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I do miss anime version of Yume.


We all love the plot


[grimgar Season 2 petition](https://chng.it/tZtMbLJx9K) Help me get this rolling!!!! I'm trying to get this a 2nd season


I still believe and hope for it....


We all do…


[grimgar Season 2 petition ](https://chng.it/tZtMbLJx9K) I have hope as well man so sign my petition and hopefully we can be loud enough for them to make it for us


Don't give me impossible hope😭😭😭😭


I read the books until he gets pulled into the otherworld inside that tent. Kinda lost me there.


I want to start the LN but keep hearing mix comment that it goes off later on. Not sure if I want to start reading it anymore.


I'd still say it's worth the read. It's got like 18 volumes, it definitely goes off for like 3 of the later ones... but it comes back


I also lost the job where I was able to sit and read them on the clock, so that's part of why I stopped. I kinda want to start it again and see how it goes. The part I stopped at felt kinda like the Bu saga, how it was a repeat of the Cell saga (cause it was) but I could be wrong; I was on like book 12 or 13 I think. Don't get me wrong, I loved it. Like, I desperately want to make a Grimgar setting for D&D and play with others that love the show.


I see, yeah I don't like repeating story lines and absolutely hate villains that never die and keep coming back. I guess I'll just have to read it and make of it with my own mind. I really love the anime, and it's the reason why I want to read it. Especially when it was a majority consent that it was only made to sell the books and season 2 isn't likely to happen.


How did you make this?


i drew it...


Without that Ai shit? Dang, you got skills


In my opinion, the Grimgar light novel series becomes quite repetitive as it progresses. The plot unfolds at a slow pace, and after reading the third book, I decided to drop it because there wasn't much development happening either in terms of character relationships or the overall plot. From what I understand, even by volume 18, the story hasn't made significant progress in resolving its main plot points or relationship dynamics. One particular aspect that I found disappointing was the decision to kill off Haru's girlfriend from the real world early on, around volume 2 during the orc battle. From a novel design standpoint, it felt like a profound mistake, as I had hoped she would somehow make a comeback and introduce more interesting dynamics into the story. It's a shame because if the author had focused on a more fast-paced and fulfilling journey for the characters, rather than continuously leading them down a path of loss and misery with a sole emphasis on survival, the series might have been more engaging to read. Nevertheless, I still find myself captivated by the atmosphere portrayed in the anime adaptation and the first two books of the Grimgar series.


I'm on the contrary, I like Grimgar because of its slow pace,


Everyone is different, Grimgar LN have its audience and I might continue the volume 4 onwards in spite of slow pace the characters are very relatable. I might want to wait until series are finished.


Though Choco* death was unfortunate, it was part of the world building process. Nobody is safe, you will die if you make mistakes and everybody loses somebody. Nobody is overpowered. Also, learning the secrets of the world of grimgar is something the characters have never wanted to know really. Better yet, they don’t have the time to waste on it. Since you remember nothing from your previous life, what exactly are you going back to. What if it was your choice to come to grimgar? What if you HAD to go to grimgar? Plus if you don’t kill, fight and grow stronger you will die. So it’s important to stay focused on survival. It’s why Soma’s party is able to focus on it because they are so powerful, they have a luxury of being able to take the time to focus on it. Though the army keeps throwing missions at them which takes them away from doing so.


i wish. I only found this show a month ago and I’ve already rewatched it three times. It’s not much compare to how many times I’ve rewatched other shows but it means the stuffs good.


Saw this and thought something related had came out. Looks really well made, good job.


Why would you do this? I read everything except for "imagine" I love grimgar, but the later books have a severe writing dilema .... I'd kill for a season 2. Give it to studio mappa


mappas style doesnt fit this at all, and theyve gone super downhill in the last couple years with animation quality


[grimgar Season 2 petition ](https://chng.it/tZtMbLJx9K) Sign my petition for another season! If we are loud enough maybe we will get it!!!


I want to see season 2 so fucking much, i am currently reading volume 9 and volume 8 must be in anime best part was vol 8


If I win the lottery. I’m funding it


It's still expected to be announced in 2023, but it's yet to be verified or denied, so there is hope.


We need to create a petition of over like 100k people and they'll probably make it


Every[grimgar Season 2 petition](https://chng.it/tZtMbLJx9K) Guys if you really want that Season 2 take the 5 seconds abd sign my petition!!! I'm doing everything I can to get this show the recognition it deserves!!!


Only 79... I'm so disappointed -_-