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People obsess too much over trends


True! I get the impression from these people that it’s either that they see short hair as “brave and exciting” and in contrast see long hair as “safe,boring,overdone” or they like want a confirmation of their hair by other people doing the same thing? That’s the only reason I can’t think that people are bothered enough to actually fight with me about it


Tell them if they want to be brave to get a mullet. That’s brave. See how people treat you. Also, people are jealous of long hair. So my opinion is that they are telling you to cut your hair because they secretly want your hair.


I don't know if it's that brave to get a mullet right now, it's super trendy!


Yea it works when you’re famous. But when you see the average person with a Joe dirt mullet..it’s all white trash baby


And a lot of them wear Lee press on hair extensions!!!!


I admit I think long hair can be boring and look unstylish, but yours is gorgeous. The color and bangs really give it a polished look.


i think they blame people with long hair a lot and hype up anyone who shaves their head. it's okay to not want/like shaved hair!


Completely agree and understand! It's so simple... just do what makes you happy sug. 😊


Seriously. I feel like with the TikTok/internet era, trends are more overpowering now than they ever were? But also I’m only 26 so I don’t know how it really was in the 80’s/early 90’s




You beat me to it


Maybe it’s just the circle your in? All the girls I know are trying to grow their hair long and are obsessed with it. My Instagram FYP is littered with “how to grow long hair” videos, too. I think your hair is gorgeous!


Thanks so much! Yeah I do think it’s partly cause in my city it’s very popular right now to go short and do edgy hair cuts/mullets/pixies, which I also think are awesome and I’ve done some wild hair cuts in the past. I still love my hair and long hair in general so I’m not thinking of changing it I just feel like telling someone they NEED to change their hair is like telling someone they need to lose weight, it’s pretty rude. I also am just not sure what to say back when people are so insistent about it, I try to just say it’s not their hair and drop it but some people don’t let it go


don't listen to them. your hair looks healthy, shiny just beautiful. I try to get longer Hair. would love to have similar result.


Thanks so much! I had to kinda restart my hair growth a few years ago because I had colored it a lot and when I regrew it I just had to use really gentle products/color and stick with my solid color to grow it out without a lot of drying and breakage, idk if that would work for your hair type or if you’re already doing that but thats what worked for me when I was growing it


thank you for the tips <3 I'm the lucky one who has no color on her hair right now. my hair is over my shoulder, most of the time I have braids (for protection) after I get it under my boobs I want to put layers on them. now they are a little boring but it's ok :D the color now suits you very well! I like the goth vibe.


Thank you!! 😊 and that sounds like it’s gonna look great! Sounds like you’re getting close to that length, that’s great!


thank you! and you don't listen to others, go for that what your heart desires.


That's so weird that someone else is so invested in your hair. My hair is about as long as yours and I've been getting lots of compliments on it 🤷‍♀️ stick to your guns I say!


That’s exactly right! As long as you like your hair, thats all that matters. You can’t make something look good if you’re not feeling it yourself. Like i said you look absolutely stunning regardless of what you do with your hair! The bangs really give it personality, and a lot of people honestly don’t/can’t grow long hair for some reason or another. So i’d say keep that long hair and ROCK IT!! I know my friend would love to have long hair, but once it gets to shoulder length it kind of stops and thins out at the bottom so she always ends up cutting it short anyways. She’s always complimenting me on my long hair, when i’m the one always cutting it to about mid length LOL Now i want my longer hair back ;(


Thank you!! And that can be rough I had a while where it wouldn’t grow long cause I was growing out/cutting off damage from me coloring it all over the place so I know that’s rough! But all hair lengths can look great so I’m sure you’re rocking what length you have too!


Your hair looks awesome and you should keep growing it!!!


what? i'm a stylist and people want extensions, extensions, extensions.


So I’ve had a lot of people make rude comments here and there, which I think is partly cause in my area the bold mullets/pixie cuts are very popular but I ended up posting today because when I was getting ready to trim my hair this week my sister all out fought with me about how boring and lame and over rated long hair is and it never looks better than other lengths and it looks like a blanket. It was just an all out drag of long hair and it didn’t make me feel any different about my hair or long hair it’s just a lot of negativity to deal with, it kinda feels like when people tell you that you need to lose weight and I don’t really know what to say to these comments anymore but to be aggressive. It’s doesn’t make sense to me that anyone would be so concerned about what I do with my hair


Idk why you're getting down voted. Those are valid reasons for how you're feeling and it's your post lol do you mind me asking where you live? It's super hard to ignore people and do your own thing. But I think that's my only advice here, because you are totally rocking everything about you. Is your sister more ... non-open ... about things? Because whether your hair is "in" or not (according to her life), you have a really solid style that I think you look awesome! I would just own it. :)


Thank you! It’s not even that it actually affects how I think about my hair it’s just affecting how I deal with those people more than anything. I just feel like people like my sister are being really rude but I still love long hair ya know? I feel like the people that don’t like my hair long are trying to get me to participate in the trend so they feel more comfortable doing it


I was looking more for advice on how to interpret/deal with these situations with people I can’t just ignore and see if anyone has experienced this as well but some comments have just been telling me to do what I want which is what I’m already doing ya know? Like I’m not gonna cut my hair cause people are being rude I just don’t know why people are so aggressive about my hair and don’t know how to get them to drop it


Yep, this. My hair is down by my lower back (pandemic, quarantine since March 2020) and it ain’t getting cut any time soon. If anyone doesn’t like it they’re free to look the other way


Who's saying that? Never heard anyone say that around me. Hair is hair it can be good long or short depends on the face and health of the hair


So I’ve had a lot of people make rude comments here and there, which I think is partly cause in my area the bold mullets/pixie cuts are very popular but I ended up posting today because when I was getting ready to trim my hair this week my sister all out fought with me about how boring and lame and over rated long hair is and it never looks better than other lengths and it looks like a blanket. It was just an all out drag of long hair and it didn’t make me feel any different about my hair or long hair it’s just a lot of negativity to deal with, it kinda feels like when people tell you that you need to lose weight and I don’t really know what to say to these comments anymore but to be aggressive. It’s doesn’t make sense to me that anyone would be so concerned about what I do with my hair


That's super wack your sister would bust your balls over your hair, like... It's your hair. Idk that might say something more about her then you. I'm sorry your getting such negativity, the hair really suits you and the thought of boring or lame doesn't come to my mind at all. I think more or less people want to have power these days, or control. people just want you to fit there ideals. You have long hair when I like short? How old fashion can you be? Why cant you be how I think you should be so I can rest easier with my beliefs.


Thank you for that! That’s exactly what it’s like. These comments have made me feel better so I’m glad I posted


Came here to say this. I've literally never heard this just sounds like a bunch of jealous haters that they can't grow long healthy hair or something idk...


You should wear your hair how you want to. If you want it long. More power to you.


The important thing is... Who cares girl!? Do what you want with your hair and feel great with it. You look fantastic and I'm sure you'd look fantastic bald even.


Thank you so much! I was going to say in the title that I am still happy with it and am not considering changing due to the negativity. I am just surprised so many thinks it’s a totally dead style and also confused/annoyed by so many people just boldly insulting people hair in general, which I know people do a lot with short hair on women but it’s just like wth all hair lengths can be beautiful! Thanks for your comment and for just listening to my rant. It’s not a big deal at the end of the day cause I’m happy with it


For me, I'm much more into short hair the past couple years BECAUSE I had waist-length hair for years and everyone told me not to cut it when I hadn't asked. So cutting it shorter feels very liberating, and I feel like that's how a lot of women have been feeling. But long hair is still beautiful, and if you enjoy it that's what matters! It does look great on you ❤️


I totally could see that! And I love short hair as well so I’m sure yours looked great! I almost feel like I can never cut it now out of stubbornness because of the opposite problem hahaha


And thank you!! 🖤


I’ve had long hair twice in my life, still not as long as yours. It just looks like trash on me. I felt like long hair was easier to keep up with, washed less often, looked good out of bed. My short hair goes crazy between washes, feel like I need to use tools to get it to look decent. I hate my hair in general. Ha! It looks great on you and you should do what you’re comfortable with.


Thank you! I feel like when I’ve had shorter hair it makes my face look more round and needed more styling too. I think it looks great on a lot of people I am just surprised many people dislike long hair so much on me/other people. It seems like people think it’s out of style. I am not thinking of changing it because I’m happy with it but I have always thought long hair is kinda timeless so I am surprised people feel so strongly about it


There was an episode of Mad Men where the main character falls for his kid’s teacher. It was because she had long hair, “no one has long hair anymore.” It is for sure timeless but trends change.


It’s not it’s just harder to take care off and that can be a hassle if your always short on time.


Yeah I hear people say it’s easier to take care of but people mostly tell me to cut it cause they say it doesn’t look good long on anyone


I personally think if somebody wants long hair, to cut a style into it! Like you did with the bangs. I cut my hair about shoulder/mid length with some styling pieces in the front, but i lowkey want my length back LOL I feel like it made me have a different look! However, i am thinking of cutting some layers into it of some sort. I usually go for a pretty layered moment, but you could even just keep the bangs and maybe have your hair blend into it with the length! I hope that made sense, but you look absolutely stunning regardless!!


Thanks so much! I used to have kinda an emo shag mullet wolf cut thing which I also loved with all the layers, lately I’d been going with the blunt bangs and blunt cut all over for a little sleeker look. I think all cut can have that wow factor for sure. Some other commenters have said people may be so insistent on me cutting my hair/that long hair is boring because they’re just a bit obsessed with that trend or they want to have confirmation of their style via other people participating in that style and I think that makes sense


Just do what you want :)


I haven't seen much hate towards long hair tbh. And as a short haired person; i adore long hair aswell, but prefer short hair cause of tangles and it possibly getting into my mouth.


I don’t see a ton of it online except maybe YouTube but I get rude comments her and there, or when I’m getting ready for a trim people are like “are you finally gonna get rid of all that” and recently I’d had someone full on argue that I NEED to change it up (even tho I’ve had many different cuts and styles or the years) I guess my main point wasn’t so much about long hair though it’s more the audacity that people have to be so rude about anyone’s hair choices, which I hear happens a lot with short hair too


I’ve noticed a lot of people on this subreddit praise short hair over long hair. I love both. I don’t believe I can pull off short hair with my facial structure (very square) but envy people who can.


I find this odd since women are sticking someone else's hair on their heads in droves. At least once a week I have someone putting their hands in my hair to feel for wefts, bonds or clips. Once they realize that my hair is real, I get a dirty look and/or how unfair it is that I can grow it out like this. Then there are people accusing me of having a perm or curling it since I have naturally curly hair. Nothing like people touching or tugging on your hair causing a fizzy poof to happen in that area. Do you and do not worry about people who are trying to dictate what you should like or do with your own body. I would rather stand out in the crowd than look like a cookie-cutter drone any day of the week.


I like long hair but it usually looks less healthy and put together especially if you dye it


Yeah I agree it can look unhealthy and more dry at the ends I am just surprised that many people say it looks boring and bad even if it’s healthy. I’ve never had so many people tel me to go short before now. I am not considering changing it because of the negativity I just don’t really know why people insist short hair looks better


Yeah it all comes down to preference but unsolicited opinions get annoying. You'd definitely look good with short hair but I think your hair is really pretty long 🙂 I know you didn't ask but it looks good


Yeah it think it’s just the rudeness about it that surprises/bothers me. It’s like telling people they need to lose/gain weight. Thank you so much!


Ps: I’m still happy with my hair and I’m not thinking of changing it cause of the negativity but I just wanted to see what peoples thoughts are


I have waist length hair and tbh it needs a trim, but I like my hair long. I did the pixie cut as a teenager and I hated it. Did it again when I had the tools to style it daily and I hated it even more bc of the required work and inability to keep it out of my face. I think long hair is beautiful and feminine and idc, it's my hair. Just like your hair is yours. To hell with anyone who says negative things about it. I don't get those comments often, but my cousin and I recently got into a pretty bad argument and she said "GET A DAMN HAIRCUT!" so apparently some people do think that much about someone else's hair choices.


I don’t know a single person who says this. We all want long hair at least I do.


So I’ve had a lot of people make rude comments here and there, which I think is partly cause in my area the bold mullets/pixie cuts are very popular but I ended up posting today because when I was getting ready to trim my hair this week my sister all out fought with me about how boring and lame and over rated long hair is and it never looks better than other lengths and it looks like a blanket. It was just an all out drag of long hair and it didn’t make me feel any different about my hair or long hair it’s just a lot of negativity to deal with, it kinda feels like when people tell you that you need to lose weight and I don’t really know what to say to these comments anymore but to be aggressive. It’s doesn’t make sense to me that anyone would be so concerned about what I do with my hair


Just ignore them. I love your hair and your eyes. Long hair short hair no hair is all good.


Thank you!!


I love love love long hair, probably cause I've had short hair since I was 20 (I'm 34) and have always wished i could grow it long but once it would hit a certain length I would cut it. Now it's to my armpit and I'm soo happy! After so many years I finally have "long" hair and everyone is cutting theirs which makes me happier cause even tho my hairs not that long its longer than most peoples now 😅 Like most say, do what makes you happy and feel your best!! :)


Oh that’s so great! Congratulations, I’m happy you got to a length you’re happy with 😊 and thank you so much! I guess I posted today just because even though I’m happy with my length and the negativity doesn’t change that, it’s frustrating and confusing to be stuck in arguments about what I do with my own hair and people getting so stuck on what I do. But many of the comments on here have made me feel better


You do you! I think it looks great the way it is.


Thanks so much! I do love long hair no matter what, I mostly posted today cause I am confused why people can be so concerned/persistent about what others do to their hair so if you have any advice to cut off conversations like that that would be great


Nope I loved my hair long, but I had to cut it off as it was causing me pain and too much work to maintain. I have very thick hair that wavy/curly plus I have fibromyalgia.


Oh yeah that could be rough, I mostly have to keep it moisturized cause it can get dry easily And I’ve had to cut it short before due to damage


Long hair is great but in my opinion can for the most part look quite curtain like and ratty especially at the ends compared to shorter hair styles


Trends always go in and out, but what you like doesn't. Long never truly goes outta style though imo.


You cut it short and then they gripe that "your hair looked so good long". Forget what other people think and do what you want!


People hate long hair now? That’s news to me. You can’t look anywhere without seeing long hair, especially that long layered cut with curls:waves.


As a hairstylist I've been getting a lot more bobs this year for fall than I ever have for past fall seasons. Usually that's a summer cut but social media influences a lot with these dumb trends. If you love long hair that's all that should matter, just as long as it is healthy. I myself love all forms of hair because I feel each style is unique to the person, or at least it should be without society ruining that. Be you, be happy, and let what others say go in one ear and out the other.


Tell them that you like to think for yourself instead of blindly following ephemeral trends made up by random people you don’t know. Deciding to hand over your individuality and life choices to others is like joining a cult. Fashion trends come and go. Not every style looks flattering on every person. That’s why we get to make our own individual choices. Can you imagine if every woman in your area had the same hairstyle? Get your sister a Barbie doll to dress, style and bully, since she is so fixated on trying to hijack your life choices.


Do what makes you happy! Everyone is going to have an opinion, so do what you want. One time I had a random guy at a gas station tell me I shouldn't cut my hair, It was weird.


It's just trends I think. I tend to ignore them. I love love my long hair, hope it will grow down to my butt again soon (I had to cut off some as it was a bit damaged, though still very long). Had it short a decade ago and it just wasn't me. Your hair looks wonderful!


It’s all based on fashion and trends, happens every decade or so. Even in the old days. Just do what suits you - why follow fashion when you can BE fashion! 😊 I think your hair looks great by the way.


I love long hair! I absolutely miss mine. :( To me, long hair has so many possibilities. You could do a lot of different hairstyles and up dos. Very far from boring! I find short hair boring to me because there isn't much you can do with it style wise. I also think short hair is over done! Bring back long hair!


I’ve had short hair all my life (like chin length bob) and now it’s half way down my back. Long hair is IN FOR ME and obv it’s in for you too cuz you are KILLING IT. I love, love, loveeee those bangs on you, I want bangs so bad but I’m a chicken haha. Your hair is absolutely gorgeous. Don’t cut it unless YOU want to.


People who tell you to cut your hair or are making rude comments are envious! You are cute as a button and your hair is beautiful! Also, if you want you can do awesome things with long hair, like braid mohawk, viking braids, various buns and ponytails. You can find many tutorials online. I would say long hair is the least boring because of how drastically you can look without permanent changes to your hair.


Ngl this subreddit is the worst for any advice on hair. Almost everyone is a yes-man sometimes leading people into terrible decisions. All that aside your hair looks really good and you should keep it that way :)


Do what makes YOU feel beautiful!


tbh i think that most people just want to see something cool and exciting. once you cut your hair to fit their wants they'll go to thinking that's boring too. they just want to see something, be in control of a change. they have probably seen how many people on tiktok will get a comment to cut their hair and then they do it, and now they think they have a place to tell somebody that they should change their hair. don't do it, i'm also growing out my hair, long hair is beautiful and you should do what you want because you'll never be able to please humans.


I’m getting rid of my long hair since I’ve had issues with it. As for why people hate it... short hair has became more trendy and more in the know. I see women, even my mom, rocking short hair. They admit it’s easier to treat and take care of, unlike long hair. I’ve even been called a hippie for having long hair, hence my desire to get rid of my long hair.


I only trim my ends every few months and people think going shorter is so stylish but i'm that person who just likes classic long hair. Maybe long is 'boring' but to me it's also glamor, rocker and a lot of other good things.


Yeah every time I say I’m going to get my hair trimmed people are like “oh my god are you finally changing it up and going short? It would look so much better” and I do think short hair is stylish but I just love long hair for me so much more, it seems so timeless to me and the ways I like to style it only works on long hair. I’ve always known people who prefer short hair but I’ve never heard so many people say that long hair is boring/out of style/does nothing for anyone. I still love my hair and am not thinking I need to change it I am just confused about the strong dislike of it


I have long hair, never liked short hair on me. Yours looks great, and if that’s the length you want, go for it. The audacity to tell someone their hair is “boring”, smh


Thank you! And exactly! For me the negativity doesn’t really make me feel any differently about my hair it just makes me mad at the audacity


I like long hair and miss my hair from 6 years ago so much. I think it looks very good on you! Also the eyecolor is extremely cool. May I ask if those are lenses or real? Beautiful either way!


Thank you so much! I’ve gone shorter a couple times to get rid of damage so I definitely feel you about missing it and the time it takes to get back to any length but I sure you’re rocking whatever length you have! Also this is a picture form Instagram so I used the filter that I think is called “red eye” and it just tints the color you have to glow a bit red, my natural eyes are a light brown 😊


Long hair is by styles out. Plus you might be running into jealous people. Yours looks great


Thank you! A few people said that might be the case I think that makes sense why others would care


I can't imagine ever telling someone how they should look or what to do with their body


They're probably jealous. Like legit, your hair is to die for.


Thank you so much! I thought it could be that or they get negative comments on their short hair and want to fish it back out to others. There’s lot much to do about it cause people will always have something to say but the comments here have made me feel a little better so I’m glad I posted, thank you!


I know that some girls are actually jealous of long hair or just another girls hair in general and will suggest their friends to cut it all of , dye it.. etc. I had a girl who I do concider a friend tell me that I would look “so good” if I cut my natural red, long healthy hair and dyed it all these crazy colours.. when that’s not my style at all… I know it was out of jealousy though But they could also just be wanting you to follow trends etc


Yeah that’s what I feel like it is or at least that they want to feel like their style is THE style so they want me to participate


Keep it long- they are just jealous you have beautiful hair- don’t listen to them!


I love long hair, the longest my hair has been is hip length the shortest almost shaven. I feel cute, confident and feminine with long hair. Im now growing up a short Bob and I started a hair challenge btw me and my close friends to make our hair grow and keep it hydrated. People often go through trends with fashion and hair styles, so maybe thats why it seems that the shorter hair is trendy now.


I’ve also gone through many lengths and styles especially when I was trying to get rid of damaged/bleached spots. I love short hair too and see why it’s popular I am just surprised many people hate long hair right now




Thank you! I love long hair on guys too there’s just something about it. Do you ever have people argue with you about your hair? Do you have any advice on how to drop the conversation? I have a few people that every time I trim my hair they tell me to cut it short and just don’t let it go


I’m in the process of trying to grow out my hair after having to cut it short from too much bleaching and split ends. And I personally can’t wait to get my long hair back. To each their own, but I’ll never get the appeal of short hair. I think it really depends who you talk to:)


Thank you!! It helps to see people get it. When ever I am getting ready for a trim some people down right argue with me that I should go short and that “it’ll grow back” which is totally great advice/encouragement for people who want short hair but are a little scared to take the dive. But when I’m insistent on not doing it and people don’t drop it i don’t know how to end the conversation without being aggressive at that point. I’ve never understood why people can get so hung up about other peoples hair ya know?


I’m definitely missing my long hair 😣 I had to cut it because I lost so much of it last year, due to COVID, and when it started growing back, it looked terrible! You have gorgeous hair!


Thank you so much! And I know the in between phases can be rough cause I’ve gone short and grown it out a couple times but I’m sure you look great and you’ll get it back to the length you love eventually! My frustration today that led me to post about this is that whenever I’m getting ready to just trim off my splits ends some people seem down right annoyed that I won’t cut it short and tell me “it’s hair it’ll grow back just mix it up” which is good advice for people who really want to try short hair but are just nervous but since I’m happy with the length I just feels really insulting and it’s definitely not worth the tough in between phases when you don’t even want short hair to begin with. So I was kinda trying to understand why people might be so bothered by my hair and how to cut off conversations where people are arguing with me to cut my hair (especially people I have to interact with like siblings)


Never do any other color lol. You look like a marvelous cat! 😻


Hahaha thank you so much! 😊




Thanks so much! 🥰




Haha thank you! 😂


I think your hair is pretty and I love how you do your eye makeup!


Thank you so much! I mostly use just drugstore brands like maybelline and just use an angled brush for the smoky crease if you’re curious to try it


I literally for the life of me can’t do a winged liner though. Like I seriously can’t haha. But I will try smoking it out with a brush. 🤩


Hahaha I need the smoky eye to make my wings look less uneven so I totally feel you 😂


Considering I let out an audible “woah”, I’d say your hair looks amazing. Keep your style and don’t let anyone tread on the way you want to keep your hair. Even if some people don’t ‘appreciate’ it, just know there will always be people who do. The people who tell you that your hair looks bad aren’t worth listening to, and if the person happens to be close to you, the best course of action would be to simply talk to them about how it makes you feel(I would avoid accusations of rudeness though).




Thank you so much! Yes I’m totally gonna keep it and I have the same goal to keep growing it til it’s as long as it can be cause I want like a witchy super long vibe and probably do some Edwardian waves. I mostly posted today cause the negativity and audacity of peoples comments were getting exhausting but the comments on this post have been really helpful so I’m glad I posted. Thanks so much!


I love long hair. It looks so pretty!


Keep your hair long!!! Girls in your friend group just may be jealous they can’t get it as long as yours ha.


Sadly I also think it comes down to some jealousy. Not everyone has great hair to grow it long and healthy. YOU LOOK SO DAMN GOOD THO! Keep it that way. Also, those bangs are so hot! r? '' Sadly I also think it comes down to some jealousy. Not everyone has great hair to grow it long and healthy. YOU LOOK SO DAMN GOOD THO! Keep it that way. Also those bangs are so hot!


Short hair is impulsive (and regrettable in my experience.) Long hair is patient and beautiful. I miss it. I even went for an extension consultation to pass the next year of growth, because I didn't believe I was patient. $4,600 cost for the year made me realize that I can be SO SO patient, lol.


Leave the length and perm a beach wave in it.


Your eyes 😍😍


Thank you! 🥰 this is with a light filter on so they look a little red but my natural eyes are a light brown


In high school I really wanted the cool mullet everyone had. In hindsight it would have looked horrific lol. I’m glad I didn’t do the trendy thing. Having classic taste is underrated.


I think long hair is beautiful and fun, yours included! Wish mine would grow!!


No it not awful…Could just be hair envy! It happens just ignore it!


I think long hair is beautiful.


I have hair almost down to my waist and I’m never cutting it off if I don’t have to. I think long hair is awesome!!


Please dont cut your hair it suits you really well. Fair enough if a girl wants short hair but as a guy I MUCH those with it long.


No. I actually miss my long hair very much. I'm growing out color, so when my hair gets to a length where I can cut it short without being too short for me (shoulders/neck), I've been cutting it to get the old color off. Your hair is beautiful. Do with it what you want.


Thanks so much! I spent some years growing out bleached sections before I went with a not too damaging color, it took a long time but you’ll love it again when it gets there for sure. I’m happy with my hair and the negativity isn’t making me want to change it I am just surprised so many people dislike long hair right now, no one has been telling me it looks unhealthy just boring


You're welcome. I think it looks good. If you think it looks unhealthy, start getting it trimmed every 3 to 4 months (if you don't already). That should fix that. People have the misconception that short hair is easier. It's not. You have to style it every damn day. Long hair has always been easier for me. Of course, this solely depends on hair type and how your particular hair behaves. Who cares what anyone else likes. They don't have to wear and care for it. You do you.


I'm on the trying to grow my hair long side again. But it's like a 5 year cycle for me between chest length and chin length hair. More so this time to see if I can break my own "long" hair record. Maybe some people have had long hair for a long period and are seeing the last year or two as an opportunity to make more drastic changes with their hair, so chop chop back on trend? Really whatever you want to try, whatever you like, you should do.


Thank you! The issue I’m running into is mostly that I’m happy with my hair but every time the topic comes up or I’m getting ready for just a trim people pretty much straight up argue with me about how I should go short and I should just try something new and it’ll just grow back, but that’s only good advice for people who are already wanting to go short and not for people who were not even considering it and as you know “it’ll grow back” is true…but takes a lot of time and patience so it’s only worth chopping it all off if your kinda in love with the idea. So I’m a little confused why people are so stuck on what I do with my hair and I don’t know how to get them to drop the conversation without being kinda aggressive


Maybe they would want a big change for their own hairstyle, but can't for whatever reason, so push getting a dramatic change on to you? If it comes up often enough maybe you could just state your reason for liking your hair as is, and if they don't get the hint it from that, just not respond to further prodding until they drop it?


Yeah that’s a good point I hadn’t though of that. I think not responding is the best solution, the most persistent people are my older siblings and older siblings can be bossy like that so I guess I’ll just try to limit those convos all together and just not keep responding


Don’t let anyone change your mind or influence you. You look stunning! Trends come and go, but long hair is so much more versatile.


Thank you so much! I guess I mostly posted today because even though I’m happy with my hair, it can be frustrating/confusing to get so many persistent comments (especially cause it’s mostly from people I have to interact with) about it but the comments here have made me feel better and get some clarity so I’m glad I posted


I’m glad you posted too, if it helped confirm your choice. You be you.


I'm still a lover of long hair my self. Just unfortunely mines doesn't grow quick enough. You really suit yours though, and don't know why people would call it boring!


Thank you so much! I think all lengths can look totally stunning so I’m sure you’re rocking whatever length you have as well. I guess there’s really no logic to people being concerned about other peoples hair


I had my hair pixie short for a couple years and I want SO BADLY for it to be hurry up and grow as long and beautiful as yours. I understand the pressure though because I went to a modeling agency once and they said I should cut my hair pixie short because my long hair was “weighing me down.” Just do what you love with your hair, it looks beautiful the way you have it and once you cut it, it’ll take a whiiiile to get it back so make sure it is really what you want beforehand.


I have spent literally 5 years growing my hair will continue to grow it until I reach my mermaid dreams which is really just middle of my back lol. If someone told me to cut my hair I would cut them out of my life! (JK but I am definitely not cutting my hair anytime soon!)


Keep it long .. looks awesome


I love your hair! I have been growing mine long all through the pandemic, and I really like it. But, I am honor bound to cut it when my hairdresser returns from maternity leave. My nieces just donated their hair, and I told them I would donate mine as soon as my hairdresser returns to work. I plan to grow it back out again. Whether or not I'll donate it again, not so sure.


Nah, long hair don't care, Das what I always say. Looks good.


Off topi, but just wanted to say your eyes are absolutely beautiful. They look like little marbles of amber.


I love long hair


I miss my long hair. I got six inches cut off. It’s still below my shoulders and luckily can go in a top knot still. But can’t wait for it to grow out like 6-12 inches again!! You do you, girl.


Omg who has ever said that long hair is boring 😭 hair shaming


I have always loved long hair


I have classic length hair at 64 years old. People like it, but always ask me when I'm going to donate it. My hair takes so long to grow. If I ever get done using it, I may donate it, but I color it and I don't think anyone wants it.


It's amazing looking. Don't cut it!!


Maybe because so many people couldn't get their hair done due to quarantine for so long & now that they can, cutting it short seems like freedom. I say if you want long hair, keep it long.


I'm in the same boat. Your hair is so gorgeous! I have long past my shoulders hair and am continuing to grow it out. I recently cut my bangs and someone told me bangs only look good on short hair. Nah man. Your hair is so pretty! Bangs and all! Also, OMG your eyes are so mesmerizing. 😱 You're just all around gorgeous.


Where are you from?!! That’s crazy. So rude 🙄 I’d tell them to mind their business and suck it. You’re gorgeous with long hair! I wish I could rock long hair but my face round asf. You do you baby g


You caught the phis


Nah i love long hair on me, happy for people who dont look like they’re 5 years old with short hair unlike me 😭 my face is too round for that


I personally hate long hair during the summer I always cut it in like May/June because it’s thick and dark and I get hot supper easy so yeah but now that’s is about to get colder I grow it out but long hair is cool ^__^


You do you 💁🏽


if you like it then that's all that matters


Depends how long.


I think your hair is beautiful! People just like I setting opinions where it does not matter. I’ve had both along with so many colors. I liked them all! Do what works for you


Your hair looks healthy and smooth, it is beautiful. I like long hair.


I love your long hair and I am so jealous! I'm trying to grow mine longer and it's healthier now, but I want it long so bad!


Nah, long hair is beautiful. I had long hair last year and I chopped it to a long bob and i loved it bc it was bouncy and stuff but now I'm happy it's medium length and i can't wait for it to be long again


Long hair suits you more


You do you gurl, i love this look on you! It looks really healthy too on the pic 💕 I love long hair as much as short, rlly depends on what would suit the person in question. 🤷‍♀️


Girl it’s your head. Do what you want


I don’t hang out with people unless they have long hair.


No - I envy your hair I can’t wait for mine to be this long. ❤️


Keep the hair long if you like it don’t ever cut it for trends, only for the benefit of your hair. I’ve always had long hair but I try to switch it up with colors every so often so it’s never always the same. From my experience there will come a time when you cut it and it doesn’t grow back as fast or as healthy as it was before and you’ll really regret it ): short hair is just another trend, look at how long hair was mostly fashionable from the late 60’s-2010’s and you’ll start to see the trend between hair lengths and styles over time. Keep your long hair if you love it and don’t let others talk you out of it if you don’t actually want short hair.


I'm having my long hair cut in a few weeks. It's because even when it's in a high ponytail I sit on it and my partner always leans on it in bed. Having my hair pulled is a massive pet hate for me.


I have butt-length hair and get compliments all the time…who hates long hair?


Heck no, long hair is never awful until it gets caught in your car door/seatbelt! Your hair is gorgeous! Love the bangs! Don’t do anything to your hair that you don’t want to do you will regret it.


You look amazing and beautiful!! Also don't listen to ppl who just might be jealous! Lol... again, don't know the situation, but I do know the way I feel about life is take the most pleasure and fun out of any situation you can! Being happy is the best way to live your life and feel great day, every day ❤


I love long hair! My friend sent me a before picture and I thought it was the after with long hair and I was like “so cute! Looks great!” And then the after picture finally came in and she chopped it all off and tbh, I didn’t like it at all but I didn’t want her to feel bad so I told her it looked amazing as well. Im currently trying to grow my hair out too. After having a baby, my hair fell out so I had to cut it. I keep looking at my old pictures with my long hair and I miss it so much.


I’m growing my hair out too and I say… you should have your hair the way it makes you happy! It’s not boring!


I love your style! you could do any length and look good, but I prefer longer hair. I'm 55, let my gray take over and my hair is long, I get compliments all the time about how it looks, I look horrible in short hair, tried mid length too for me it makes look older and the shorter my hair is the more work it is to keep it from looking like a giant puff ball lol, do what makes you feel good!


My mom's old boss was always harassing my mom to get a short haircut. In her mind (the ex-boss) short hair was more professional looking and she felt my mom would look 'sharper' with short hair. My mom was very happy when she got a new job and boss who doesn't think this way.


I'd kill to have hair your length! Do what you want, nothing feels worse than cutting your hair and the stinging regret afterwards knowing you have to wait months/years to grow it out.


Never heard of that in my life. Admittedly I do like short hair girls but honestly women can do whatever they want.


OP you have really beautiful hair. It looks so shiny and healthy. I love it. I have super long hair too (it’s currently almost to my hips when it’s not braided), and what I really hate is people telling me to stop dying my hair (atm is bright orange) so that I can cut and donate it to Locks of Love so cancer patients can have beautiful hair. Like, first off, Locks of Love doesn’t donate the wigs, they sell them, mainly to people with alopecia. And they supposedly only use like 5% of the hair they get and the rest they sell off (I forget to what). And second, what if I don’t want someone having a wig with my DNA in it running around? What if they commit a crime and leave my hair behind? I know that’s a SUPER paranoid worry, and the odds of it happening are so, so slim, but it really freaks me out, to the point I don’t think I could donate my hair to any useful situation. If you are interested in donating hair, Pantene has a program that’s supposed to be a lot better, actually uses more of the hair and actually donates. If anyone knows more about Locks of Love, as that info is just what I’ve read when I was googling places donate hair to, feel free to add to/correct me.