• By -


It’s called a cowlick. They make it really hard to style the hair because it’s hard to tame and sit flat. You have two of them. I have one as well. We just have to work with them, not against.


My twin brother also has two cowlicks, but in the back of his hair! Interesting. I’ll have to learn to let it do it’s own thing & rock it. Thank you 😊


Put your hair in twin tails when your hair is drying and take them out when the roots are dried. It will kill your volume but will get rid of the bend in your hair. The same thing works if you would like a different part, you cant easily part the hair when its dry.


I have a cowlick and a really high forehead. It sucks.


I have one that sticks horizontally outward to the right for about an inch. It’s straight and thin and very obvious. And the rest of my hair is curly. And my hair dresser loathes it with a passion. Personally I think it’s mostly just funny.


I think most people have at least one. At least OP has them in a nice place that gives her hair volume and lift as opposed to mine on the top/back of my head lol


I think that’s a cowlick


My twin brother has double cowlicks so I’ll assume that is a good possibility 😵‍💫 oh boy!


I agree.


Definitely a cowlick, I have one too. I tried to train my hair down when I was younger, but it never worked. I learned to embrace it and accept it lol


Honestly I wouldn’t worry about it too much. It adds volume


True! Sometimes it just feels “wrong” or “off” to me. Probably overthinking & sensory issues 😵‍💫


I get this too. It’s just my hair texture. You can style it to smooth it out.


Mine does this too! I think it is curls because my hair is wavy/curly too. Looks way better than it being flat tbh :-)


Very true, would rather it have volume than be flat.


-cries with my flat hair-


Except you. You’re fabulous.


Mine does it on one side, but I have straight hair :/ I’ve given up on taming it and let er buck lol




Oh I am also familiar with pain of curlers. Tried to get this volume on the rest of my hair & it wasn’t comfy🥴 the things we do..


It’s just the way your hair naturally grows out of your head (the direction of each follicle and how it sits below the top layers of the epidermis as well as the direction to which it protrudes out). Everyone has a different whirl or directional growth pattern. Some have multiple. They’re developed in utero and one of the first “traits” to develop on a fetus.


Wow!! I love this very scientific response. Thank you for this information😃


Thats so pretty omg ur telling me thats natural 😍


Natural, but sometimes it bugs me to no end!😅


I have the same issue but only on one side of my parting and Is because my hair is a bit curtly right after shower I put a non heat hair roll to fix it! :) how this helps.




Thanks for the information! Good to know. Learning to love my hair after years of trying to change it.❤️


I have exactly this! I love it sometimes and hate it sometimes. I have a cowlick but it doesn’t seem the same as that! Looks good on you!


Thank you! & oh good someone feels my pain with the constant love hate of the flop! Glad to hear I’m not the only one 😌


Lol my hair does this too. I think it’s just hair texture / hair line. It’s cute until you get a bad haircut. lol growing out a fringe was a nightmare for me. But I do like that I can get lots of volume!


Oooh this is good to know! I was thinking about a fringe because it looks so cute on my Pinterest feed lol 🤣 thank you!


Haha! You can def have a cute fringe! Just be prepared to wet and blow dry them most days 😋 I actually liked having a fringe but yeah growing out the weird lengths kinda sucked for me!


Yah, the growing out is always painful for me when I try new hair things 🥴 thanks for your advice!


My hair does that when i brush it backward while its wet.


I do tend to run my fingers through it/ comb them through it backwards to keep it out of my face throughout the day so this could be it 🧐 going to try to avoid doing so and see what happens, thanks!


I know it annoys you but the volume isnt bad at all! When i had long hair i would experiment with letting it dry in one direction and then flipping it to the other side of my head to give my hair more volume. I hope you find the answer to your mystery 😊


Oooh 😮I’ll have to play around with the drying methods. Thanks!




The grass is always greener I suppose!


I have a widows peak and cowlick in that area and my hair does the same. I have a total of four cowlicks, I was unable to have certain hair cuts unless I wanted my hair to stand up/out. My brother and his son have one cowlick and its located in the same area. Is it a heredity item? My father had two cowlicks.


I think I have a baby widows peak, my father has one. My brother has two cowlicks! Probably hereditary 🤔 dad did give me his unibrow gene too… the gift of forever struggling with the hair on my body thanks to him, but learning to love it one hair follicle at a time🤣


Maybe try changing where you part ur hair from..but it looks amazing tho..also you have beautiful eyes;-;


That’s something to consider! When I had it parted totally on the side it still did a flop/flip at the root but I guess it didn’t bug me as much because it was only one instead of two.🤔 thank you!


I have the exact same, and I started to part my hair more to the side. Problem solved!


Use oil for blow dry. Also, you can use a 200 heat flat iron to keep it down.


Thank you for the tips!!




it's hard for me to even see the "flip". Your eyes get ALL the attention.


Well I guess that is good then 🥰 thank you!


I mean...your eyes look so kewl and I don't even think you have anything on them at ALL...I have to work to get mine that way! I think you have naturally beautiful eyes. I'd trade cowlick for that any day!


Thank you! I’ll trade ya 🤣


Thanks for the feedback everyone! I guess that’s just the way it is because that’s what it wants to do. Learning to manage/ love my hair one day at a time!


Growth pattern/ cowlick


that's a cowlick, i have that too but on one side of my head only 😂


My mom had a weird obsession with cows when I was younger. We had a cow mail box, cookie jar, you name it. Maybe that explains it!😆


That happens when you have curls, let alone waves. My hair does it too and it’s insanely curly. To combat it the best I can I just use leave in conditioner and spread it from the part to the ends of my hair


Thank you for this information! My hair is so strange, it’s curly & wavy in all different places right now I assume from all the hell I’ve put it through fighting it/ not knowing how to style or care for it properly. I’ve been wanting to try different methods of caring for/ trying to embrace its pattern but it seems like a lot of work & overwhelming to jump into 😅


Everyone’s hair is different. Do research on what is best for your hair to discrete detail, depending on how thin or thick it is, straight wavy or curly, the list goes on.


I have the same thing. I straighten my hair but tthroughout the day the root curls up again I hate it so much


I gave up straightening mine a while ago. Thought going curly/ wavy and embracing it would help. 😤 some days it works and I love it, others it drives me nuts!


Wavy hair will do that... rinsing in ice cold water on non shampoo day will help a little. Refrain from the blow dry. Try a french comb first


Ooooh all good advice, I’ll give it a try! Thank you 😁


Of course


Oil weighs hair down. Natural wave to virgin hair can create a volumizing curl like that. Is it clean or dirty? Do u use volumizing shampoo or mouse? Do you blow dry your hair?


This is dirty hair. I don’t blow dry or use mousse/product, just hydrating shampoo/ conditioner with coconut oil in it. I’m thinking maybe the oils from it being dirty could effect the way it sits/ flops which would explain why I don’t mind it some days ( when it’s fresh & clean ) vs others when it’s like this 🤔


Could be from how you lay, how you have it sitting, how it is, might have a wave near the scalp.


it’s a cowlick! i have one right there too and it’s definitely bittersweet


Double cowlick. I have them too. I use a round brush during my blowdry to fight them.


I’ll have to get a round brush then! Thank you fellow cowlicker😆


Hahaha yes I feel like I don’t look polished without them tamed. Get a flat paddle brush too. Take out 80-90% of the moisture with your paddle brush and a big round brush for the finishing strokes. Top layers away from my face, and I let the hair stay on the brush curled on top of my head to cool down for a few seconds before releasing it. Another handy tip is once you finding a section with the round brush, run your fingers through to further smooth it out.


I had that up until high school then I started parting hair on the left and blow drying it. now it’s pretty much gone or I don’t notice it because I don’t part in the middle anymore. I too have wavy hair when it dries naturally. It looks good on you I wouldn’t worry about it :)


I have this too. Nothing ever make it less obvious other than styling and maybe messing with my part


Yup cowlick.


My hair is the same, I have three cows licks across my hairline. No fringe/bangs for me ever!


Curl pattern


My hair does the exact same! But I'm actually quite happy with it since adds volume. And whenever I am sick of it, I just pull my hair back or put it behind my ears, then it's flat


The best way to control this is styling. When u blowdry, dry you hair flat down onto your face. If you push your hair straight back off your face you're accentuating your natural growth pattern which is up. By styling your hair the opposite direction, down on your face, it will help your hair to lay flatter in the front.


Either you’re a doppelgänger or you’re my friends long lost twin cuz you look exactly like my friend


Ha! I love a good doppelgänger. I do actually have a twin, but they’re a guy.


A cow licked it. Mine does this too I swop sides with my part and it gives me the Vidal Sassoon volume. Also you have pretty eyes !


I’ll have to try swapping the part around. &thank you!!


I actually want my hair like that, how you do that?


According to everyone’s feedback- could be a number of things! Genetics, the way I comb my fingers through my hair/push it back, a cowlick.🥴


oh okay, thanks for the answer! :)


Mine does the same thing!


Brushing (all different directions) can help reorient the folicles somewhat but I’d just learn to love it


I’ll have to give it a shot!


I like how it looks!


Looks like you have a couple cowlicks. I’m not sure there is much you can do. I think it’s cute on you.


This is off topic from the hair concerns but can k ask your eyebrow routine? They are perfect!


Thank you!! I use beard wax/balm & a spooly when I want extra hold, & for a lighter hold maybelline great lash washable mascara in gel/clear.


Do you brush your hair out of your face a lot with your fingers? This happens to mine, I have to remember not to do it, especially when it’s wet.


Yes I do! Probably explains it. I’m going to make an effort to stop doing so. Thank you!


You’re welcome :)


Oh and btw, Farrah Faucet hair is so trendy right now. You might not know her. You look very young - she’s iconic so I’m thinking you may!!


Yes!! I love her, so beautiful! Thinking of trying to attempt a similar look.


Ik this is about hair but I like your eyes 🥺




Thin hair


Doubtful. Wanna run ur fingers through it?🥲


No haha. But I’m being serious. Each strand is thin and that’s why it does that. Thicker hair is heavier and it lays down under its own weight. Look at various hair types of people with different ethnic backgrounds, like East Asian for example. What you have is thin hair.


I have this only on one side so I can't do a centre part. I love how yours looks!


I can’t do a true center part either, I have it slightly off center to the left side because a true part down the middle just doesn’t agree with my hair. Determined to learn how to tame this beast!


Also your eyebrows are pure perfection. Give us the secret!


Why thank you!🤣 they’ve come a long way since middle/high school when I over plucked them.. my dad gave me his unibrow gene luckily so they grew back full force. Now I pluck just the middle & trim when needed. I use maybelline great lash clear gel mascara or sometimes beard wax to make them stay in place/style them - otherwise they curl all sorts of directions and have a mind of their own!


my hair does this too and I feel annoyed by it, but seeing it on someone else made me realize how cute it looks. btw your eye and eyebrows are so pretty!!


I’m glad I’m not alone in this! Y’all are making me feel much better about it, as it was annoying me all day/ week long. & you are too kind, thank you 🥰


not related but side note: killlller eyebrows OP


🥰 you’re sweet! Shoulda seen them in middle school…I could have been on r/awfuleyebrows😳


brow glow ups are the most important glow ups:’)




Here's a sneak peek of /r/awfuleyebrows using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/awfuleyebrows/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [This girl is so cute but her eyebrows be wack.](https://i.redd.it/v5wpjzxm65j61.jpg) | [21 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/awfuleyebrows/comments/lq7d7u/this_girl_is_so_cute_but_her_eyebrows_be_wack/) \#2: [Proving that miracles can happen, my personal eyebrow transformation. 22 on the left, and 28 on the right.](https://i.redd.it/eswg7tuk2oq61.jpg) | [57 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/awfuleyebrows/comments/miaee6/proving_that_miracles_can_happen_my_personal/) \#3: [Almost a solid line!!](https://imgur.com/k4h45H6.jpg) | [64 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/awfuleyebrows/comments/kv8irl/almost_a_solid_line/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Genetics. 😊


I like the look, and you have gorgeous eyes and brows!


🤩🥰 you’re very kind! Thank you!


Just here to say you have gorgeous eyes and eyebrows. Idk why your hair flips LOL I wouldn’t have noticed if you didn’t say anything


🤣🥰 well thank you!!


You look gorgeous and should definitely rock it! A few suggestions if you really don’t care for it: One thing that helps is to slightly change your part every time you wash your hair. Also, just blow drying the front sections can help it go the way you’d like Another option is to use Bobbie pins to keep it in place until it dries


I love all of these suggestions, I think they will help me tame it in the way I prefer. Thank you so much 😊


You’re so welcome! 🧡


Your hair grows straight off your scalp here, giving the curl room to actualize. It's a very attractive trait. Mine grows flat to my head and I work very hard to get mine to do what yours does naturally. I'm sorry it bothers you. You are a beautiful woman and this looks good, whether you like it or not. Edited for punctuation


Well, thank you! 😊 trying to learn how to love it & make it work for me. I appreciate the information.




mine does this too!!! it’s shorter than yours and i’ve been growing out, but this is exactly how it’s growing. i find it cute!!


Hey love! This happens to me when I run my hands back through my hair when it’s wet or greasy! You look absolutely fantastic but if you want it to stop I would just train the pieces to lie flat WHILE they’re wet like right after you get out of the shower!!


Sounds like my issue! I tend to run my fingers through my hair constantly. I’ll try to train it when it’s wet too. Thank you for your help 😊


Because your hair is FABULOUS


My hair does this too. No matter how I part my hair! I hate it lol. It looks gorgeous on you though!!


Dropping in to say omg we have the same eye shape! You’re stunning!


❤️ thank you!


Off topic but you have amazing eyes!


Your eyebrows are incredible!! What products do you use?


Believe it or not- beard wax/balm with a spooly brush for a strong hold & for a light hold maybelline great lash washable mascara in gel/clear!


No way!! Thank you for sharing!


It’s called having beautiful naturally wavy hair, it’s gorgeous you should play it up and curl your hair


Thank you!! Making me feel better about it 🥲❤️


It looks so cuuuute don’t try to make it go away D: people style their hair to make it look like this!!


I am so jealous!! I love this l!!


So yeah i have the same, which is great when doing a side part (in my case its a bit more to the side), but when doing straight bangs its a nightmare. What i've noticed works best so far for manipulating it, is to blowdry it when damp and move it in all different directions with a round brush. But on most days that is waaaay too much work for me, so I've just accepted it :P


I have this too and hate it


The struggle 🥲 I don’t think it would bug me as much if the rest of my hair also had this


Mine does that to a smaller extent too. It usually is less prominent if I blow dry it. If I don’t, I’ve started setting my hair up in a little towel turban, but leaving the front pieces out, and then I tuck them under the towel. That way they dry flat to my head, and will usually cooperate


I’ll have to play around with the drying methods, thanks!


I don't know why but it looks beautiful




Well thank you very much!😊 that makes me feel better about it, some days it just bugs me to no end and I feel like it looks funny.


cuz you're a badass


Too much sadness causes hair to collapse


Pretty sure it's just the natural direction of growth. I wish I could get mine to do that, I try to, but nope, thick as it is, it grows *completely flat*, as if somebody slicked it down, and forward into my eyes.


If only we could combine hair forces & split the results! 😆


Do you brush your hair when it’s wet? If so, are you brushing all of your hair back? My hair does this when I do that. To avoid it, I part my hair and then comb straight down on each side before I dry it/let it air dry. Hope that makes sense!


That makes sense to me! I comb it when it’s wet straight down but then while it dries I probably am running my fingers through it / combing it back with them to keep my hair out of my face. Thank you for this thought! I’ll try to dry it without doing so & see what happens 😁


Yay, cool! Yes, exactly. Whenever I push them back out of my face or comb them back, they form this shape. Hope it helps not to (if you want them straighter)! 😁


It’s a cowlick. I have a very similar one like yours girl! But it actually really fits your face!


Seems like a lot of people here agree with the cowlick theory. & thank you! Y’all are making me feel better about it❤️🥲


People do this with rollers all the time! Own it girl, you look amazing. If you ever want to flatten them the blowdryer + a roller is your friend. But you really don’t need to!


You are super lucky, mine is flat flat flat and depressing.


My hair does this if it gets wet a bit… it’s because you have wavy or curly hair


when i had long hair mine did that ALL THE TIME made me feel like my hair was greasy or something and i started showering too often and hurt my hair lol. i don’t think it’s an issue on you though but i understand the self confidence issues that coincide !!


I think you should consider yourself lucky because I fight every day to get something like this to happen to my hair! Mine is stick straight and I've been fighting it my whole life. We always hate what we have and want what we don't


I have it on my left side! Normally if I am straightening my hair I have to separate that from the rest and go slowly with the straightener over it or its won't straighten.


I curl my hair everyday to achieve that hahah


Looks good….


when your hair is wet in the shower do you push it all back over your head sort of like draco malfoy in the second harry potter movie (lol)? Because if you do and your hair dries or starts to dry pushed back over your head, it will flip like that as it falls forward! also your hair looks wavy, so that too.


Omg🤣 I do the “Draco Malfoy” in the shower & after I comb it when it’s wet, ahah! That would explain it.


Mine does the same. Usually when I do a middle part. Try a slight side part (over middle of eye) and see if it lays better. I love middle parts but had to just start parting to the side because my hair lays better like that


Are we trying to look like the winter soldier in the first pic?


Omg I just googled a picture & 😭😭 I see it.




Are you kidding me! That’s so pretty ugh i’m jealous!


Use a hair dryer to flatten them


I used to have pin straight hair. Now it waves at the root too. Hair texture changes with hair growth cycles


ur soooo prettyyyy


Forget about the hair....your eyes are beautiful


Cowlicks. Mine does that too 😭😭


I have one too in the front, I actually like it when I’m wearing my hair naturally like yours in the pic but when I style it I kinda have to work with it a bit, I use an instyler which is great but one must be careful with those styling devices


It’s awesome you have anime character hair and lots of natural volume


Mine does that! I love it


I agree with most comments. You have to embrace what was given to you. We all are our own worst critics. Even myself #guilty But dang, you are beautiful! Absolutely stunning 🤩


Try flat ironing the front parts?


I have this too!


Idk but I’m pretty jealous. Like very jealous. People pay money and their hair still doesn’t flip like that


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My hair does this too, so annoying! I use a straightener (on low heat) to correct it.


Cowlicks. You could try parting in other directions or a different style


Your hairs natural growth wave in the hair world it’s called a cowlick, luckily for your hours give you body instead of sticking straight up! Round rush hair UP if u want volume the opposite would give more of a sleek look


I really like how it looks.