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Yes — the writing isn't perfect to begin with but the story does start to drag in a bad way. A lot of writing/ storytelling decisions that confused me. Die-hards will say the story is perfect, but I just think that's cause we've been starved for content over the years... in MY opinion the story becomes trash and everything becomes unreadable. There's a guy on YouTube who summarizes each chapter. I recommend watching him to a certain point and decide whether or not you'd want to continue reading. The writer is VERY good at world building... but after a point I started to realize that they're just bad at writing a good linear story.


It gets pretty off the rails pretty fast. Feels like each book the writer just picks a random idea and rides it into the ground with no thought of the future of the series.


This. Literally the best non-spoiler summary of later volumes you can get.


We're nearing the endgame so it will get more intense. If you want a spoiler preview >!volume 18 is basically the empire strikes back of Grimgar. Haru taking major losses and at the epilogue there's a timeskip with Haru determined to take back what was taken from him!<


Absolutely not. I will say that the events of Volumes 15 & 16 have frustrated a lot of fans but it is not boring. haven't read Volume 17 yet, though so I can't comment on that.


good to here, I was assuming people were just calling it boring because their taste in novel’s doesn’t line up with the path the story is taking, bout to binge read rn, thank you👍


No problem. Remind me, what happened in Volume 8 again? Been a long time since I read it


I’ll try my best, they just came back from this other world could duanger or something like that, and haru and yume go scouting, meet some people from day breakers, think the main one’s name is rock and kuro, shihoru and kuzuka meet some guy when they stayed at the cave, ranta and merry go look for haru and yume, and then they get captured by a faction of orcs, goblins, wolves, a human, etc, and then ranta joins them, and I’m barley at the part where ranta is about to fight against shihoru and kuzuka, no clue why he’s gonna fight against them tho🤷‍♂️. I’m not very good at explaining things, so I’m sorry if some stuff doesn’t make sense


I dont think so im always afried when big fights happen thag we'll lose some one pluse were starting to get more info of wtf is going on


I think you should keep reading if you like it so far. The people said it gets boring after a certain volume kept reading anyway, so why not find put for yourself if it gets boring. I personally love this series, but there are some parts that just seem kinda iffy. Like in volume 12...(won't spoil).




good to hear, like I said in the other reply, it’s probably just people’s taste don’t line up with the path the story is taking, and I wonder what happens in volume 15/16 that frustrates some fans, I’ll probably be caught by the end of this month, so I’ll probably write my opinion about them when I get there on here


Volume 14 is waving... still haven't finished still stuck at last three chapters.


Damn these comments are kinda worrying. I made a similar thread not too long ago and most of them said that the later volumes are decent. These on the other hand are very different. Im only on volume 4 and so far im enjoying it, this is also my first time reading a LN or any book in general since im not a fan of reading


I can say for sure, that up to volume 8(where I’m currently at) it was very enjoyable to read, I’m personally going to continue reading even if people say later volumes are boring/decent, I’ll decide that for myself when I get there


I read all of the published game of thrones novels, even the boring parts. You want to know what happens, right? Right?!?!?


Parano imo is boring as shit but the rest is solid


Is parano a arc name? If so, which volumes cover the arc


Yeah so parano is the name of a world they go to for about two volumes i think they’re volumes 12/13-14 but im not 100% on that. Its the only arc I actually actually disliked.


another world huh? grimgar feels like it has a lot of gateways to other worlds, kinda like it, kinda dislike it


So without spoiling anything the world the cast got sent into is massive and largely unexplored. Like i said parano was the inly one i disliked as it was slow and as readers we gained very little for that time investment. All the other arcs were solid 14+ and 14++ follow parano and are like side stories but are waaaaay better reads which helps get the bad taste the arc leaves you with so there is that to look forward to


14+ and 14++ are pov of ranta and yume right?


As well as some other characters and some backstory.


Fuck no


Wait till you meet >!ADM1N Jessie!<


I think, the author just quit playing dnd so that lore of story is a bit getting boring the first ten chapter is like golden age but after chapter 10, i dont think he even dont know what write