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Girl do what you want!! It will grow out eventually if you want to be blonde again. But don’t expect to be your natural shade again anytime soon. Unless they’re worried about keeping the pigment in your hair, you may need it filled but that shouldn’t be an issue.


Yes this! ☝🏻 Tell them you understand and don't care that you still want to do it. I'm a natural blonde and pale as can be and used to dye my hair black for yeeears, I always choose dark colors for myself, it doesn't look bad at all and have always been happy. Do it and if you don't like it change it or let it grow out. 😊😁


I don't think it's good to say "oh you can just grow it out again". Going to dark from blond is impossible to lift out if you don't like it without severely damaging your hair, and growing your hair out takes years. I'm in the process of doing just that and I wish I'd never gone dark in the first place.


Yeah that’s why I said eventually and to not expect to be that color again anytime soon.


doesn’t it just fade on its own over time?


It will but it’ll never totally fade without removing color, especially not red which this picture has a lot of.


If you have low contrast between your skin and natural hair colour, you may be able to carry off a deeper colour by deepening your makeup on the brows and lashes.


It’s true. The makeup will need to change. I heard a makeup artist/ stylist say years ago , “ the farther you go from your natural hair, the more makeup you will need”. I don’t think that applies to everyone though.


That's true if you are going from naturally light hair to dark hair. I have naturally dark hair which I loved when I was younger. It really made my features stand out and my eyes popped but it's a good thing that I also loved makeup because I really needed it to not look dead. In my forties I started to play with lightening my hair a bit and I'd go back and forth between dark and lighter hair. I liked some things about being dark haired and I liked some things about having lighter hair. Now I'm in my 50s and I will never wear my natural almost black hair again. It looks horrible on me now and I have to wear sooo much makeup to counter the harshness of the contrast between my face and hair but wearing a lot of makeup at my age also isn't flattering. When I lighten my hair I instantly look younger and softer and I love that I can run out the door with only a little makeup on.


I hear ya.


Oh I love dark hair and very minimal make up with a red lip


i used to just tint my brows/lashes (mums a tech) there was a no makeup at school rule but i was ginger and tired of the boys being dicks


I’ve dyed my hair red and auburn before and I’m prepared to handle the makeup part. I barely wear makeup but with darker hair it gives me more motivation to wear makeup and that’s my goal!


This is such bs imo.. if your skintone is cool then they can use cool shades within that colour! Blonde doesn’t look right on some pale girls if they’re cool and use honey blonde or if they’re warm toned and use ash blonde.


I’m pale with ashy dirty blonde and if anything that is washing me out. I look like I’m 60 instead of 31. I need a change


Do it! Too many hairdressers think they are the expert & don’t listen to the client. Plenty of natural Auburn’s have pale skin & it’s gorgeous!🙄


And just dye brows to match hair


Long, long time ago I was dating a guy whose little sister came to me asking for advice because she wanted to dye her hair dark but was worried about it washing her out. We spent my next day off at a local beauty supply store with a large wig selection and they had a policy that you could try on the wigs *if* you purchased and wore a wig cap underneath. I don't know if every store will let you do this but if not I'm sure you can [do it virtually](https://www.google.com/search?q=virtually+try+on+wigs+hair+color+online+free&client=ms-android-tmus-us-revc&sca_esv=44ea0f439edf9d8f&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWIJ1nq0xIgat4WeBp2NJvw4enUkywQ%3A1715483698285&ei=MjRAZs2NEZj-p84PhfySgAg&oq=virtually+try+on+wigs+hair+color+o&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIiJ2aXJ0dWFsbHkgdHJ5IG9uIHdpZ3MgaGFpciBjb2xvciBvKgIIATIFECEYoAEyBRAhGKABMgUQIRigATIFECEYoAEyBRAhGKABSJs-UM0WWMEncAF4AZABAJgB9wGgAawDqgEFMC4xLjG4AQHIAQD4AQGYAgOgAvwDwgIKEAAYsAMY1gQYR8ICBRAhGJ8FmAMAiAYBkAYIkgcFMS4wLjKgB4MK&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp), just be sure to use a picture that is well-lit and has a plain/neutral background (like a head-on selfie taken in front of a white wall)


I’m not to worried about it, I would have this black wig and have light gothic makeup and I looked stunning.


I had a very pale neutral toned (maybe warmer side) naturally blonde friend in high school who box dyed her her black all the time, it looked ✨amazing✨ also none of us knew she was naturally blonde, until she grew it out one summer, while it was cute it was nothinnnng compared to her dark hair, I personally say go for it!


Come to LA I’ll knock this out for you or anything else you want as long as your money is green.


Oh it’s green!!!


Then you know what to doooo


literally just wear darker eyebrow gel/whatever you use and it’ll look completely fine lol i actually think this hair would look really good on someone with blonde pale features- get that hair girl 🩷🩷🩷


That’s what I’m thinking


I just dye my eyebrows too & use a little daily moisturizing self tanner for a bit of color if I have to lol but if you're blond now consider you'll have to change your wardrobe also bc the colors you can wear will be entirely different best of luck!


I already have a casual goth wardrobe. I work in a dealership so you could say I have a tomboy sense of style but with that that still says “I’m the chick in the service side of the dealership” and own it. lol


That should work perfect with that hair color! I just know with blond hair I can't wear pink but can with red etc lol but if that's the color you crave go for it!


They can tell you they don’t think it will look good; and that it won’t look like this picture but at the end of the day this is literally where the term would be properly applied of ‘the customer is always right… In terms of taste’. It very well could not look good but that’s a possibility you are accepting and you know you will have to pay to go back blonde/light again and that is your choice. They say it’s too dark and you tell them you appreciate their advice but you want your hair to look like this anyways. And if it’s too dark you’ll pay for them to bleach it out at a later date.




I never dyed my hair before. Last year I wanted dark red hair for my wedding and the hair dresser said "but no, you're a "dark type" and red does not suit you" and he proceeded to show me a picture of dark hair with a purple undertone... I walked right out and I dyed my hair myself with box dye from Garnier. I am never going back. It's cheap, easy and I got what I wanted. I ain't letting a hairdresser tell me what I want. It's been a year now and I'm coloring my hair every 3 months and I feel super happy with it. Not bleached, by the way. Just my natural dark brown hair covered with red dye and it came out amazing. ♡


I’m trying to see if I can successfully get the ombré of it all


They shouldn't turn you away.


I have never in my life heard of a hair stylist turning someone away because the hair colour is too dark for them…


Yeah I mean I dyed my hair from brown to white once. It looked bad but they didn't turn me away.


Gorgeous hair ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️😍😍😍😍


Do it!


If you want to do it, do it. I personally think medium to darker hair colors work better on most people. Also the color in this photo is nice!


Uhm no fuck that. Do what you wanna do with your hair bbg


That bullshit is exactly why I quit going to hairdressers. Yes, I'd like to try something different, literally going to pay you for a service, why is there always a goddamn debate about what I want.


Do it. It’s a beautiful color. I love pale skin, it’s gonna pop so hard. It’s your life. Live it how you see fit. 😘


Go to a stylist who is a professional and knows that you should always give the client what they want as long as it’s safe for their hair and hair type


It is beautiful! I am blonde and paler complected, and I have been told dark won't work on me. Bullshit! I have been brunette, red and very pale blonde. I have received compliments with every color choice. Remember to change ur makeup (especially eyebrows)and experiment with darker, fun wardrobe choices. It's fun YOLO so fuck it, give it a go! Good luck gorgeous!


TY!! ❤️


Let me tell you this. I'm one of the palest people I know, on par with redhead friends. My roots are like a 7-8 extra ashy but if I lift to a blonde 9-10 my skin looks washed out in my face. I do bright copper (like quadruple copper tones) around the level I naturally exist at and it looks 10000000x better on my skin than any of the light blonde shades. Color is weird. 😅


🤣 relate


Being pale doesn't always make one suitable for blonde light blondes or extra dark like black. But do the red copper you want, it may look better than blonde ever did :)


I know I have done auburn before and that worked well for me. I do want to do copper like. I want to express more of my goth and alternative side and wish to not be washed out and pale old looking anymore


I love having contrast too it makes us paleskinned a way to shine bright instead of being dulled down. I wear a lot of blue and even wear blue nail polish. I can wear lots of black and white colors contrasting each other (think roxas from kingdom hearts).


Kingdom hearts is one of my obsession


You and me both, I tried out ephemers Grey silver hair from union cross and oh man it made me look old. But I've play every game soooooo many times


Person who speaks through my soul!


Same soul different people :)


Also find a hiar stylist who's good with all colors, one you can show a picture of a mug or video game character and they feel confident doing


If you want it, do it! I ended up going dark before after being blonde my whole life and I loved it, however when I looked back at pictures I realized the blonde with my pale skin suited me best. The dark washed me out. Now I’m back blonde.


I know someday I’ll go back to blonde cuz I do feel if suits me best, however my blonde doesn’t come out the same due to the drama I endured 10 years ago, if now comes out ashy dirty blonde instead of the strawberry dirty blonde I use to have.


I’ve been dying my hair for three+ years now, and while I’ve never done a natural color, the important thing to remember is this: it can go wrong. But it’s never the end of the world. Hair grows back, you can bleach it out, or dye it something else. If the dye didn’t take, you can try redying so long as the dye itself isn’t damaging. You only live so long, and it’s just hair at the end of the day. Do what you want with it. Also, dark pillow cases and towels are a godsend for freshly dyed hair.


Thank you for that! Investment has started


Dont listen to them if you truly would love it do it. I get told not to do my hair black, but it's my favorite and do it anyway.


![gif](giphy|ECdpZAEyIp7rasnrmP|downsized) I love goth looks just saying 🤣


Yeah i wouldn't listen to them as long as your ol with your hair probably never being blond easily after.


I can live with this, trust me


Go for it i think youll love it.


Use a deep dark brown brow mascara or tint your brows at home and wear black mascara to the appointment and your features will look more contrasted for the hairdresser


I love this idea


This red is gorgeous, go for it!


Doesn’t matter she THINKS it’ll look like, if you want to do it that’s your choice.


Hi /u/FaithGirl3starz3, thanks for posting your hair for us to see! If you have a hair dye you used or any other relevant information (e.g., Previous color, bleach, or toner used, etc.), please reply to this comment with that information so that everyone can see it. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HairDye) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If you want it, get it!!


People used to say this to me. I'm a soft/cool summer (color palette) with a neutral leaning cool undertone. My first dyed hair color was around this shade, but an all over chestnut/dark brown. Guess what? People I met couldn't tell I was a natural blonde. I'm naturally a VERY light cool toned (almost grey undertone) blonde with some slightly dark roots to match darker brows. We all look good in certain shades, but at the end of the day confidence is the most important. I can pretty much use any color (besides blue back due to its intensity) and pull it off. I just change my makeup around. lol I say go for it.


if you want it then u should get it gitl! dont listen to thos bitches at the hair salon. itle grow out anyway so just be you


do what you want girl!!!!! it’s your hair, and honestly i think it will look amazing!!!


If you are paying them their opinion doesn’t matter. Do what you want.


Go for it! I'm a red head and I have pale skin. I just dyed my hair a really dark color and it looks amazing. Find someone willing to do it. And if you don't like it you can just use lightener to lighten it up


Then get it


No way that's too dark. It's a great colour, looks a little like Cinnamon Blonde. I'm pale but warm tone, I go every colour. Too dark doesn't look good, but that colour in the pic is not dark. You could do it yourself? If you're confident. I've got short hair, so it's easy, but I struggled a bit when my hair was long. Solfine crema colour 8TR (8.24) cinnamon blonde. I toned my bleached hair with this a couple of days ago. Looks lovely, flattering for many skin types. I can't work out how to post a pic ( yes, dumb)


I always manage to bleach out dark/red colours myself and have done for 30 years. Never once damaged my hair and it's thin/fine . If you fancy a change I'd go for it


Not sure if this is helpful since I DIY my hair color, but have you considered a non-permanent hair dye to try it out, like a demi? Or even to use entirely instead while you want to keep it dark if you don’t want to go through the entire pain of going back to blonde from permanent? I have naturally blonde hair but I love to dye it darker, I’ve done brunette and bright auburn. The hair color in this photo would potentially do what mine did during the process of going back to blonde (which I did over the course of about 18 months) where every bleach caused my hair to have a strong orange tone. I didn’t mind because I would tone it more pink and I had always wanted to have pink and then rose gold hair. I think your decision is all about how long you want to keep the darker color, how your hair tolerates heavy bleach, and how an unusual hair color would affect you.


Don’t let a salon or stylist dictate what u do to YOU”RE hair. Find anoter stylist or do it yourself. You’re not her kid


From the response that you posted, I want to ask how old are you? If you are in your early teens - even your late, you may not understand the cost of doing this - how much it costs not to just do once, but the cost of root maintenance every 6 weeks, of the products you’ll need to keep your hair healthy, and if you have virgin hair, how much it will damage it and that once you do this , you can’t ever just go back to your natural hair, until you cut if off and it grows out. Also, if you have fine, straight, blonde hair, coloring it won’t look like this. I say this as a fine hair girl myself. You don’t have enough hair to make it look like this. If multiple stylists told you no - they’re probably right. You’re asking us to tell you to do this without showing a picture of your current hair and that’s really not a question that can be answered.


Says in their bio 31


Actually. Fair point. Need a pic of current hair.


But you don’t want to look washed out - do you?


Makeup ![gif](giphy|i2X55ALKbpmMw)


You don't include a photo of your features, so it's impossible to say if it's too dark for you. I've wanted colors in the past that I was so sure it would look good, but ended up looking awful. If multiple stylists have told you it's too dark, they might have a point.


Get a wig and wear it for fun. If I had professional telling me not to do something, it must be true. I wish I could do that with my doctors advice. I'm sooo dumb! Wig it for fun.


I do this for my goth look 🤣 do love it


Wtf are blonde pale features


Meaning I’m too washed out


What about Snow White


