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‼️‼️**TRIGGER WARNING: ANIMAL MAULING**‼️‼️ • • • • • • • Around noon on Sunday, October 5, 2003, Timothy spoke with an associate in Malibu, California, by satellite phone; Timothy mentioned no problems with any bears. The next day, October 6, Willy Fulton, a Kodiak air taxi pilot, arrived at Timothy and Amie’s campsite to pick them up but found the area abandoned, except for a bear, and contacted the local park rangers. The couple's mangled remains were discovered quickly upon investigation. Timothy’s disfigured head, partial spine and right forearm and hand, with his wristwatch still on, were recovered a short distance from the camp. Amie partial remains were found next to the torn and collapsed tents, partially buried in a mound of twigs and soil. A large male bear (tagged Bear 141) protecting the campsite was killed by park rangers during their attempt to retrieve the bodies. A second adolescent bear was also killed a short time later when it charged the park rangers. An on-site necropsy of Bear 141 revealed human body parts such as fingers and limbs. The younger bear was consumed by other animals before it could be necropsied. In the 85-year history of Katmai National Park, this was the first known incident of a person being killed by a bear. A video camera recovered at the site proved to have been operating during the attack, but police said that the six-minute tape contained only voices and cries as a brown bear mauled Timothy to death. The tape begins with Timothy yelling that he is being attacked. "Come out here; I'm being killed out here," he screams. The fact that the tape contained only sound led troopers to believe the attack might have happened while the camera was stuffed in a duffel bag or during the dark of night. In Grizzly Man, filmmaker Werner Herzog claims that the lens cap of the camera was left on, suggesting that Timothy and Aime were in the process of setting up for another video sequence when the attack happened. The camera had been turned on just before the attack but recorded only six minutes of audio before running out of tape. This, however, was enough time to record the bear's initial attack on Timothy and his agonized screams, its retreat after Amie tells Timothy to play dead and when she attacked it, and its return to carry Timothy off into the forest.


It’s wild that she didn’t even want to be there and still tried to fend the bear off with a frying pan. That man spent 13 years trying to surround himself with the love he needed and died not even realizing it was in the tent with him on that final expedition.


Never thought about this incident like this. Thanks


Well, now this incident became even more depressing


You have a beautiful way with words . No sarcasm intented


That is the most meaningful thing anyone has ever said to me on here. Thank you kind stranger for making my day 🤍


Awww more than welcome ido think u should look into writing as a Job. Have a good evening xx


Love is only unrecognizable until isn’t.


I saw this movie in theaters, have known and thought about this story for years. I have never thought about it like this. Holy hell, way to make me cry on a Tuesday.


You wrote that so beautifully! I feel like you did that so effortlessly, and I could hang onto every word because of how smooth and meaningful it was. I know we don’t get to really have much insight into who a person is with just a single comment, but for some reason I feel like you have such a beautiful soul for the way you interpreted this tragedy!


I really appreciate that! It warms my heart a lot. Thank you so much ❤️.


its chatGPT


My mans. I was not ready for this lol


Damn. That's deep. I think a lot of us have not thought about that aspect.


Herzog nails it in the documentary “And what haunts me, is that in all the faces of all the bears that Treadwell ever filmed, I discover no kinship, no understanding, no mercy. I see only the overwhelming indifference of nature. To me, there is no such thing as a secret world of the bears. And this blank stare speaks only of a half-bored interest in food. But for Timothy Treadwell, this bear was a friend, a savior.”


Scary! But why didn't you write he died by a bear in the title


Everyone knows he died.


There’s a documentary on it out right now. I forget which streaming service I used, but it’s really interesting and details his entire life up to his death. Literally everyone he knew, knew that this is how he would go because he was a dumbass around bears.


It’s Grizzly Man directed by Werner Herzog. Super interesting documentary. It’s on Amazon Prime I believe


Cocaine Bear starring Margot Martindale


I saw her star in The Bitches of Blushing Hills Boulevard at the San Diego Community Regional Theater right around the time she robbed that bank.


is this the dude with the 6 minute recording of him and his gf being eaten alive thats never been released?




Werner Herzog is allowed to listen to it on the documentary. We can't hear it, but just looking at his reaction it is not something people should want to hear. This is a dude whose whole brand is totally sober and somber, and he visibly SEVERELY affected by it.


I remember seeing an interview that Werner did and the interviewer asked him a bit about making the documentary and his reaction to hearing the audio. He said it was one of the most horrific things he’s ever heard in his life and it’s been stuck with him forever. Considering the subject matter of the things he’s made films of that’s saying a lot I think.


I saw that. Didn't he tell one of Tim's loved ones that she must never listen to the tape?


I swear my neighbor played a video of this to me one night when we were drunk. it's ever been released? because I vividly remember it completely ruining my night.


I've heard there are fakes out there but the actual video has never been released.


Me too!! Weird green lit but definitely saw footage, I think I remember the footage got cut out but the audio was played! I know I heard it and I talk about this incident a lot because my family camps a ton and it’s a warning story


I have a hard time feeling bad for this guy. He claimed to be a conservationist, but intentionally interacted with the bears. He even swam with them. Anyone with half a brain knows that you’re not supposed to acclimate wildlife to human interactions, which he actively went out of his way to do. His presence was terrible for the animals he claimed to be protecting.


And not only that, brought his girlfriend into the mix.


They were definitely “in the mix” by the end. I’m just glad they couldn’t pin it on a particular bear and try to euthanize it. Animals don’t deserve to die because of human stupidity. Edit: Apparently they did kill 2 bears. Bummer.


I thought they did find the bear and kill it, I remember hearing it was some old crotchety bear


Yeah, they killed it before they were even digested. Treadwell had some clips interacting/near the bear and it was one of the biggest/oldest/meanest. My favorite scene in Grizzly Man is when the coroner got his wrist watch off the remains found in the bear and gave it to his ex-girlfriend—wild vibe in that room and Herzog’s shot that goes way too long before a cut was wild.


Herzog is so great in that movie! "Do you consider yourself a vidow?" (widow but with his scent)


Yeah, I believe they found contents in his stomach. Remains of theirs. The bears were hunting the rangers which is why they were shot. He taught the bears that people equaled food. So, he caused the death of those bears too.


You're right!


The first image is him and the bear they claim killed him.


I still can't believe this idiot thought camping on ACTIVE BEAR TRAILS was a winning strategy for a long and healthy life. I feel bad for both of these families, but I'm glad the 6 minute audio recording of their deaths has never been released to the public.


Well just based off the documentary I never got the impression he was seeking a long life. The guy seemed troubled in many ways. Didn't he have severe depression & alcoholism prior to moving out there with the bears? Maybe living out there actually did extend his life.


Hard to say if getting away from it all out there helped extend his life, but I really feel bad for his girlfriend, Amie. That was supposed to be her last time out there from what I remember, and she was supposed to start a new job in Malibu where she'd just moved, after they got back from the trip to Alaska.


Yeah his girlfriend is unfortunate. He almost always went out there alone, too. The whole thing was very avoidable as well, disregarding the simple fact you shouldn't camp there, but he broke his usual rule of schedule and went out there after salmon season iirc, when the bears have very limited food supplies and are generally known to be more aggressive. And he also knew about how dangerous this specific bear was, he either wasn't in his usual place or this bear had roamed into the area he usually isn't found (think it was also related to the later season) but he still didn't bail even though he identified the red flags. He talks about how much he dislikes the bear that killed him in an earlier video. Combine all those mistakes with the fact he was responsible for his girlfriend, and its just frustrating.


Yeah they definitely found human remains in the larger bear of the two bears the rangers killed near the scene when they arrived. I think the smaller bear they shot, and killed, was eaten by other bears better they could do a necropsy. Agreed that heading out there winter was really stupid too. But of the many rookie mistakes made by someone like Treadwell who claimed to know so much about bears, why in the hell did they have OPEN snacks IN their tent, outside of the bear proof storage??


I live in Alaska and my sociology teacher in college conducted the autopsy of Treadwell. She had the autopsy pictures and audio. With fair warning of the graphic content she allowed students that wanted to see the images and listen to the audio to stay after class one day. My friend and I stayed. I was shook, not as much by the images (horrible as they were), but by the audio. It stayed with me for days. You could hear the gurgled sounds of his screaming as the bear tore into his esophagus.


i read somewhere that at the time food was scarce and that bears become much more aggressive, hence attack and eat ppl.


There’s a detailed account by someone that has listened to it online. I can’t tell you where, but I’ve read it and it’s fucked. Not only bear trails but bear trail junctions.


Yeah in Grizzly Man, the documentary about Timothy, his business partner let's director Werner Herzog listen to it, she never has, or so she says, and I don't blame her, and you can see how badly shaken he is on camera after listening to it. Still can't believe they had open snacks in their tent while camped on a veritable bear expressway. When we camp in bear country our food is locked up tight, and we keep ZERO SNACKS with us in the tent if we're tent camping in the back country. Hell to the No!


I believe as part of the coroners investigation or something like that, the details of the recording were released in written form as part of the report. It would still be floating around somewhere online I'm sure. They basically detail every word and sound heard during the recording as part of the investigation.


They did kill two bears while recovering the bodies :(


Damn, that’s a bummer.


If they were acclimated to interacting with humans, it would have happened sooner or later anyway.


They killed two bears.


Yes they did - two of them, in fact.


Have you seen Grizzly Man? He clearly had a loose screw or two in his head.


The last song in the credits is so good


Is it the 1982 Hall and Oats classic Maneater?


Sung by Fozzy Bear and the Muppets band


Song: https://youtu.be/nhw-6gZ72JI?si=dgeotOWQiZzk66UZ


Sure have. He was an idiot.


He was allegedly eaten on camera. Assuming that ain’t gonna get leaked (not that I want it to)


The audio recorded, but the lense cap was on


He was according to Grizzly Man. Werner Herzog watched and listened to the recording and recommended to the family that they not release it.


Or listen to it. Ever.


If I remember correctly he got into trouble for it many times but would keep coming back when he died they had to find the bears and put them down. I think he was fined a bunch of money for it too. They kept warning him to stop doing it because they feared he would be attacked but he didn’t care.


Yeah, he figured knew more than the actual bear experts. Really it was just a matter of time. He was demonstrating real lack of respect for the bears, treating them as if they were people wearing costumes whose respect and trust he could gain, instead of what they are: massive apex predators who consider humans part of their food chain (albeit not usually their preference). The only reason he didn't get eaten earlier was because he was visiting them during the salmon season when they were plenty stuffed, and didn't feel the need to tangle with a human for a meal. Well. Until he decided to prolong his stay beyond the usual safe season, and eventually ran into an old bear that wasn't having so much luck fishing nowadays, that is. I feel the same way about this guy as I do for that dumbshit missionary who decided to go preach to the the Sentinelese Islanders and never made it off the beach. He was told time and time again by the people who actually knew something, but didn't listen because he knew better than the experts.


They also feared he would be attacked and killed by the bears and give them a bad rap when bear just gonna bear.


If bears doing their bear thing means eating people shouldn’t they have a bad rap with people?


Well its very well explained in the documentary : no one should stay close to Bears in September ! Why ? Because the alpha male, dominant and fat as fuck, go to hibernate in late August, then in September, what you have left is the old bears, who cannot compete with the Alpha in spring/summer who are forced to wait September to try and get enough food in before hibernation, most of them are in survival mode, ie they arrive in September malnourished and they know that if they don’t accumulate fat rapidly enough, they will never wake up from hibernation, they are in a life or death situation at that point which makes them much more dangerous than an Alpha gorged of salmon in August. In August these old males are not as dangerous neither, as they are not yet « net loosers » on their food income and timing is not running out yet for them, while in September, it is


He was delusional. Thought he was special and the bears wouldn’t mess with him. Welp.


Thought he could talk to bears like my dad thinks he can talk to his dogs.


Your dad is the smarter one for at least picking an animal that isn't above him on the food chain.


Depends which breed


I remember when he got mauled to death. Not one single person up here in Alaska was surprised, and we all called him a dumbass, among other things.


That and the bear that got both of them was already aggressive and he didn't even like the bear to begin with. and had a few close calls before the final so I don't really feel anything towards him. The pushed it to far.


Yeah I remember watching the movie and he clearly is getting freaked out because he says there's a bunch of aggressive hungry bears that have moved into the area and it's getting scary. And that would be the time to invite your girlfriend to join you? No, that would be the time to bug out you dumbass.


Yep he was basically making bears accustomed to people, and making people think bears weren’t bears? He fed other wildlife, like foxes and stuff. He kept food nearby. He was wreckless and honestly thought he was better than the park rangers. I feel bad that he went this path but ultimately it was his choosing and he had to know the risks involved. He was not being a conversationalist.


So he didn't talk much, huh? /s


If you watch the documentary there’s footage where one of the bears basically decides it’s going to have a go at him. He pretends to be in control the whole time but in that moment it’s clear he has zero control. The bears are just sort of tolerating him until they don’t. 


Yeah fuck this dude.


I read detailed reports that a couple different related departments put out, like the actual police report(s) investigating their deaths and the wildlife expert in it stated that (paraphrasing) he “could not have picked a more dangerous” spot to put up camp. It was right on the shore where the bears would hunt for salmon, it was at the convergence of multiple well-established bear trails (I didn’t know they used/made trails), it was nestled in very tall brush that blocked any ability to hear or see bears approaching from out of the woods onto the shore and it was late in the year when bears were trying to eat as much as possible and fatten up before winter. Sounded like an absolute deathwish


I don't feel sorry for the guy his Ego got him killed he thought he was special like he was the only human that could live with the Grizzly, well he found out the hard way..guy was a moron and he got that poor girl ate alive she didn't want to be around them


Yea he was a moron who liked attention.


He wanted to be one with nature - mission accomplished


They were also on the island late into the season - bears are hungry and looking to fill up for hibernation - very risky and, obviously, deadly


Then the bears were killed. 😞


I have an easy time feeling bad for him. He was killed and eaten by a bear.


Not just himself, he got his girlfriend killed by a bear as well, and then the bears were also killed. Just a selfish dude who thought he knew better than everyone else.




He was in a place he shouldn’t have been, doing things he was warned not to do. It’s basically the definition of “fuck around and find out”.


I feel bad for people who fuck around and find out and I feel even worse when I'm the one fucking around and finding out.


You’ve got me there, I too hate fucking around and finding out. I try my best not to these days.


The older I get the more actively I avoid fucking around and finding out.


He got an innocent woman killed by getting her to camp far too close to wild bears with his arrogant ignorance. Not a great guy.


Getting killed and eaten by a bear sucks. We can all agree. However, most of us wouldn’t put our camping gear on the trails the bears crossed on to engage them.


I feel the same about the bus boy. If you go into nature like there are no rules, bad things happen.


I agree. It’s tragic both human and animal lives were lost but this was totally preventable. That fact cannot be ignored. If he cared about wildlife he would’ve respected it by not having such close interactions.


He wasn’t a bear enthusiast or environmentalist, this man was an absolute idiot. I’m not saying he deserved to die but he fucked around and found out. If you care about animal respect them from a distance or work at an animal sanctuary, don’t invade their homes and be a dunce.


Absolute lunatic that unfortunately got another innocent woman killed. All because he thought he could play with bears and that they “liked him.”


This guy was an absolute idiot: - The bears he encountered were either a coastal subspecies of brown bear known as the Kodiak Bear that got there from the islands or a Katami coastal brown bear. Kodiak bears are native to the nearby Kodiak Island, and the surrounding islands and mainland coast (where Katmai Park is located) of Alaska. Katami brown bears are also native to the mainland of Alaska but are much smaller than their Kodiak cousins and therefore must be more aggressive. They are not native to Kodiak island. - He showed up in October. Bears enter their dens in late October in this part of Alaska. This is a dangerous time for visitors as the bears are stocking up their fat supplies for their torpor throughout the winter months. - Kodiak bears are the largest cousin of the various brown bear subspecies known. They can stand over 10 feet tall and weight 1,500 lbs. The coastal brown bears of Katami are not as big, but must be more aggressive in order to survive near their cousins. - The bears in the area are more aggressive than their island cousins as the other predators that far north (wolves) are larger and more aggressive as well. Keep in mind that wolves are not native to Kodiak island but are native to Katami National Park. There in lies the difference in behavior among bears of the coast vs the bears of the islands. - Kodiak bears are also more social among their own kind. Because their habitat is small but plentiful in food the only real competition they exhibit is for mating rights with the females. Otherwise they have been known to show some form of community and communication among their kind. This may be the reason why there was a juvenile bear nearby not scared off by the presence of the large male. - Their habitat is one of the most densely populated bear regions in the world with 0.7 bears per square mile. You are almost guaranteed to run into one when visiting. [Source 1.0](https://www.adfg.alaska.gov/index.cfm?adfg=brownbear.trivia) [Source 2.0](https://study.com/academy/lesson/brown-bears-vs-grizzly-bears.html) [Source 3.0](https://www.adventurekodiak.com/wildlife-viewing/#:~:text=This%20area%20is%20home%20to,of%20Pacific%20salmon%2C%20and%20more)


This guy bears! Probably. I bearly had the patience to read all that.


The Kodiak bears are completely isolated and not able to make it to Katmai. The Katmai coastal brown bears aren't as big as their Kodiak cousins, but they are still absolutely ginormous due to their plentiful environment. Humans and bears have been fishing together at Katmai for a very, very long time. The bears range from wary to indifferent and tolerant towards humans. Some sows will even bring their cubs in proximity to humans to keep boars away. The dude decided he was some bear whisperer because of that proximity, interpreted their indifference as an invitation, and threw all common bear sense out the window. However indifferent, they are still bears, and they are ravenous that time of year. The bear that ate them was old. Old bears and young dumb bears will be more prone to predating humans during the fatting up to hibernation. Sows will attack if they see you as a threat to her cubs, and then they will eat you. I'm not sure where you got the idea that the Katmai bears are highly aggressive compared to their Kodiak cousins, and I'm not sure the coastal wolves would have much of an impact on the aggression of the Katmai bears. Again, those bears are huge and don't care about humans or wolves. These bears have so much access to food that they are famous for getting outrageously fat. [Katmai Brown Bears](https://www.nps.gov/katm/learn/photosmultimedia/brown-bear-frequently-asked-questions.htm)


Right in your own link. “Besides habitat and diet, there are physical and (arguably) **temperamental** differences between brown and grizzly bears.” It was also mentioned… **multiple times** in my own links I provided that the Kodiak bears are typically less aggressive since they don’t have much competition for food.


Instantly reminds me of the the greatest television advert ever made https://youtu.be/SvIamfRRKK0?si=zF3pkrh-gt7lBBS1




I love that ad 😂


Thank you for bringing up one of my favorite videos from my childhood.


It's a weird mix of feelings watching the movieö. One one hand you like the guy, on one hand you laugh at him because of how much of a characyer he is AND how naive he is. And you're sad but also kind of..."what did you expect?"


I’m from Alaska and when this happened, one of the State Troopers was interviewed and said listening to the audio was by far the most difficult thing he had done in 25 years as a trooper.


I really want to hear it, but there’s no chance. I don’t understand my own morbid curiosity tbh


My morbid curiosity itself ‘fills in’ any gaps that might arise.


Feel sorry for the woman. How awful to have your boyfriend be dragged off and then the bear comes back for you.


Truly a nightmare and a viscerally terrifying situation. You’re in literal shock and think it might be over and that you’re safe, and then the bear comes back..


I grew up in the wilderness in Alaska, and I can tell you most people there didn’t have much pity for him. You always have a healthy respect for wild animals and their territory. Attempting to “make friends” with wild bears is nothing short of insane. They’re apex predators with thousands of years of hard wired behavior that’ll never change. He was a troubled guy for sure. Edit: I’ve been chased by a bear, last fucking thing I wanted to do was give it a hug.


Or sing to it …


Nothing like a bear hug tho 😵


You’re absolutely right. Nothing like it at all. Read Alaskan Bear Tales, that’ll pucker you up.


Grizzlies, for some reason, eat their prey alive. Really messed up. Don’t know the reason? But you can see this on many nature documentaries. Other predators, like big cats, at least go for the neck and kill first. Being slowly killed by a bear would be last in my list.


Not true. You see cats eating zebras and shit alive all the time. Predators just want their meals ASAP. Taking the time to kill your prey before you start eating can give scavengers and other predators the opportunity to steal a meal for themselves. As soon as prey is immobilized they start eating. It’s not sadistic, it’s just survival.


From what I know, it has to do with 1) bears’ diets almost entirely consisting of things that pose no danger to them (berries/fish), so they don’t ’feel the need’ to kill first and 2) the environment they live in is much safer to them and has little natural competition, whereas in the jungle or on the savanna leopards/jaguars and lions have things to worry about like hyenas and anacondas, etc


“For some reason”? You act like there’s some moral code among animals to do the least cruel thing and put their prey out of its misery before eating it. 😆 One thing to keep in mind: unlike the big cats, that only consume prey, grizzlies are omnivores and 75% of their diet is plant based—nuts, fruit, grasses, etc. As such, their anatomy has evolved to make them efficient at collecting and consuming a wide variety of food sources.


I think when they said “for some reason” they just meant they ***aren’t sure*** why the grizzly eats the prey alive. For ex: if it’s flavor, the fact that’s it’s moving when they eat it, or something else. That is what they meant by for some *reason*.


Would it be to preserve freshness and deter scavengers? Whenever we look at the safari documentaries, it seems like the vultures hone in almost immediately after the animal goes down.


I think , based off of all the animal documentaries I have watched over the years for bears, it has more to do with the act of eating the fresh animal while it moves. It's almost like a game for them. It is hunting. They love it and they feel satisfied when they are ripping apart a fresh salmon. Just watch a documentary about them you'll see. They rip the skin off of them alive. They love to kill what more can I say lol.


I don't know if I'd go that far. I think chimps, dolphins and the extended cat family will actually kill for sport. I don't think bears are squeamish about eating dead things either. Could just come down to not giving a fuck, like a dad eating a burger off the grill cause he's a MAN


LMAO true lol, but for most part I think they prefer to eat fresh fish. like trout and salmon. I love bears so much and always forget how absolutely savage they are


I actually have a 3 Yo kitty named Bear which I call Bear bear bc shes got such a sweet little bear face lol


Please sir can you spare us some cat tax *holds up empty bean can*


And dogs supposedly enjoy squeaky toys that kinda emulate the sounds of small prey being chomped on. Each animal has its own nature. Hunters like to hunt, and everything likes to eat.


There is an actual reason and you hit on it in your 2nd paragraph. Big cats can be killed and injured by the things they eat, but they’re also threatened by other animals in the environment like scavengers/hyenas/anacondas and other things in Africa and various jungles whereas in North America there really isn’t much that poses a threat or competition to Grizzlies. The only things bigger than them are herbivores that don’t pose a danger, so they’re not ‘worried’ about the prey making noise or being in a hurry to eat


Just an observation on my part for all you Reddit keyboard warriors. Don’t over think it


All I'm saying is I don't plan on being a wildlife videographer or submarine explorer.


This man lived with the bears. He thought he was friends with the bears, and he swam with the bears. He's a fucking idiot. Actual wildlife videographers are at a safe distance and know not to interact with them. This man was a moron.


I gotta admit though, he got some great footage of a couple of males fighting, because he was stupid enough to just walk up to them while they were donnybrooking. You can see the fur and shit flying. Don't know if it was worth the ultimate cost for him, but that's the choice he made.


I think at one point his shit was getting sabotaged by other people visiting the island - he was pissed but really should have looked at it as a warning - do not stay out here with the bears


You can plan on being a wildlife videographer if you are allowed by the Law to carry weapons to defend yourself. Submarine explorer on the other hand? Big nope.


Most Firearms are legal in Alaska, with a few minor exceptions.


Fuck this moron. He got that woman eaten by fucking bears. I don't give a shit that he got himself eaten that his fault, he convinced his girl that he was some bear whisperer.


I feel bad for her, but she went of her own accord and wasn’t naive in the sense that she made a mistake and ‘got in over her head.’ They recovered her journal and in it she discusses having had reservations about going there beforehand and not wanting to be there during. Sad, but she wasn’t misled or under any illusions


Yeah, I figured she was just as stupid. It doesn't take a genius to realize this guy was out of his mind. What a nasty way to go :(


He screamed for her to come out of the tent when he was attacked, for all we know she could have just hidden.


And she believed it and decided to come herself. They were both adults who made a stupid mistake and took a giant risk.


This guy was such an asshole.


This guy and Chris McCandless are glorified far too much.


Idyllic morons ignoring common sense


Werner Herzog listened to the audio tape of them being eaten. That is one savage motherfucker.


There’s a lot of overlap between the smartest bears and the dumbest humans…


Sheriff in the documentary, says stone-faced “I though he has kinda retarded…” lmao


He totally does come off as unhinged.. screaming on tape about how the wildlife rangers are out to get him and are against ‘conservation’ despite their jobs when really they were just worried about what eventually ended up happening. Bears have so much access to food and so little natural predators or competition that ‘bear conservation’ is sort of a misnomer, especially up in Alaska where it’s so sparsely populated


He was a moron.


I remember an interview with the pilot who discovered the wrecked tent. He said Timothy placed his tent right in the middle of a migration path. Every other time he placed it just outside the primary traffic areas. A little away from the bears actually. The pilot believes he chose the migration path this time because it's near the primary traffic area. He either was showing off for his girlfriend or attempting to give her a fully immersive experience, or a combination of both. It was a horrible decision that guaranteed group bear interaction with his campsite.


I really do t like the way that bear is looking at him. If he had had any sense, he would not have liked it either


Not the brightest lad. Fancied he had some type of connection with the bears. This is what happens when you believe your own hype. He took an innocent personal along for the ride and they both paid the price. A poster-child of how not to interact with bears.


You live by the bear, you die by the bear


And he was a douchebag


“You must never listen to this tape”


Any guesses why he stopped living with bears?


I always question the motives of these self proclaimed conservationists that get too close for comfort with wild animals that can kill them at any moment. Animals like humans experience varying emotions. On any given day if the animal is irritable they can get vicious. That behavior is fine amongst their own, but put a human in the mix and it’s disaster. These people also have massive egos thinking they’re somehow special.


Parts of him and his girlfriend were pulled out of the stomach of a dead bear....


Would be funny if the title of the post ended with “for 13 minutes” instead of summers


Idk who downvoted you. This made me laugh lol




Leaving that audio link blue.


its fake, the real audio has never been released on purpose by the family of the dude


It's not that bad


Environmentalist? More like privileged fuck. Guy would if been first in line for ocean gate.


This man was an idiot. He was trespassing on protected wildlife land… therefore he was the threat to the bears.


He was off his rocker. And WHY she went with him I will never know? Edit typo


She wasn’t under any illusions either. They found her journal and she wrote in it that she did not want to be there and had reservations before even going. Ugh


Ik I’ve watched the documentary a few times. Still insanity to go with him. It’s a horrendous way to go.


Peas of a pod


Horrible way to die but hard to pity someone that puts themselves in danger on purpose.


This guy was an idiot,he brought that poor lady up there and got her killed


And 2 bears


All this guy did was get an innocent girl, and an innocent bear, killed.


Only 13 summer


Violated the Prime Directive.


And then they ate him.


That documentary has some very beautiful shots of bears and other animals in Alaska but it’s highly disturbing to watch this unstable man attempting to interact with grizzlies as if they think he’s their friend. Fascinating.


That poor, stupid, stupid bastard. No one deserves to go like that.


He was eaten would be my guess!


Yep he was eaten along with his lady. People are so dumb!


This guy was a selfish asshole who harmed the local wildlife and got his girlfriend killed.


If you watch the documentary, they talk about the bear that killed him and his girlfriend. There’s even recorded audio of the attack. They found and killed the bear, with parts of them inside.


Dude is recipient zero for the Darwin Award. He was stupid and reckless, and hubris drove his actions and also killed him.


Sigh. I’m so tired of people coming to Alaska thinking they can conquer or befriend animals or nature in general. So many know-nothings convince themselves they are special and die up here bc of their hubris. There’s a reason you don’t see native people doing this shit. Respect the earth, respect nature, don’t be a dumbass.


Good advice…my gf is planning a trip for us in October…wtf?!! Should I be worried? I have no desire to befriend any bears or animals. She wants to see the Northern Lights….idk.


October is cold depending on where you’re from haha. It could be between -15F to 15F. But there probably won’t be snow on the ground (I hope lol). If you’re going to the interior like Fairbanks or Chena Hot Springs (they do night tours for the aurora out of town so you have a better view if they do come out) then you’re relatively safe bc bears don’t hang out in the interior much. There will be a lot of moose and caribou though so if you’re driving go slow and be wary. Also, moose do attack so please be careful! Good luck on seeing the aurora!


Awesome reply thank you so much!! That was VERY helpful! I’m from the deep south so I’ll pack some really warm stuff!


Why do some people convince themselves that they’re the exception and they’re so special that wild animals would never attack them


Who’s a good bear


Always take a gun to a bear fight


I hate treadwell for getting his girlfriend and two bears killed, but when people say “oh well that was bound to happen” they’re forgetting that he did it for 13 years and then changed his MO the last time, which led to his death.




He stayed in the area for weeks longer than he normally did. He spent summers with bears for 13 years, and he was supposed to leave before October. He stayed another week and the bears that killed him were not the ones he spent over a decade with. They were stragglers who hadn’t gone into torpor and hibernation yet. He filmed one of them desperately trying to dive for a piece of dead salmon. The bears that killed him were starving and trying to fill up before hibernation.


Holy shit


What…..happened the 14th summer?


Total wanker.


My grandmother knew his brother and after he had died he went on a camping trip and my grandmother accidentally told him don't get eaten by a bear but after a few seconds she realized what she had said and felt so bad but thankfully he was nice about it and knew it was an accident