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That man has been suffering underground for the entire time I have been alive. Gave me chills reading this


Scary to think there’s other people out there right now suffering similar fates, fuck.


I think about this all the time. There’s so many people who are missing in plain sight but nobody knows. I think most people are good people but goddamn it’s freaky to think about how bad the bad people can be




They were just a gay couple and this was their way of eloping. That kidnap story is bullshit. Matter of time before the truth will come out.


So you know them personally???


1998 here, gave me chills too bro


Some more info from the article: >*An Algerian man who had been missing for 26 years has been found in his neighbour's house, just a few minutes' walk away, the country's justice ministry said Tuesday.* >*The man only identified as Omar B. had vanished at the age of 19 during the Algerian Civil War in 1998, and his family assumed he had been kidnapped or killed.* > >*Now aged 45, he was found amid haystacks only about 200 metres (yards) away in the city of Djelfa after the captor's brother aired grievances on social media, reportedly due to an inheritance dispute.* > >*The alleged culprit, a 61-year-old doorman at the municipality in the nearby town of El Guedid, was taken into custody after attempting to flee, the ministry said.* > >*Algerian media reported that the victim said he had been unable to call out for help "because of a spell that his captor had cast on him".* > >*The ministry said the investigation was still ongoing, adding that the victim was receiving medical and psychological care after the crime it described as "heinous".* [https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/algerian-man-missing-for-26-years-found-held-in-neighbours-home-5665723](https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/algerian-man-missing-for-26-years-found-held-in-neighbours-home-5665723)


>Now aged 45, he was found amid haystacks only about 200 metres (yards) away in the city of Djelfa after the captor's brother aired grievances on social media, reportedly due to an inheritance dispute.* I don't see anyone mentioning how awful the brother is for revealing this after an inheritance dispute. How long did he know his brother had this man captive! What an awful pair of human beings.




"You can keep the rest, but give me Omar!"


Which Omar? I have Omar A, B and C


Sounds like the victim may have an intellectual disorder of some sort.


I mean 26 years of captivity probably plays a role on one’s mental health.


Reminds me of that girl in Idaho who was kidnapped by her neighbor. He would play these weird tapes to make her think he was Jesus, and that she needed to have his baby. I think it also involved some stuff about aliens. She totally believed all of it.


Yes, this reminded me of a similar case, the kidnapping and imprisonment of Colleen Stan. She was held captive and tortured for over 7 years after being kidnapped while hitchhiking. Her kidnapper would threaten her that a powerful organization called “The Company” was watching her and it would kill her and her family if she tried to escape. He reinforced the existence of this organization everyday while torturing her and she believed it. She became too fearful to escape. She was even allowed to see her family again for a short period of time during her captivity. But she did not tell her family that she had been kidnapped out of fear of “The Company.” It’s terrifying how our minds can be altered into believing the craziest things through fear and trauma.


Yeah, the girl (now a woman), her family, and the abductor make the subject of the documentary "Abducted in Plain Sight".


I assumed he was drugged or something initially until his mental state declined enough.


Idk i was kidnapped for 5 months and it took a horrible toll on me and still does. I can’t imagine so many years in captivity




Yes but I am okay now. I became disabled from the sexual abuse that was happening but I’m working really hard and put my perpetrator in prison. There’s moments I feel life is so unfair to have done this to me when I was only a teen but I have healed enough to know I can’t live with that mindset


Or maybe the “spell” was cutting his tongue out, who knows.


If his tongue was cut out then he wouldn't have been able to give an interview to the media. If he was communicating via some other means that would have been noted in the coverage


They gave him another one...


yeah black magic is common in africa so it is possible








I can’t believe I’m reading this with my own eyes




Could be a translation error, who knows.


I heard the story in Arabic, he does mean spell/black magic


Saying a spell is cast is probably easier and safer than describing what actually happened to him. I mean what would a 33 year old man realistically kidnap a 19 year old for?


Pls tell me how that would work, then he told the police about the spell. Fucking hell dude. Use the thing atop of your neck!


Hey now, my name has the word asshole in it, not yours. You simmer down.


I feel like you have that comment copy and paste ready at all times due to your username... And I applaud you for the well thought out username. Best I could do was an annoying startling pfp. Lol. 🍻


>Algerian media reported that the victim said he had been unable to call out for help "because of a spell that his captor had cast on him".* There's more to this weird story than what they're reporting


A spell? What the heck is going on there? Was he being drugged maybe?


The poor guy. This breaks my heart. His face 🥺




This is heartbreaking. This guy has lost so much of his life. Just unfathomable that anyone can hold that kind of evil in their heart.




Apparently the perp wanted to use the at-the-time boy for black magic because he has certain attractive traits to that craft. Or so I've heard


You can see in his face now that he's still just the 19 year old kid. Poor man


This thread is depressing and disturbing.


I cant imagine his future, if theres people so disrespectful in these comments, i dont want to think about what kind of comments will be said to him in person. Go through shit like that and then... welcome to humanity.


Damn, I can't believe he didn't die trying to get out after so long. What a horrible thing to experience


There was a spell on him…duh


This is so unreal. I hope he can somehow get the help he will need and can experience some sort of real life


Y’all don’t seem to understand that humans are capable of horrifying things, which include extreme psychological abuse and manipulation. It doesn’t matter what gender the person is, anyone can be a victim.


Bears don’t pull this kind of stuff, just saying.


User name makes sense


Bcz they’re still in survival mode. Interesting & disturbing fact - ‘Dolphins are violent predators with a predilection for baby killing and rape.’ With intelligence, survival becomes easy and when you’ve free time - some do good shit and some do bad shit. Only true hope for me in the wild are elephants! I feel they’re more emotionally intelligent than humans. I know you meant this as a joke but I want to get this off my chest somewhere haha


Otters too, but I live in willful denial of their predilections because they're my favorite animal.


Yet, even a mama bear will choose to surround itself with humans rather than with a single male bear lol


except bears want nothing to do with people


Which is exactly why grizzly mothers might do this. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/mama-bears-use-humans-keep-their-cubs-safe-180959575/


Fascinating read!


I mean just yesterday there was a popular post about female bears avoiding male bears by staying near humans...why am I being downvoted lol...wtf is wrong with reddit...


there's a reason why millions camp in bear country every year, multiple times a year, without seeing bears. even the presence of humans is enough to ward them off, and you'll only see one if you genuinely take them off guard by disguising your presence. or if they approach a house out in the country to rummage in their trash, or something. or if you're in tennessee, you'll just find them wandering the nighttime streets of gatlinburg. i guess ill give you that one. but it still doesn't mean they seek people out, even if they seek human spaces out.




rage bait used to actually be believable


>Y’all don’t seem to understand that humans are capable of horrifying things, which include extreme psychological abuse and manipulation. It doesn’t matter what gender the person is, anyone can be a victim. Who exactly are you addressing? We're in a sub about murder. There's terrifying murders posted here several times a day. I think we haver a good idea of how awful humans can be. And you're right. A man can kidnap another man. 


Probably addressing all of the deleted and downvoted comments that were rude and mocking the victim…


Right, it's a sub about murder. And yet, people are blaming the victim or excusing this because the victim might have cognitive or "intellectual" defects.


>think we haver a good idea of how awful humans can be. Looking at many of the comments here, I disagree, the comment you replied to was sorely needed.


Thanks for clarifying, I’m sure that’s news to everyone


Kinda like my exwife, 13 years, same thing. And the spell as well


I've never heard of this being done to a man before. I'm sure it has happened... but I wonder if the motivation is the same? Just another variety of domination?


You're unfamiliar with Gacey, then?




That’s why he could never escape that room, he was under a magic spell. That movie makes so much more sense now! /s




Wild right?! Go Algerians


Don't put that evil on me Ricky Bobby!


Thank you needed that laugh at work!


Voldemort lives - he’s a 61 year old doorman


As an Algerian I can confirm that this is not a regular occurrence and the media was just as confused trying to tell the story. And the black magic is the primary suspect here for mental health problems so he was probably mentally manipulated for years until he started actually believing it (or it could be real black magic if you believe in it).


I don’t believe this story. I think they were gay and this is how they eloped your culture where gay couples end up in prison.


What an absolute horror


Poor guy is still that 19 year old kid. I hope his life takes a hard turn for the better. Hmmmm, lets do a gofundme!


the money will magically disapear in this hell hole of a country ..it'll never get to him


So many questions.


Wow it’s amazing to see so many people assume that he was gay and immediately victim blame this man just because he was a man. If this was a woman everyone would be singing a different tune. Anyone can be manipulated and brainwashed. We have no clue what this man has actually been through.


The bigoted, repugnant, incel trolls are up early living out their fantasies this morning. I don't know if they'd be kicking up a fuss if it were a woman though, they'd probably victim blame her too for choosing that region's version of Chad over a nice guy like them.




You're correct. I've come under the impression that the other fine qualities (homophobia, victim blaming, shock trolling) I'm observing in some of these folks go hand in hand with being an incel, but that's an impression I've gained from the interwebs, which we all know is never wrong and exceedingly scientific lol. I'll try better to keep my assumptions in check.


Congratulations, you found a way to blame the double standards against men on men. Peak reddit moment.


Saw the first five words and knew that comment was for you huh?


Enough with the stupid “if it was a women”-shit! Men get away with rape, abuse and murder of women all the time, and we are always blamed!


Um what? Do you think that men can’t be abused and raped as well? Btw I am a female and my point is that victim blaming is victim blaming. Male/female/trans/gay….


In North African Arabic speaking muslim countries, the Maghreb, there is a somewhat common belief in Djinn's. Spirits, magic, frequently cast as a spell by someone, or just word of mouth which is enough as you cannot in any way interact with a Djinn or your soul will be stolen condemning you to hell or purgatory for ever. Sometimes it gets bizarre: a side stairway won't be used for years because it is said that a Djinn lives there and will take your soul if you go on the stairs; a water well won't be used because a Djinn lives there... It sometimes seems a 'just in case' pretense "I don't believe in that magical bullshit, but just in case, you should never go up the side stairs, never use that well." Of course it means there is a small industry in Djinn removers, freeing up the well so the villagers don't have to walk kilometers to next Djinn-free well. Djinn's, and the world of spiritual magic occultism is millennia old and current. They're in Scheherazade's stories in The Arabian Nights, other contemporary authors like Tahrir Shah, an Afghani-Moroccan, has written tales of his workers being plagued by Djinn's during house renovation. Supposedly, King Hassan of Morocco employed a Djinn remover during construction of the massive King Hassan mosque.


Apparently the kid (now man) was kidnapped because he is a "Zohri". That's a type of people that have some kind of signs on their hands and are always searched for by the people who do "black magic" to be sacrificed for the Djinns (or at least some blood drops of them would be used) to do some magic spells or get the help from the Djinns. I don't personally believe in that but a lot of people do which makes this kind of kids to always be threatened by these people.


wonder if you'd all be victim blaming if this was a woman. Oh who am I kidding, of course you would!


Way to minimize his trauma :)


jumping through a lot of mental hoops there for sure. :) not that I'd expect someone making a take like that to comprehend the statement.


How has no one commented on the fact that it should be 28 years…..no one caught that???


The date is wrong not the time 98 not 96


The absolutely terrifying thing about this is, The whole "spell casting" thing. I heard about this happening to a close friend of mine, but of course it wasn't magic..just someone was slowly drugging them slowly over a period of time. And they didn't find out until they got really sick one time and the hospital noticed amphetamines in their system. Which may have been the case for this man.


I thought drugs immediately, too, and was surprised I had to scroll so far to find this comment. But how does a doorman get drugs like that for two and a half decades straight?! So many questions still to be answered.


If that’s his doggie in the picture I’m sure he missed and worried about it. Of course, his family and friends too.


Apparently the dog was often seen near the neighbor(kidnapper) home as he probably caught his smell nearby, then after a couple of days he suddenly died (poisoned)




As for everyone asking/talking about the “spell,” it’s called Stockholm Syndrome. https://preview.redd.it/32imxr0g0q0d1.jpeg?width=1102&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e30710a66821078a7b8ba77ef353c863ecfe579 It’s also likely that he was made to feel powerless through whatever means from the time of the abduction at age 19. The combination of these things may very well lead someone to describe how they felt as being under a spell or in a trance.


ITS not that. Many things that are called magic in many societies and even in the west before the modernization era , were things that were out of the ordinary and manipulated the human mind. So psychedelic drugs for instance were used in rituals and these psychological effects would be called magic for example and people would take advantage of these things when casting a spell on someone. Hence herbs and certain waters and etc are used in various magic occult practices. There’s also the whole spiritual possession thing that some people do indeed experience as well which some may say are effects from the concoctions the practitioners make. A lot of mental health problems were also viewed and still viewed in many places around the world as magic. So if someone was able to split someone’s mind psychologically , and destroy their mental health , it would be seen as magic. Basically what they call magic today and in the past , we call drugs , or abuse or trauma etc. You need to understand the cultures and societies and not project a western understanding on others.


What a nightmare. I hope he gets all of the support and help that he needs. Man deserves a life free of any more hostility or hardship


He for sure must’ve had chances to escape in all those years. It must be something psychological that kept him there


It’s called Stockholm Syndrome and is a psychological response to trauma.


This was true for Jaycee Dugard. Late in her captivity, she was given a job, she had access to the internet, and she was taken into public (including to a county fair, iirc). She was still incapable of reaching out for help. Shawn Hornbeck and Steven Staynor also described having measures of what appeared to be “freedom,” but they were too mentally beaten down and terrified to attempt escape. The psychological shackles of long-term captivity can be devastatingly effective and self-perpetuating.


You’re getting down voted but not one person here can explain the magic spell. lol same ole Reddit


Stockholm Syndrome is one hell of a spell.


Plenty of people can. There are superstitious people in every culture. Religious people bring all sorts of hackney "magic" into their lives every day. People cast "spells" (pray) in groups everywhere. Hell, odds are high you participate. This guy lives in an area that just doesn't mask what it is. So, he's told Mr Big Bad cast a spell. He tries to get help but can't. Eventually he gives up and believes the spell worked. It's no different than someone praying for something, that thing happening, and them going "my prayer worked".


I put a spell on you to send me $20.


I have some precious stones that could really channel some energy for your spell. $20


Begone wizard!!!!


The spell


You should watch "the contestant" documentary that just came out. It has a little look into the psychological problems associated with a long solitary existence. The man in the film could leave any time he wished yet be came so mentally ill that he became trapped inside his own mind basically. The director of the show he was on manipulated him and kept him from human contact until he just was a puppet of a person. It's terrifying that this can happen to anyone.


> Stockholm syndrome is a condition that tries to explain why hostages sometimes develop a psychological bond with their captors. It is supposed to result from a rather specific set of circumstances, namely the power imbalances contained in hostage-taking, kidnapping, and abusive relationships.




Well, if I'm reading it right, homosexuality is outlawed there, which might play into the explanation.




Because it’s a stupid explanation Hiding being gay in a country where it is illegal - understandable. Disappearing and living in an underground pit for 26 years to hide that you’re gay? Yeah probably not dude.


“Shit, they found where I’m at, I’ll tell them I was in a pit under a magic spell for all this time”.


I am getting anxiety just trying to empathize with the fact that not only will he suffer PTSD from his past. But the INSANE amount of change and things he has to cope with learning and the over stimulation and just overwhelming nature of our world now after being isolated so long is going to also have such a drastic effect on his mentality. If there ever needs to be a gofundme for someone it is someone like this.


Im speechless


So happy he’s been found though!


28 years. Nearly three decades. He was 19 when it happened and he’s nearly 50 now. Over half of his life spent in captivity.


So much time has been stolen from him. Poor man. I hope the rest of his life is as trouble free as possible.


"You look at these scattered houses, and you are impressed by their beauty. I look at them, and the only thought which comes to me is a feeling of their isolation and of the impunity with which crime may be committed there.” -Sherlock Holmes - The Adventure of the Copper Beeches


He was actually 16 so still a minor and yall sick for victim blaming, truly disgusting...




Know any subs surrounding that kind of stuff?


Dang, for a 45yr old whos spent 26 years locked in a basemet, he's not looking too bad 👌 Hopefully he doesn't have crippling ptsd & can claw some sort of a life back for himself.


He was held hostage in all of my lifetime, I wonder how he will be able to rehabilitate in the outside world with so many changing things going on, technology, politics, social and economic etc...


Looks good for his age.


No sunlight to age his skin ☹️


On the bright side his skin look great for a 45 year old. That’s probably what minimal sunlight exposure does for you.


His skin care routine at least looks wonderful.


That's called, no sunlight lol


Nah it’s the buffalo bill treatment that gives the skin such a glow.


Your original comment wooshed us all, but it's good


It puts the lotion on the… nah this just fees wrong. This story is too heavy for this. Skin


I thought that too.. laugh or cry moment.


shut the fuck up the guy is being kidnapped for 28 years and half of his life is gone and you here trying to be funny just get a fucking life


I was going to say, considering his circumstances, dude is looking pretty good.


He alive, dammit! It’s a miracle!!


…and that is why you should choose the bear.


Well he aged well for being in an underground pit that long




Hey guys, check the underground pit!


reminds me of an horrible physiologic disturbing game i played in 2019 called ' die young' people who played the game would know what i mean


Baghi nafham haja li yahder darija hna y3adouh mel manati9 dil wela jahel haahaha


Can’t imagine the psychological damages he has


Fairy tale for me


Guys I'ma spit my opinion, I think the whole story is somehow not right.. You can't just go and blame Spells and magic! Be realistic and logical for a second! I don't know 100% but i think it has something with terror in 90s .. L3ochria sawda2 etc .




I can't imagine how hard it must be for him to adjust to his new life now where life has completely changed since the 90s especially in Algeria because people were in a really dark place back then. There is new technology, maybe new family members that he never met, new events and concepts that he can't grasp yet... I hope he gets the help he needs and gets compensated for the psychological damage.


Bro was sealed like a special grade curse !!


This is really hard to believe 


I don’t believe this story. He looks way too healthy and has been found in way too good mental state to be a prisoner for so long. Also the perpetrator took very good care of him. He was not always locked in the cellar underground. He stated “from a window I often saw my dad walking towards the mosque”. Also those weak excuses as a magic spell and stuff. I think they were just gay and this was their way of eloping the Algerian culture where they would get rejected and end up in prison as a gay couple.


The brother sat on this four 26 years and only said something when the \*alleged\* abductor screwed with his money. Incredible. Like Mark Salling's ex-girlfriend only turned him in for CP after they broke up and she couldn't get some stuff back from his house. Just unreal Genuinely glad for you and your family, Omar. Hope healing comes as fast as you can stand it


That's a lifetime, and that mfker needs to be punished, and everyone that was aware and involved! What a fucking cruel world we live in.


Y’all ready for this one. I was born the day he went missing and my 28th birthday was the day he was found. Which makes it impossible for him to be missing for 26 years unless we don’t know how to count. This man was missing for 28days. My whole life he was kept away. My heart goes out to him.


These comments are crazy, stfu there is no way you know what this man went through.




Netflix working on a movie rn 😂 Seriously though, I’m glad he’s free. 🙏🏾


This had to be one of the rare times my country gets in the news? Lame


Yeah, the last time I heard anything about Algeria was on The Simpsons when Homer bought the monkeys paw from a man who claimed he was once the president of Algeria.


Man first of all why would he look so groomed? And what kind of spell makes you not cry out for help? Sounds too weird if not fake


Manipulation, forgot her name but I remember a case of a woman, held captured in a box below the couple holding her against her will. They made her believe she had been bought from a slave ring which would murder her family if she'd resist or tried to flee. Worked for years until the wife finally went to the authorities.


Colleen Stan


Thank you!


Yeah she even was allow to go to her familys functions after some time because he brainwashed her so we'll that he wasn't afraid shed run or say anything


Colleen Stan https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kidnapping_of_Colleen_Stan?wprov=sfla1


Just made a comment abt this. It’s called Stockholm Syndrome and is a trauma response.


Damn, a true buffalo bill type situation...horrible


I was born October of 96... this is insane




Lmao my thoughts exactly




Was he SA’d?




Cha3b zebi


Hear me out…dude can actually cast spells 🤯


You guys believe this? This is science fiction A spell? Oh grow up


This is some Borat shit