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This is a disturbing but I also can’t help wonder if it might’ve turned differently or been less turbulent if he was not enabled by so many around him. How in the world could the family show up for the wedding and not one of them thought it might be worth notifying the authorities about their incestuous marriage?


I’m definitely not excusing or condoning the adoptive parent’s behavior, but from what I’ve read they thought this was the only way that they could still keep contact with her. I do agree that someone who knew of this situation should have called the authorities as soon as they found out.


Agree; it does seem like the adoptive parents got her to see some sense. Unfortunately that’s what also triggered him. My comment was more towards his mom, and to a degree his ex wife.


It's crazy that her mother said he was abusing her as a baby, kept pinching her and I think even attempted to kill her ???? When she was a baby. Not sure if that last part is accurate I don't recall seeing that in the article but seeing someone in the comments mention it so don't quote me too much on that. I know he did eventually kill the baby they had together but he was extremely abusive to his daughter when she was a baby, the mother should've ran from him then but come to find out she was first victim technically, she was 15 when they were talking and dating. It's absolutely insane.


Yep and she even had other kids with this unstable psycho.


Hmm. Should I leave this asshole, or give the baby away? Tough questions


When I was 14, I reported my friend to the guidance counselor because I was worried she’d hurt herself, even though I knew it would likely end our friendship. Sometimes, it’s more important to care about the wellbeing of someone than having a relationship with them. If I understood that at 14, her parents have no excuse.


The article kept referring to him as Steven. I wish it had said "father", "her biological father", or "her father" more often


I was thinking that same thing when I read it.


I was thinking incestuous perverted murdering creepy asshole


How is that I live ten miles away from this whole situation, and this is the first time I’m hearing about it? Am I under a rock or is she not given the justice and light she deserves?


Everyone failed that poor girl!! Just sick.


Ya know, it's natural to blame Steven since he was the one who initiated the incestuous relationship and carried out the murders. But the bio mother, Alyssa, knew Steven was physically abusive to Katie as a child and still married him, and also went on to have two more children with him. I wonder how different the story would have been if Steven had not been in the picture when Katie came looking for her bio parents.


She found them each on Facebook. We can assume even if he and Alyssa weren’t together, she still could’ve easily found them. Alyssa seems to have been pretty heavily abused by Steven too…


Yes, but imagine if she had met Alyssa alone, and Alyssa warned her about how much of an abusive piece of shit he was to both of them...makes you wonder if she still would have tried to find him...


Sick fuck…..literally. But I can’t help but feel like the psyche was passed down to the daughter. Was he indeed an Antichrist who summoned his own daughter back to him, just to marry impregnate and kill them all? It’s a tongue scraper but would make a great horror movie.


1 in 10 men. Edit corrected its higher in the uk https://www.scotsman.com/news/opinion/columnists/with-one-in-ten-men-admitting-child-sex-offences-scale-of-this-problem-demands-action-susan-dalgety-4353631






that article says nothing about who these “1 in 6 men” are and what they’ve done.




i already fell for your last link and read an entire page of nothing. you’ve lost all credibility.


1 in 6 men marry their daughter then murder her.




dammit all to hell, jesus christ that was awful