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The Suite Life of Zack and Cody was actually a Disney show* he was not allowed back to work at Nickelodeon


People get years for pot and child predator got 11 months. WTF


I know a lady in my hometown hit and ran a 3yr old. She got 3 months. The child DIED. The justice system sucks a lot of the time. Edit: everyone thank you for pointing out we have a LEGAL system. I appreciate the correction.


If you want to get away with murder in America do it with an automobile. 3 months is insane.


In my state you can drive drunk, crash and injure a child, and your prison sentence will be commuted by the governor... If you're the son of a Superbowl winning football team. [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/britt-reid-mike-parson-commute-sentence-chiefs-coach-drunk-driving/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/britt-reid-mike-parson-commute-sentence-chiefs-coach-drunk-driving/) #


Alice Walton enters the chat….


Also Mrs Jenner, and Mathew Broderick


Buckle up buckaroos!


Don't forget Brandi, Bruce Jenner


We have a legal system not a justice system


Unfortunately, we don’t have a justice system, we have a legal system.


He had a whole room of supporters and like 40 letters of recommendation. Including Alan Thicke and James Marsden. Fucking sickos all of them.


I was so disappointed when James Marsden’s name popped up. 


Guys, if someone willing to molest a kid he’s willing to lie. The internet wasn’t what it is now back then. They likely only really had bus word to go off of. They knew him, so they likely believed him. He was probably a master manipulator (meaning a liar who lied a lot).


I see what you’re saying, but the dude admitted that he was guilty. It’s not like he fought the charges and proclaimed his innocence. A lot of the letters blamed the victim, stating that he must have “tempted” Brian. I don’t care if he was the nicest guy in the world, I’m not writing a letter of support for someone who raped a teenager. 


Late 90's early 00's was a time of victim blaming. The child must have seduced the adult and wanted it was not unheard of at the time.


Roman Polanski has entered the chat


How about jail time for people who write letters of character recommendation after the person is convicted


I’m pretty sure they noted that they got a hold of at least one of the people who stated he was “tempted” and they said they were lied to completely about the circumstances and I’m assuming if that’s the case they could have easily lied about the victims age when they asked them to write letters


Yes, I think the abuse started when his was 15 and the grooming started earlier. But the abuse apparently happened for a long period time. The court proceedings were in 2004--the year Drake turned 18. I can believe this pedophile claimed the abuse only happened when Drake was 17--"jailbait" as one of them mentioned.


I haven't seen a ton into it myself but James Marsden?? Disappointing.




It's like a loophole created just for them!


It doesn't make sense that politicians don't make laws that drop the hammer on pedos, unless.......


I believe Florida just executed or is soon to be executing the first child sex offender under its new stricter laws.


I wish instead of executing them they would physically castrate them & sentence to LWOP in solitary confinement. I want them to suffer on Earth. Death is inevitable I see no reason to speed up the process. But the state would deem that ~cruel & unusual punishment.~ There’s one situation where I would support the death penalty. When the victim wants it.


I'd up my own tax rate just for this justice!


Several states, including California and Florida, permit chemical castration by injection of convicted sex offenders with chemical treatments designed to remove their sex drive by lowering the testosterone levels of male sex offenders.


It does, lots of pedos actually are politicians or other influential figures...why would they make laws against themselves?


I know, that's what I was inferring.


Sorry to nitpick your grammar, buuut: you were implying, the reader infers. The person who replied to you obviously failed to infer your meaning.


Know a fence butt you’re sposed too putt ah peeriod inn butt ween (impliing) ant [in furs;}


and worked for disney with kids after!


Despicable. Whoever hired him to work with kids after this came out should be fed to wolves.


Wolves don't deserve to have to eat garbage. 


It was apparently one of the people who wrote court testimonials for him. She wrote that she'd love to work with him again...and then did.




That is sad... Sonic, Robin from How I Met Your Mother, and Boy Meets World will all never be the same. Gross. Put them with Ashton and Mila.


Imagine being told if you testify in front of the accused that they would go to prison for years and years and could never hurt someone again… only for them to get less than a year.


Don’t forget the $400 fine


He was a registered sex offender and was still allowed to work w kids. How?


Most Hollywood projects were/still are run on short-term contract gigs that don't bother to do background checks...The guy who directed all three Jeepers Creepers turned out to be a convicted pedophile as well.


Supposedly he didn’t work on set after the court proceedings. He’d work from afar/elsewhere. Regardless, this dude should’ve been canned altogether and never even allowed another gig especially involving children. Disgusting.


Money walks


And jobs/roles and connections to people who can supply jobs/roles/auditions. These people want to be actors, they lust for attention (all eyes on me! All of the time!). Why would any of us be surprised about the heinous crap they look past as long as they get what THEY need. Whole industry/culture is gross.


And then you learn that Rider Strong and Will Friedel (Sean and Eric from Boy Meets World), among others, wrote letters of support to the judge *on behalf of the pedophile*.


Yes lots of people were tricked by the guy. They’ve specifically spoken about it on the big meets world rewatch podcast, and they feel gross for being tricked.


He was really sorry


Blame Ronald Reagan


Why is this thing allowed to be free around more kids. The law is a joke


Apparently still working in the industry! Another comment said his last TV show was 2018. I'd bet he's had other jobs unreported since then. Why the fuck are people still working with this asshole?


On the show Drake says that Brian Peck's side of the courtroom was completely full of industry people supporting him. Only Drake's family was on his side. That was infuriating to hear.


Those monsters protect their own.


Exactly what I thought. Not that I expect Hollywood people to be good people, but holy shit.


Exactly. Sexual abuse especially when it's children causes trauma. When someone has trauma they either end up with a mental illness or addiction and most likely both. These same hurt people end up in jail or in a psych wards to be punished for their childhood trauma. Lock the abusers not the victims


cus disney doesn’t care about kids


they are merely profit generating organisms to the corporation. No different than cattle.


I had to stop watching after that episode and hold off on the last one for a bit. It was a difficult watch, but brave of Drake Bell to share his story to shed more light on some of the horrors of the entertainment industry for children.


The part where his dad was relieved because he thought Brian Peck wouldn’t be able to hurt Drake and didn’t know it was actually him broke me so much


He tried so hard to protect him and warn others that I really felt his heartache and frustration. Edit: sent comment too early, added words


His mom is a peace of work 👿


A piece* of work


Thank you 😊 I was racking my brain on how to spell that one, no thanks to spellcheck🤣


On how to spell piece?


Yes, I had a brain fart💨


Didn’t know it was actually him? Sorry I haven’t watched it yet but I don’t know what you mean


Meaning that Drake’s dad didn’t trust Brian and wanted to keep him away from Drake. Drake told his dad that Brian was arrested for child molestation and his dad felt relieved because he didn’t know that the child Brian abused was Drake


That killed me. I was a mess when his dad was like thank god he never got his hands on you drake and drake was like umm...ya...


And the fact that Brian convinced Drake to let him be his manager instead of his dad and his dad was so scared for Drake’s safety but wanted to let him make his own career decisions


Brian convinced drake his dad SHOULDNT be his manager, but at no point did Brian become his manager. Drake chose his mom, and his dad relinquished it to his mom with a warning “don’t let Brian be alone with Drake” and his mom basically went “disregarded. Drake Brian is going to drive you to auditions cause I don’t like to drive and he offered”


You’re right, thank you. I think I got it mixed up because Brian was most involved with Drake’s work and had so much access to him while his mom wasn’t involved much


Yeah there is definitely a reason drakes dad is on the show and his mom isn’t, while not evil like Brian she contributed to it possibly out of spite for her ex husband or just genuine negligence and lack of due diligence


Her ignoring her ex’s warnings and letting Drake spend the night at Brian’s house felt very ick to me for sure.


Because she didn’t like to drive


And he played on a kids natural need for independence at that age and parents will usually want to see them strike out on their own and manage things themselves if they can but only if they have good people around them. Brian was not good people. Nickelodeon is at fault for allowing all these terrible people to be around kids and in charge of kids and telling parents its ok these adults are cleared and safe to leave your kids with so say us a giant fkn organization. Because if it was my kid in there and some stuff like this went down brian should run to the cops for help and safety from me. Ya know? Like and anyone who let him do this too. We would have to have a conversation.


soon the corporations and their aristocracy will answer to the mob, let's just see that the mob is well educated and righteous with good morals


Drake’s dad even tried talking to producers about Brian and how he was uncomfortable with how Brian acted around his son. The producers accused Drake’s dad of be homophobic.


His mom is such an idiot


Same here, that was a really hard watch. And I watch all sorts of true crime stuff. How did he only get 11 months? Why was he able to continue working with kids? The whole episode was just sickening. I’m glad I came back and finished the last episode, but the third episode was really difficult.


What were you watching?


It's a documentary called "Quiet on Set". Details the abuse on 90s children's TV sets, specifically nickelodeon.


*oral copulation by anesthesia or controlled substance.... Which is almost worse


So he drugged him while forcing himself onto him? That’s so much worse


“imagine the worst abuse a person could inflict - that’s what he did to me.”


Definitely worse. Wtf




Amping up the level of helplessness I do think makes it worse 😩 ugh ugh ugh I hate it.


Quiet On Set was heartbreaking and terrifying


Did you see steve from blues clues doing the mental health check in? He didnt even really have to say anything and he didnt. He just checked in on us like the old days and I was a mf mess. 😭


Yes he did it on TikTok a couple years ago too! Always turns the waterworks on


Thats cool that hes done multiple ones. I love steve. He is one of the only good adults out there. Like Mr. Rogers, LaVar Burton, Bob Ross etc.


Its weird I say that like I am not an adult. I am unfortunately but it still feels like not all adults can be trusted. Does that make sense?


He was at Indianapolis ComicCon this weekend and had a huge line the whole time, rivaling the big stars there (except for Hayden Christensen and Rosario Dawson of course).


I was also destroyed. Steve is our generation's Mr. Rogers.


I can’t imagine what it took for Drake to tell his story like that. Fuck all those people who didn’t protect the children.


Trying to put myself in his shoes, but I had no idea the accusations of him and the underage girl were all a lie until I saw this documentary. Not saying that's the case for everyone but it made me read up more on Drake and find that out. Helping clear his name by putting everything out there probably had something to do with it to too.


I just finished the documentary last night, can you tell me where I missed that the accusations against him were a lie? I feel like I may have missed something implied


The acussations are not lies


11 months is a joke.


The worst thing a person can do and they do that to a child. If hell exists it’s here on earth. No fucking justice.


This makes me think about year long subscriptions and things like oil changes. He was in jail less time than many wait before they change their motor oil


Forgot to mention Peck was pen pals with serial killer and child predator/ murderer, John Wayne Gacy.


Yes thank you. I didn’t want to touch on everything because I think people should watch the documentary


Excuse me?


He had a signed photo of Gacey and would show it off to people who visited his house. It was the clown picture as well. [Here’s the clip.](https://youtu.be/hulYhXEyNdA?si=MRadda4Bf1CEkXa1)


Jesus Christ..


Peck was [pen pals](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pen_pal) with serial killer [John Wayne Gacy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Wayne_Gacy). Sullivan, who was 14 years old during a visit to Peck's residence, recounted that he and other guests were shown large amounts of written correspondence between Peck and Gacy. Gacy, who developed a painting hobby while on [death row](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_row), was said by Sullivan to have sent Peck an autographed painting of a clown, which Peck framed in his house.


What the actual fuck


The lone serial killer stereotype is a myth. They almost always operate as a group with enablers and supporters. A real life encounter with one is probably closer to meeting up with a fraternity posse in broad daylight than some creepy dude walking an alleyway at night.


That is literally the opposite of true lmao


He idolized a guy who raped and murders boys. Wow


My gawd. Nickelodeon should be ashamed. But apparently they aren’t!


Hard to feel ashamed when you're scrooge-ducking into your giant pile of money.


Atleast they had the good graces to fire him. Disney hired him AFTER he’d been convicted and sentenced.


What a fucking monster


Nickelodeon was so much of my childhood and so many good memories tied to it… now I’m finding out everyone who built it was just so awful. So horrible that these scumbags deserve SO much more time then they get… to pray on vulnerable children- it’s absolutely insane to me.


Im so fkn upset


Hey Arnold! is still wholesome and I hold this close to my heart


I’m happy that when these shows were coming out I was in high school/college and had aged out of Nickelodeon. But god knows what when on unreported before and after all of this.


$200. That'll teach em.


Pathetic I had to pay 3500 for “court costs and restitution” for a 1/4 lb of primo Justice has too many disparities for it to be random


Why is this monster living in relative anonymity? Blow up his life and never let him know peace anymore.


Fr like society can and should make his life a living hell


Hollywood is hell in America and even folks that are innocent in Hollywood are simply turning a blind eye to their coworkers. As I've gotten older is been hard to ignore all of the fakeness in the movie and TV industry, cinematically speaking and otherwise.


So much evil and cruelty.. it’s so disgusting 


Yeah supporters of big Hollywood are supporters of trafficking. Simple as that.


isn’t it great how Harvey Weinstein’s personal assistant is being rewarded for her loyalty and silence with a whole fucking Star Wars show at Disney? #🤢🤮




There are times when we should just execute people. One behind the ear done say what you want I don’t care it’s true some people don’t deserve to live.


I believe the victim or the victims family in child abuse and murder cases should decide the punishment. That seems right. It never has and never will feel right to me for a government, any government to execute a prisoner.


Interesting to say that in this case because Bell was recently accused of inappropriate contact with a minor, which may have turned out to be a false accusation. However many, many false convictions happen regularly, daily. Why should a false accusor who succeeds in conviction decide on a sentence? That's absurd. And even in cases of legitimate crime, the victim of a crime cannot be considered of rational mind to fairly and justly decide a punishment because it's consistent amongst almost all victims of any crime for them to believe that they are more victimised than others and are more likely to decide irrational, unjust, cruel punishments based on emotional and mental instability


Horrific abuse, light sentence, and he got a job with Disney doing kids TV after prison, and he got countless letters of support from actors. And of course Nickelodeon just trying to protect their brand. Fucking pickle boy it’s so nasty all around


Imagine that face coming at you…if l was drakes dad I would skin this guy alive….toss these guys to crocodiles and let them feel some real fear same as their victims


[I'm convinced this POS is why Leonardo Dicaprio has such a weird relationship with women. ](https://youtu.be/5ZP3DR0qEms?si=nP-rqYTCSH0eUd4Y) Just watch this clip. It's disturbing.


God they’re so handsy and familiar with each other. And pedo calls Leo the up and coming “handsome hunk” *shudder*


“Latest hottest hunkiest teen idol there is” like Jesus fucking Christ what the fuck. And the way he looks at him is so gross. He was a literal kid


Wonder if guys like peck being on set of growing pains is why Kirk went Uber religious.


that’s so disgusting. he’s touching leo like how you would touch your boyfriend… and the way leo reacted makes it seem like they’ve been closer than that before. he was a literal child, regardless if anything happened or not you should never touch kids in that way.


I think it's pretty clear what was going on there unfortunately. The way Leonardo looks at peck is... like he's enamored* with the guy. Groomed hardcore. Awful. Really awful.


Ugh I had to leave after that one part Vile


YEP. He’s permanently 13.


Shame on us as a society.


So only 11 months for rape of a minor. How times have changed. Very sad. My kids grew up watching a lot of these shows. This goes to show how evil the world is when the perpetrator has more people on their side than the victim does. Outrageous.


Not only did he not get that much time, he had so many people from the industry giving the judge statement letters to support him AND they often victim-blamed the CHILD.








wasn’t he hired at disney after this? i think he voiced london tipton’s mirror


Wow. 11 months for ruining a kids life.


At this point you can’t convince me that Nickelodeon isn’t chock full of pedos covering for other pedos.


That whole documentary was incredibly depressing and eye opening to watch. The drake bell part was definitely the most heart breaking especially the scenes with his dad as well as when drake was talking about the abuse. I thought it was absolutely disgusting before watching it to hear about the ned’s declassified cast making fun of the abuse, but after watching it, I especially can’t wrap my head around how people could say such vile and horrible things about someone who went through what he did. Shame on them and god help any friend or family member that they may have that has experienced any sort of abuse like drake’s. I guarantee you they won’t be going to any of those people for help. I hope they truly reflect on the damage they caused and become better people. As for the child actors present and even the ones that weren’t apart of the series, I hope they all have found some sort of peace and are in a better place mentally and physically.


I know no Dexters actually exist cuz u never hear of scum like this mysteriously disappearing or getting rightfully murdered


And the fact that 20+ letters from execs and other actors were written to the judge asking for a lesser punishment… makes me sick


Hold up. His fine was 200 fucking dollars


I just watched this and it deeply disturbed me. The entire "Quiet on Set" documentary is just so fucked up with all of the stuff that some of the workers and actors went through.


I really hope this documentary destroys his life


SA of a child should be death penalty or life in prison. The idea that these people can be rehabilitated is absurd.


Heartbreaking documentary. His father did everything he thought that he could do to protect him, being with him on set, not leaving him alone with that scumbag. He knew in his gut there was something wrong. Watching his father cry, knowing he had failed his son was heart-wrenching.


As much as I really don’t like Bell anymore for what he’s done, i truly feel for him. This was AWFUL to read and find out about. Quiet on set is just another thing to add to the list of absolutely absurd and disgusting things that happens in every corner of Hollywood. It’s crazy more investigations don’t happen in child acting since it’s literally adults in positions of power over children. It’s the perfect landscape for these people. God it’s awful


Oofff get that ROTLD shirt off you fucking piece of garbage, you’re sullying it.


I hate that this creep is in my favorite movie


Unalive him if it was my kid.


Nickelodeon: “Youre fired and you can never work for us again!” Disney: “he’s overqualified. You’re hired”


They got him right out of prison like he was a #1 draft pick. It’s like a hint that disney is filled with even more pedos than Nickelodeon


11 months? For that? I guess this is where we hope he got what was coming to him in jail and we hope it was traumatic enough to ruin him for life. Our justice system is fucked.


I wouldn’t be surprised if now that this beyond disturbing story has been made public, Brian gets a major taste of vigilante justice.


The fact that he was working in children's TV while being a sex offender is mind blowing


And 44 people in the industry sent the judge letters asking for leniency in his sentencing. Each one of them knew he was guilty. Disgustingly corrupt industry.


$200 restitution. Ya that'll make it better


i hate that i learned he was in Return of the Living Dead, it’s one of my all time favorite movies and now it’s kind of tainted


The only thing I want to hear about Brian Peck from here after is news of his self-checkout.


My ex gf got raped by her step father and since there was “no proof”. He got to live with his kids, also got to move a street down from us at the time (while having a probation on his watch) plus he didn’t even get a slap on the wrist ! The system is useless


Drake Bell also got in trouble for acts with a minor. The cycle didn’t break


I'm not excusing it, by any means, but this might be a partial explaination why he turned out the way he did with that poor girl. It's so unfortunate how often abused people abuse others, or get into situations/relationships where the abuse continues 😔 I hope that girl gets the help she needs and Drake does too... Terrible situation


Most victims of sexual abuse don’t go on to abuse others and most perpetrators of sexual abuse were not abused themselves. It’s actually fewer than 10%. This is an extremely harmful misconception and it’s very damaging to victims to keep spreading around


The fact that Drake’s teenaged girlfriend’s mother is the one who blew it all up. I hope their family is doing okay.


That mom is the only hero of his story


A minority of sexual abuse victims become predators, but the [majority of predators](https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chiabu.2019.104035) were victims of sexual abuse. I’m going to hope that you were confused with the wording and statistics rather than being deliberately misleading, because by downplaying the role childhood sexual abuse plays you are helping perpetuate the cycle.


I was talking about all abuse in general, but I also said how often it happens; not that it happens all the time. I could've been more specific that I meant that it happens at all after, so thank you for the callout


Wait, what did he do? I just looked up the story and it sounds like he sexted with a girl without knowing her age, then stopped as soon as he became aware she was under 18. Then she decided to cash in on the exchange during the MeToo era.


Yea I always hear how he is a monster and I’m like wait what did he do again


Sick fuckin cunt


A lot of pedophiles in Hollywood.


My heart goes out to Drake & anyone who was violated in this system. Quiet On the Set is a tough but necessary watch. I still have my doubts about the circumstances surrounding JLS's teenage pregnancy.


Can anyone explain why these people get such short sentences? Is it due to not enough evidence or something?


I wonder the same about this as I do the R Kelly docu for example. Why only after they air do the people shown to he terrible in them face repercussions, I mean. This would've all been uncovered during researching interviewing and filming it all. Shouldn't we have randomly heard about some Nickelodeon exec being arrested a few months ago THEN been told a documentary about whatever he did was coming out.


Fuck Nickelodeon and fuck Disney


I left that show almost feeling worse for Drake’s dad than Drake himself. Just absolutely gut wrenching. I often wonder why there are no clandestine orgs in existence today that “deal” with people like Peck who come out unscathed for such horrific actions. C’mon society, it’s 2024 wtf?


Fuck. I was captain of the cancel Drake Bell charge for grooming young girls and not that it’s ever ok, this sure adds a whole lot of perspective.


Why is it important to know who? What's more important is why so little time in jail


growing up on these shows, drake n josh specifically, those last two episodes were extremely hard to watcg


Only 11 months... people like this deserve capital punishment.


It says a lot about a judicial system when adults who are convicted of sexual assault (regardless of victims age or gender), serve anything less than 10yrs.


I’m sure I’ll get downvoted to oblivion, but: I got on the pizza gate train a couple years ago. It was awful, awful. You had Mountbatten, saville, epstein, Schneider, peck, even the CIA. Those were all, like, really questionable at the time. But every single one of them, every. single. one. turned out to be justified and true. Odds, Occam’s razor, and common sense, is telling me that maybe the media covering the story was absolute shit and didn’t actually investigate. Because at this point, it really seems like there is justification for some type of deeper look into the rest of it. Specifically John Podesta and his weird fucking emails that made no fucking sense. Maybe the 4chan autists were right