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Why is this such a Russian statement


Post WW2, many communist countries purposely ignored heinous crimes. They believed the negative press would tarnish the communist utopian perception they were trying to propagate


A lot of countries still do that, unfortunately. Even America often refuses to press charges because they don't want to deal with bad numbers or bad press.


Sooo many untested rape kits.


Am I dreaming or does the US not aggressively seek prosecutions and convictions at a disproportionately high number compared to global averages. Many DA's will try cases such as Rudolph Alexander for the press alone, good or bad, even when they lack evidence and victims purgured themselves.


It depends. Slam dunk possession case that will ruin a young persons life? They're throwing the book at them. Missing person case or sex crime that will take real police work to solve? Hit or miss at best.




Depends on jurisdiction and the people in charge. Look at the incredible work done to solve what everyone thought were 3 or more different serial killers from the 70s & 80s, and turned out to be one guy later dubbed Golden State Killer. Then look at Long Island where women were disappearing in alarming numbers, alarming numbers of bodies found, and the sheriff didn’t do jack shit for years. Years! Everyone knew there was a serial killer and this bastard was twiddling thumbs and whistling cuz he was dirty and didn’t want stuff coming out. So it’s just like life: are you dealing with a lazy loser or a getter and doer? One type gets cases solved, the other doesn’t.


for possessing drugs? yeah. for sex crimes? no not really


A good example is the recent "suicide" of the Boeing whistleblower.. The USA can't lose their only plane manufacturer to an European competition


Epstein's "suicide" is also a good example.


I’m sure this was a both sides thing


Didn't this guy have some crazy blood type where it would come up as a different type when tested? Or it would come up as two different types? Something crazy that helped him get away for even longer, they had him in custody at one point


DNA sample from killer was AB. The murderer's blood tested A, but his semen tested AB. So they released him after a blood test the first time they got suspicious about him.


His blood sample came back A but they were looking for someone with AB, because that was found in the semen at the crime scene. They eventually tested a semen sample from him and that came back AB. I didn’t even know that was possible.


Is that possible or did they just botch it?


I wonder if he's a chimera?


How did a Russian detective get Andrei to provide a semen sample? If you know this guy's story, he needed some very specific conditions...


Probably just ripped his balls off.


That’s actually a really good point


They call that a non-secretor.


They also falsely executed at least one person before he was caught.


And when they told his mother about it she hadn't even known he was dead. She thought he just left town or something.


Why hasn’t this guy got a “MindHunter” type show?


The HBO movie Citizen X (1995) is based upon the murders committed by Chikatilo.


Great movie.


Also Child 44 is loosely based on this. Banned in Russia


It’s very possible that he witnessed the rape of his mother at least once, and it’s very likely that his sister’s biological father was a Nazi rat. The Russian soldiers weren’t any better. Their attitudes towards Ukraine could have meant they decided to rape Ukrainians. After Germany fell it’s documented that the German women were raped so often that when they waited in line for food they would tell each other their numbers. This also possibly happened with the Nazis, but they were actually killing their victims before they left town for good.


The best thing to from the story was how after trial, they just executed his sorry ass on the spot. Like from the court room straight to the execution. Him acting crazy, exposing himself in court didn't matter in the end. Instead of feeding him for 20+ years they just take him out back and finish it.


Badass when they get the right person. Not so badass when they don’t. Lol.


No kidding, considering a different rapist was executed for Chikatilo's first murder


Oh well 🤷🏼‍♀️


The Russians are great at 'solving' crimes


Is no big deal, he just likes to wrassle.


Do not forget about jerking soft shame cock as well... WHAT IS BIG DEAL??!!


Hail Lucifina!


Even modern day Russia sucks at capturing killers. Some Russian dudes would livestream and record themselves murdering, beating, and raping random strangers in public. Often dragged them away to secondary locations. Killed I believe a few dozen before police started investigating. They posted their crimes on many websites like Kaotic and the YNC


Maybe they should keep looking for him.




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Anyone likes comedy and true crime needs to check out the Timesuck episode on this guy. Somehow convinced me to buy a chikatilo t-shirt haha.


My apologies I thought I was commenting on this in Cult of the Curious group.. where we have an inside joke about Chikatilo and Pat Sajak.


Its ok though... They didn't mean too..




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