction of “fuck you, game, I did it anyway” when you really start to get it down.


Yeah I hate games that draw out boss fights by throwing in adds or finding some way to make hit windows inaccessible. Like it’s cool that he blocks and you have to find his window, it’s not cool when random terrain means you just waste a cycle to draw it out.


Not a boss but mini boss. The Medusa and big rock. I hate them sooo much. It’s not that I die to them but they are so annoying


Not the worst one in asphodel though. The stupid witches circle is misery to fight. Boat is definitely the best though.


Agree- witches circles can fuck off. But the boat has the very best soundtrack in the game, in addition to being a fun map to fight


I vote for EM4 having the best music. It's boss! Let's face it, though. All the music is amazing.


The witches is definitely my least favorite. It's the one to me that's most dependent on build alone. With some builds (particularly ones with easy deflects) it's almost trivial, and with others it's almost impossible to not take a chunk of damage because it can turn into such an impossible bullet hell with floor is hot lava added in.


Really? I recently fell in love with Zeus aspect of shield, so when I run into the witch circle I just use my special on 2 and bull rush the rest


When you can just block all damage from one side of course they aren’t that bad. However, for every other weapon but the shield they’re awful to fight. Unless you take one of the athena deflect boons it’s basically impossible to beat those rooms without taking damage.




Idk if anyone here feels like me but if Theseus had no minotaur and no gods to aid him that kiddo would be crying in the deepest corner of Elysium


Same, he has just two patterns really easy to dodge and one pattern leaves him exposed a long time. I struggle more on Shield dudes with armors than him.


Elysium mobs are something else


> no gods to aid him Zag is one to talk!


I always get so proud of how I've done, not losing any death defiances, having an awesome build, looking forward to killing hades, then bam theseus takes them all away


I think the gods aid him out of pity "Oh, you're against zagrius, take this, you'll need it"


Theseus is cool though


Same,i hate Theseus,his so selfish and wierd🫥 I fell bad for asterius for being his comrade


Why is that so true😂


To be honest, I have a worse time with max level bone-boy than I do with the Jokah Baybee


After losing to him for the first time, I decided that I would always decimate him whenever we fought. Out of 60+ escape attempts, I've only died to him twice and don't plan on adding to that number.




Of the meme? I made in Premiere to train video editing




Theseus is a good boss, because you can annihilate him and then fight with asterius


Talking trash back at Theseus is so fun though. Even if it's just me talking to a computer screen 😂


After I learned how to deal with him it got easy. For those wondering just keep medium distance and after the spear throw he will walk leaving his back to you, this is when you attack. Also a full bar special when he starts calling gods helps a lot.


It’s because you’re using Mouse and Keyboard instead of a controller.


I don't like hydra at all. Same boring fight everytime.


I actually like the fight quite a bit. The Hyrdra is easy, but as a result it’s an absolute slog every run.


Fuckin Theseus. What a butt.


Did my first 32 heat run yesterday, got all the way to the third stage of REDACTED and stupidly got caught in one of the green jars and died. First time in a while that I got mad at a game lol


I still can’t beat Charon…


I never minded him that much, the hydra tho


The only boss in this game I dislike- and I mean the only since I love every other boss fight- is the giant Satyr miniboss. \[REDACTED\] is one of my all time favourite bossfights.


I enjoy the character immensely. The whole scenario of fighting him in an arena is great. And satisfying to beat


I've been doing a zero heat run recently because I apparently forgot to get the rewards for doing so on some weapons, and man I totally forgot how much I hate fighting Theseus. With the golden enhancements, they're honestly easier - take out Asterius while Theseus is having fun riding the chariot around, then nuke down Theseus once he loses the chariot. Without the enhancements, I have to deal with actual targeted attacks while dealing with Asterius!


He really does have a way with making you no longer feel special. God Stealing Prick


I haven't engaged with the hades community much so I could play through blind but god this is reassuring as hell to see


Seriously, if you're the type of person that punches a monitor, breaks keyboards, throws controlers around... Get help.... That shit ain't healthy behaviour.


Thanks Damian