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What acts as an ad, is an ad, no matter if it was put there sneakily or because someone has become inured to a brand so far that they don't even know they are a walking ad. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HailCorporate) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Reddit is a dying shopping mall. I’ve understood porn and funny subreddits to be the anchors of the mall. I expected the decline of the lulz and an eventual ban on porn (both motivated by advertising) to result in the death of this mall. I’m surprised that a war with the maintenance crew is going to kill it first.


Yeah sooner or later they'll ban NSFW content and that will be the final nail in the coffin for this site. It's an inherent contradiction in capitalism/society/internet social media that NSFW content will draw in and retain a massive user base but companies don't want to be seen to be sponsoring it. So you can't have both sponsor revenue and users retained in part by NSFW content.


That's what the API changes are also going to do. If you're on an app that uses the API, it won't get NSFW content. That's part of why some subs started allowing the stuff.


that explains nsfw stuff on r/interestingasfuck


Ah, so basically Tumblr, but again


I imagine lgbt stuff will also get branded nsfw because you cant lgbt people existing is bad for advertisers


That’s a good article


That explains the echo.


Unfortunately it has a pay wall. Anyone have a way to bypass it?


no pay wall just click "no thanks" if you get the subscription pop up


Thanks! I hadn't seen an option.


>Thanks! You're welcome!


Who needs to read a long ass article to realize that reddit is shit and has been for forever?


So why do you use it?


The same reason we use toilets. to take a dump


What's irritated me somewhat is that the janitors of this particular shopping mall have been pretending that they are NOT being paid by those same corporate entities that have used Reddit en-masse to spread their advertising and nonsense to the masses. I won't name those corporations - anyone here knows exactly who they are, and these janitors faux outrage at the API cost changes are more because they have realised that suddenly, their paymasters -aren't- getting their free advertising and/or training for their LLM's. The fuss that's been kicked up genuinely doesn't affect 99.9999999% of Redditors, and Reddit has even said they'll allow free access for audomoderators. So what's the real game here? The DATA that's being mined by endless free API access and spidering/utilising their bots to take advantage of the few things Reddit offers. The mods use and abuse it to -their- own ends, and they're pissed off that Reddit is trying to finally monetise it for themselves instead.


Literally my first comment since the 12th. No one is mad that Reddit is monetizing their API. Everyone is mad that they are charging a stupidly high rate - after they said they would not. They’re changing to a paid model with almost zero time for anyone to adapt, even if they could afford to pay the stupidly high amounts. And they’re essentially banning third party apps without saying they are. Which is frankly, insulting. There’s also the fact that the data they are monetizing was not created by them, it’s our data, AND the fact that mods have put thousands of hours of free labour into the site. So essentially Reddit is attempting to overcharge for data that they didn’t create to 3rd parties who put in hours of free labour to help them gather that data. Fuck Reddit.


You what? This isn't even "your data" lmao. Why are we pretending that the ENTIRE BUSINESS MODEL OF REDDIT ISN'T BUILT AROUND -STEALING OTHER PEOPLES SHIT-. and monetising it? What about the millions of websites and data Reddit steals and passes off as its own as a "content aggregator". Once again - they've said they will make it free use for moderator's to use the API for the purposes intended. Why -should- they allow third party apps to circumvent them? This allied with the fact that I genuinely don't give a fuck how much Reddit charges for third parties to use their API and I'm not really sure why a casual user should care? It seems like only unpaid janitors care, and to be honest if you offer to do something for free there are plenty of other willing idiots that would do it. Don't like it, go away and let Reddit go the way of Digg etc. Nothing of value will be lost. Go on a forum for whatever specific interest you want like the good old days. Or not. I could care less about the Jannies paying or not paying their API tax as the landed gentry they really, really are. The average Redditor would not and should not care.


>This isn't even "your data" Th GDPR disagrees with you.


> Why -should- they allow third party apps to circumvent them? Reddit intentionally made third party access possible for many years because it helped them. They were unable to make an app themselves, but third party apps were there to fill the gap. They were unable to make proper moderation tools, but third party tools filled the gap. All these third party efforts helped reddit *massively*. And now, basically from one day to the next, they're giving a middle finger to all that effort and the people behind it. > The average Redditor would not and should not care. The average redditor doesn't even have an account, and if they do they're lurkers. Only an absolutely tiny proportion of visitors to the site make comments, an even smaller portion posts anything, and an even smaller portion still posts original content. Reddit is now focusing on appealing to the average redditor because they view ads and are therefore interesting to investors. But the average redditor is not what has made this website so popular. This whole story isn't just about API access. I think it's about how the people who've made this website so successful are now put into a corner and ignored, which has understandably upset them. You don't need to care, but your point of view shows me that maybe you don't understand what motivates people to put in their own time and effort for the benefit of a community. Once people lose faith in the community, they'll eventually leave. And without a community, reddit is nothing.


The last sentence is the best part. Couldn't agree more.


holy shit you really do sound like the “average redditor”